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The Maxwell Series Boxed Set: Books 1-3

Page 25

by Alexander, S. B.

  Laughter floated out of the living room. Dad’s laugh. For the second time this evening, contentment spread through me. Nothing pleased me more than to hear my dad express an emotion other than sadness or anger. On the heels of Dad’s voice was Kade’s. Warmth slid down my belly at his deep laugh.

  “What’s funny?” I asked, standing in the doorway.

  This room had been intended as a formal living room, but Dad and I didn’t do formal anymore. Rob had taken most of our old furniture for his place in California. Dad hated any reminders of Mom. Where our home in California boasted elaborate floral drapes and expensive furnishings from Beverly Hills, this home had shutters on the windows and furniture from IKEA.

  Like gentlemen, Dad and Kade rose immediately upon seeing me, programmed to acknowledge that a lady had entered the room. Mary sat in the lone chair adjacent to the tan sofa Kade and Dad had been lounging on.

  “It was nothing, Sweet Pea.”

  Kade dragged his gaze from the top of my head all the way to my toes, then back up. When our eyes met, something hot flashed in his, something primal. A delectable shiver climbed up my legs.

  “We should go,” Kade said.

  Yeah, we should, before I melt in a puddle of water.

  “Mr. Robinson, it’s nice to see that you’re feeling better.” Kade crossed the room, long jeans-covered legs eating up the space, muscles bunching under his fitted grey V-neck sweater with a white T-shirt underneath. “Hey, there. Ready?” he asked, his voice a whisper—a very lust-ridden whisper.

  I nodded, afraid to speak. Afraid that my father would hear the lust in my voice then ground me for the night. Or worse, for my entire senior year.

  Dad and Mary followed us to the door.

  “Don’t be late,” Dad said. “I’ll be at the club tonight, so I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Have a good time,” Mary added.

  Lifting up on my tiptoes, I kissed Dad on his un-injured cheek. Then I waved to Mary.

  Once we were in the truck, I relaxed. I wasn’t sure why. As soon as I inhaled Kade’s intoxicating scent, a sense of belonging wrapped around me. He made me feel safe, warm, happy, lusty, loved and respected. I wanted all of him, and wanted to give him all of me.

  Darkness had fallen by the time we arrived at the football stadium. The lights illuminated the grassy field, casting a shadow outward to the rubber track. A cold, sharp breeze blew, stinging my face. Kade and I stood at the bottom of the bleachers on Kensington’s side of the field, searching for Becca and his brothers.

  “Do you see them?” Kade asked over his shoulder.

  “Not yet.” People were pouring into the stands. I couldn’t see much past the ocean of bodies.

  “Over here, Lacey,” Becca shouted.

  Kade and I both scanned the rows of people until we found Becca. Her arms flailed above the heads like she needed emergency help.

  “I guess we found your brothers.” Kody, Kelton and Kross lounged against the railing at the top row of the bleachers with their hands tucked into their Kensington blue-and-black jackets. We climbed up the side stairs. Cautiously, we shuffled around knees and feet before we made it to Kade’s brothers and Becca.

  “Tell me about Tammy,” Becca asked excitedly, sitting down in front of Kross.

  “How come you didn’t show up to school today?” I mashed my body next to hers. I’d thought she’d return to school after her ob-gyn appointment.

  “Yeah, Becca. Why did you play hooky?” Kelton asked, leaning over so his head was between Becca and me.

  “Personal space, Kelton. Ever heard of it?” I gave him a sideways glare.

  “Girls love when I invade their personal space,” he drawled.

  Becca giggled.

  Kade smacked his brother on the back of the head. “Back off, Kel.”

  “Now, Big Bro. You know your kin wouldn’t dare move in on your girl.” He winked at me.

  Here we go. I would be rolling my eyes all night.

  “Shut up, man,” Kross said, flicking Kelton in the head, too.

  “So, Tammy? I heard you were in the principal’s office.” Becca asked again as Kelton sat back. Then she leaned into me. “Rumor is you’re seeing a shrink,” she whispered. “Is that because of your mom?”

