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Heidi: Nano Wolves 3

Page 15

by Donna McDonald

  “You already have,” Heidi told him.

  Ryan smiled and shrugged.

  She turned away from Ryan to look around again. “I think I’m going to love it here. This is the most amazing house I’ve ever seen.”

  She looked at the soft cream colored paint on the walls and the high ceilings with giant windows letting in light. There were ceiling fans hung from several wooden beams and a large stone fireplace begging for firewood.

  The garden area in the back yard was also amazing. She might start a medicinal herb garden like Eva had. There was even a patio with furniture the seller had left behind. All the seats needed were new cushions.

  “I close on the house tomorrow,” Ryan said. “The stuff I kept from the other house will be here in the afternoon. The couch and chairs will at least give you a place to sit. The dining room stuff came from Mom and Dad. Carson and Dillon are bringing firewood because you’re going to need it in a big open area like this. The electric will be in my name tomorrow. You can move in as soon as I have the keys.”

  Heidi put her hands in her coat pockets. Tomorrow she would have a home. It would be the first one she’d had since she was a child. “Katarina’s still at the inn. She’s refusing to meet Yana. I asked to put Yana with Brandi and Gareth. So tonight I’m at Ariel and Matt’s. Luckily I don’t have much to drag around when I go bed hopping between my packmates.”

  Ryan walked to her and adjusted her coat collar. It gave him an excuse to touch her. His parents had been right. Heidi needed security the way plants needed rain. “Well, now you can start having more things and sleeping in the same bed every night. No one is going to make you move out of here. Fix this place any way you want and get comfortable. You need to start spending what the people are giving you. It’s your earnings. Start with sheets and a cover for the bed. I haven’t had time to pick any up.”

  Heidi chuckled and nodded. “It sounds trite, but things don’t mean as much to me as they once did. If I have food and warm clothes and get to go to work at the Healing Center, I’m pretty set. Well, and maybe some bed company on a regular basis. But I think of sex the same way I think of food. It’s not optional.”

  Ryan chuckled. “I know. It’s one of my favorite things about you. I’m grateful every day to be the bed company you want.”

  Heidi walked into her mate, though she was still trying to figure out how to think of Ryan that way, and wrapped him up for a hug. “I don’t know what the future holds. I don’t know how to make a promise to you or even if I could keep it if I did. My life may be long or short. I could turn into six or seven other kinds of monsters if the nanos get carried away again. There are no absolutes for me.”

  Ryan bent and kissed her cheek and held tight. “Honey, there are no absolutes for anyone. But starting over is always possible. You taught me that. Let’s just keep moving forward and see what kind of good we can find.”

  Heidi leaned back in his arms and lifted her face to his. “There’s no one else I want, Ryan Calder. I swear I just need a little time.”

  “I can give you that, but it’s going to be hard—pun intended there.”

  Heidi giggled at his teasing. “I promise not to let it become too big a problem for you.”

  Ryan laughed at her response. “Good to know.”

  Katarina paced the woods looking at the walking mirror of herself. It was strange and made her feel uncomfortable to see her, yet… no, there was no good word for the longing she felt. The feeling was buried deep in her gut, but squirmed like something living there. Her instinct to run over to the younger woman was barely avoidable.

  She grinned without thought as she watched the woman teasing the three small children hanging upside down from a tree branch. When the woman laughed and chased the dropping kids toward the house, she just couldn’t take watching anymore.

  Katarina bounded across the way, her bag of meager clothing in her teeth, changing to human as she got closer. The last few steps were silent in the American made sneakers she’d gotten from the Gray Wolf Alpha’s donation bin.

  Her mirror self watched her dress with wide eyes. The children were in fits of giggles because of her nakedness. Little ones always thought such things were funny. They finally ran into the house, no doubt to tattle on her.

  When she felt confident once more, she walked until she met her other self eye-to-eye.

  “I am Katarina Volkov,” she said, introducing herself.

  “I know who you are,” the woman said. “You are desperate werewolf who prays to spirit of Nicolai Vashchenko when she is in trouble.”

