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Romance: The Campus Player: A College Romance

Page 118

by Caroline Lake


  Bridget shook her head. “I don’t know. But, I’ll find someone—some way…..”

  “It would be dangerous,” Ishkode said, brushing a stray strand of hair from her forehead. “You are against them all. Alone.”

  Bridget knew his words were true. Yet, there had to be something….

  “Go,” Ishkode ordered, pushing her from him. “You will not be safe if you stay.”

  “I’m already not safe. I’m not safe because I intend to stand by you from now on. My family could shun me forever, but, God help me, I love you and will do my best to protect you and Animkii and my students in any way I can.”

  Bridget kissed Ishkode again before leaving the reservation behind, arriving back home just as the sky began to lighten.


  It happened the following day. Bridget saw the outcome as a relief and also a reward for stepping out the way she had in spite of her fear.

  The news came in the most unexpected way when Bridget was at the pond filling up another wooden bucket to water the horses. Suddenly, Ishkode was beside her. She cried out in both shock and pleasure. Then fear set in when she thought of what would happen if her parents found him here. She dug her fingers into his powerful arms, wanting more than anything to fall into them and allow them to wrap her up in an embrace. “Ishkode, what are you doing here? If you’re caught…”

  “I have to tell you.”

  Bridget’s brows lowered in question.

  “The professor at the school. He was arrested.”

  “Arrested?” A surge of excitement coursed through Bridget. “For mistreating Edward! Thank God—someone in law enforcement listened! Did Gideon report them! I’m so grateful someone was smart enough to pay attention!”

  “No, it was not because of Edward,” Ishkode said.

  “What do you mean?” Bridget asked, bewildered.

  “He was arrested for violence. It was a man in town.”

  Bridget glanced around, unable to allow the nagging fear of being discovered disappear from her mind even when the news was so distracting. She led Ishkode toward the back of the barn which afforded them slightly more seclusion.

  “So he’s been removed from the school. That’s important,” Bridget said when they were hidden. She took the Indian’s hand, wishing nothing more than to be close to him. Her brow wrinkled when she noted that he didn’t look relieved by the outcome. “This is a good thing.”

  Ishkode shook his head. “He was not arrested in defense of the Indian. It was for a different reason.”

  True. The law had found a way to take care of him without showing an ounce of sympathy for Ishkode’s people. Bridget wrapped her arm around his waist, her hands sensing the tension in his body.

  “But, Edward’s safe now,” she offered, the words sounding weak even to her own ears.

  She watched Ishkode’s face, only looking away to follow his gaze when his eyes turned from her. Bridget’s heart leaped into her throat when she saw her father standing only a few paces away.

  “Pa,” Bridget breathed, feeling light-headed.

  Isaiah’s face was etched with rage. “What is this, Bridget?”

  Bridget was overwhelmed by the calm that enveloped her. It was as if the Lord had been preparing her for this moment all along and she’d now arrived ready. “This is Ishkode, Pa,” she answered, her voice steady.

  Isaiah’s eyes bore into hers before they turned on Ishkode, his distaste tangible. No words were needed. The situation was clear to all involved.

  “I will go,” Ishkode said. He nodded to Isaiah and was gone.

  Bridget expected the explosion to take place before the Indian—the one she thought she might be coming to love— was out of earshot, but her father didn’t speak. They’re eyes remained locked for a matter of moments before Isaiah turned away as well, leaving Bridget alone.

  Bridget released a pent up breath.

  Now they knew. It would no longer be a secret. God only knew what the future would hold now that she was being true to Ishkode. And herself.


  It had been nearly a week since Ishkode came to tell Bridget about Mr. Jameson’s arrest. The matter had been dealt with unceremoniously and was already beginning to fade into the background of everyday life. Even Bridget had managed to focus on her work, though she upheld what she believed as she worked in the school, refusing to compromise her convictions any longer. Thus far, no one had crossed her about it.

  “Have the next two chapters of your literature text read by next week’s class,” Bridget said on Friday afternoon, her mind already looking forward to being away from this, resting for the weekend. She was about to dismiss the class when Thomas spoke.

  “Another story about the white men no doubt.”

  Bridget was taken aback by the disruption as he hadn’t spoken against her in some time. She ignored him.

  “There will be a short test on the contents on Monday.”

  “On the principles of the white man,” Thomas said, continuing in his attempts to antagonize. “Nothing else.”

  Bridget nodded toward the door. “Meet me in the hall, Thomas.”

  Thomas glared at her, though he complied.

  Bridget told the class to begin reading and joined her wayward student in the hall. “Would you care to explain what that was about?” she asked, her voice low.

  Thomas was leaning nonchalantly against the wall, his eyes down. “I needed to talk to you.”

  Bridget chuckled bitterly. “You do know that you don’t have to disrespect me in order to do that, don’t you?”

  Thomas didn’t answer. “My father needs to see you.”

  Bridget’s heart hammered. “Why?”

  “He has something he wants to say to you,” Thomas responded, vaguely.

  Bridget’s mind raced. She had to see him. Now.

