The New Guy (Office Aliens Book 2)

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The New Guy (Office Aliens Book 2) Page 17

by V. C. Lancaster

  Kez called back in Balin, though Maggie didn’t understand past “She wants to”. Once more the two males argued through the door. Kez used the words for “stupid” and “pain”. Ro used a lot of negatives, “no” and “not” and “won’t”.

  “Ro?” Maggie interrupted. This was between the two of them after all. She didn’t want Ro to let her in because Kez had brow-beaten him into it. The men fell silent. Kez stared at her, and she could almost hear Ro waiting to hear what she would say next, or at least she hoped he was. “Will you let me in please?” There was no reply, no movement. “I’d like to see you,” she tried again.

  “Maggie…” he groaned, and again there was that scratching noise of claws against the door. “It is not a good idea, a good time…”

  “Kez told me what’s going on. I know what- how you’re feeling right now. I’d still like to come in please.” She put her hand against the door, as if they could somehow feel each other. “Don’t make me have this conversation through the door,” she pleaded.

  “She understands what she’s offering, fila,” Kez said in English. “She understood before she came here.”

  Maggie looked at him, wondering when she’d won his approval, but deciding it didn’t matter. They both waited for Ro’s reply.

  “Kez, go away,” it came.

  He raised his brows, but obligingly stepped away. “Good luck, woman,” he murmured before he walked away. Maggie watched him go, thinking it must be a good sign that Ro wanted them to be alone.

  “Maggie,” Ro growled at her through the door, his voice a disembodied rumble in the dark corridor. “Do you really understand how I am feeling? What I want to do?”

  “Kez told me you’re in heat,” she said carefully.

  “And you…?” he trailed off, apparently not knowing how to phrase it, or not having the faculties to find the words just then.

  She knew what he was asking. “Yes,” she answered.

  There was a pause. The door unlocked with a click. “Come in,” he said, his voice deeper and darker than she had ever heard it.

  Tentatively, she pushed the door open, worried about hitting him with it if he was standing on the other side, but the way was clear. There were no lights on in the apartment. She didn’t know where he was or why he hadn’t opened the door for her himself.

  “Close the door,” he growled from the dungeon darkness. There was an inviting smell in the air like incense that prickled at her nose.

  “Can you put some lights on?” she asked, a little nervous. She had expected to be able to see him at least, but if she closed the door, even the weak light from the hall would be gone.

  A lamp turned on across the room, its light as faint as a candle. Next to it, she saw the edge of his body outlined, black shadowed in gold. His pink eyes glowed, watching her. He was shirtless, wearing the Balin shorts she had seen on other people but never him. He was leaning against the wall, looking casual but his claws were digging into the wood. She was able to pick out the pink shapes on his chest for the first time and she swallowed, following their pattern down his firm stomach and under his waistband. From what she could see in the quarter-light, Kez had been right. He was hard. And it looked like his crest was unfurled too, but it wasn’t all there. She only glanced at it, the rest of his body tempting her eyes back.

  “Now close the door, Maggie,” he reminded her.

  She pushed the door closed quietly and they watched each other in silence for a moment, the tension and the promise of it making her heart beat faster.

  “Are you okay?” she began, adjusting her bag on her shoulder. “H- How are you feeling? You didn’t reply to my messages…”

  “Maggie… I don’t want to talk. Take off your clothes.”

  She looked at him, his body held tight as a bowstring. It was clear he was holding himself back, that he wasn’t moving for her sake, that he was keeping himself on the other side of the room through sheer strength of will. She’d never been wanted that much. And she wasn’t scared of him. Even now she knew he wouldn’t hurt her, she didn’t think he was capable of it. Like Kez had said, he didn’t look like he was in pain, but he was suffering. He could have alieved that suffering the second she walked through the door, but he was talking to her instead. He was listening to her, aware of her enough to reply.

  She put her bag down against the wall, and stepped out of her shoes. She started to unbutton her blouse, and he hissed quietly. She checked his expression, but while his eyes were following her hands, he hadn’t moved.

