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When Fated Hearts Collide: Paranormal Romance Series

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by Jenifer Shoemaker

  When Fated Hearts Collide Book 1


  I can hear my grandmas soft voice echo in the great hall, the elders were listening to her describe the upcoming future events of the pack. She turns to the pack elders and fore tales of a prophecy of the next generation of “Fated Hearts”. You can see the approval in each members’ facial expressions while she is going into detail. As I was still peeking out from under the table listening to the council members, I was shifting uncomfortably. I knew I wasn’t allowed to be in the room, much less hidden. Once grandma gets dismissed she walks straight towards my direction and lifts up the table cloth and grabs me by the arm. Grandma was a stern grandparent and I knew without no doubt that I was in trouble.

  “Gran, I was just watching you. I am so sorry.” I plead.

  “Drake I am disappointed, you are 10 years old and know the rules.”

  “I know Gran, but I was curious I hear things too you know.”

  “What do you hear pray tale?”

  “That you are a seeker and that you seek prophets.” I say.

  “You mean a Seer Drake and I for-tale prophecy.” She chuckles.

  “Gran, what is Fated Hearts?”

  She blows out a long breath and she continues walking me back to our house, she has an unsure look on her face. At the time I didn’t realize why she waited so long to pause; but later I realized she was wandering if I was grown up enough to understand.

  “Fated Hearts are when two mates are brought together by a union, it is fate no divine intervention could stop two actual hearts being together internally. Two hearts will be forever bound to each other even in spirit.” She says with a smile across her face.

  “Gran, were you and grandpa Fated Hearts?”

  “Drake my dear we were not, it is very rare and love can form without a fated heart like the families in our pack. Even like your grandpa and I we have shared many wonderful lifetimes together, he was chosen to be my mate.”

  “What about my parents, I don’t remember much about them were they?” I diverted my eyes to my feet because I knew we didn’t speak about them much.

  “Yes they were fated and you were born fulfilling the last prophecy we ever had. Your parents were the last set of Fated Heart dated back 70 years. They are still together Drake in spirit. They might not be with us no longer on this earth but they are forever bound in the afterlife. I know you miss them and we don’t speak of them much, but they loved you with every ounce of their being.” She looks to me with tears pooling into her eyes.

  “I do miss them Gran, I don’t understand why they had to die. With your ability you should have seen them dying, so they could have been warned. What use is a gift such as yours, if not to save the people?”

  “There are things you will learn when you get older Drake, you are special like they were in many ways, more than one. They existed for the sole purpose of bringing you into this world. We may not have all the answers now my son, but soon time will tell. You have already been chosen, according to my gift. I see you will combine to a fated heart yourself someday.” She kisses me on the cheek and I hug her and hear her say, “wake up now my sweet boy.”


  "Drake wake up man!" I jump up and grab Talen by the throat.

  "Shit sorry man, I had that dream again, it tears my nerves up every time."

  "You think after 15 years that you would stop dreaming it, I can’t believe that you’re still reliving it every night." He says.

  "Each time I look for something different, searching for an underlying message from Gran; but every night it has been the exact same." I was pouring the sweat, water rolled down my neck and back leaving me with a sick feeling in my stomach. I didn’t understand the memory or the message plaguing me for all my adult life thus far. One thing for sure was that Gran was wrong, because at 25 years old I have no mate or Fated Heart. It was almost laughable, I never let any female close enough to me to even become the girlfriend status. That’s the way I liked it and I haven't regretted it one day. I keep all my emotions locked away because it only made a person weak and venerable. I was a leader of the biggest wolf pack in Montana. I didn’t need a mate to be an Alpha. I am respected by all pack members and feared by all enemies, that’s what a great leader represents. We are without a doubt the most powerful clan known. Anders used to rule the states, but they no longer hold any significance in the pack world. The territory’s look at me as their biggest threat and I will keep it that way.