  Katarina wanted to laugh at the accusation, but she didn’t. She would not find humor with this wolf until she knew her measure. “I admit nothing,” she said flatly.

  “I am Yana Volkov,” Yana said. “We have same bastard father. I believe story now. You are mirror for me.”

  Katarina frowned. “Bastard father did not kill you at birth?”

  Yana shrugged. “If you expect explanation, I have none. I was not alpha, therefore no threat. This I realize after Heidi tell me your story. My mother sent me to my aunt—for my safety.”

  “Your mother was wise woman. My mother sent me away from pack, but still died for me.”

  “Mine the same,” Yana said.

  Katarina growled. “We go back then. We kill bastard father and free our people from his tyranny.”

  “The people will not love us for that, sister. They will take their freedom and hate us just the same. He has ruined us there.”

  Katarina sighed and finally nodded. “Da. You speak wise truth of matter.”

  Yana nodded. “These people here—they are good.”

  Katarina nodded. “Good… and they are friends.”

  “What are the three? Heidi never tell me, but she does many strange things. Not werewolf things.”

  “Science made them,” Katarina told her sister. “But it is love that controls their real destiny. They have good hearts and share blessings with each other.”

  Yana nodded. “You have been without home. I am now same. What do we do with such a life?”

  Katarina turned to stare into the woods. It was the question she’d been pondering most. What was she going to do now? “Temptation return soon. Reed—Black Wolf Alpha—wants to take us back to his home with him. Reed is grandfather of bastard clone, Travis.”

  Yana whistled. “Is very complicated story.”

  “Da,” Katarina said, agreeing.

  “Heidi stop crazy scientist and gut Travis like fish.”

  “You lie,” Katarina declared.

  “I do not,” Yana argued. “She grow long, razor claws and then she…” Yana made a stabbing motion to Katarina’s gut and swiped her hand across it. “Guts fall out and he drop to floor. There is blood and more blood. She never shed tear.”

  Katarina snorted and shook her head. “But she is Healer.”

  Yana shrugged. “I know. Bad head, right?”

  Katarina nodded.

  “I like her. Heidi the Healer is smart and tells good story. She also right about your tatas.”

  “What she say about my breasts?” Katarina asked.

  “She say they bigger than mine… as if that good thing,” Yana said, grinning.

  Katarina looked at her breasts and then at her sister’s. Holy Nicolai. She had a sister. “Healer is right about big breasts. Has good eye for judgment. Mine twice your size.”

  “She is right about size. Wrong about it being good.”

  Katarina laughed then. And then she smiled. She smiled at her kinswoman. Perhaps she could keep her. “You are child still, yes?”

  “No,” Yana declared, indignant at the idea. “I am young, but not child. No one look out for me in decade or more.”

  “Oh,” Katarina said, disappointed.

  “Why you ask question that way?” Yana demanded.

  Katarina shrugged. “Not child, then you do not need help. Soon you will take a mate. You don’t need me.”

  “No. No. I
need help,” Yana said, figuring out what Katarina was suggesting. “I fuck Travis bastard. I have bad judgment, yes?”

  Katarina shrugged. “True. That bad mistake, but I get why. You should see grandfather. He is like that, but more…” she drifted off, unsure how to describe her unfortunate attraction to Reed. She couldn’t yet explain it to herself.

  “You call him Temptation for good reason, yes?” Yana offered.

  Katarina nodded.

  “Hope grandfather dick not as disappointing as grandson’s,” Yana said, lowering her voice so no one but Katarina could hear such a comment.

  “Speak of good dicks… Heidi and Ryan okay?” Katarina asked.

  “I think yes. She stay to save him. He stay to help her. He see her do bad things and not run. If his dick is good, she probably keep him.”

  Katarina nodded. “Heidi say Ryan is favorite dick. I think she keep him.”

  “Is good then, yes?” Yana asked.

  “Da. Come with me to Black Wolf pack. I would like this,” Katarina said with sincerity.

