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My Weekend Daddy

Page 2

by Lena Gordon

  And you can be the one to teach her.

  The thought took me off guard and my grip on her arm slipped just enough for her to pull away. She took a step back, but didn’t run. Her other hand rubbed at the arm I’d been clenching.

  “I’ll give it back,” she said again. “The money. I’ll give it all back. I don’t even know why I did it. I just—”

  “Why did you take it?”

  Suddenly, that seemed like an important detail. Especially if it distracted me from the way her breasts strained against her blouse with every quick breath she took.


  “You don’t really seem like the kind of girl who would steal. Plus, it had to be the first time, because there is no way you could have done something like that before and gotten away with it. Not here. So, why did you take it?” I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for her answer.

  Smart girl, she didn’t hesitate when she told me the truth. “I need it to pay for school.” I could see the honesty in her eyes. She wore every emotion on her face; I liked that. “I just got my tuition bill, and I when I saw your…well, it’s just that I’m desperate and it was right there.”

  School? She was smart.

  “For a little girl smart enough to go to school, you made a pretty stupid choice today, didn’t you?” I glared down at her, chastising her until she looked at her feet. She must have been at least a foot shorter than me. “With one move, you could have just thrown it all away.”

  That’s when her jaw began to tremble. She must have realized in that moment that I held her entire future in my hands. Her fate rested with me and whatever I was going to decide. To let her go or turn her in? I had the power to choose.

  It was fucking intoxicating.

  When she looked up again, there was the glisten of tears in the corners of her eyes. “Please, Mr. Conrad.” She bit down on her lower lip to keep from crying and my cock hardened again. “Don’t tell,” she pleaded. “I’ll do anything.”

  Three short words. That’s all it took for the idea to crystallize in one sharp, perfect plan. But I made her wait. I made her stand there and look at me, waiting for the decision that would change her fate.

  I drew out the silence. Not because I was unsure. Never. I’d built an empire on my decisions. No. I wanted her to squirm. I wanted her to breathe it in, the knowledge that she was at my mercy.

  And that’s exactly what she did. When she could no longer look at me, she dropped her gaze one more time, this time noticing the bulge in my pants. Her head snapped up, her eyes wide with wonder and question, and that’s when I delivered the verdict.

  “I won’t tell.” I chose my words carefully. Slow and measured. “I won’t report you to management. I won’t press charges and you can keep your job.” Relief flooded her face, but she was wary, too. She blinked hard, waiting for more. “On one condition.”

  I waited. It took a few moments, but finally she asked, “What condition?”

  “You’re mine. For one weekend.”

  Her cheeks pinked, and her breath came fast. She glanced down again at my crotch and something that I hoped was lust pooled in her eyes.

  “Yours?” The word was barely more than a whisper.

  I nodded once, making my intention known. “It is clear to me you’ve never been taught any manners or that there are consequences for your actions.”

  “But…a weekend…I—”

  “Did I stutter?” I was losing patience. But maybe I hadn’t made myself fully clear. I reached out, dropping my fingers down the front of her top. I let my fingers trace the swell of her perfect tits, until they wrapped around what was mine. With my eyes locked on hers, I slowly drew up the money she’d stashed there and held it up. “And at the end of the weekend, you’ll get this back. Yes or no?”

  Her eyes widened at the opportunity I presented. Not only was I going to let her go without reporting her, I would give her what had to be at least ten thousand dollars. All for one weekend with me.

  “I’m just not sure I understand.”

  “I think you understand just fine,” I said. “One weekend. Last chance.” God help me, I wanted her answer to be a yes. But she had to make the decision for herself.

  She took a moment, but finally she looked up at me with those innocent brown eyes that this time held a flash of desire in their depths and uttered the words that damn near made me come on the spot. “Yes, Mr. Conrad.”



  “Where did you say you were going this weekend?” Jessica followed me into my bedroom and flopped onto my bed. There was no way I was telling my roommate the truth about where I’d be spending the next few days. Jessica would never be cool with it if she found out I was going to spend a weekend at Phillip Conrad’s estate where I’d be doing…well…I wasn’t exactly sure what I’d be doing.

  Aren’t you?

  That pesky inner voice piped up again. The truth was, I was pretty damn sure what it was I’d be doing. Mr. Conrad had made that very clear, despite the fact he never actually said anything. A shiver ran through my body at the memory of his eyes on me, holding me in place with his stare.

  Damn, he was sexy. And just a little bit frightening.

  Or that just could have been the fact that he basically held my entire future in his hands. I thought for sure I was screwed when he caught me stealing his money. But to let me go? And let me keep the money? It was an offer way too good to be true.

  I just had to stop thinking about how wrong it all was to agree to his terms.

  It’s better than the alternative.

  That was for sure.

  “Just to an old friend’s place.” I tried to be as vague as possible and I didn’t make eye contact as I grabbed a pair of jeans and a sweater from my dresser. I had no idea what to pack for a weekend like this. It’s not as though it was something I did often. “It’s going to be pretty boring,” I lied through my teeth. I had no idea what to expect, but I was absolutely positive it would be anything but boring.

