King John/Henry VIII (Signet Classics)
Page 39
235 folded ... smoke i.e. concealed in deceitful rhetoric 236 faithless error untrustworthy lie
237 accordingly in the same manner/as it deserves 238 laboured exhausted with hard work
239 Forwearied worn out
240 harbourage shelter
241 said finished speaking
242 Lo see
243 right i.e. just claim
246 enjoys possesses
247 For on behalf of
247 downtrodden equity oppressed right
247 tread picks up on downtrodden
248 greens grassy areas
250 constraint compulsion
254 owes owns
256 Save except
256 aspect appearance
256 offence hostility, harm
256 sealed up i.e. prevented
257 spent expended, fired
259 unvexed untroubled/unimpeded
259 retire retreat
260 unhacked unused/undamaged (from battle)
261 lusty vigorous
264 fondly foolishly
264 pass pass up, disregard
265 roundure roundness, circumference
266 messengers of war i.e. cannonballs
267 Though even if
267 discipline skill in warfare
268 rude rough
270 In ... which on behalf of him (Arthur) for whom 276 proves proves to be
282 else others, suchlike
284 bloods hot-blooded fellows/noble men
286 in his face against him
287 compound agree
288 for on behalf of
288 hold withhold
290 everlasting residence i.e. the grave, death 291 fleet pass, fly off
292 dreadful terrifying, daunting
292 trial contest, putting to the proof
293 chevaliers knights
294 Saint George patron saint of England who famously slew a dragon 294 swinged beat, thrashed
295 Sits ... door i.e. as a tavern sign
295 hostess tavern landlady
296 fence fencing skill
297 lioness i.e. Austria's wife; also means "whore"
298 set ... hide i.e. give Austria the cuckold's horns by sleeping with his wife 299 monster because a combination of lion and ox 303 appointment order, arrangement
304 advantage superior military position/opportunity 306 God ... right! a battle cry
306.1 excursions fighting (across the stage) 306.2 Trumpets trumpeters
309 by ... France with the help of the French king 312 grovelling prostrate, face down
316 displayed drawn up (if referring to the troops)/ unfurled (if referring to the banners) 321 Commander victor
321 malicious violent, hostile
322 hence from here
323 gilt coated/glittering
324 crest i.e. helmet
325 staff spear/lance
326 colours battle flags
328 like ... huntsmen traditionally huntsmen smeared their hands with blood of the kill 333 onset and retire attack and retreat
335 censured judged
338 alike equally
338 like approve
343 passage progress, course
344 native natural, habitual
344 o'erswell flood (John threatens French territory) 347 progress journey (may play on the sense of "official royal tour") 351 sways rules
351 climate part of the sky
352 just-borne justly carried
353 put thee down defeat you
354 royal number i.e. a king's name
355 tells of records/counts
357 towers soars, mounts (falconry term)
359 chaps jaws
361 mousing tearing at (like a cat or an owl with its prey) 362 undetermined differences unresolved disagreements 363 fronts faces
364 havoc a call for general slaughter
365 potents potentates, rulers
366 confusion overthrow, destruction
366 part side
367 peace i.e. victory
368 yet admit now recognize
371 hold up support
372 that ... here i.e. John has no need for a spokesperson, representing himself as rightful king 374 presence own existence/majesty
378 Kings of i.e. ruled by
379 some certain i.e. one or the other/the particular rightful 379 purged and deposed refers to the fears
380 scroyles scoundrels
380 flout mock, insult
383 industrious ingenious/painstaking/hard-working 383 acts deeds/theatrical actions/parts of a play 385 mutines mutineers, rebels
385 mutines of Jerusalem rival Jewish factions who united to fight the Romans besieging Jerusalem in AD 70
386 conjointly bend jointly aim
388 mount raise/prepare for firing
389 charged loaded
390 soul-fearing terrifying
390 brawled down destroyed noisily