  Yana nodded. “I like idea. We start over like Nicolai Vashchecko, yes?”

  Katarina shrugged, but smiled. “Temptation say Nicolai sleep with many females and have offspring all over his pack. No more visionaries, but good kin. We go pay respects to progeny of great man. We make other decisions after.”

  “Good idea. I make werewolf vodka to celebrate our adventure,” Yana said.

  “You know to make werewolf vodka?” Katarina asked, excited by the idea.

  “Da,” Yana said. “Is useful skill to stay alive in strange pack.”

  “The sister of my bastard father is talented, smart woman,” Katarina said with pride.

  “The sister of my bastard father had good judgment and giant tatas,” Yana shot back with a wide grin pulling at her lips.

  They both ended up laughing. Katarina put an arm around her shoulder as they headed into the house where several smiling werewolves now stared at them out of the big front window.


  Unable to face another night alone in the new house by herself, Heidi had asked both Yana and Katarina to come stay. She borrowed sleeping bags and cots from Gareth so they wouldn’t have to shift to wolves and sleep on the floor.

  That had been three days ago now. They’d helped her put away everything and helped move things around until the interior was homey. They’d even gone shopping with her and helped her pick up several pieces, including some additional chairs for the enormous living room.

  After a morning spent cleaning every nook and cranny, they were now all sitting around the fire Heidi built and drinking the hot cocoa she’d made them. Yana’s batch of werewolf vodka was brewing in a little potting shed out back, but it would be a while before it could be served.

  Reed was coming today and they were leaving with him. She was going to miss them when they were gone. Heidi smiled when Katarina made a big deal of clearing her throat to get their attention.

  “At risk of being bad guest, I must ask question, Heidi. Why your best dick not stay here too?”

  Heidi shook her head “Ryan and I are okay. I just needed some time alone.”

  Katarina shrugged. “Male with good dick is hard to find, Heidi the Healer. How much more time you need to know you found best one?”

  “Good question,” Heidi said, grinning at Katarina. “Ryan is definitely the best one.”

  Yana laughed at their joking, but she’d admired Heidi’s intended mate as well. “Ryan is brave man who not flinch over nightmare or guts on floor. Seems rare catch to find male like that.”

  Heidi laughed and scrubbed her face with both hands. “You’re right. You’re both right. And I know you’re both right. I’m obviously being dumb about Ryan.”

  Katarina grunted. “No female dumb for being cautious. What is this nightmare? I hear term before. No one explain. Is it like trick with stupid dick men in bait store?”

  Heidi shook her head, unsure about showing her partially shifted form to Katarina. The door bell rang and postponed her decision. Excusing herself, she went to answer and found Reed, Ariel, and Brandi on her doorstep. She ushered them inside with a smile before she felt the guilt assault her.

  “Reed… I…” her voice came out in a whisper.

  Reed shook his head and put his arms around her. “You don’t have to explain. Brandi already did. You’re alive and that’s what’s important. It was him or you. I realize that.”

  Heidi nodded against his shirt and didn’t turn loose as they walked across the floor.

  “Temptation,” Katarina said in greeting, holding the Black Wolf Alpha’s leering gaze. She ignored the flutters in her stomach at his interest and her own jealousy of Heidi being held in his arms. Foolish. She was so foolish. How could she ever chastise Yana for a weakness she shared with the very young? She had bad judgment when it came to males and was bad friend for being jealous. The three females were like daughters to him.

  “Hello, Katarina. It’s good to see you again,” Reed said, letting Heidi go. “I see I’m not the only werewolf running around with clones. Why don’t you introduce me to your daughter?”

  “Daughter?” a shocked Katarina said, standing up. “Do I look old enough to have grown daughter?”

  Reed grinned. “At the risk of losing my head… yes, you do look old enough.”

  Yana stood and pushed her fuming sister, who was ready to leap at the man, back down into the chair.

  “I see problem,” she said firmly to Katarina. “You not get that he jokes.” She turned to Reed. “I am Yana Volkov. Katarina and I share same bastard father. She is sister, not mother.”

