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Romance: The Campus Player: A College Romance

Page 83

by Caroline Lake

  Althaeda returned later with food for bother her and the Elder. “You can hunt however and whenever you would like,” she informed Guinevere, “But this welcome offering has been sent to you.”

  Guinevere gratefully took the food and helped her Elder eat first. It was a painstaking process that left the old, white body more exhausted than before. Guinevere knew the next three days would feel longer than any other period of time before.

  Chapter Eleven

  “I have to confess to something.”

  “What is it, my sweet Guinevere?”

  “I hate to burden you in your state, my Elder.”

  “You are never a burden to me.”

  “I met a human. He helped me.”

  “You were cautious?”

  “Yes, but not enough.”

  “What happened?”

  “I’m not sure. I don’t understand it.”

  “Ah. You grew to care for him.”


  “Is he a good man?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  Guinevere soared through the night over the forest on her way back to the human town. She was to avoid Doran. Even her Elder could not tell her with certainty not to be wary of his actions.

  “I can certainly see why you are confused. Be careful,” her Elder had said.

  Guinevere flew and flew until it was time to hit the forest floor running. As she ran, she knew she could not show up to town the way she previously had. She stopped and placed her hand to the bark of a tree. She closed her eyes and focused. As she turned into her human form, she willed her wings to cover her in a different way than they had before. It was a floor length dress, straight, with long sleeves. It had a cape-like element that allowed her to pull her hair back and cover it. Only a tall figure draped in black would be seen. Perhaps it was not inconspicuous but it was the best she could do. She ran. She ran until the edge of town came into view. The sun had just broken over the horizon and the sky was lightening. She could not waste time in acquiring the final few items.

  But as she approached the town she saw him in a field. She stopped for a moment, breathing heavily. As much as her mind screamed for her to get away before he spotted her, she could not tear her eyes away. He was even more stunning than she remembered. He captivated her every bit as much as before. She wanted to feel his warm embrace and his lips against her lips once more. She wanted him to touch her until pleasure rushed through her body. She wanted to be close to him but knew it was not for the best. He could have been a dangerous man and she was none the wiser.

  “Dangerous,” she muttered under her breath.

  That word alone was more than enough to make her run in the opposite direction. She ran faster than she should have; her thoughts were focused only on getting as far away from him as quickly as possible and nothing more. By the time she realized she was running at a speed not possible for a mere human, she was already out in the middle of nowhere. She stopped and breathed heavily. There was nobody around but horror flooded her anyway.

  “I’ve given away my secret,” she cried out to the emptiness.

  Not knowing what to do, she took off running in the same direction. Surely there had to be another human town if she kept running. Perhaps the final few items could be acquired there and she would never have to set foot in Doran's town again. It was about a half a day's worth of a run until she finally saw the edges of another town come into view. Even at a distance, it was very different from the other town.

  She approached it with caution. It was a good thing evening had not fallen yet. The buildings were dark and the people milling about looked unfriendly. As she moved closer, Guinevere began to feel uncomfortable. Still, she pressed on. She walked forward with long strides and upright posture. Even if she was afraid on the inside, she had to look strong on the outside. But as she started to walk through the streets the great differences between this town’s people and the ones she’d seen with Doran truly stood out. Here, everyone stared at her as well. But there were no looks of awe. People leered at her. They reminded her of the man who had visited Doran on the night she saw the ugly side of him. They looked dangerous, especially when they continued to malignantly stare at her.

  She slowed her walk to a stop and thought it might be best to return. Perhaps running into Doran was still the safer bet. As she stood deliberating, a small and old woman limped toward her. Guinevere looked at her and an eerie feeling crept down her spine.

  “I know everything you don’t want me to know,” the old woman hissed.

  Guinevere felt chills run all over her. Without a word, she took off running. She did not pay attention to the direction in which she ran, all she wanted was to get away from the old woman and all the other townspeople. When she was finally somewhere on the outskirts and away from them all, she took off running back in the direction of the other town. Out of all the decisions she had made since the start of this journey, this had been the worst one.

  Trusting and becoming close to Doran was not the mistake. Trying so desperately to avoid him to the point of putting herself in danger had been had been her error. As she ran toward the other town and night began to set in, she wondered if the old woman truly knew her secret. And if that were the case, what did it mean for Guinevere and the other dragons? None of it was safe. Now she understood why both her Elder and Althaeda had warned of the dangers of walking amongst the humans. Even when being cautious, it was possible to face pitfalls.

  She continued to run but was careful to watch her speed the entire time. Perhaps she ran faster than most humans but it was not to what she was fully capable. Even late at night in the middle of nowhere, Guinevere could not risk being spotted. When the outskirts of town came into view she slowed down significantly. It was not just to play it safe, it was also because a part of her was putting off going back. She no longer had a place to stay or anyone to talk to. This time she was truly on her own.

  Just as the gravity of that thought hit her she spotted a figure standing in wait. She approached with caution and, with a shock, saw it was Doran.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Guinevere,” he said coarsely.