392 play torment by firing at
392 jades wretches (literally, worthless horses) 393 unfenced without walls, i.e. unprotected 393 desolation barren ruin/despondency
394 vulgar common
397 point i.e. sword point
398 cull forth select
399 happy minion fortunate favorite
400 day i.e. victory
402 wild irregular/audacious
402 states sovereigns
403 Smacks ... something has it not a flavor
403 the policy stratagem
405 knit unite
406 lay level, flatten
407 who i.e. to determine who
408 An if if
408 mettle spirit, disposition
409 peevish obstinate/foolish
411 saucy insolent
412 when that when
413 pell-mell headlong/in hand-to-hand combat
414 ourselves i.e. each other
414 heaven or hell i.e. eternal life or damnation 419 thunder i.e. cannon
420 drift shower, deluge
421 discipline military strategy
424 vouchsafe agree, grant
425 league alliance, friendship
427 breathing lives i.e. living people
429 Persever persevere, proceed
430 favour permission, approval
430 bent resolved/inclined
432 years age
434 lusty lively, merry/fertile/lustful
438 birth noble ancestry
439 bound contain
441 complete fully equipped, perfect in
442 If ... she i.e. the only fault in his perfection is that he is not her 442 complete of full of (those virtues)
443 wants lacks
444 If ... he unless it could be a fault that she is not him 446 finished completed
447 divided incomplete
452 bounds boundaries
453 princes royal persons (of either sex)
454 battery assault
455 fast-closed firmly, tightly shut
455 match marriage (puns on the sense of "match that lights gunpowder") 456 spleen eagerness, angry energy
456 powder gunpowder
457 mouth of passage i.e. entrance
457 ope open
462 mortal fatal
462 peremptory determined
464 stay obstacle
470 lusty blood spirited fellow
471 plain cannon i.e. just like a cannon
471 bounce explosion
472 bastinado beating with a stick
474 buffets beats, strikes
475 Zounds by God's wounds
475 bethumped pounded, thumped soundly
476 Since ... dad i.e. since I learned to speak (conceivably suggesting punishment for the illegitimate boy calling Sir Robert "Dad") 477 list listen
477 conjunction union
480 unsured insecure
481 yon yonder, that (one over there)
481 green youthful/inexperienced
481 boy i.e. Arthur
481 sun i.e.
royal patronage
484 Mark note, observe
485 capable of receptive to
486 zeal enthusiasm
487 soft petitions gentle pleas
487 remorse sorrow/compassion
490 treaty proposition
491 forward ready
494 in ... love i.e. love Blanche
496 Anjou Folio prints "Angiers," presumably mistaking the province of Anjou for the city of Angiers where the scene takes place 497 the of the
499 liable subject
501 promotions social advancement
503 Holds hand with i.e. is equal to
507 shadow reflection, image (sense then shifts to "mere imitation/shadow cast by the sun") 508 son plays on "sun" (popular image of royal glory) 509 makes ... shadow i.e. outshines my actual or former self (plays on sense of "dims even your royal glory") 511 infixed fastened firmly
512 table tablet, painting surface
513 Drawn plays on the sense of "disemboweled" (being hanged, drawn, and quartered was a traitor's punishment) 515 quartered cut into pieces/lodged
515 espy discern
518 love expression of love/lover
519 will desire, determination
520 aught anything
521 That anything whatever it is
522 translate convert, transform
523 properly correctly, decorously
524 enforce urge/compel, impose
526 That i.e. by saying that
526 worthy worthy of
528 churlish harsh/grudging
529 merit deserve
531 still always
532 vouchsafe deign, graciously condescend
535 unfeignedly genuinely
539 Full i.e. all of
539 mark monetary unit (not a coin) worth two thirds of an English pound 540 withal with this
542 likes pleases
542 close join
543 well assured very certain
544 assured betrothed
547 presently immediately
550 made up accomplished
552 who whoever
