The New Guy (Office Aliens Book 2)

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The New Guy (Office Aliens Book 2) Page 19

by V. C. Lancaster

  She turned back to him, laying her hands on his hip bones and sweeping them over him, wrapping around his cock, feeling him. It seemed to come from nowhere, black scales stopping only at the swollen base of it with no change in their pattern as a warning. He didn’t seem to have external testicles like human men, but there was a swelling between his legs under his scales. She ran her thumb over it, and Ro groaned, dragging a pillow over his face and crossing his arms over it.

  “Don’t suffocate yourself,” she said, giggling at his melodramatics.

  He grumbled a reply but she couldn’t make it out.

  Deciding he didn’t need any more teasing, she bent and licked him, a short test over the base of his cock. His whole body jumped like he’d been electrocuted, then after a second, relaxed slowly, sinking back into the bed. She looked up at his face to find him peeking out from under the pillow.

  “Okay?” she asked, wagging her hips as if she was getting comfortable. He didn’t reply so she licked him again, all the way up. He tasted of a bunch of different things. Him. Her. Choba. The musk of come. The salt of sweat. She preferred doing this before her partner got inside her, but she’d make an exception of it this time. She leaned forward and pushed the head of him into her mouth, rolling her lips to shield her teeth.

  He groaned again into the pillow, and she could feel the vibration of the deep bass go through his body. His leg drew up, his claws tapping the bed. She put a hand to the inside of his thigh to make sure he didn’t flinch too hard and hit her with it. She pressed her tongue to the underside of his cock and licked up, making sure he was wet, then she sucked as she drew back and did it again. She took more of him, taking him deeper into her mouth as she got used to him.

  “I am not going to come from this,” he forced out, his voice strangled as if he was speaking through a noose. “I need to be inside you.”

  She pulled off him. “Let me try,” she said, smiling. If that proved to be true, fine, but she half-way suspected it might be a ploy to get her to give in to him. If he told her to stop or to get off him, of course she would, but until then she wanted to show him that there were other ways to have a good time.

  He groaned and muttered in Balin about her, she was sure.

  “Just for that, I’m taking the pillow,” she said, snatching it away from him and throwing it on the floor before he could stop her.

  He stared at her, mouth open, as if outraged by her daring and the injustice of it all, and she smirked.

  “I want to hear you,” she said, ducking back to him. She used her hands more this time, gripping and massaging and pumping him, and he hissed, taking fistfuls of the sheet that was already ripped and poked through in places. She used all her technique on him, which might not have been a lot, but she thought she should get points for enthusiasm.

  He was starting to get into it, jerking his hips up a little with her movements, thrusting into her mouth. She established a comfortable, quick rhythm, matching her hands’ movement to her mouth. She could hear him panting above her, his stomach visibly tensing every now and then. He growled, his back arching, and that was her warning before her mouth flooded with his come, hot from his body.

  Maggie pulled herself off him, wiping her mouth, ready to be smug, but he was already sitting up, grabbing her ass and lifting her up his body, splitting her legs over him. Of course he wasn’t satisfied. His still-hard cock slid over her sex and she bit back a moan.

  Fuck it.

  She shifted her angle and pushed down on him, working him inside her. Once he was in an inch, he did the rest, pushing the rest of the way in with a single smooth lift of his hips, making her groan. She was pleased to note that it didn’t hurt, but it felt like it would if they did much more of this.

  She pulled on his arm. “I want to be on my back,” she breathed, and he quickly and effortlessly rolled them.

  Maggie relaxed against the bed and let him do the work. Not that she didn’t enjoy it, she was soon clawing at his sides and crying out as he pumped into her, pushing her towards her fifth? sixth? orgasm of the night. She was losing count.

  Her body locked around his, her shoulders lifting off the bed and thighs holding him inside her, only letting him go when the tremors had stopped and she sagged back to the bed, freeing him to chase his own climax a moment later, emptying into her again with his face against her chest.