  She stared at him. Her mind was racing. She did not know if it was better to run away or stand and face him. But as she looked at his handsome face and felt his strong energy, her strong resolve started to crumble. Thinking of all his kindness toward her made her rethink her conclusion that perhaps he was not a good man after all. She recalled the night he confided in her about his reputation and how she could tell he was soft at his core. Had she been wrong? Or was she wrong now? It was all too confusing.

  “Guinevere,” he repeated, “Why did you disappear? Where did you go?”

  She looked away from him and shook her head.

  “How- how is it possible for you to run so fast?”

  Guinevere heard his footsteps fall and draw nearer to her. She felt her heart begin to thump in her chest.

  “Guinevere,” he said, voice so close to her she knew he was standing too near, “What are you?”

  “Please don’t ask me questions I cannot answer,” a shaken Guinevere pleaded.

  The two of them stood in silence for a long time. She continued to look up at the sky. He continued to look at her. The moonlight glowed over them beautifully. She knew if she turned to him, every bit of her strength would crumble. How could he be someone whose reputation was true? She simply could not believe it. It seemed impossible now that he had ever been considered a true threat to her. She crouched down on the floor and buried her face in her hands. Everything was far too overwhelming. Her sick Elder, the mission she’d been sent on, losing her home, her conflicted feelings, her huge confusion, and her fear were more than she could bear.

  “I feel so alone,” she cried into her hands.

  It had not been meant for him to hear. Guinevere needed a moment to unload everything she felt deep inside. But he had heard. She felt his hand on her back move in comforting circles. She leaned into th
e touch. She breathed out and let her head fall against his chest. The two of them tumbled onto the ground and he pulled her into his arms. Guinevere was tired of wondering whether this was right or wrong. In that moment, she decided the only thing that mattered was how he made her feel. And, despite it all, this was the most comfort she felt outside of being with her Elder.

  “You are not alone,” he muttered against her cheek.

  She looked up at him and opened her mouth to speak but no sound came out. She shut her eyes and inhaled. She did not know what to say anyway.

  "My cottage is still there for you if you wish to stay."

  Guinevere stood up slowly and looked up at the moon. She turned around and looked at the glow it cast on his gorgeous face. The long black locks of his splayed out on the floor shined magnificently. He looked unreal. She had nowhere else to stay but, more than that, she wanted to be near him. Perhaps the cottage was her new home in this town of humans. Guinevere nodded. She would never stop heeding her Elder's words and she felt deep inside her that her actions now would have been approved. Guinevere, in any case, had always been good at getting a read on someone's character. And from the very start, something told her Doran was not a malevolent human. She could tell even now that he had sensed her vulnerability and had the sense to let go of his questions. It did not matter to him what the answers were, all he wanted to do was help her.

  “Please,” she mumbled brokenly.

  He stood up at once and took her hand. The two of them walked in silence on the outskirts of town. The air of the night was cool and the quiet was calming. When they finally reached the cottage’s door, Doran asked if she wanted a fire. She told him she did not. He turned around to make his way back to his house but Guinevere reached out and grabbed his wrist. He looked at her with an indiscernible look in his eyes.

  “Please,” she told him, “I don’t want to be alone.”

  Doran looked hesitant for a split second and then he nodded. The two of them walked inside and he went over to a closet in the main room, pulling out a blanket and pillow to set down on the couch.

  “What is that for?”

  “For me,” he said as he pointed at the couch, “I’m sleeping here.”

  Guinevere vehemently shook her head and said, “No. Stay with me. I want to be with you.”

  She took his hand and the two of them walked into the bedroom. She climbed on the bed and curled up, looking up at him expectantly. She could see him looking over every inch of her face and body. The look in his eyes was unmistakable– it was affection. She felt something stir in the pit of her stomach. It coiled and made her feel warm similar to the night she had been intimate with him. This time, however, it was more of a tender feeling.

  “Aren’t you uncomfortable,” he whispered, “In those clothes?”

  Guinevere shook her head that she was not but he opened the wardrobe anyway. She reached out and took his hand, pulling him down to the bed. She cupped his face and looked into his deep, brown eyes. She just stared into them for a while until she felt like she’d had her fill, even if that did not seem possible. Then she leaned in and pressed her lips to his. At once, a rush of warmth made its way through her body. She could feel his warm breath on her skin. She opened her mouth and he slid his tongue over hers. His taste was exactly as she had remembered it. She broke the kiss and pulled back to look into his eyes once more.

  “Guinevere,” he breathed out.

  She ran her hand over his hair and fingers through the sleek locks. She placed her hands on his shoulders and positioned her body on top of his. She just wanted to feel him near but when her center rubbed against him, another type of feeling ran through her. It was one she recognized now from the night they had been together previously but it took her by surprise no less. The biggest surprise, however, was that the tenderness had not disappeared. It had mixed in with all her other feelings and from the look in his eyes, Doran was experiencing the exact same thing.

  He placed his hand on the back of her head and pulled her in for a kiss. He kissed her deeply as he rolled her over onto her back, his hand running up her body to rest at the side of her chest. She exhaled heavily onto his lips and looked meaningfully into his eyes. She wanted to feel the things he made her feel last time. She wanted to do the same for him.