  To lie or not to lie? “Can we talk about that later? Lots of people around, Becca.” I’d promised myself I would have a good time and not get upset with anyone tonight.

  She squeezed my thigh.

  “Are you cold?” Kade asked as he nudged closer to me, wrapping an arm around my waist.

  “Freezing.” It didn’t matter that the cold from the metal bench penetrated through my jeans. As long as my body was pressed against his, I was more than warm.

  “You look fucking hot in those boots,” he whispered in my ear. “You’re giving me all kinds of fantasies.” He nibbled on my earlobe.

  A shiver ran through me, and not from the cold bench or the brisk wind blowing. I turned, his cheek sliding against mine until our lips connected. He kissed me slow and soft.

  “Get a room, Bro,” Kody said teasingly

  Wow! Kody was in a playful mood tonight.

  “They say that to you a lot, I’m finding.” I eased away.

  “You’re lucky we’re here. Or you would be in my room,” he threatened.

  A threat I would welcome.

  Finally, Kensington’s band marched out onto the field. With the exception of two drummers, the band retreated to their seats in a special section of the stands. The two band members marched to the sideline behind the Kensington cheerleaders.

  Lancaster Christian’s team ran out first, plowing through their paper barrier. Red and white uniforms flooded the field as their fans screamed in support. Then the stadium quieted. A soft beat splintered the silence as the cheerleaders and the two drummers marched out to the end zone on the far left of the field. The sound grew louder and heavier the closer they got to the spot where Kensington’s football team would emerge. Once they arrived, two cheerleaders opened the Kensington banner while the rest of the girls and the two band members formed two lines parallel to each other behind the banner. All of this reminded me of the football games at Crestview. I loved the energy of school spirit and the rivalry between teams. Watching baseball games wasn’t as much fun as watching guys tackle each other. However, playing baseball was the bomb.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, please give a loud Bulldog shout for your Kensington High football team,” a deep baritone voice blared through the speakers.

  The drummers keyed the crowd with a drumroll before the fans barked like dogs, voices echoing in the stadium. I’d bet every house around the school could hear us.

  In the distance, Tyler ripped through the banner first, and the barks and shouts turned into squeals and screams from the Kensington girls. The energy around us soared to incredible heights. I hadn’t been to a high school football game since my sophomore year. I missed the excitement.

  “Tyler is so good,” Becca cooed.

  After several deafening minutes, people settled into their seats. The cheerleaders made their way to the sideline, center stage on the track in front of the stands. The drummers joined their bandmates.

  The captains of each team met on the field for the coin toss. The band played an unfamiliar song, and my gaze drifted to nowhere as I listened, but my mind narrowed in on a something that had been lingering.

  Slipping my hand over Kade’s thigh, I angled my head slightly.

  He caught my gaze. “Your hand is awful close to—”

  “Why don’t you play baseball anymore?”

  He covered my hand with his. “After my brothers went to the Academy, it wasn’t fun anymore. I’d rather work on cars or spend time at the gun club. And by the way, I have a bone to pic
k with you about your gun.”

  “I thought we were past that.” The first day we met seemed so long ago. I had the sense he didn’t think I knew how to handle a weapon. Maybe he’d seen the gun shaking in my hands.

  He flashed the famous grin I so loved, and then when the noise level rose, Kade and I turned our attention to the field. The game had begun, and our number twenty-two was running down the field toward the goal line. LC’s players were right on his tail. He made it to the twenty-yard line when he was tackled by three of LC’s players. While the teams huddled, my hand meandered between Kade’s legs.

  “Lace.” He leaned in. “Careful.” His tone held a husky warning.

  “My fingers are cold,” I said, sticking out my bottom lip.

  The crowd screamed. Tyler threw a pass to number fifty-seven, who just happened to be one yard from the end zone. An LC player tried to intercept it, but number fifty-seven caught it in midair as he jumped over for a touchdown. We sat for another hour, clapping, screaming, and whistling as Kensington scored two more touchdowns and LC scored one. By halftime, my butt had iced up, my hands were numb, and clear liquid ran out of my nose.

