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Page 3

by P. Mattern

  Byron was amused to see she was wearing an old fashioned garter belt and stockings. Her bra and lacey panties were pink, and glancing downward to the place between her full white thighs he could discern a dark patch of pubic hair.

  Their lips met again, and Byron was pleased that the woman was breathing rapidly, her scantily clad body pressed against his.

  “The bed.” she panted. And Byron immediately scooped her up in his arms. He was strong with strength beyond that of an average human, and the woman seemed weightless as he carried her into the bedroom, laying her softly down in the middle of an immense bed with sheets the color of pink desert sand.

  When she spread her legs apart he was excited to see the wetness seeping through the crotch material of her panties. This was the approbation he sought, the nonverbal communication that his touch and smell and taste had sexually excited her.

  He moved over her, hovering, kissing her mouth, her neck, letting his lips slide down into the hollow of her throat. Simultaneously he cupped her mound of Venus in his right hand, letting his thumb slide into the wetness at the center.

  He knew that she was beautiful between her legs, as all women were. A vagina seemed like an exotic hothouse flower to him. He loved the frilly aspect of the labial folds –they were the petals of the sexual flowers that women kept hidden between their thighs. He also loved the ‘button’ that protruded at the top, standing stiff straining, and swollen like a tiny sexual alert.

  The woman was making noises in the back of her throat. He hoped that he was pleasuring her, because he himself was aroused. Sex was a magical land that took him away from all that had happened in his past, provided portals into a sensual future, and deeply satisfied him in ways that nothing else seemed to.

  The woman’s breasts were another matter. Still kissing her he reached around her narrow frame and released them from their lacy cage with a flick of his forefinger and thumb. They weren’t as firm as Raven’s hard, highly set breasts, but the pink nipples were large and looked as though they wanted to be sucked.

  Byron did so, exerting just enough pressure. His right hand pulled the sodden crotch of her panties downward so that he could access her now engorged and protruding labia. All that slickness, all that forbidden lushness was now open to his exploring hands.

  He waited for the woman to instruct him, correct him even-but she seemed to be lost in sensation. During most of their lovemaking her eyes were closed, but when he felt that he was aroused nearly to the point of climax he quickly reached for the condom he’d left on the bedside table and began to roll it along the shaft of his penis.

  That act elicited the first negative response from his client.

  “No!” she barked, panting a little as she reached down and pulled the condom away from his cock.”I want it raw!”

  Byron was unsure how to proceed-he didn’t want to anger Tansy who had instructed him to always wear a ‘safe’. He didn’t want to damage the sexual rapport he’d built up with the strange older woman.

  He also wondered if he could get her-or any woman pregnant. He had a feeling he probably could.

  The decision was made for him within seconds as the woman grabbed his penis, forcefully shoving it between her thighs as she tilted her hips slightly upward.

  Byron had been ready to come. With the woman staring at him, her eyes open with a dreamy, faraway look he shoved himself into her clinging hot wetness again and again. She arched her spine slightly as she came, and he came in a torrent, his orgasm one of the strongest he’d ever had.

  Byron wasn’t sure what to do after the act was finished. Tansy had encouraged him to hold his client if it seemed that she wanted that, but fortunately the woman turned away from him, grabbing a thin silk wrapper to tie around herself as she stepped into the bathroom adjoining the bedroom.

  Byron knew that he probably should get up and begin redressing himself, but found that he wanted to lie in the woman’s bed a few minutes longer. He was feeling pretty good about how the ‘date’ had gone. He thought he had pleased the woman.

  At least he hoped that he had.

  It was a complete surprise when the dark haired woman emerged from her bathroom fully dressed again, and abruptly threw an envelope at him accompanied by a curt,

  “You can leave now!”

  Somewhat deflated(like his penis, which had already started to get a second wind just reflecting on the sexy satisfying lushness of the older woman’s body and then abruptly retreated at her brusque manner), he pulled on what clothing of his he could find, pulling on his pants without underwear and shoving the payment envelope into his pocket. He was racking his brain trying to figure out if he’d done anything to offend his first client, but came up empty.