  An hour later, the map on my phone announced I had arrived at my destination. A long gated driveway. The trees surrounding the area were so thick, I couldn’t see beyond the gate.

  I followed my instructions to give my name when asked and the gate swung open to give me passage. I drove my old Dodge slowly up the drive and my heart raced with anticipation of what I might find when I got to the end.

  I kind of expected Phillip Conrad to be standing next to his house waiting for me, and I was surprised to find myself a little disappointed that he wasn’t. It was the strangest thing because I still could not for the life of me reconcile what the hell I was doing there.

  It took me a few minutes to calm my heart rate long enough to get out of the car, grab my duffel bag and walk up to the front door. I didn’t have a chance to knock before it swung open to reveal an older woman with a kindly face and wearing a black dress with a white apron.

  I shouldn’t have been surprised. Of course he’d have staff.

  “Good afternoon, Miss Blakely. My name is Mrs. McClean. We’ve been expecting you.”

  Had I even told Mr. Conrad my last name? I was pretty sure I hadn’t even told him my first name. Not that it should surprise me. He seemed like the kind of man who had no problem getting what he wanted. Including information.

  The woman stepped aside and waved me into the opulent two-story foyer. The floor was laid with black and white marble. The walls were light-gray and the overall feeling was one of power, masculinity, and money. Involuntarily, a shiver ran through me.

  “I’ll take you up to your room,” the woman was saying. She’d started walking, giving me the idea that I should follow her, which I did. “Mr. Conrad has made arrangements for you to stay in the east wing.” We walked up a long curving staircase and took the stairs that branched off to the right, leading to a long hallway. Mrs. McClean stopped in front of a set of large double doors. She opened them with a flourish and stepped inside what was easily the most bea
utifully appointed room I’d ever seen.

  The entire suite was at least twice the size of my apartment that I shared with three other girls. Unlike the rest of the house, this room was painted in a soft pink color. Floor-to-ceiling windows covered one wall, with gauzy curtains floating in a light breeze covering them. The huge four-poster canopy king-sized bed was the feature of the space. It was made up with a pink floral duvet and more pillows than I could count. It looked like a cloud. I couldn’t wait to sink into it.

  “It’s beautiful,” I breathed as I stepped into the space. My feet sank into the plush carpet.

  “Mr. Conrad will be pleased you’re satisfied with the accommodations.”

  “Satisfied?” I walked to the window, pushed the curtain aside and gazed out over the grounds. There was a beautiful pool surrounded with plants and gardens, giving it the feel of an oasis in a desert. This one house was nicer than any hotel I’d ever stayed in. I felt like a princess.

  Except for the reason I was there. The smile fell from my face as I remembered I was there for a reason that was definitely not to be a princess.

  “Mr. Conrad has selected your wardrobe for the weekend. You will find it in the walk-in closet through the en suite.”

  “He’s done what?”

  “He’s requested that you dress in something appropriate and report to his study at four o’clock sharp. You should knock twice and wait in the hallway.” She moved to leave.

  A surge of unease and something that started to feel like panic at what exactly I’d gotten myself into rushed through me. “Wait!”

  Mrs. McClean stopped and waited for me to say something else. But I didn’t know what to say. How much did the woman know? Did she know why I was there? Did she judge me? Had it happened before?

  “Where’s the study?” I asked lamely.

  She quickly gave me instructions I was sure to forget and disappeared, closing the door behind her. When she was gone, I looked to the clock on the wall. It was already quarter to four. I had only fifteen minutes to get dressed, whatever that meant, and find the study.

  With a sigh, I went in search of the closet. The bathroom was just as impressive as the bedroom and the walk-in closet was bigger than my entire bedroom at home. There was enough room for an entire store’s worth of clothes, but only a few things were hanging on the far wall.

  Mr. Conrad had beautiful taste, I’d give him that. There was a floor-length gown in a royal blue that I knew would make my eyes pop, but it wasn’t the color the caught my attention. It was the slit that went impossibly high and the bodice that I knew would push my tits to the sky. It was quite possibly the sexiest dress I’d ever seen.

  I quickly examined the other few articles hanging up, all dresses that would showcase my legs and breasts. I turned to the dresser.

  I slid out one large drawer and heat rushed to my face. I’d never seen lingerie that was both gorgeous and so completely slutty all at the same time. I pulled out a silk corset that had cut-outs for my breasts. There were matching thong panties with an accompanying garter in the same hot-pink.

  Did he expect me to wear these things?

  Next to the corset was a mesh dress. At least that’s what I thought it was. It left nothing covered and looked like something a hooker might wear.

  A hooker!

  There was what looked to be a bathing suit, constructed only of strips of black ribbons.

  Rage started to bubble within me. Who the hell did Mr. Conrad think he was, giving me these slutty things to choose from? It was bad enough he’d demanded I come here for the weekend, but to make me dress up like a slut…oh hell no!