  Her heart was pounding almost painfully. Not because she was embarrassed to be undressing, it was waiting for the moment he would snap and touch her, and what he would do when he did. Every second felt like a game of Russian roulette, pushing him further and harder, with something as simple as undoing another button, exposing another two inches of skin.

  She pulled her blouse off and dropped it onto the floor next to her. She unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the ground, stepping out of it. She stood across the room from him in just her underwear, breathing quickly. He made a noise like a rattling rumble, not quite a growl, and she watched his gaze flick all over her body, unable to land on just one part of her.

  She held her arms out. “Come here,” she invited softly.

  His growling turned into a snarl and he pushed himself off the wall, coming for her almost too fast for her to track, but she forced herself to hold still. His body touched hers and the door hit her back, bumping her hard as he swept her off her feet. His mouth came down on hers as he pulled her head back, his tongue invading her mouth, kissing her hard. She wrapped her arms around him, one hand going to the back of his neck, matching him stroke for stroke.

  His scales felt dry and smooth and hot against the length of her body. She felt the muscles in his back and shoulders move as he shifted her weight and wrapped her legs around his waist, moving his hips under hers to support her. His erection was now pressed against her and she moaned at the feel of it, just on the other side of a layer of cotton and silk. His shorts were soft against her calves where they hooked over his ass.

  One of his claws went under her, picking at the elastic of her underwear, hooking the gusset and navigating underneath. She stiffened. “Ro!” she cried, breaking their kiss and stopping him. He looked at her, waiting for her objection. “Your claws…” she reminded him delicately. He huffed and took his hand away, straightening his fingers so that his claws just pricked her ass instead. He ducked his face to her neck and she bared it for him as he nuzzled her.

  “We should go to the bedroom,” she breathed as he licked the soft hollow of her throat, then nibbled gently along her tendon, his hands running over her waist, around to her back, over her ass and thighs as if he was trying to consume her that way.

  He growled his agreement and let her legs slip from his waist. He took her hand and led her behind him to the bedroom, not stopping until he pulled her around in front of him, her back to his unmade bed, the covers kicked off.

  “Lights,” she reminded him as he dropped his face to kiss her again, making him groan in frustration, leaving her for a second to manually adjust the settings to what she assumed was as bright as he could handle without his lenses. It was certainly romantic lighting, and she welcomed him back to her. He kissed her, cupping her face, his erection pressing into her stomach. His hands eased to her shoulders, sliding the straps of her bra down her arms.

  “If you’re serious about this, take this off,” he said, pulling back just enough to whisper against her mouth. His black and pink eyes watched her, his words almost lost under the pounding of her heart and the thrumming of her nerves. She could smell him, sweeter than his usual smoky scent, and she wondered in a daze if he was putting out pheromones or something.

  She moved to do exactly as he asked. She liked him like this, telling her what he wanted for once, being forthright. She didn’t have to wonder whether he liked her or not, or how much, or what he meant or what he was thinking. There was n
o doubt in her mind that he was focused on one thing: making love to her.

  Maggie unhooked her bra and let it drop, then stepped away from him to sit on the bed, moving slowly up it away from him until she was leaning back on her hands in the middle. She jerked her head at him.

  “Take off your clothes,” she said, her mouth crooking into a half-smile as she repeated his earlier words to her.

  His hands were clenching into fists and releasing as he looked at her, almost naked on his bed, but now they moved almost absently to untie the ribbons on his pants. He stepped one foot after the other onto the frame of the bed to untie the cuffs above his knees, and Maggie watched as the fabric tightened over his thighs, the slit at the slide falling open from knee to hip. His erection bobbed as he moved, and Maggie took advantage of his moment’s distraction to look properly. It looked big. She hadn’t heard anything about what Teissian males had between their legs, but it must be similar enough to work with human females, or there wouldn’t be the inter-species couples she heard about.

