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When Fated Hearts Collide: Paranormal Romance Series

Page 4

by Jenifer Shoemaker

  “Mooo….vvving in with who?” I stutter, I mean who are they kidding?

  “Well Cole wants to give you the details of that himself, dear.” My mom smiles and she seems as off her rocker as my dad. At this point I am beyond confused. Normal parents wouldn’t do this to their kids. I think that I definitely needed to find out more about the mystery box. Cole then gets a call on his phone and abruptly announces he has to go; but he will be back. That was the best news I heard all week, I can finally get a chance to regroup. For most of the day I stayed locked up in my room, I never heard a sound downstairs either.

  About an hour before dark, I decided that I needed to clear my head, and a run would help me with that. So, I changed my clothes put my running gear on and popped in my head phones. I bounded down the stairs and out the front door, and started to head down the running path my grandpa had made. I love to run it leaves me so happy and makes me feel almost superhero like. I got all the way to the lake, and instantly realize I had come to the boundary. I knew I wasn’t allowed beyond that point, I recollect grandpa telling me it wasn’t safe. It scared me for years. At the time I thought he was probably afraid of an old well or something like that. But, here we are today, and I am so hot and sweat is dripping down my body. The water is looking so cool and refreshing. I think what could be the harm in me taking a quick dip, I don’t see anybody around. So I slipped out of my running outfit, standing only in my panties and bra. I grab my iPhone that was still blaring, More Than an Feeling and check the protection zipper so I don’t get it wet. I take one last look around, and then dive into the water. The water feels so warm and refreshing, I so needed this. I decide to swim over to the falls and let the water cascade over my body. I realized how ridiculous I might look, but it felt so surreal. While I was trying to relax, I still couldn't get Drake out of my mind. I was so getting turned on by this situation, my skin feels like it is growing warmer by the minute and I can feel his hands on my body. Oh, if there is only one thing that I take pride in, that would be my imagination. I am starting to become breathless and can feel extra moisture between my thighs. Damn, I never get this way when I shower, why now? I sway my hips and dance around, with no one watching who cares. This is making me feel so free and careless, like I am in total control of my body and its surroundings.

  Suddenly I feel hands grab me, oh hell no was I going down without a fight. I smashed my attacker in the face with my fist. I was let go abruptly and dropped down into the water. Luckily I am a good swimmer, so I got control of myself pretty quickly, and started to swim away. I could hear shouting and unexpectedly more hands were grabbing me. I start smacking and kicking, not caring at this point. I hear my mom say, “Gabby, relax get your vision back. “I know it’s now or never so I start to relax, I can see everyone clearly. I see blood running off of Cole, and realize he must be my attacker.

  "Why in the hell did you grab me asshole?" I yell.

  "Gabriella calm down, Cole was saving you" My dad spats.

  “From what, the nice cold water?" I yell at them.

  "Gabby, look baby our property boundary is here where we are standing. Thayer creek is off the boundary line, you are not allowed to go beyond that point for safety reasons. "

  "First off don’t call me Gabby only close friends are allowed. Secondly, I don't like your terms of endearment either.” I poke my finger in his chest and he starts backing up mad. I cheer internally, thanking Aleck for my boxing lessons.

  "Gabriella don’t you take that tone, you apologize to Cole this instance" my mom screams.

  "When pigs fly I will, why don’t you tell me how you knew where I was? What's the big damn deal about property and safety shit anyways?" Everyone is quiet and Cole’s dad comes forward and stands hand to hand to me like he's sizing me up.

  "Ok creep number two, I see the apple don’t fall too far from the tree, get out my face." I seethe.

  He acts like he's going to hit me, he raises his hand and it comes down to my face. Cole grabs his hand from finishing the job and his dad comes unglued. Behind us sticks are breaking and I start to hear a lot of growling. They all look to each other as if communicating, the damn weirdos. I lose it then, that old piece of shit was going to hit me. Oh Hell to the No!!!!