  He found his shoes in the living room near the entrance, slipped them on and wondered what to say as he exited, still hoping the lady thought well of him.

  As his hand found the doorknob, he looked over at the woman, who sat fully dressed and expressionless as she smoked a cigarette in a long holder

  “Thank you.” He said politely, puzzled at her frosty demeanor. Hadn’t he just been inside the most secret and intimate part of her? Hadn’t she just asked him to “fuck me harder?”

  He was halfway through the door when she called to him.

  “Byron!” she said suddenly,as if she’d almost forgotten something.

  “Tell Tansy next Wednesday, same time.”

  Byron ducked his head to her in a demi-bow and exited with a grin on his face.

  He hadn’t blown it after all. The woman liked him!

  It was evening, and Byron comfortably sat on the sectional couch in the large living room next to Raven. She seemed a little quieter than usual, but when he asked her if anything was wrong she demurred.

  They were watching Toy Story Three, and Byron was surprised when Raven suddenly blurted,”Did you like fucking Mrs. K Byron?”

  He turned to look at her. Her hair was gathered in a ponytail on top of her head, curled ringlets framing her pretty face. Her expression was unreadable.

  “It was okay.” He answered, slowly and carefully.”Why?”

  “Oh no reason.” She answered airily, but he could sense something unsaid beneath her question. Also he had a question for her, since she was privy to everything that ever went on in Herb and Tansy’s house, business-wise and otherwise.

  “That reminds me,” he said, ”I wanted to ask you if you knew how Mrs. liked me. I’m sure she must have talked to Tansy by now. Have you heard-or overheard- any feedback.”

  Sitting up and turning to him,Raven placed the shared bowl of popcorn they’d been eating out of on the coffee table and said with feigned animation,”Yes I believe I DID hear a little something about your fuckfest with Mrs. K…hmmmm, what was it now?

  Oh yes, NOW I remember! She said you were the best she’s ever had-much better than Chaz. She said you had a big dick for a young man and knew how to use it. She also said she may have you come TWICE a week-pardon the pun.

  And she said she’d pay extra if Tansy would make you exclusive to her and if you didn’t wear a condom!”

  Abruptly, before Byron could respond, Raven shot up out of her seat, and walked hurriedly down the hallway. Byron could hear the door of the room they both shared slamming shut.

  Byron’s straight longish blonde hair moved around his face as he shook his head slowly from side to side. He was in disbelief. Once again he felt as though he’d offended a female, with no idea how he’d managed to do that.

  He took the half eaten bowl of popcorn to the kitchen, washed off his buttery fingers, and prepared himself to find out why Raven was pissed at him.

  The walk up the hallway was a long one. Tentatively he knocked lightly on the closed six panel wooden door.”Hey Raven, are you okay?” he asked, grateful that Herb and Tansy had gone out for the evening and wouldn’t be witness to this inexplicable tiff he and Raven were having.

  “Leave me alone!” he heard faintly from behind the closed door. Rave
n’s voice sounded muffled and soggy, as though she’d been crying.

  This was serious, Byron thought. He had never seen Raven cry or show fear or any of the usual emotional displays usually attributed to adolescent females. He tried the door, which was firmly locked against him.

  “Rave this isn’t like you…can we at least talk? Obviously I did something dickish. Tell me-whatever it is. Let me apologize at least!”

  There was a silence after his short speech, and to his relief he heard her blow her nose and the sound of bare feet on carpet coming toward the door.

  She opened the door a crack.

  “If you ever tell anyone I was crying I’ll kill you.” She said, relieving some of his anxiety by sounding more like herself again.

  At his nod she opened the door and flounced over to sit on the bed. It was a ‘Hollywood’ bed from the 60’s-wide enough for about one and a half people, but smaller than a double bed.

  It was the perfect size for two skinny teenagers that usually spooned against each other as they slept.