  “He wants to see you now. You can go to the reservation,” Thomas said, with the first hint of amusement she’d ever detected in his voice.

  Bridget laughed because she knew that the emotions must be more than evident on her face.

  Perhaps one day Thomas would come to a point where he’d be able to speak to her without insults. For now, Bridget wasn’t offended though. It was still an enormous move in the right direction. In that moment she couldn’t be more grateful that he’d been the one to give her this news.

  Bridget ended class and dismissed the students as if in a trance and only an hour later she was once again at Ishkode’s doorstep. She was disappointed, however, not to find him inside.

  “The river,” Megis said, her smile knowing. “He is at the river. Go.”

  Bridget didn’t know the exact direction, but knew the moment she saw Ishkode in the distance. She ran to him, stopping when he turned to look at her.

  “Your son said you wanted to see me.”

  Ishkode nodded.

  One a few terrible moments, Bridget was afraid that he was going to tell her that they’d made a mistake—that they were a mistake.

  “At times it takes one,” Ishkode said. His dark irises settled on her. “Only one.”

  “One?” Bridget repeated.

  “Yes. You.”

  Without permission, Bridget’s vison started to cloud as his meaning became clear.

  Ishkode took a few slow steps toward her. “I did not know that it was possible to mend the injuries inflicted by the white man. You show me different. It took only you to make me believe it possible.”

  Ishkode was close enough to reach out and touch her now. “I will protect you as you have protected my people. We will stand together.”

  “We will?” Bridget hardly had the courage to believe his words.

  Ishkode nodded.

  Bridget’s laugh was relieved. “I thought you were going to tell me that this would never work—that we couldn’t be together.”

  Ishkode shook his head. “No. We will be together. I do not want to be without you.”

  Bridget didn’
t wait any longer to reach out to him, kissing him. Ishkode’s touch was passionate and tender at the same time. “And don’t I have a say in this?” Bridget teased, softly.

  “Yes,” Ishkode whispered. “And your answer?”

  Bridget’s hands came up to frame his face, her fingers moving along his chiseled jawline. “Yes,” she answered back before she claimed his lips once more.

  The kiss was meant to assure him of her loyalty, but she knew by the emotions pulsing through his body that the first kiss had been enough. It took only one.

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  Taken by the Unknown

  A Sci-Fi Romance

  Danielle Weir

  Taken by the Unknown

  Copyright 2016 by Danielle Weir

  First electronic publication: July 2016

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.


  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to person, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Warning: Due to mature subject matter, such as explicit sexual situations and coarse language, this story is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older, and all acts of a sexual nature are consensual.

  Taken by the Unknown

  Chapter 1 – Ashton

  The wind howls. A porch-screen door slams over and over. Rain falls in sheets as lightning illuminates the pealed green painted exterior of the old farm house. Upstairs, 23-year-old Ashton Alexander cuddles up under a thick old quilt while getting lost in her favorite book. A romance novel about a tall quiet cowboy who sweeps a northern socialite off her feet. The novel is growing worn with dog-eared pages. Glistening abs seen through a cowboy’s unbuttoned shirt splash the front cover.

  “Lucius ripped off her lacey bodice, revealing her heat flushed bosom. His weathered worn lips kissed roughly down her silky curves. She craved for him to be inside her.” Ashton bites her lip after quietly whispering every word of the book. She’s never had much luck with the opposite sex, or people in general.

  Nightly she finds herself living vicariously through her guilty pleasures: damsels in distress, knights in shining armor and sexy bad-boys-turned-good, to name a few.

  Her thick red hair is pulled behind her reading glasses into a makeshift ponytail. She rubs her fingers slowly over the nape of her neck. Her imagination plays out the page turning foreplay in her books. She yearns for a man to take her like that.

  “The once sweet socialite kneels down and undoes the rugged cowboy’s six shooter and chaps only to reveal his…”

  KNOCK. KNOCK. KNOCK. Startled, Ashton almost jumps out of her covers. She hides her book in a frenzy and pulls the covers around her.

  “What is it?” Ashton says twice, the first time barely being able to get out until she cleared her throat.

  “It’s Autumn Spirit, Pop says she’s ready to give birth” Faith, Ashton’s slightly younger sister, yells from the other side of her door.

  “Okay, okay… Hold your horses,” Ashton says, cracking herself up.“Ha ha, not funny,” Faith says while turning the door handle. “Why’s the door locked, anyway?”

  Ashton looks over at her romance book wedged in the side of the bed and yells to the door, “Something about nosey little sisters would be my guess.”

  She pulls the quilt off of her and places her reading glasses on the large wooden dresser next to her bed. Ashton, wearing only a t-shirt and panties, looks for jeans and a hoodie.

  Faith keeps knocking to playfully agitate Ashton. Ashton puts on her hoodie and glances out her window, overlooking the stable. Lightning strikes in the distance outlining the structure in the black of night. The rain hasn’t let up. She hears Faith knock again and quickly grabs another hoodie. She opens the door to Faith in mid knock and throws a hoodie at her shocked face.

  “You’re helping.”