  “Raise your hand to me again old man and it will be your last." With that statement I felt in powered and I sprinted to the boundary lines as they were rushing to get me. I made it across the boundary line and they wouldn't cross, my inner bitch was loving it. Everyone was trying to get me to cross back over. Then mom started pleading, with eyes full of tears. Really mom, do you think I believe you really care? Cole was swearing and running his hands through his hair. Cole’s dad was heading toward a nearby field. I wondered what he is up to. Then my dad was reminding him that there was no way to get to me, besides crossing the boundary.

  So, I had two choices at this moment; one if I go back with them I know what a heartless future I am going to have and two, to face whatever was in store for me in the other direction. Out of nowhere I see the grass swishing and I hear movement behind me. Mom is screaming, calling me ungrateful and spouting that I will be sorry. But, I knew at this moment in time I would rather choose my own fate, than take the easier option. For crying out loud, I was a grown ass woman, and I should have a say in my own life. Then I see Aleck……say what?......was my mind playing tricks on me. But, if this was a dream, then damn it felt so real. Then I see him smiling and he starts to walk toward me. I am praying that if this is a dream, please don’t wake me up. Aleck is staring so intently with tears glistening in his eyes. I start to run to him, dream or not, I was going to hug my best friend. When I reach Aleck, I fling my body towards him, and he stumbles back from the impact. With my arms wrapped around him, it smells like coming home. The honeysuckle scent is intoxicating, making my head feel a little hazy. I turn to see the facial expressions of everyone, but they are gone. Apparently, they were scared of something, but Aleck, how could that be? As I contemplate this and feel so secure in Aleck’s arms, I start getting a feeling this may not be a dream. My heart is beating so fast at this point, my pulse racing, then there is total darkness.


  After the guys have their fun they come find me, I had felt a since of alarm all evening. So, I suggest that we should go check the boundary lines. We shift and head out, as we approach the last check point, the smell smacks us in the face. The heady scent is so overwhelming, there is only one person that smells like that, my little Pixie. My mind is racing at this point, what is she doing here, it wasn’t safe? I was unsure who was the fastest, me or the guys. We get to the lake still concealing ourselves and I stop dead in my tracks and see my little pixie in nothing but a bra and panties floating carelessly in the water. She was sexy as hell and the other guys were just staring in awe and drooling. The water was dripping down her flushed body and we can smell her arousal. It takes all my power not to go to her, my Inner wolf was pawing and whining at me.

  Then Cole grabs her yanking her roughly out of the water. I am surprised he can pass the boundary line because of the power that is in place protecting the line. Usually it drains an alpha and a pack’s power, not allowing them to cross. In some cases a shifter might get luck and cross over into territories that are not their own, but they still become very weak. I watched my little pixie put up a fight. My wolf wants me to step in and take care of it, but to do so would declare war on both packs. I am loving it, Gabriella is still whooping ass. It is apparent she has no idea of what she really is. She tells off Cole and the guys and I are eating this shit up. Then Cole’s father goes to hit her and Cole intercepts him. She don’t trust any them and they sense that as well. I was feeling murderous, they wasn’t going to lay another hand on her. They know we are here and they look at each other unsure of the number of us or who.

  Then I see Aleck walk to her, what is he is doing here. She says his name, recognizing him and her parents are going off. She runs to him and jumps in his arms and I am secretly wo
unded she's in the arms of another man. Why is she in my pack brothers’ arms, better yet my x beta? She felt safe with him, I could feel it. Anger was pulsating through me, running down me in waves. I wasn’t holding her and he was, I hated him as much as Cole right now. Aleck was my Beta for many years we were best friends and he told me he had to step down. He told me he needed to leave for a while to take care of business. Aleck proceeded to tell me he was unsure how long he would be gone. We all know it had to be important because this pack was always his whole life. He kept his word and would call and let us know he was fine. Suddenly, one day I heard he was coming back, his duty had ended. He said it was personal and he wished not to discuss it, and I agreed to his wishes. I shake my head to clear it and try to understand what is going on. I turn to my guys, and let them know we are going back to the Compound.