  Reed inclined his head to the younger, more sweet natured version of Katarina. “Moi izvineniya.”

  Yana pointed at Katarina. “Save your apologies for my kinswoman. I get joke. Katarina is… sensitive.”

  Reed chuckled at Yana’s defense. “It’s delightful to meet you, Yana. Are you planning to come with your sister to visit my pack?”

  Yana looked at a glaring Katarina. “Da. I not want to miss big fight before sex. My sister lead exciting life.”

  Katarina grunted at her sister’s comments and cursed the Black Wolf Alpha under her breath for making her feelings a joke.

  Still grinning, Reed turned back to Heidi and met three more glaring females. “What?” he asked. “Did your attraction to your mates run smoothly?”

  “Being nicer might help your case,” Brandi suggested.

  “And keep you alive to enjoy the attraction,” Ariel added.

  Reed looked at Heidi. “Ditto, what they said. You’re being mean,” Heidi informed him.

  Resigned to eating crow, Reed turned and walked to Katarina. She rose to her non-impressive height. He wanted to laugh again at her pride, but knew that would not go over well. Was he really going to allow this female to get under his skin?

  “Ty zastavlyayesh' menya trudno. That is a problem I haven’t had in many years, Katarina Volkov. It’s not something I feel like apologizing for, especially not to you. I’d rather just celebrate the situation and be thankful.”

  Katarina pulled herself straight. “Your confession does not make your problem my problem, Temptation.”

  “Reservations noted,” Reed answered. “Peremiriye?”

  To refuse his offer of peace while in the home of what essentially were the Black Alpha’s children would be rude. Plus, she owed these women her life. Katarina nodded finally. “Da. We have truce. No more bad jokes, yes?”

  Reed laughed at the question which was really an order, but shrugged. “Okay.”

  “Can I get anyone a cup of cocoa?” Heidi asked.

  Ariel narrowed her gaze. “I’d rather see your new form.”

  “So would I,” Reed said, joining in.

  Sighing in resignation, Heidi nodded. “Fine. Let’s go out into the backyard. I just cleaned the house. All freaking has to be done outside. Let me call Ryan. He’s never heard it all.”

  Ariel nodded.
“Let’s get Matt and Gareth here too.”

  “And Eva,” Heidi added. “I have to work with her every day. I don’t want to keep any more secrets from her than I have to.”

  Some twenty minutes later, Heidi got to stare at the worried faces of all the people she now called family, which in addition to Reed, Ariel, and Brandi, also included Eva, Matt, and Gareth.

  Ryan stood closest to her, watching the people watching her. Did her professed mate think he was going stop any of the three alphas if one came after her? The thought made her smile.

  Ryan would try. She knew that for certain because he took on Travis. One day she might see her future mate grow into a male who could make good on that sort of thing with just his presence in front of a crowd. She already saw his father coming out in him and Gareth had secretly offered to teach him better fighting skills. As a concerned Beta, Gareth wanted to be sure Ryan was well prepared to guard his nano wolf against any and all threats, including trained agents and rogue Alphas.

  But Heidi wondered now if that wasn’t going to be the other way around. She wasn’t trained and wasn’t a fighter, but she wasn’t defenseless either. Plus her nightmare form had somehow absorbed silver bullets. There had been no sign of them inside her when Eva had checked. She could now touch silver in two forms—human and whatever the nightmare form actually was.

  Then there was also the fact that the nightmare seemed physically invincible. That probably wasn’t true, but there was certainly a huge difference in her survival chances while in that form.

  “Stop stalling and shift,” Brandi chastised. “We’re not going to run screaming, no matter how ugly you get.”

  Heidi glared at her packmate and shifted to the nightmare faster than she ever had before. Everyone but two men scrambled away from her in a full out run to get away. Even having seen it before Yana still ran, though she did stop and start laughing while swearing in Russian over her reaction.

  Heidi sighed even though she was pleased. She was really going to have to do this in front of a mirror so she could see the horror for herself.


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