The New Guy (Office Aliens Book 2)

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The New Guy (Office Aliens Book 2) Page 18

by V. C. Lancaster

  She could feel his come being squeezed out of her with every thrust, and it gathered on her sex, running down to tickle her clit and drip onto the bed. He moved his hands, repositioning himself so he could reach underneath her and pluck at her breast, strumming the velvet that separated bone from scales at the edge of his claws back and forth over her nipple. He fucked her slowly, dragging out of her then pushing back hard as if he was making sure he fit as much as he could into her, the repeating press of bunched flesh feeling like a kiss every time.

  Maggie was sensitised from her climax and the deliberate way he was fucking her was building her up again, and she moaned as she felt her satisfied nerves be dragged awake for a second time. She covered his hand with her own, making him hold her tighter as she chased her second orgasm, needing that extra pinch to send her over the edge. She grit her teeth as she rode it out, twitching around him, feeling him empty into her again.

  This time, she did collapse, and he followed her down, staying inside her as he gathered her limp body into his arms, her back to his chest. He kissed her hair, smoothing it off her face so he could kiss her cheek and neck. She had her eyes closed, but she snapped them open when she felt herself in danger of falling asleep. He was still hard inside her, but he was still for the moment, his hand brushing over her stomach, her arm, her thigh as if making sure she was still whole.

  Chapter 21

  “Maggie…” He sounded more like his old self, his voice more relaxed, softer, though not unaffected by what they had just done. He almost sounded upset somehow, worried. “Why did you come here?”

  Maggie had to twist to look at him because when she would have rolled, separating them, he tightened his hold and kept them connected. He seemed to do it reflexively. She studied his face over her shoulder, the black scales, the strong jaw, the bump of a nose, the obsidian eyes with their magenta starburst irises. His crest, or what there was of it, a ragged and ripped couple of inches the same deep pink, was still standing. She followed the line of his neck and shoulder to the arm that was holding her. Even after coming twice, she still felt something at the sight of his body, something like privilege or luck, that told her she wanted him for a long, long time.

  His expression was confused, concerned, but his breathing was starting to pick up again and she could still smell that spicy smoke smell that made her want to lick him. She didn’t think they were finished yet, she had just cleared his head enough to allow him to think for a moment.

  “You weren’t answering my messages, I was worried about you,” she said.

  “Kez told you I was in heat, you should have listened to him,” he reinforced.

  “I wanted to be with you…” she said quietly. She didn’t enjoy feeling like she was being told off.

  He gave a muted, indulgent sigh through his nose as if to say What am I going to do with you?

  “Are you angry?” She didn’t think she could handle it if he was, if he regretted what they had just done. If he told her he would rather have been alone than been with her.

  “No,” he assured her, running his hand down her side from ribs to thigh, the word trailing off into almost a purr. “But I didn’t want it to happen like this. I wanted to discuss it first. I wanted to be the one to tell you…”

  “But you didn’t tell me.”

  “I know. Since I came to Earth, my cycles have been confused. They take me by surprise. It’s too hot here,” he complained.

  Maggie tried to pull away again. “Can I look at you while we have this conversation?”

  Ro didn’t let her go for a moment, as if balancing his need to be inside her with granting her request. He let her go with obvious reluctance, taking hold of her again once she had rolled to face him. His leg nudged hers, asking her to let him in, but she didn’t oblige him.

  “Please be open with me,” she pleaded. “Tell me everything. I want to know you, but you’re so closed off and cagey about so many things. I have to ask Kez about things I should already know, things that should be between us, things we could enjoy together. I’m not going to reject you for your differences, Ro,” she explained. “Please tell me more about these heats. I don’t want to be surprised anymore. I don’t want to have to surprise you to be a part of your life.”