  They lay panting, catching their breath. He was still hard inside her, but he seemed satisfied for now as he pulled out of her and lay next to her. After a moment’s quiet, he reached across to the night stand and passed her a big glass of water.

  “Drink,” he said. “There’s food too.”

  Maggie pushed herself up so she could rest her back against the wall and downed the glass of water, feeling a little revived. Ro took the glass back and passed her a sandwich. She almost laughed at the practical way they were refuelling during this brief lull in the storm. When she’d finished the sandwich, she went to pee and shower, knowing she was probably only going to get sweaty again in an hour, but the hot water helped her muscles and she felt more awake. When she came back, Ro had changed the sheets, the old ones balled up at the foot of the bed, and then he went to clean up as well. Maggie crawled under the covers to wait for him, snuggling into the clean bedding.

  Ro came back and slipped in behind her, putting his arm around her waist, and she relaxed against him.

  “Thank you for coming, Maggie,” he said, murmuring in her ear, making her shiver. “Thank you for accepting me.”

  “Thanks for letting me stay,” she said, looking at him over her shoulder. “I know you didn’t want me to find out…”

  He huffed. “I was afraid you… wouldn’t like me like this,” he admitted, delicately pulling a strand of hair behind her ear with his claw.

  She cuddled closer to him. “I like you however you are,” she said. “I’ve liked you since we first met, since I first heard your voice.”

  “My voice?”

  “Yeah… You have a great voice,” she sighed.

  He shifted against her, curving over her until his mouth almost brushed her ear. “Do I?” he purred, deliberately deepening and softening his tone until she squirmed and pressed her thighs together. “What do you like about it?”

  She giggled, “Stop doing it on purpose!” she said. “Haven’t you heard you should only use your powers for good?”

  He chuckled, a sound she felt deep in her belly. “It feels good to me,” he growled, and she gasped as he pressed her into the bed again, his voice never leaving her ear as they went for another round, even after her whimpers and moans drowned him out.

  Chapter 23

  They both went back to work on Monday. Maggie thought she’d had more sex in those 48 hours than she’d had in the whole rest of her life up to that point. Ro might actually have been right about the choba, because she didn’t feel as decrepit as she would have expected. She could still walk, though she could definitely feel plenty of twinges when she did. A couple of days of rest though, and she’d be right as rain.

  Ro too looked chipper and a vision of health when he took his seat opposite her, giving her a big smile. They had discussed how open to be with their relationship in the office, and agreed that it was alright if the team knew, but Maggie didn’t want Derek or any of the other managers to know. No one who might have a problem with it and tell HR, or try to split them up. Ro was a great addition to the Incomings team, and from a business perspective alone, Maggie didn’t want to lose him. So they would answer questions honestly, but they wouldn’t kiss or hold hands in the department.

  They’d been flirting for months, no one would notice if they looked besotted now.

  As soon as Ro sat down, Kez appeared at his shoulder. Kez looked between Ro and Maggie with narrowed eyes, and spoke to Ro in Balin. Ro sighed and replied. Maggie caught the words for “yes” and “fine”. She got the feeling Kez would be coming back to collect Ro for lunch as usual, and hoped he would be a gentleman about the
details even if it was way too late to keep it a secret. Maggie had involved Kez first so she couldn’t complain.

  They got to work, but Derek wanted to see Maggie in his office. There, he happily confirmed her promotion to Team Leader, showed her all the paperwork, and pointed out the pay rise. HR were going to update her credentials on the system as soon as they got her signature on it all, which would be by the end of the day. When she left his office again, she was on cloud nine. She’d been promoted and got herself a great boyfriend all in the space of a few days.