  I pulled myself together and went to grab a shower. My breathing was still erratic; the dream seemed to still live within my conscious, as a reminder. I finally shook off the clouded dream and feelings associated with it and quickly got dressed. There was no time to analyze it any further, I had a lot to accomplish today. We seemed to be having problems with unwanted guests crossing the borders. The last few months it had been the worst. I was not sure what storm was brewing but we would be ready when it came. The pack leaders patrol daily, so we were guarded heavily. My front line of leaders consisted of one beta which was Talen followed by Josh, Alex, Calin, Maverick, and Jace. As Alpha I had one job and it was to protect my pack. We live on the outskirts of Black Hawk, it’s a relatively small community. The population is 1500 and we have 500 pack families. These families all live in a gated community known as the, Compound.

  The guys and I finally get back to spend the rest of the day training. We have to stay in shape so we spend many hours conditioning. Walking out of the training yard with a towel on my shoulder, sweat tricking down my back I start to realize that I am feeling anxious and unsure. I am not sure why I feel this way.

  "Drake dude, snap out of it. The girls are ready" Josh says.

  "I call Rebecca" Talen says.

  "You would wimp" Jace laughs. Because Rebecca was never a challenge.

  "Hell none of them are a challenge to us anymore man" Calin laughs.

  "OH YEAH, look at your little number Drake, man she’s waiting," All the guys are cackling like assholes. They really were a great group of leaders to fight with, I had known them all my life. Everyone but my old friend and X beta were surrounded by me. We always stay to protect our own and we never understood why he asked to leave to take care of something he couldn’t share. Being a leader it was a difficult decision to allow; but I came to the conclusion he gave his life for this pack so it must meant something to him and so I allowed it.

  "Hey Drake I missed you, ready to go have some fun?" Ashley says. She sidles up to me now running her delicate hand down my arm. Ashley was a hot little number, very pretty and feared by all the other females in the pack. She had raven black hair with sea green eyes. She was petite framed with long legs and dark tanned skin, providing a soft glow to her body. This one would always dress to the nines. She would have a skirt on that barely covered her ass, no less than 4 inch heels, and a tight mid-drift shirt, that showed her stomach as well as the swell of her breasts.

  "Uh yeah, I am ready I guess." I did not want to spend another date with her because we had been spending way too much time together and sharing my bed on too many nights.

  She grabs my hand and pulls me to her, all the while running her hands over my muscles. She lets a moan escape her lips.

  "Drake take care of that shit before we do it for you" Maverick says. The guys grunt in confirming, this same old shit every week is getting old.

  "Ashley, grab the girls and let’s go or we are going to be late" I say trying to divert everyone’s attention.

  "Drake we have time, let’s go to your room first" she winks at me. "You can get going or you can be alone tonight your choi

  She huffs and drops her head to kiss my neck and then goes and gets the girls. We pile into a few trucks and take off. We only really leave on a few weekends because we have other guards watching the compound while we are gone. It provided the opportunity for the guys and I to try leading a semi normal life, like mundane humans did. It wasn’t that I wanted that life but it seems like I wished I had the choice. Maybe if I did, my parents might still be alive and things would be different.


  My name is Gabriella, I am 18 years old and have just graduated from Lincoln High School. My life has pretty much been boring most of my adolescence. I was so glad to be leaving the high school drama. I had only a few friends throughout that journey. My best friend was Megan and my best guy friend was Aleck. He came into the picture much later in my life but we clicked from the start. My love life has been nonexistent pretty much, because my parents never approved of anyone that had an interest in me. I was so glad to be leaving with Megan off to NYU this fall for college. I finally could get rid of my emotionally deranged parents. We never had been close like normal families, we were far from it actually. I have never celebrated a birthday, went to reunions, or have had many childhood photos taken of me. They insist that it was wrong to live like others expect people to live. It was as if they rebelled on having to fit into society, crazy if you ask me. I will miss Aleck when I go this fall, he has been my escape from all the craziness.