  “Do you want to go someplace where I can warm you up?” Kade murmured.

  “Sure.” He didn’t have to ask me twice. My freaking body was like one of those ice sculptures. His warmth only lasted so long.

  Kade hopped to the row behind and talked with his brothers.

  “What’s going on?” Becca asked as she blew into her bare hands.

  “Kade and I are leaving.”

  “Call me tomorrow,” she said.

  It would be our girls’ night at the Cave tomorrow. Tonight I was all Kade’s. I had no idea where we were going. From the way he phrased the question, I doubted he was dropping me off at home.

  Chapter 17

  When we reached his house, Kade drove around his six-car garage toward the dark landscape in the direction of the lake.

  “Are you dumping me in the woods or throwing me in the lake?” I asked.

  “What’s your pleasure?”

  “Traipsing through the woods at night has been on my list of things to do in life.”

  “Your wish will come true then.”

  Okay. My pulse picked up a beat. Before my imagination conjured up all kinds of freaky scenes, moonlight shone down over the smooth, glassy water of the lake.

  “Is this the Maxwells’ make-out point?”

  He let out a laugh, deep, warm, and rich. “My brothers will get a kick out of that one. And we don’t need to make out in our trucks.”

  The headlights beamed, lighting the dense brush in the distance. An animal scurried into the trees.

  He stopped the truck twenty feet from the funhouse. Of course he didn’t need the truck when he had a den on the lake. Stupid me.

  He killed the engine, reached around my back seat and plucked up a flashlight.

  “What’s that for?” My pulse galloped. The funhouse was right there.

  His lips formed into a half smile. “You said you wanted to go for a walk in the woods.”

  I was relieved I hadn’t told him I wanted to go for a swim in the lake. “Ha-ha. Seriously. Why do you need a flashlight?”

  “Let’s go,” he said, jumping out without answering me.

  I hesitated. Was he crazy? The temperatures had dropped since leaving the football field, and we were going for a stroll in the forest. The dark forest. I didn’t see anything romantic about it. I loved animals. That wasn’t my problem. I just didn’t like the kind who wanted to eat me for dinner.

  My door opened. “Trust me.” He held out his hand.

  I angled my head. The muted light of the car interior played off his face, highlighting the gold flecks in his copper eyes. Eyes that sucked me into his world, telling me I was his, and he wouldn’t let anything happen to me. I relinquished my forest phobia and allowed him to fold his hand over mine. His warm touch sedated me. Or maybe it was my hormones acting up from the way he looked at me like he wanted to strip me right here.

  As I climbed out, he switched on the flashlight. It helped that the moon provided a glow over the lake. We walked the twenty feet to the steps of the funhouse.

  “See, I’m not a big bad wolf,” he said. “Just a nice one who wants to taste you.”

  I didn’t have a chance with a retort when he opened the door and a blast of hot air hit me. Warmth. Finally. I sailed in, squealing in delight. Kade laughed as he flicked a switch. A lamp came to life on the end table near the couch. A soft glow lit up the room.

  “Do you always keep the heat on in this place?” I blew into my hands. I’d forgotten my gloves in the truck before we went into the stadium. Since then, my hands hadn’t thawed completely.

  “Nope.” He shrugged out of his jacket and hung it on a peg adjacent to the door.

  “Did you do this for me?”


  “What happened to your vocabulary?” I removed my coat and followed his lead, hanging mine up.

  “Tonight, Lace, talking will be minimal.” The deep timbre of his voice unleashed a frisson of heat. “But first.” He turned me around to face the table.

  Images of him and me, our bodies braided together, halted as my jaw came unhinged. A cupcake with a candle in it, and a small box wrapped in dark blue paper with a large white bow sat on the wood table.

  “Are you proposing?” I asked kiddingly. Okay, maybe I wasn’t. Other items came in small boxes, not only rings. Right?