  For almost two years, she hadn’t thought they would ever create a Team Leader position for Incomings. She’d thought she would have to do what everyone else did and move to another team if she wanted to further her career at all, and she hadn’t wanted to do that. But now they had, finally recognising all the work she did for the department and raising the profile of the team to more than just the gatekeepers, the secretaries of the other teams on the floor. She could start making decisions about the work Incomings did, and the conditions they did it in, and then maybe her staff wouldn’t keep leaving and she could hang on to some people with experience. Incomings would have someone representing them in inter-departmental meetings. She wouldn’t have to wait to hear about changes from Derek, she would be told first hand if the policy was being changed by IT or HR.

  And Ro. She really felt like their weekend together had cemented something between them. There was no denying they were a couple, not after everything they had done and everything they had said. She was wearing slacks today because the marks from his come could still be seen all over her body. Luckily, after the Friday night, the edge had seemed to come off his heat so that he only needed to come once at a time, and he could go longer and longer between each round before it got too much for him again. They had been able to eat and sleep more comfortably, though the longest he’d been able to let Maggie sleep had been six hours.

  She’d never refused him though. He’d needed her and she wanted him, she wanted to help him and she wanted him to turn to her when he needed help. She’d wanted to see him, not knowing what she would find, and she was glad she did. If she hadn’t, he’d still be lying to her about why he’d needed time off. She wouldn’t know how he lost his crest, he wouldn’t know what his voice did to her. They’d still be dancing around each other, getting closer but not as close as they were now.

  His heat had finally broken on Saturday evening. He had pulled her close and told her it would be the last time, then he had made love to her slowly and sensually, kissing her with every thrust, staring into her eyes as he made her come. He had stayed inside her as long as he could while she stroked the back of his head, but his crest had gone back to lying flat, and she had felt his cock soften and fall out of her. When she saw it again, it looked like the majority of it had retracted into his body, leaving just the head in the middle of that cushion of flesh.

  They had changed the bed again, putting the washing machine on. Maggie had showered, and watched as Ro rubbed his body down with a cloth and oil from a bottle that sat next to his sink. He explained that the oil was more effective and better for Teissian scales than water and soap, and the Balin especially were not use to having running water readily available. Then the exhaustion he had somehow avoided for the last three days had hit him, and it had become Maggie’s turn to look after him. He went to bed and was still asleep on Sunday when she snuck out a bit before noon, leaving him food and drink on the nightstand. He had messaged her when he woke up in the middle of the afternoon apologising for his mini-coma, and they agreed to get coffee the next morning.

  Now she was eagerly waiting for everything that followed. She couldn’t wait to introduce him to her friends, tell her parents about him, take pictures at the beach, watch movies on his couch with her feet up. She wanted to celebrate birthdays with him, get drunk with him, let him cheer her up when she was sad. She wanted to cook dinner for him in her apartment. She wanted all that boyfriend-girlfriend stuff, and she wanted it with him. Maybe she’d even end up making friends with Kez, or maybe she could introduce him to one of her friends and they could double-date.

  She got back to her desk and smiled at him when he looked up at her, obviously wondering what Derek had wanted. She opened up her inbox and quickly pinged him a message to put his mind at rest.

  Just got promoted!!! Ssh, don’t tell anyone ;)

  She saw his eyes – brown with his shaded lenses in again, which was for the best or she’d be too distracted to work – flick to his screen as he registered the alert. He clicked it open, read it, and his face broke out into a grin. He typed something, and she got a little pop-up on her screen. She was aware of him watching her as she read his reply.

  CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! :D :x :x :x

  Maggie had to put her hand over her mouth to smother her laugh at his kiss emojis, or were they tight-lipped? She knew what she hoped they were, finding that even after the weekend they had just spent together, she could still blush.

  Another email popped up, this time with nothing in it but a heart, signed with his name. She peeped over her screen and saw him leaning round to look at her, smiling when their eyes met.

  “Guys…” said Nina, reminding Maggie that they weren’t alone. “If I missed some kind of memo saying we don’t have to do any work today, and can just send each other fluffy emails instead, let me know. Otherwise, I’ve got a backlog here of people who need help.”