  The bed,as usual , was unmade, its orange , green and blue striped sheet rumpled. Byron took a seat beside Raven, who was still sniffing and dabbing at her adorable tiptilted nose with a crumpled Kleenex.

  “Look”, he said, frowning and staring at the blue floor carpeting with intensity as though it had suddenly become interesting.”I think I know what’s bothering you.”

  “So what’s bothering me?” she said,lifting her head and staring into his intensely green eyes.”I’d really like to know…and I don’t have a clue, other than it bothered me overhearing Tansy talk to Mrs. K…. like you were the catch of the century or something.”

  “I think it hurt you to hear them talking about me, because it made what I do for money more real to you. Because you realized that I was intimate with a woman the same way you and I get intimate. Because I was fucking someone I didn’t love.

  Because you and I love each other…don’t we?” he finished, his face brightening with a realization that he had never let form into a thought, much less spoken aloud.

  Raven’s face looked stricken again. Angry tears spilled from her eyes even though she quickly wiped them away.

  “I don’t want to be in love!” she declared.”With you or anybody! All love does is mess people up !

  All love does is HURT.” She finished, finally quelling her tears and blowing her dainty nose again.

  Byron decided to take a chance on putting his arms around her and pulling her close. To his surprise she didn’t resist, but sighed and relaxed against him. He spoke over her head, knowing that every word that he was about to say was true.

  “What I do-with Mrs. K or anyone else-is not the same as you and I having sex. My body has a mind of its own…”

  From below him, Raven’s voice drifted upward.

  “Little head?” she suggested.

  Byron chuckled.”Yeah –little head makes all the decisions- and he always wants to fuck, all the time. But when you and I are together it’s ‘big head’ sex-because I love you Raven. And I know that you feel it, don’t you?”

  She pulled away from him to search his eyes again.

  “Yes.” she answered. “And I feel the same , but you know I can’t say it, right? Maybe someday, Byron Chance...and it will be a first!”

  Byron kissed her then, aroused, their tongues performing a desperate dance ,spinning and sliding together. They tore at each other’s clothing with ferocity, as though starved for the closeness and intimacy only a thorough fucking can provide.

  He came as soon as he entered her tight nubile pussy, and her gasp told him that she was experiencing the same. His penis was unsheathed and free, no prophylactic barrier between his manhood and her soft cloying wetness.

  He didn’t stop to staunch the wetness between them-he enjoyed wallowing in their co-mingled fluids. To him it was the best of sex. Underneath him she was aflame with heat, arching her back so that he could easily tease her nipples with his full sensuous lips, biting and sucking and eliciting moans of pleasure.

  Raven had a few tricks of her own that he enjoyed. He loved the way she caressed his balls, occasionally running her fingernails across them roughly as he repeatedly plunged his cock into her pussy. He also found that he became aroused when she tugged at his nipples, or bit them gently.

  Afterwards, as they lay spent and spooning in the huge wet spot at the center of the bed, Byron grew reflective.

  He was glad that he had Raven in his life. He was glad that the apartment had been empty, because they had made a lot of noise.

  And he was glad that he was finally going to be making money, because they were definitely going to need a bigger bed.

  It was the following Tuesday. Byron entered the apartment with his own key, exhausted from his most recent session with Mrs. K. Herb and Tansy had also had him go to several casting calls for models. They had already gotten a callback from Macy’s for a local fashion event at the Westbrook Mall in town. Herb and Tansy seemed elated at Byron’s versatility.

  Byron knew that the preferential treatment shown to him by his employers had alienated Kristen, and particularly Chaz. Chaz had been friendly and helpful at Byron initially, cluing him in on techniques, what to say in certain awkward situations, how to put his paying clients at ease. Most of them were in the range of late 30’s to 60. Most of them were wealthy, had had cosmetic surgery, and didn’t actually look at day over 35.

  Byron couldn’t blame Chaz for being angry. Other than handing him his assignments and instructions he was basically ignored. Although Herb and Tansy had assured Mrs. K that Byron would be exclusive to her, they still gave him other assignments from time to time. But it was Chaz that had had to pick up the slack-business was booming and he was being overworked.