  When I reach the Compound, I go directly to my room. What do I see when I open the door, Aleck is there with Gabriella on my bed? Gabriella was still passed out, this was beginning to be too much for me. I began to speak with Aleck.

  "Why are you hear in my room and how do you know her?” I was not going to beat around the bush hear.

  “You have a lot of explaining to do.” “Are you romantically involved with her?" The questions are coming out of my mouth rapid fire, like a machine gun. I can barely contain my anger and confusion. A big toothy grins spreads across his face, and a knowing look appears on his face. All of the sudden he starts laughing, as if his is not going to let up for a while.


  “Well one thing is for sure, I believe you have met her, I could smell you on her, when she jumped in my arms. You had a front row seat for the rest, so I won’t give you that run down. What you don’t know is that I went to find her years ago because I had a vision about her. A questioning look appears in his eyes. YES a vision, because I apparently am a seer.”

  “I foresaw her bringing greatness to this pack. My vision also let me know she needed protection. I’ve been guarding her for years, that’s why I left the pack. She does not know what she is or any truth about her true life. Her parents are not her parents, they killed her parents when they killed yours. Your parents were meeting to discuss the future of combining pack/ fated heart mates. Cole’s Dad killed all four them and he had his whole pack for backup. Then like the Lucifer he is, he gives Gabby to his Beta and wife. The cover up was to move until things settle and come back so he can join Cole and her together wielding a higher level of power. As for the romantic part well, we have become really close friends, I know everything about her. Yes, I have learned to care for her beyond friendship, but that has happened over time. She has no idea about that. I never told her because I was there to protect. I wouldn't allow my feelings to get in the way of her safety. However, now I can tell her how I truly feel unless you would rather I not? Drake starts to growl at me, so I am very aware of what he is thinking. I knew that Drake would not allow me to pursue this. He knew that I knew that Gabriella is his fate.


  I lay in someone's bed and listen to Aleck spill out everything that unfolded……I feel hurt, betrayed and lost. I am trying to make sense of everything that happened. I was so angry and my real parents were dead. I would In fact never get to see them again. If I knew that bastard killed them I would've drowned his ass in that lake. They keep referring to me not knowing what I was, I am so scared. They say basically Drake is my soulmate and Aleck professes his feelings for me. What an overwhelming day. I noticed Aleck left out the part of our kiss we shared and the way we parted in the end. Drake must feel my anger because he excused his self and I hear him coming in my direction.

  I lay very still trying to act like I am asleep, I really don’t want him to know I heard anything. I am not ready to face what has happened and what will happen further. I sense him next to the bed, then I feel the bed dip, he kisses my cheek. I know my face has to be red because I can feel the warmth. But, I must be totally exhausted because I feel myself start to drift off to sleep, feeling safe with Aleck near.

  Suddenly, I wake up thrashing and screaming. Strong arms are encircling me, I begin to panic, but then the smell hits me. I could never forget his smell. The smell of honeysuckle is engulfing me, and I begin to cry. This is just too much for me to handle. Aleck starts rubbing my back and rocking me. I see Drake at the door watching us together and I can tell he's hurting as much as I am. I pull from Aleck and ask Drake to give us a minute. He starts to protest, but in the end he turns away and goes out the door.

  "Aleck I heard your whole conversation with Drake and the others". Alecks arms just tighten around me further. I still care for you even after you wounded me deeply and betrayed me. We were best friends, at the time I could not understand why you would just leave. But now I get it, you thought you had no choice. But Aleck you did have a choice, you could have been honest with me. You could have taken me with you, to keep me out of danger.” Why did you leave me, knowing what was going to happen. Aleck’s arm drop from around me, and I can see him swallowing continuously; but I can’t seem to make my tirade stop. I know this has festered too long and I need to get it off of my chest.