  “Sorry,” Maggie jumped, suitably shamed as she got back to work, determined to ignore Ro and be professional. She picked up her first call, and had just opened up a new case file, when Ro’s foot slid forward under the desk, their ankles crossing as he rubbed a claw up and down her heel. She smiled again, her voice faltering, but she recovered and they sat like that for the rest of the morning, chasing each other’s feet under the desk.

  Chapter 24

  Maggie gripped the pillow under her head, moaning loudly, her back arching. She dug her heels into the mattress to keep herself from digging them into Ro’s back. She didn’t want to hurt him, even as he teased her into paroxysms with his mouth, lying between her legs.

  It was three weeks after his heat, but this was the first time they’d ended up back in bed. Maggie had been glad of the break at first, she’d needed it, and she had enjoyed the dates they had gone on. They’d gone for drinks, and dinner, and gone to the cinema. He’d visited her at home, but he hadn’t stayed the night. They tended to go back to his apartment if they were staying in as it was so close to work, but he hadn’t invited her to stay over again.

  They talked, shared drinks, watched TV. He cooked. They cuddled. He seemed perfectly happy to let her sit on his lap, or to put his arm over her shoulders, or to tickle her feet with his claws when she stretched her legs over his thighs. They kissed. He always wanted a kiss hello and goodbye, and whenever they were alone. He wasn’t shy about that, always volunteering to spend fifteen minutes lip-locked with her, inventing new things to do with his tongue. But it hadn’t progressed further than that, even when she had been so sure it would.

  She had tried being more forward. She had tried crawling into his lap, but as soon as she had started undoing her buttons, he had stopped her, catching her hands and distracting her by kissing her neck. She had tried slipping her hands under his shirt, but he had dodged out of reach, as if her hands were cold. She had been starting to get suspicious, or more accurately, afraid. It was like he didn’t want her anymore, but only some of the time. The rest of the time he acted perfectly infatuated with her, attracted to her. It made her doubt herself, like she was just reading him wrong, worrying about nothing.

  It had got to the point where she had felt she had to ask him about it, but then it seemed she didn’t have to. They had gone back to his apartment, and cuddled on his sofa as usual, but when he kissed her, he hadn’t stopped. His hands slid off her jacket and when she pulled back to look at him questioningly, he had dropped his gaze and started unbuttoning her blouse. She had smiled.
This was exactly what she had wanted, so she had put her arms around him and let him take her to the bedroom.

  Now she was naked, her nipples hard from his earlier attentions, with one hand stroking his head and the other gripping her thigh. His tongue flicked through the lips of her sex, nudging her clit, and she moaned again. He had kept her there on the edge for far too long, she was sure he was doing it on purpose but she couldn’t guess why. Maybe he just enjoyed making her fall apart.

  She groaned. “Ro, it’s enough, come on, come up here,” she said, trying to pull him up her body so he could enter her. He just locked his arms around her hips and focused on her clit, finally driving her over the edge, making her come with a cry, long and hard as he kept up with the twitching of her hips. When he let her go and she sagged back against the bed, she watched him lick his lips then smile at her, looking pleased with himself.

  She held her shaking arms out to him and he crawled obligingly up her body, giving her a close-lipped kiss. She wiggled her hips against him, surprised that he was still wearing his pants from earlier. She reached down to start getting him out of them, but he caught her hands, smiling as he worked their fingers together. She recognised that smile and her suspicion came crashing back. That was his glamour smile, the one he used when he was hoping she would give up and not ask. She thought she had been seeing it again recently.

  “Ro…” she said. “What about you?”

  He dipped his face to her neck and she instinctively tilted her head back, giving him access. “Forget about me,” he murmured, his voice deliberately deep and just how she liked. Oh yeah, he was definitely hiding something.

  “Impossible,” she argued, squeezing his hips. “Tell me what’s going on.”


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