  With the pink corset still clutched in my hands, I stormed out of my bedroom suite, down the curved staircase, and to the left, just the way I’d been told. I marched through the grand hallways. My anger grew with each step until I found the door that had to be to his study. I didn’t bother knocking. I turned the handle and shoved the door open. It slammed roughly against the wall and Phillip Conrad looked up from his desk. He calmly ended the phone call he was on and placed the phone down before addressing me.

  “Abby.” There was a flicker of humor in his voice. “You aren’t dressed.”

  “How do you know my name?”

  He chuckled and leaned back in his chair. “I know everything I need to about you. Including your dress size.”

  I momentarily forgot why I’d stormed in there. I was completely transfixed by him. The power and wealth and control he exuded simply from sitting in his chair behind his massive oak desk radiated from him in waves that made my pussy wet.

  “You aren’t dressed,” he said again.

  His words snapped me back to why I was there. I shook the corset in my hand and clenched my teeth. “Who do you think you are, telling me to wear this cheap shit?” I stepped forward and tossed it on the desk in front of him.

  Mr. Conrad looked down at the item in front of him and then slowly got to his feet. “Cheap?” He picked up the corset. “You think this hand-stitched, custom-made silk work of art is cheap?” He glanced down at the garment then his eyes landed on me, pinning me in place.

  “It’s not the quality,” I argued. “It’s that I’ll look…I can’t dress like a…”

  “Like a what?” he challenged.

  “Like a whore!” I spat out the word.

  Mr. Conrad only looked amused as he left his desk and crossed the room toward me. I forced myself not to tremble as he stood only inches from me. “Why is it that you’re here, Abby?”

  I swallowed hard but didn’t answer him.

  “Are you not here because you in fact are a whore?”

  I opened my mouth to object, but he held up a finger and pressed it to my lips.

  “You’re here because you agreed to one weekend in exchange for ten thousand dollars. Not to mention your get-out-of-jail-free card. Isn’t that right?”

  I nodded because he was right. I was a whore. At least for the next few days. Despite myself, his words and the way he was looking at me, the promise of what the next few days held was making a hot pool of need settle between my legs.

  “Good girl.” He ran the silky fabric of the corset down the side of my cheek. “Now I’m pretty sure I didn’t leave specific instructions for you to dress in lingerie, but it’s interesting that this garment is the one you chose. Get dressed.”

  He pressed the corset into my hands. I nodded like the good girl I could be and turned to leave and return to my closet to find a sundress.

  “No.” His words stopped me. “Put the corset on. Since it fired you up, you should wear it for the afternoon. The bathroom is down the hall on your right. Hurry back.”




  She was feisty. The weekend was going to be even better than I imagined it to be. I hadn’t expected her to meekly accept her role for the weekend, but I also hadn’t expected her to be so strong-willed. We were going to have some fun.

  But first, she was going to need to learn who was in charge.

  My dick throbbed with anticipation of the lesson I was about to give her. She was a stubborn little girl who needed to be taught how to listen.

  I sat at my desk and waited for her to return. She would. Of that I had no doubt.

  I could see it in her eyes. She wanted this as much as I wanted to give it to her. She was hot for it or she wouldn’t be here.

  I stroked my dick through the fabric of my pants. It had been in a state of perpetual hardness from the moment I saw her. It was going to be a long weekend, and I had plenty of fun planned, but first thing was definitely going to be first.

  There was a soft knock at the door, followed by another.

  Good. She was learning.

  “Come in, little girl.”

  The corset looked every bit as sexy on her as I knew it would. The open cups pushed each of her magnificent breasts up and pressed them together, exposing her tight, pink nipples for me.

  My dick strained against
the fly of my pants, begging for release, but I wanted to savor the moment.

  “Come closer.”

  She did as she was told. As she moved, my eyes fell to her long, trim legs clad in the matching pink thigh-high nylons, fastened to the garter.

  “Well?” She held out her arms and spun slowly so I could feast my eyes on every bit of her. And I did. “Do you like it?”

  She was so young. So eager to please, seeking my approval. I knew withholding it would drive her crazy.

  I tilted my head and shrugged slightly. She reacted just as I knew she would. Her lower lip came out in a little pout. I was right. For all her strong bravado, she was just a little girl.

  “You don’t like it? What’s—”

  “Shut up.” I moved away from my desk and I saw the moment her eyes caught sight of my cock. It was impossible to miss. I stood in front of her and took one nipple between my fingers. She gasped and bit down on her bottom lip. I rolled it between two fingers until it was hard. I gave it a sharp pinch for good measure before I turned my attention to the other one. She gasped again, but this time she was ready for it and the sound was more of a low moan as it escaped her lips. “I like it just fine,” I said, finally giving her a sliver of the approval she so clearly craved.

  Leaving her nipples for the time being, I ran each of my hands down her sides, feeling the strong boning of the corset beneath them. It really was exquisite. When I got to the swell of her hips, I turned her around so I could see the lacing. My fingers traced the laces along her back. They were sloppily tied and far too loose.

  As if she knew what I was going to say, Abby half turned in an effort to meet my gaze as she defended her effort. “I know they’re not perfect,” she said. “But it’s really hard to do by yourself and—”


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