  “Oh, hell, no,” he said, his hot breath fanning my ear.

  My skin pebbled with goosebumps.

  “It’s just a birthday gift, Lacey. No need to be concerned.” His hands molded to my waist.

  I wanted to laugh. We’d only known each other for a couple of weeks, and he’d already professed his love for me. So to see a small box sitting on the table, it was my first thought.

  “If you don’t want to open it, that’s okay, Lace.” He swept my hair to one side as he kissed my neck. “I know I’ve been aggressive in telling you how I feel. And—”

  Turning, I placed my finger on his lips. “Hush. I’m sorry. I just never had so much attention before.” It wasn’t a lie. Brad had never treated me like I was the only one in his life.

  His hands glided from my waist to my lower back. “Then whoever you dated was an idiot,” he drawled. “But I’m glad—now you’re all mine,” he said.

  My body tensed until he started drawing lazy circles, just as he had that night at the Cave. The sensation was both calming and endearing.

  “I know you have a lot going on in that pretty head of yours, about you and me. It’s okay. I’m a patient guy. Now, would you like to open your gift?”

  I’d rather stay here forever while he continued to lull me into a trance. My curiosity won out, though. Every Christmas, I was the one who had to peek at one of my gifts. Mom would get so mad.

  He led me over to the couch, bringing the present along. I sat first, then he placed it on my lap before joining me.

  I examined the beautiful wrapping, sliding a sidelong glance his way. His expression was impassive as though the wheels in his head were turning, too. I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss, hoping to reassure him that I was excited, and I truly was.

  A corner of his mouth turned upward.

  I ripped into the gift, finding a red velvet box beneath the paper. My heart beat like a timpani. The jitters commingled with excitement. I envisioned him getting down on one knee, then shook off the wild notion. I was officially losing it. I met his watchful eyes.

  “Go ahead,” he urged.

  Slowly, I opened the box. Inside was a silver chain with a charm on the end. “Is this a bear?” My voice hitched.

  “Yep. Do you like it?” he asked, hesitation i
n his tone.

  “I love it.” I really did, even though I didn’t wear jewelry, not even earrings. When I played baseball, trinkets on my body got in the way. I removed the necklace, and was about to put it on when Kade took it from me.

  “Let me,” he said.

  I gathered my hair with both hands, twisting it up. I turned so my back was to him. He undid the clasp before securing it around my neck.

  “Happy birthday.” He kissed along the nape of my neck.

  I let go of my hair, examining the little silver creature that rested above my cleavage. “But my birthday isn’t until tomorrow.”

  “I know. I wanted to spend time alone with you tonight.” He pulled me onto his lap. “I thought Mary and your dad would want you tomorrow night.”

  I wasn’t so sure about my dad. Saturdays were busy for him at the club. Plus he hadn’t mentioned anything about my birthday. It wasn’t unusual, though. Mom was the one who always remembered our birthdays. Adjusting my position, I straddled Kade, bracing my hands on his shoulders.

  He yanked me to him.

  “Thank you, Kade. I really do love it,” I said, soft and smooth.

  “You are my polar bear, Lace,” he breathed, his eyes darkening. His words, the conviction in his voice, unraveled my heartstrings. He grinned with his infamous Maxwell smirk as he cupped my face.

  I had barely caught my breath when his mouth was on me. I opened to him as his tongue dipped inside, twining with mine. He tasted like forever. I wiggled against his hardness, and he moaned. Abandoning my mouth, he trailed his lips along my jaw, my ear, and my neck. He licked over my racing pulse while the heat from his hands was scorching my back. His torment was too much, yet not enough. My clothes grew constrictive. I wanted to feel his bare skin against mine.

  As if he sensed my need, he lifted my sweater over my head, throwing it to the floor. His eyes were seas of shimmering copper. The backs of his fingers ghosted up and over my abs to land on the clasp of my bra. For perhaps one second he hesitated before unsnapping it. When he did, I sucked in a breath, my nipples hardening. He removed one strap then the other before it fell behind me.


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