  “Again,” she told him.


  She nodded. He kissed her. He pulled her body flush against his, the kiss passionate but tender. It was yet another new thing she experienced with him. Guinevere wondered how many more wonderful, new experiences were left to be had with Doran. She wanted to find out. She yearned to be by his side in more ways than she knew were possible.

  “Are you sure?”

  Guinevere nodded and whispered, “Like last time.”

  And he understood. He complied. He was happy to do so because she could feel how much he wanted the same thing as her. It was a connection unlike one she had ever known. As he ran his hand over her breasts and his fingers grazed the skin at the top of her chest, she knew it was something special. She trembled under his touch and reveled in the way the weight of his body felt on top of her. He kissed her cheek and pressed his lips on the line of her jaw. His fingers delicately tickled the skin right along the neckline of her clothes, which he had no idea had come from her wings.

  He tugged down slowly until her large breasts fell out from the top. She exhaled and shivered, just once. His hand felt warm on her chest. He moved it down slowly until he was fondling one of her breasts. His movements were purposeful and gentle, his kisses the same. She inhaled his breath and looked into his eyes. She could not believe this was happening. Everything that had told her to stay away from him dissolved. None of it made any sense anymore. Whatever it was that made him behave the way he had with others surely had a bigger story behind it. He was not bad. He couldn’t be.

  She felt his hard bulge press into her thigh and she giggled. He looked at her with a smile but the moment was not lost. He kissed her neck and then her collarbones. He kissed the top of her chest until she finally felt his lips all over her breasts. They were pecks at first but then they turned into wet, open-mouthed kisses. Guinevere instinctively pushed her chest up and a small moan escaped her lips. He took one of her nipples in her mouth and she shut her eyes, inhaling loudly. She felt his tongue swirl around one time, two times, and then three. She felt him suck gently before moving back up to take her lips. His bulge had grown even harder and was pressing insistently against her thigh.

  Just like last time, she felt warmth and moisture between her legs. There was a strong desire within her to touch his cock, wrap her hand around it, and stroke it. She recalled having him in her mouth and she salivated at the thought. It was not the taste so much as the sheer enjoyment he derived out of it. There was something about sharing that type of intimacy with him that left Guinevere yearning for more. Her desire grew, pooling deep in her stomach until it reached her center. There was more moisture much faster this time and she soon felt it slick on her inner thighs. She moaned loudly when his rock hard bulge pressed against her center, a feeling of great delight despite the layers of clothing separating them. It had not occurred to her until that moment that his cock could bring her pleasure where it had just pressed.

  “Doran,” she choked out. She wanted to ask him to do more, to touch her like he had before, but she suddenly found herself feeling too shy to do so.

  It was like he read her mind. She felt his hand at her ankle, slowly dragging her dress up until he could rub her bare center. He looked at her in surprise and she realized then he had expected her to have another covering there. He rubbed her with the palm of his hand and intense warmth spread through her. She grew warmer and warmer, so much so that she wondered if she would be able to stand it. But stopping this now was the absolute last thing she wanted.

  He ran the tip of his finger over her opening and she quivered. He pushed it inside, just a bit, and moved his finger up and down. Guinevere moaned. He ru
bbed her with his palm as he did this and eventually slid his finger in a bit more. She moaned again and tensed up for a second before relaxing and enjoying his touch. Never had she imagined being with a man and having him move his finger inside her, much less that it would feel so amazing. None of this was part of the reason she transformed into a human but she was incredibly glad to have it happen. Being with Doran was the best thing to happen to her in the mess of events that made up her life recently.

  “Is this okay?”

  Guinevere nodded right as a little whimper escaped her lips. He slid his finger all the way inside her and she felt him move it in a circle. She shut her eyes and curled her hand into a fist so tight her knuckles turned white and her nails dug into her palm. When he slipped a second finger inside her, her eyes shot open and a strange noise left her mouth. It was one of pleasure and surprise but she felt his movement stop for a second. The entire time he was making sure to make her comfortable.

  He kissed her deeply as he continued to work her with his fingers. She felt another finger press against the same nub as last time and a sharp jolt of pleasure shot through her. She moaned into his mouth as he moved two fingers in and out of her, while a third finger alternated between pressing on and rubbing the extremely sensitive nub. He kissed her neck and she soon felt the intense wave of pleasure take control of her body. Just like last time, she went rigid and shook. She clamped her eyes shut and choked out moans until the pleasure subsided.

  Guinevere wasted no time in reaching out and rubbing his rock hard bulge, over the material of his pants. She wanted to feel it, so she impatiently tugged at the fabric. She looked at him for help and he smiled. He reached down between their bodies and opened his pants. She reached in and took hold of his cock, stroking it enthusiastically at once. She ran her thumb over the tip and he sucked a loud breath in between his teeth. She moved down and took him in her mouth. This time she knew what to do. She moved her head up and down and sucked on him at the same time. It was not long before he started to groan throatily in pleasure. She wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft and stroked, her sucking focused on the tip of his cock. This made his hips rise and his groans to get louder. He ran his hand through her long, light blonde locks and she looked up at him.


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