  I lay in bed thinking about everything, I can hear my dad discussing business on the phone. I hear his voice go into a whisper so I creep to the door to listen. He was asking if everything was ready for the transition, stating there was only a few months left. He started to laugh wickedly, sending shivers down my spine. Then I heard a window slide open and I jumped not expecting the noise. Damn Aleck for scaring me. I topple over in the floor and hear my dad disconnect the line and trudge this way. I jump up and slide into bed throwing my covers over me, pretending to be asleep. Aleck first tries to hide in the closet getting tangled into the hangers, the fool. Then he retreats for under my bed, like that’s any better idea. Dad swings the door open looking at me for what seemed like forever. I am peeping out of the corner of my eyes, which I have squinted. He walks to the window of course, where Aleck the dummy left it open, the curtains are swaying in the breeze. My heart is on overdrive, I know we are going to get caught bigger then shit. He walks to the closet opening it first scanning through it thoroughly. Then he goes to my bathroom and pushes back the curtain leading to the tub. I see the light turn off, as he walks over to my bed. He stops then starts to bend down, I know I have to do something or Aleck is caught. I sum up the courage to stretch and yawn. Then I opened my eyes, and am eye to eye with my father.

  “Daddy, is something wrong?” I make my voice sound raspy.

  “Nothing, Gabriella I was just checking around I thought I heard a noise.”

  “What noise?” I tried to act scared and alarmed, hoping to throw him off. The last thing I wanted was for him to suspect anything.

  “It was nothing, so go back to sleep.” He says, as he walks out of my door and shuts it. I hear him going down the stairs, man that was close. I pull up my bed skirt and look at my Aleck underneath with a smile.

  “That was too close genius.” I smile and then try to punch him but I fall short because my reach is too short. Aleck crawls out from underneath my bed without making a sound. He was so stealthy, I swear not even a small noise.

  “Close calls don’t count sweetheart.” He grabs me into a side hug and then drops his arm over my shoulder like I am his bro.

  “You best be glad I decided to save your sexy ass mister.” I pointed to him.

  “Oh so you think I am sexy do you?” He smiles that panty dropping smile. Dang him, you figure he would pick up on a word that accidentally slipped out.

  “Aleck you know I have to boost your self-esteem sometimes, that’s just what friends do.” I smile, hoping that drops him off my trail of further questioning.

  “So what are you doing here anyway?” I question him because Megan said he had a date tonight. I was curious who this mystery chick was, and perhaps jealous.

  “Who told you?” He has such a serious expression on his face which was priceless.

  “Ah Aleck, there’s not much that I don’t know about you, I am afraid.” I started giggling and put my hand over my mouth to keep the noise at a minimum.

  “I did, go out tonight actually with a girl I haven’t seen in a while.” He says, looking concerned about what was going through in my head.

  “Want to talk about it?” I wanted him to open up and tell me about it. I mean why wouldn’t he, I thought we were that close. I really didn’t want to hear about it though. I was just trying to be a good friend. But, I wasn’t going to press it either.

  “Nope Gabby, I came here to see you and not talk about other girls.” He says. Then he completely changes the topic.

  “So, I heard my dad talk about a transfer, I think we are going somewhere. I am not sure of any details, but he has been whispering in phone calls and acting all kinds of strange. You know he’s already strange enough.” I smile, keeping a straight face looking at Aleck.

  “Well I got to go Gabby, I have a few more things to get to tonight. I will see you later though, graduation party tomorrow night. Don’t worry about your dad I am sure everything is fine.” He hugs me and climbs back out the window, stealthier than when he came out from under the bed if that is even possible.

  Several weeks later my parents announce were moving to Red Rock Montana. This was just out of the blue like it was nothing new for them. I for one was stymied, I was not ready to move. Especially since Aleck and I had a terrible fight and we haven’t seen each other. I didn’t want to leave Megan behind either, because I wouldn’t see her again for another 4 months. I debated on renting a place and staying, but I had no job or time to process this as even a possibility. Life went from bad to worse in a matter of weeks. To top it off we were driving, so I get to ride in a car with my two judgmental parents.