553 passionate impassioned/emotional/sorrowful
564 repair come
565 solemnity i.e. the wedding ceremony
566 measure magnitude, capacity
567 measure limited extent, proportion
568 exclamation outcry, objection
569 suffer permit
570 pomp celebration
571 composition settlement/compromise
572 title ... whole claim to the whole kingdom
573 departed parted
576 rounded whispered
577 With by
578 broker go-between, agent (plays on the notion of breakage) 578 breaks beats, cracks
578 pate head, skull
578 faith loyalty/truth
579 wins gets the better
581 Who i.e. the maid's
581 thing plays on the sense of "penis"
582 'maid' virgin
583 smooth-faced plausible/deceitful
583 tickling amusing, playing with (plays on the sense of "fondling sexually") 583 commodity convenience, expediency/advantage, profit, self-interest/woman in her sexual capacity (plays on the sense of "virginity/female sexual goods") 584 bias natural inclination (literally the weight in the bowling ball that enables it to be rolled in a curve) 585 peised poised, weighted
586 even level, evenly
587 vile-drawing i.e. that attracts evil
588 sway guiding power/swerve/change
589 take head from rebel against/roll away from
589 indifferency moderation/equal impartiality 592 bawd pimp, go-between
592 all-changing i.e. causing everything to change 593 Clapped on fixed on, presented to
593 outward eye eyeball, external eye/hole in the bowling ball through which the bias was inserted 594 determined resolved/planned
594 aid i.e. support for Arthur's cause 595 resolved determined/settled
596 base dishonorable/worthless
597 rail I on do I rant about
598 But for only
599 clutch clench (in refusal of an offer)
600 angels gold coins
600 salute greet/touch (plays on the sense of "gold coin" and on the notion of "angelic salutation"--i.e. the angels' greeting to the Virgin Mary) 601 for because
601 unattempted untempted/unapproached
607 upon because of
4 misspoke spoken inaccurately/expressed badly
5 Be well advised consider carefully/be well informed 6 but only
7 trust believe
8 common man i.e. not a king
11 frighting frightening
12 capable of susceptible to
16 though even if
17 take a truce make peace
20 sadly gravely
22 lamentable sorrowful
22 rheum watery discharge, i.e. tears
23 proud swollen/arrogant
23 peering o'er his overflowing its
24 sad solemn/sorrowful
27 them either King John and King Philip or simply the French 28 prove discover by experience
31 encounter meet in combat
36 brook tolerate
42 content patient, calm
43 wert were
43 grim ugly/destructive
44 sland'rous shameful
45 sightless unsightly, offensive (possibly "unseen, internal") 46 crooked deformed
46 swart swarthy, of dark complexion (considered unattractive) 46 prodigious monstrous, unnatural/ill-omened
47 Patched blotched, marked
50 Become befit
51 fair handsome/pale-complexioned
54 half-blown half-blossomed, i.e. still young and beautiful 56 Sh'adulterates she commits adultery (rather than being faithful to Arthur) 56 hourly constantly (puns on "whore-ly," i.e. like a whore) 57 golden implies offers of money
57 plucked on drawn on, enticed/dragged in
58 sovereignty i.e. Arthur's claim to the throne 59 his majesty i.e. King Philip and his power 59 theirs i.e. King John and Fortune's
61 strumpet harlot, prostitute
62 fellow with connotations of "servant/worthless man"
62 France i.e. the French king
62 forsworn guilty of perjury, breaking his promise 63 Envenom poison
63 words i.e. curses
65 underbear endure
69 proud swollen/arrogant
71 state condition/throne
1 'Tis true Philip and Blanche enter mid-conversation 1 daughter i.e. daughter-in-law
4 Stays ... course stands still
4 plays the alchemist i.e. turns base metals into gold 8 holy day holiday/blessed occasion
11 golden letters used to mark feast days in the Church calendar 12 high tides important festival dates
15 stand still remain