  Ro sighed through his nose again. “Because Balin live underground, we don’t see the sun, or the moon. We follow the seasons through the temperature of the soil. At the warmest time of year, we go into heat, to conceive when there are the most resources, the most food. On the transport ships, the temperature was always the same. Few of the Balin went into heat. When we arrived here… I have heard from other Balin that it is the same for them. I should normally have my heat once a year. I have been on Earth three months and this is the second time it has happened.”

  “Is that going to hurt you? Will you be okay?” Maggie said, touching his cheek, worried. That sounded like it could put a serious strain on his body.

  “I don’t know. For some of the others who have been here longer, it has become regular at least, manageable. They have got used to it. Some of the elders say it is a good thing, as we could be the last of our kind. The females disagree, they don’t want to breed so soon after arriving here. And there are fewer of them here than there are males, so we have taken to locking ourselves away when our time comes because it is happening to us at different times here and... It is not how it should be. It used to be an event for the whole clan, now it is… not.”

  Maggie stroked over his chest. “Is it alright if I get a little jealous, listening to you talk about sharing your heat with other women?”

  “I never shared it with anyone, I was never accepted because of-” He cut himself off suddenly, eyes going wide, his hand jumping to his head and covering his crest. His eyes watched her carefully.

  “What?” she wondered.

  “Because of, um…” He ran his claw points along his crest as if trying to smooth it down but it stayed standing.

  “You can tell me,” she pushed. She had an idea. He had told her before that he had been in an accident that had made him “invisible”, and his missing crest was the only damaged part of him that she had seen, and she had seen almost all of him. If he tried to put her off, glamouring her with his eyes or voice, she would be disappointed.

  “Because I… lost my crest in a cave-in when I was a child,” he finished, his voice stilted but his hand coming tentatively back to her waist. He looked unsure, afraid of her reaction.

  She wriggled her arms free from between the press of their bodies, taking hold of his face so she could look at him. “I don’t mind,” she said.

  His eyes flicked between hers. “For the Balin, a male without a crest might as well be no male at all,” he said as if he was testing her.

  “Humans don’t have them. It has no significance to me.” She pushed herself up the bed enough to see it properly, her fingers running along what was left of the spines and plucking gently at the webbing. He moaned faintly and pushed his hips hard into hers, his erection poking her stomach. She noted his reaction for future use, whether his crest was an erogenous zone or if he just appreciated her engaging with his difference rather than rejecting it. One day she would tease him properly and find out how best to drive him crazy by touching him there.

  “It doesn’t mean anything about you that you have one or not. It wouldn’t make you any sexier if you had one, just like it’s not a turn-off that yours isn’t all there.” She wiggled back down into his arms. “Human men are judged by their muscles, which you have,” – she ran her hands over his biceps for emphasis – “Their height, which you have; their deep voices, which you have…” She was getting a little lost, watching her fingertip follow the grooves between his muscles, over his beating heart, down his stomach. She had to lean away from him to run her finger up the length of his hard cock. “And the size of this, which let me tell you, is far above average.” She looked back at his face. “By my count, you are a more than perfect man,” she told him. />
  He watched her, the amazement in his eyes being overrun by arousal, and a rumbling growl passed his lips. He turned her shoulder away from him, tugging her hips to try to get her back facing him again. “Maggie,” he groaned, dipping his head into the crook of her shoulder. “I need you again.”

  She stopped his hands and got comfortable on her back, pulling him over her instead. “Like this. I want to see you,” she said, welcoming him with no shyness between her legs. She loved the press of his hard scaled chest against her breasts and stomach, loved his hips between her thighs.

  He pushed his cock back into her and she breathed with it, electrified by the sight of his claws fisting the sheet by her head, the way his dark body seemed to block out the light as if he was bigger than the sun. His black and pink eyes watched her with hot interest she couldn’t escape from as she writhed under him in pleasure, canting her hips to rub her clit against his scales as he thrust into her, her body jerking with every thrust. The pillowing of his flesh where their bodies met felt like a balm against soreness, whether it actually did her any good or not.