  Ro made short work of the knot at his waist and the silk fell off him as if it was never there. He bent over her, crawling up the bed before it even hit the floor. It might have been dark, and he moved quickly, but Maggie had still caught sight of what he had in store for her. It was long, and pink, which she found endearingly predictable. It wasn’t the same hot pink as the rest of his colours, or the fathomlessly deep crystal magenta of his eyes, but a softer flesh-toned pink. It curved away from his body and didn’t have a noticeable head like a human’s, and it was easily twice as thick at the base as it was at the tip. But nothing about it gave her second thoughts, she couldn’t wait to feel it inside her, and see if it felt different from a human’s too.

  She leant back as he made it to her, lying down and pulling him over her, kissing him lightly, sucking and nibbling on his lips as his dick bumped her thigh. He positioned himself on one arm, his other hand sliding up her side as he broke their kiss to watch it. She lay still and let him touch her, her hands by her head and her thigh holding his hip. She watched his face as his hand, slightly scratchy from his scales, stroked over her waist. He ran the point of his claw along her diaphragm, his thumb just brushing the underside of her breast. His eyes caught hers as he finally moved his hand over her, cupping her breast, his claws sharp over her heart but his palm warm and safe.

  She arched her back, pushing into him, showing him she liked it and she wanted more, mewling softly. He groaned and dipped his head to her, licking her nipple into his mouth and sucking softly, making her gasp and curl her body around him, her arms going behind his back to hold them together. She wrapped her legs around his waist, his position meaning they were no longer hip to hip, but she ground against his stomach instead as his tongue flicked over her. She felt a wet trail drying on the inside of her leg where his dick had slipped away when he’d moved.

  “Ro…” she moaned. She hadn’t known he could make her feel this crazy. She’d enjoyed sex before, and she had known he turned her on, but somehow she still wasn’t prepared for the feel of his scales against her inner-thighs, the pointed flick of his tongue, the grip of his claws, the hot and heavy reality of him. This was Ro, her co-worker with the sexy voice and the handsome smile, leaving one of her nipples wet with spit as he left it for the other one, making her whimper.

  His hand dropped to between her legs, the heat of his scales soaking through her underwear, and she stilled, hoping he would do something. He trailed the tips of his claws over her, a faint tickle on her over-sensitive skin that just made her feel empty without him, her body clenching, and she wondered if he felt it. His claws didn’t hurt through the cotton she was sure was wet. He did it again, walking his claws between her lips.

  “What is this called?” he asked.

  “Uh…” Maggie panted, his words only half processing when most of her was debating the best way to crush his hand to her. “What do you… mean?”

  “This. Here. This part of you. They don’t teach us that,” he breathed in her ear, his voice dipping a register as if he just lost another part of himself to his lust.

  “Um, it… has different names. People call it different things,” Maggie explained, trying to put him off even as she wiggled her hips to try to catch his hand, bucking off the bed.

  “What do you call it?” he insisted.

  “Do you want the scientific name?” She whimpered again as the points of his claws, blunted by the cotton, explored her sex.

  He growled, getting frustrated with her evasions. “What do you want me to call it when I’m inside of you?” he said.

  Oh. Now. There was an offer. What word did she want to hear coming out of his mouth, in that voice, rough with sex? A word came to her mind that she hadn’t thought she liked, that she wouldn’t trust any other man with, but in this moment, the one she wanted to hear was one she’d always been told not to say.

  “My… cunt,” she whispered, unable to believe she was really doing it. “It’s a swear word though, you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to, I just thought-”

  He brushed his mouth against her ear. “I love your cunt,” he told her, and Maggie’s body jerked in response, her knees coming up like she was already climaxing, and her insides taking a long hard pull at nothing.

  “You… you haven’t even… done anything yet,” she panted, blushing. Nothing they had done up to that point had made her blush, but hearing Ro talk like that, just for her, just to her, was enough. She felt like she’d shown him something embarrassing, and the fact that he was going along with it just made it more all the more intimate.

  “I will,” he promised her, and within those two words was a whole catalogue of things he could do to her, things he was thinking about doing to her.