  "How can a person want a romantic relationship with someone that has lied to you?" He faces me with pleading eyes, I can see tears pooling. "I forgive you Aleck but I don’t trust you anymore. Trust has to be earned, it’s just not given. Please Aleck…just go." He tells me he will not leave me to sleep alone, in a strange place.

  "Fine Aleck have it your way." I began to yell, "Drake I know you have been listening, show yourself." Sure enough he comes around the door frame and looks at Aleck and me.

  "Look Drake, I am having nightmares and Aleck refuses to leave me because of them, could you stay with me instead?” I look toward Aleck and see his wounded face and sorrow in his tear filled eyes. I get this niggling feeling in the back of my mind that this could be a mistake, but I am so tired and right now this decision will have to stand. Aleck jumps to his feet quickly and says in a firm manner, "Gabby, I will earn your trust again and I do love you, just keep that in mind." Then he turns and storms out of the room, you can see the determination in his stride. With Aleck gone, my mind and body sighs with relief. I am so exhausted I just look to Drake with pleading eyes. He walks silently around the bed and sits down and carefully places me in his arms and I drift off to sleep.

  Waking up the next morning, I feel that Drake is gone. So I get up and look around for a bathroom, because I know I need to shower and relieve myself. So I see a door to the left of the bed, I try it first and it is the bathroom. Thank goodness, I know the grudge look is definitely not in. So when I go into the bathroom, I see that a towel, soap and a change of clothes have been left for me. I turn and lock the door and start taking my clothes off. When I am naked, I silently stare at myself in the mirror. Thought are rushing through my head. How did my life end up hear? I feel as if everything I know is a lie. Who am I? Who am I? I pinch myself to snap myself out of this internal mental breakdown I am starting to have. I know I have to be strong, and find the answers that will help me make sense of my life. So, I finish up showering and change into my clothes. Lucking the clothes are a close fit. I don’t see a comb, so I run my fingers through my hair, which will have to do. But, luckily I see a clean toothbrush, yay me. I finish brushing my teeth, and then turn and walk out of the bathroom, feeling refreshed. In the room I slept in I decide to make the bed and then go and see if I can get something to eat. But, as I open the door, some men fall through it. To say I was startled is to say the least.

  I am face to face with a bunch of men standing through my door and out in the hallway. After my initial shock I say, "Uh excuse me." The men apologize in unison, but then go on to introducing themselves, really I am thinking, this can’t be happening. After the introductions they let me know that Drake Drake and several of the leaders were out do border patrol and that they were assigned to keep me company. Great now I babysitters, I mentally roll my eyes. I look at the tal
l gruffly one.

  "Well I have stayed in this room long enough, so can you show me around and help me find something to eat?" I ask sweetly, figuring that he would be more apt to comply.

  "Sure, I am Max by the way," he puts his hand out for me to shake. I am glad that he reminded me of his name, I had already forgotten. I return the gesture. As we walk out of the house my eyes adjust to the surroundings, I was not expecting this. I see several houses that are close knit, and lots of people milling around. This must be mostly homes of families, I am thinking. Everyone seems so busy rushing around routinely, they must be doing daily tasks or something like that. Max starts to point out the main buildings. I learn that they all gather together for meals in the cafeteria, more communal style. He motions to the lodgings for most of the people, and where I slept is the main hub for the whole compound. As he is talking though I can’t help but notice that people are whispering and pointing at me. I am certain they want to know why I am here. The only problem is, I didn’t even know why I am here. I have no idea of what is going on here. Seriously at this point in my life, I never expected this. I see a cluster of pretty girls, and I wonder if they are the mean girl brigade. You know the girls whom stare you down, sizing you up, as competition. I hope that I don’t have to deal with any high school drama. But, they continue to give it me dirty looks.


  I finally return from my duties and I see Gabriella strolling through town my stomach tightens because she looks like she belongs here. Last night was amazing holding her, it felt so right and yet so wrong all at the same time. Without conscious thought my legs are taking me over to them. As I get closer I notice that all eyes are on her and she’s starting to fidget a little.

  "Hey Pixie, " I smile at her.


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