  “But hey… I don’t know a thing about… It’s raining out there.”

  Faith pleads with Ashton, who runs past her down the stairs.

  “It’s not my responsibility”

  Ashton stops at the bottom of the stairs and jerks a look back at Faith. “Well, today it is.”

  Ashton heads to the front entryway. She grabs her boots and puts them on. Trench coats, jackets, trucker hats and cowboy hats hang from various coat racks by the door. The outside screen continues to slam from the wind.

  Faith makes it down the stairs in her purple t-shirt and slippers, still holding the hoodie Ashton threw at her. Her hair is blonde and frazzled from the drying.

  “I’ll help out under one condition.”

  “Okay, I’m all ears,” Ashton reluctantly says, while putting on a trench coat.

  “You go out with me tomorrow, no questions asked!”


  Ashton rolls her eyes and slides some boots to Faith.

  “Let’s go help Pops.”

  Chapter 2 – Autumn Spirit

  A white, spotted black mare exhaustively stares at Ashton while she combs her mane. Autumn Spirit has been ready for birth for weeks. It’s been a long pregnancy even for a horse, and Ashton is glad it’s finally time. The weather wasn’t helping, though. Hours earlier, Ashton had to use all her tricks and energy to calm Autumn from the outside thunder. Faith didn’t last as long. She’s passed out sitting on a bale of hay in the next stall. Ashton’s tired, but her animals are the only thing she loves more than her books.

  “It’s okay, Autumn, it’s okay. You’re going to be a mama, soon.”

  Ashton kisses the mare on the nose.

  “I bet your baby is going to a free spirit like you.”

  The barn door slams open. Ashton’s father plows in and labors to shut the door against the screeching elements. The door closes and with it the howling wind and cold breeze follows. He walks over to a wooden stool under a hanging lantern and undoes his trench coat with one hand. He reaches into an inside pocket to a grab a thermos with the same hand. Ashton’s father is a man with little emotion, despite his constant frown. He’s worked his farm his whole life, but after a tractor accident he’s had to reluctantly step back his role. He’ll be cursed for the remainder of his years with a gimp hand and a stiff walk. He motions the thermos to Ashton.

  “It’s warm, Darlin’. Where’s Faith?”

  Ashton motions her head to the nearby stall. “I guess I shouldn’t have expected too much more.”

  “Well, honestly I’m surprised you got her out here.”

  “True. Though, I may have sold my soul to do it. We’ll see tomorrow night I guess.”

  “Well, don’t be too hard on her. She’s just not like you, Ashton. Heck, she’s not really like any of us. Between you and me, if I didn’t see her come from your ma myself, I’d swear she’s adopted.”

  “Yeah,” Ashton laughs, then turns serious as she continues to comb Autumn. “I miss mama.”

  “I do too, kiddo. I miss a lot of things.” Ashton’s father looks down at his useless hand. “But I miss her the most.”

  “I love hearing how ya’ll met. At the Drive in. You spillin your drink all over her and her date. And you getting decked. What I would have given to be there.”

  “Yeah, your ma was always a sucker for taken care of wounded animals.”

  “So that’s where I get it from.” Ashton pats Autumn gently.

  Ashton’s dad mane
uvers the thermos open and pours the steaming drink into its cup lid. “I called the vet. If the storm clears up, he’ll head out in the mornin’.”

  “Don’t know if she’ll last that long.”

  “So, Faith is making you get out tomorrow. That’s good Ashton. I want you to get out.” He brings Ashton the warm drink.” You shouldn’t be stuck here your whole life with this old man.”

  Ashton takes a sip of the cup from her dad. “Water!”

  “No, it’s hot chocolate, sweetie”

  “No, Autumn’s water broke.” Ashton puts her cup down and hollers for Faith. The horse whinnies and starts to sway back and forth. Ashton tightens the horse’s rein against the nearby post.

  Faith wakes up with a rush of energy.

  “What’s going on?”

  Ashton grabs her rubber gloves.

  “Time to deliver a foal.”

  Chapter 3 – The Lake

  An aged, white Chevy barrels down winding dark country roads. Mud from the truck’s wheels fling past its slightly open windows. Country Rock music blares from inside. Faith barely pays attention to the road as she applies lipstick on pouty lips through the reflections of a bedazzled visor mirror. She mostly steers with her knees, much to the horror of Ashton, her red-headed best friend of the same age, sitting shotgun. Ashton wears her emotions on her face. She’s always been nervous by Faith’s driving, and even more nervous about their destination - “Make-Out Lake.”

  In an attempt to distract herself from what feels like impending doom, Ashton turns the radio down and tries to figure out what Faith is getting them into. “You know I’m not a fan of your surprises.”

  “Well, big sis, as much as I loved seeing Autumn’s little filly being brought into this world, (I’ll have to burn all those clothes, by the way) so you owe me.”

  “Whatever, you slept through half of it. I should be at the stable right now. That’s gotta be more important than what this is.”

  Faith blots her lips, puts away the lipstick and gives Ashton a mischievous grin.

  Ashton presses further. “Let me guess, boys from the other side of the river and beer?”


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