  She swallowed, and reached down to push down her briefs. She didn’t want to wait anymore. He realised immediately what she was doing and went up on his knees to pull them off her himself while she hurried to untangle her legs from the elastic, giggling. While he threw her underwear somewhere else in the room, she reached out and slid her hand up his thigh, giving him a moment to object before she satisfied her curiosity and wrapped her hand around his shaft. She checked his expression and found him watching her with hooded eyes, his knees shifting further apart to give her better access.

  It felt different than she expected. It had a hard core, but there was a lot of give in the skin, making her realise that it was skin, rather than scales. It was soft like suede, and as she moved her hand up and down, the skin moved, gathering at the wide base.

  Ro allowed her an exploratory stroke or two before he said, “Will you turn around for me, Maggie?” There was a tension in his jaw that suggested he was being polite, but he was done waiting.

  “Oh, like this?” Maggie rolled onto her front, positioning herself on the bed so that he was between her open legs. She expected him to cover her, but instead he pulled her hips up, making her gasp as she found herself on her knees.

  “No, like this…” His thumbs swept over her hips as he nudged her knees further apart, opening her up further, making her squirm as she imagined him looking at her, and how close his standing cock must be to her. “Ready?” he asked, and his grip on her hips was so tight she knew to delay would just be to torture him.

  “Yes,” she said, nodding. Instantly she felt the head of his cock against her sex, nudging between her lips before notching in her entrance and pushing smoothly inside her in one steady motion.

  Maggie breathed deep, getting used to it. He had gone so deep into her, she had been right in thinking he was longer than her previous partners. There was a liquid feeling of swelling or movement that she put down to what must be the soft, elastic outside of his shaft catching up to the hard core, stretching her as it was pulled inside. His flesh had pillowed at her entrance, cushioning his thrust. The bed creaked as Ro leaned over her, covering her back, planting a fist in the mattress by her hand while the other stayed guiding her hip. They were touching from
thigh to shoulder and were connected deeper than that as she resisted tightening around him. He rumbled his satisfaction as she made herself comfortable, canting her hips the way she wanted, supporting herself on her arms.

  Ro drew out slowly, then pushed back in, faster. Again there was a shifting cushion of flesh, and as he moved quicker, it turned into a lapping feeling, like a tongue licking her with every thrust. She was already breathing heavily, now she moaned, tilting her hips for more, meeting his rhythm. She could feel his breath panting against her shoulder, and his arm wrapped around her stomach to hold her tighter and make sure she went where he needed her to go. She could hear the wet snapping of their bodies colliding, and every time he bottomed out inside her, she could feel him bumping against her cervix.

  He groaned, his rhythm faltering, surprising her. She was about to be disappointed, until the next second when he recovered and picked up right where he’d left off, barely missing a stroke. She had no time to think about it as he worked her body, filling her and making her forget everything else, but she thought there was definitely an extra wetness there now. He’d come and not missed a beat. She wondered if that was what Kez had meant when he had said she should be prepared to fuck for days.

  Ro angled his hips differently, and now she was crying out with every thrust, squirming in his hold. She could feel her orgasm like a thing on the edge of her fingertips, a weight on the end of a string. She couldn’t chase it, she just had to wait for him to give it to her, and she begged him not to stop, deliriously told him how good he was, until the thing just out of reach hit her, bursting over her like a firework. She shuddered and twitched, her body gripping his cock so fiercely he swore, struggling to pull out so seating himself deeper instead, coming again as she milked him.

  She almost collapsed, managing to stay up only thanks to him and the stable bracing of her knees and elbows. Maggie chased her breath, hoping to slow her heart even as her whole body felt like melted chocolate. Then she realised he was still hard, and he drew slowly out of her, starting again. Maggie groaned, twitching at the thick lick of that pad of flesh at the base of his cock. He was moving slower than before, almost leisurely, as if he was reaching the end of the mating fever that nevertheless still held him in thrall.


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