  She wrapped her arms around his back, hooking her legs over his so she could feel his muscles work to fuck her. She came quickly while he watched her. She felt him judder a few moments later and the thick seep of his come inside her as he kept going. He lowered closer to her, letting her cup the back of his head, tugging the very back edge of his crest between her fingertips. Now he moved fast, humping into her determinedly and desperately. He hid his face in the crook of her neck, his panting breaths hot on her shoulder. His arms dug under her back, claws hooking over the tops of her shoulders to hold her in place. She scrabbled to find somewhere on his smooth back to hold on as he quickly drove her to another orgasm.

  “How does your cunt feel?” he growled in her ear, sending a lightning bolt down her spine and scrambling her brain. She made a breathless noise of surprise, unable to formulate a reply even as her body flooded for him. “Does my cock feel good?”

  Maggie moaned, almost panicked by how much his dirty talk turned her on. “Yes, don’t stop, please,” she cried.

  He snarled, raising his head enough to kiss her, and she attacked him, trying to communicate what he was doing to her and do the same to him. She slanted their mouths together hard, sucking his tongue between her lips, biting his lip as they broke for breath, starved for air. She keened, almost screamed as she came again under his relentless pace, and he filled her while her body seized and she was too lost to feel it.

  He still wasn’t done. He pulled her with him as he rolled to his side, then positioned her on top of him as he lay on his back. She was exhausted, her body limp, feeling like a wet towel, her sex used almost to the point of numbness and her abs twinging with exertion. Maggie lay on his chest as if she could have fallen asleep there. His hands wrapped around her hips, claws digging into her ass as he began to move her gently over him.

  She whimpered as she realised they were going again. “Is it alright if I don’t come this time?” she moaned.

  “You will,” he promised her, voice dark and certain with a smile hidden in it. He bucked his hips as if to make his point, rubbing his scales against her swollen clit, making her whimper again even as her channel tightened around him.

  “How do your women do this?” she demanded.

  “They are fevered, like me. They need it,” he answered, kissing the top of her head.

  Maggie remembered that that would be true, that she couldn’t give up now or fall short. She had volunteered for this despite Kez’s warning. She had to be able to handle this. She didn’t want to disappoint Ro or make him feel like he was putting too much strain on her. She forced herself to rally, pushing away her exhaustion and sitting up, taking over the rhythm, moving her hips to drive down hard on his.

  “I want a break after this,” she said. “At least a little one.”

  He nodded, but she wasn’t sure he had heard. He was watching her body move, eyes pinned to her surging hips and bouncing breasts. His hands ran over hers where they propped her up on his stomach. She could watch him too, watch the strain of his stomach as his back arched, the play of weak gold light on his muscles. She grabbed one of his hands and crushed it to her breast, enjoying the sharpness of his claws. Her thighs slid over his hips, soaked in his come and her own excitement, making his scales slick.

  The claw on his thumb of his other hand prickled down her mound as she rode him and he watched, seemingly fascinated. It dipped between her lips, carefully angled away from her so as not to hurt her, the velvet above his knuckle catching against her clit. She closed her eyes, focusing on the feeling, chasing the orgasm he insisted she reach. She focused on the feeling of him inside her, filling her completely. He swirled his thumb in circles and she came, crying out as she stiffened. He gripped her hips and took over, keeping her going as she came until he joined her, buried to the hilt, the spurt of his seed hitting her cervix.

  When he was done, his hands fell from her hips, and she pulled herself off him, collapsing beside him with a groan.

  “How do you feel?” he asked, and again he seemed to have recovered the innocent everyday tone of his voice. It seemed that his heat came in waves, rescinding like the tide for a while after it was sated.

  Maggie chuckled. “I need looking after,” she moaned.

  The bed bounced as Ro jumped up. “What do you need?” he asked, apparently full of energy.

  Maggie cracked her eyes open. “Depends. Are we going to be doing that again tonight?” she asked.