  Byron found himself alone in the kitchen one morning with Chaz. The other boy was staring intently at newspaper adds, chewing on a piece of toast. Byron could smell coffee that the other young man had already made.

  “Mind if I have some coffee?” Byron asked politely, trying to ignore the heavy vibes directed at him by the other boy.

  “Go ahead.” Chaz retorted shortly, not looking up from the paper.

  Byron took a brown coffee mug from a shelf above the coffeepot and poured himself a cup, stopping to stir sugar into it before he took it to the table. Not wanting to crowd Chaz, he sat his coffee on the opposite end, turning around to grab a box of cereal, milk from the refrigerator, and a bowl and spoon.

  “Can you make just a LITTLE more noise?” the other boy asked him rhetorically.

  “Sorry man.” Byron replied. Then he added,”But I’ve been meaning to ask you something anyway-why do you hate my guts?”

  The dark haired boy glared over at him with an air of distain.

  “I don’t hate you Byron-you’re hardly worth noticing. But I don’t appreciate you horning in on my clients, I can tell you that!”

  Byron met Chaz’s malevolent gaze calmly.

  “Chaz that wasn’t ever my intention or decision. I just go where Tansy and Herb send me. End of story.”

  “Oh yeah?” Chaz spat sarcastically, ”Just business, right? Is that what you’re telling me? I didn’t hear that you raised any objections!”

  Byron wanted to tell Chaz that he was servicing Mrs. K exclusively because she’d REQUESTED him, but quickly decided that would only serve to offend Chaz more, so he decided to try a different tact.

  “She’ll probably get tired of me soon. I’m just a novelty- a new ‘boy toy’. She’s a nice lady though. ”he finished, digging into his sugar frosted flakes, happy that Chaz was at least talking to him again.

  Chaz seemed amused.

  “Don’t try to placate me Chance! She PREFERS you. Kristen overheard Tansy saying she doesn’t want to date me anymore, which pisses me off. The kind of head I gave that old broad…and by the way I HATE giving women head, I’d rather suck on raw liver-and it smells better too!…well, that’s ingratitude for you!

she’s not a “nice lady”-are you completely retarded? She’s practically old enough to be our grandmother. She’s a predator, a pervert. She thinks the fact that she pays for it makes it okay. She has a grandson your age! She probably thinks about him when she’s doing you!

  Reprobates, every last one of them!” Chaz finished, shaking out the paper he was holding to examine another section.

  Byron was taken aback. He realized two things at that moment:1) people are never what they seem, and 2) Chaz was missing the point about Mrs. K. It wasn’t the lady’s fault that she’d gotten older, or that she still wanted to be close to a male body. She’d felt ageless in his arms as she’d responded to his touch.

  She just wanted to feel loved. Like everyone else.

  “Well I’m sorry if I offended you,” Byron responded.”I’m really just trying to make a living here. And I appreciate Tansy and Herb. If it wasn’t for them I’d be homeless. Just trying to do my job, man.”

  Chaz snorted, his long dark bangs falling over his handsome face, covering one glacially blue eye. He seemed to be looking at Byron with renewed interest.

  “Do you swing Byron?” he asked, straightening up in his seat and cupping his chin in one hand contemplatively.

  “Swing?” Byron was confused by the question. The only reference to swinging he’d only come across was via an old movie on television that was about married couples that exchanged partners.

  “I mean do you travel across gender lines…ever do guys?” Chaz asked, an intimate quality to his voice.

  “No.” Byron answered. It had never occurred to him that that would ever be a possibility. He had never been sexually attracted to another boy. It had been the mysterious sexuality of females that excited him and were the subject of his masturbatory fantasies.

  Chaz stood up. Byron wan’t the only one in the household that had grown. Aside from his handsome facial planes and straight nose, Chaz had a fine physique: broad shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist, a pronounced six pack , firm rounded glutes and long muscular legs. Although slightly shorter than the nearly six foot tall Byron, he was still amazing looking.


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