15 with child pregnant
16 fall i.e. be born
17 prodigiously with ill omen, i.e. with the birth of a deformed child 17 crossed thwarted
18 But except
18 wreck shipwreck
19 No ... made break only agreements made on this day 24 pawned pledged
24 majesty royal dignity, i.e. his word
25 beguiled deceived
26 touched and tried put to the test
27 forsworn perjured, guilty of breaking your word 28 in arms with weapons/in friendship
29 arms coat of arms (Blanche and Lewis's heraldic emblems will now be united) 29 yours i.e. your arms/blood
31 painted superficial/feigned
32 our i.e. Constance and Arthur's
32 made up composed, accomplished
32 league alliance
36 Wear out survive/waste
36 days some editors emend to "day"
41 Limoges i.e. Austria (Shakespeare combined two historical figures in one character, Duke Leopold of Austria and Viscount Vidomar of Limoges) 42 bloody spoil i.e. the lion's skin
42 spoil
plunder, booty
45 champion one who fights on behalf of another
46 humorous temperamental
46 by nearby
47 safety i.e. the best course of action, how to avoid getting injured 48 sooth'st up greatness flatter powerful people
49 ramping rampant/roaring/excessive
49 swear ... party declare your support for my cause 54 fall over defect
55 Doff remove
56 calf's-skin associated with fools and cowards
56 recreant cowardly
61 Pandulph a fusion of two historical figures, one a cardinal, the other a legate
62 legate papal representative
66 Pope Innocent Innocent III
67 religiously solemnly/in the name of religion
69 spurn rebel, kick
69 force perforce with violent compulsion
70 Stephen Langton elected Archbishop of Canterbury by Pope Innocent, but rejected by John 71 see bishopric/the seat of a bishop in his church 72 foresaid aforementioned
74 earthy earthly
74 interrogatories questions put to an accused person 75 test put to the proof
78 charge order
81 tithe levy a tax (specifically the tenth of one's goods owed to the Church) 81 toll exact a payment
83 great supremacy highest authority or power
84 Where in which
84 uphold maintain/rule
86 set apart discarded, ignored
88 blaspheme speak irreverently
90 grossly foolishly
90 meddling priest i.e. the Pope
91 the curse i.e. excommunication
91 buy out cancel
92 vile base
92 dross impure substance
93 of from
94 sells ... himself incurs his own damnation/sells pardons that do not come from God 96 juggling cheating, deceiving
96 cherish nourish, maintain
97 me oppose place myself in opposition
100 excommunicate excommunicated
102 heretic one who maintains unorthodox religious views 108 room space (puns on Rome)
110 keen eager/sharp
110 my wrong the wrong done to me (my motivation) 111 right properly, correctly, rightfully (plays on the sense of "good") 112 warrant authority
114 bar no wrong does not prevent retaliation, i.e. cursing 116 holds maintains, controls
117 perfect completely
120 arch-heretic chief rebel to the Christian Church 121 power of France i.e. army
121 his head him/his army
124 Look to that beware of/consider that possibility 128 pocket up endure/swallow (the Bastard plays on the literal sense of pockets in breeches) 132 as the cardinal i.e. as the cardinal says 133 Bethink you consider carefully
133 difference disagreement/choice
134 purchase acquisition
135 light minor
139 untrimmed unadorned/unbedded, i.e. virgin 142 need appeal for help
143 but by because of
143 faith i.e. King Philip's promise
144 needs necessarily
148 moved affected with sympathy/angered
149 be removed stand apart/separate yourself from his plans/be estranged (plays on moved) 151 Hang i.e. wear
155 make ... yours i.e. put yourself in my position 156 bestow yourself behave
161 latest last
164 even right
164 but new just immediately
166 clap strike hands reciprocally in token of a bargain 166 bargain transaction
167 overstained covered with stains/dyed
168 pencil paintbrush