  Ro looked a little sheepish. “The… need will come back to me, yes,” he told her.

  Maggie pushed her hair out of her face, rolling onto her back, contemplating her fate and wondering how much sex she could actually survive. “Caffeine, if you have any. Water. Food.” She felt how sticky her thighs were and pulled a face. “I should really clean up, too.” She forced herself to sit up and almost leapt off the bed when she saw the state of the sheets, prompting her to actually look at the mess she was in.

  “Green!” was all she could say. “It’s green! Is that from you?”

  Ro looked curiously as she pulled her thighs apart and stared. From her hips to her knees she was smeared, spattered, and dripped in green come.

  “Yes,” he said. “I apologise.” He seemed to be going off her reaction rather than any genuine feeling of remorse.

  She looked again at the bed. “Your sheets are ruined. It looks like someone murdered a lettuce. I look like I’m wearing camouflage.”

  Ro shrugged. “I will change the sheets when we are finished.”

  “Is this stuff safe for me?” Maggie asked, testing it between her finger and thumb.

  “Oh yes, choba is very good for you, and good for babies too. It helps seed live longer,” Ro chimed like he was being sponsored in an advert.

  “Choba. Of course it’s choba… I hope it comes off,” Maggie said, eyeing it mournfully. “I wore a skirt here.”

  “I will get a cloth,” Ro offered, disappearing into the bathroom where Maggie could hear a tap running. He brought it to her and she swiped at her skin, but even after she was clean, the green was still visible. She flopped back onto the dry part of the bed.

  “Well, it’s too late now,” she said. “I guess I’ll try and soak it off tomorrow.”

  As soon as she lay down she could feel the tiredness creeping back in. Ro left the room to get her food and drink, and when he came back, she was asleep.

  Chapter 22

  She woke up what felt like minutes later, Ro’s hand shaking her hip.

  “Maggie,” he groaned. “Wake up…”

  She looked at him. With nothing but weak artificial light in the room, she had no idea how much time had passed. He looked like he was hurting.

  “Did I fall asleep? How long has it been?” she asked.

  “An hour!” he complained, scooting closer to her, lining their bodies up. “I’m sorry, I let you sleep as long as I could.”

aggie made a note of that, that an hour was his limit. He really was going to exhaust her.

  “No, it’s okay,” she said. “Sorry I fell asleep.” She took stock of her body as he ran his hands over her sides again, his cock hard against her thighs. He was rocking her gently towards him, encouraging her to make love to him again. She felt better, a little recovered. Hungry.

  She smiled and kissed him, giving him permission, and he quickly rolled her onto her back, one hand going to her breast. An hour was clearly too long. He was desperate and fierce, and he moaned into her mouth. His passion and the sounds he made warmed her body up and she tentatively split her thighs to rest one against him. She had no idea whether she would be sore or not, she couldn’t tell.

  She broke their kiss. “I want to try something,” she panted, catching her breath even as he tried to follow her mouth. “Lie on your back.”

  He quickly rolled, bringing her with him, pulling her thigh over his hip so she was straddling him and he could grind his cock against her. That almost changed her plans, but she wanted to give her vagina as much of a break as she could, while she could.

  “No,” she huffed, pushing against his chest to lift herself off him.

  He looked dismayed, his hands holding onto her arms as she unsaddled and his head rising from the pillow. “Maggie!” he groaned, as if she was leaving him to die.

  “I’m going to help, Ro,” she reassured him. “I just want to try something different.”

  He flopped back onto the pillow, his legs shifting impatiently. “Hurry.”

  Maggie shuffled down the bed. “Can you let me between your legs?”

  He cocked one leg, moving it out of her way, watching her. She couldn’t tell if that was curiosity or suspicion in his eyes. She heard an alarming noise from behind her and looked over to see the curved raptor claws of one foot destroying the end of the bed frame, ripping trenches out of the wood. She decided to hurry before they ended up on the floor.


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