  "Mom I really don’t understand why you guys are uprooting our lives and moving so far away from everything we have in California."

  "Gabby I already had this discussion with you; and this will be the last time I say it again. You know that your dads’ job got transferred. I am not paying for you to live In California when you can live with us until you start college in the fall. We have no mortgage to pay for since we have your grandparent’s estate already. Honestly honey it’s a no brainer to anyone but you." she says, with a final huff. I knew there was so much more not being said, I wasn’t ignorant.

  "We haven't been back to see grandma and grandpa forever mom. I was 8 the last time we visited for pity’s sake. The place may be a complete shack for all we really know." I know that it sounded like a child's argument; but it was yet another controlling factor of my parents as it has always been. My dad asked for the transfer, I heard him on the phone. What I didn’t understand was why lie about it.

  My mind drifted back to Aleck, he was one of my best friends. We met each other years ago and we just clicked from the start. Aleck was so cute, like the boy next door kind of way. I smiled thinking about him, he was about 6'2 with sandy blonde hair and dark green eyes. Aleck was very muscular with a magnificent 6 pack, very tan skin with the best part being his tattoos. I always felt lucky to have such a hot best friend and often was surrounded by jealous women. I felt secure and safe knowing I could divulge any secret to him. I never worried about Aleck being judgmental, he always listened and supported me. The last few months of our friendship was wonderful. We pretty much were inseparable, he would sneak over and we would share my bed, like true friends. I questioned it once, but Aleck would always laugh it off and say he slept better.

  Our last night together changed everything. We had been out drinking, celebrating my graduation. Both of us were 3 sheets to the wind. The song, Party like a Rock Star was pretty much us all night. I mean a
fter all I finally graduated and was closer to getting the hell away from my parents. Aleck and I got home to my house and my parents were gone. So he carried me to my bed. Somehow we ended up falling on top of each another. At first we just gawked at one another and then he kissed me. I kissed him back that was the problem, it wasn’t only him that acted on it. It might sound stupid but he was my first actual kiss, and he knew it. The kiss felt wonderful it was long and lingering, his lips felt so warm and hard at the same time. My eyes were fully shut and it took me a moment to gather myself so I could breathe. I wrapped my arms around his neck and drew him in. But, he broke the kiss and freaks out on me, he jumps up to distance himself from me, all the while apologizing with slurs. Deep down in my stomach I felt a knot tighten, he thinks it was a mistake. I know that is what he is thinking. My very first kiss was now a joke and a mistake I realize with the blood draining from my face and the horror washing over me. I tried to assure him that it was fine, because we had both been drinking. But, he went home that night instead of staying and I never heard from or had seen him over the next few days. I mean that’s pure bullshit, even if it wasn’t a mistake we are adults. We should have discussed the situation calmly and rationally, but that is not what happened. Aleck decided to ignore me like the plague. I mean seriously what is up with that.

  After days of sulking, my friend Megan comes over and demands a girl’s night out. So, we go to a UFC fight, being hosted in our town. I definitely could use some ass kicking action to perk me up. I suddenly get sad, remembering Aleck paid for me to have boxing lessons as a birthday gift. It was a weird gift but I loved every minute of the rush it gave me. We met up with a group of people that Megan knew from out of town. It started out as a great fight, they were about even with the strikes and defensive maneuvers. They had a ways to go though and then McGreggor comes over with a mean right cross, dropping Lesnar to one knee. Man this fight was really getting good. But, suddenly hands were covering my eyes and someone was flush against my back. A whisper in my ear followed, and I knew who it was before the words came from his mouth. He smelled like honeysuckles after a rain. I always loved the way he smelled and could pick him out anywhere.


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