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Erotic Deception

Page 14

by Karen Cote'

  Stay with Jet? For how long? The idea was tantalizing in its potential, but unrealistic as anything more than temporary. As for the sleeping arrangements, she knew what Jet would want. The strength to deny him was another matter.

  After Jet finished the call she said, “Denie left while I was blubbering all over you didn’t she? Darn, I wanted to thank her for everything she did.”

  “I’ll tell her tomorrow,” Jet said glancing at his watch. “How do you feel about food? Can you eat something? I could order a pizza.”

  It was inconceivable, but now Lily was ravenous. She’d forgotten how quirky a pregnancy could be.

  “Pepperoni?” she asked hopefully.

  A slow smile slid across Jet’s face and he shook his head.

  “You looked like a little girl when you said that,” he said, plugging in the number.

  “A little girl who needs to use the potty,” Lily replied sheepishly.

  He stood to help her up while waiting to place the order, but the rapid motion of standing on an empty stomach released a rumble of nausea. Grabbing her mouth, Lily pushed away from Jet toward the adjoining bathroom.

  “Damn it,” Jet muttered, finding her leaning against the toilet bowl.

  Embarrassed, Lily held out a restraining hand. “I’m okay,” she said. “If you could just give me some privacy, I’ll be out in a minute.”

  He hesitated and then mercifully backed away.

  “I’ll be on the other side of the door if you need me.”

  Although her efforts only produced dry heaves, they were just as painful, but less worrisome when rinsing her mouth out. Lily opened the door and just as promised, Jet was leaning against the wall waiting. He led her back to the couch.

  “Stay there,” he instructed and went into the kitchen, returning seconds later with some water.

  “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “Between you and Denie I’m beginning to feel like an invalid.”

  Jet’s expression was grim when he handed her the glass. “You’ve been through a lot today. Are you positive you can handle a pizza? Maybe you should stick with soup.”

  Before she could affirm the necessity of a pizza, his cell phone rang.

  He turned away to answer it and Lily closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the couch.

  Along with all the other uncertainties of the day, she had to concede her pregnancy wasn’t going to be an easy one. She could blame her illness today on the earlier disgusting events, but Jet wasn’t stupid and if she did stay with him and ran to the bathroom every few seconds, he’d know something wasn’t right.

  It was pointless to hide here anyway as Anthony obviously knew where she was. She’d have to reconsider telling Jet about the baby or go back to Kansas City and take her chances there. Of course, there was always the choice to run and hide again, but how depressing was that?

  “Alright,” Jet’s voice interrupted her reverie. “Send Nathan over here to keep an eye on the house and Lily. I’ll see you in a bit.”

  He snapped his phone shut and swung around, appearing grimmer than before.

  “Anything wrong?” she asked, sitting up.

  “Just some details I need to check into,” he said.

  “Jet,” she warned.

  “It might not be anything. Nathan will be parked right outside.” She started to object but Jet stalled her with a raised hand. “It’s just a precaution. I doubt Capriccio will bother you here.”

  After he left, Lily struggled for the eternal optimism she’d always been able to conjure up. The memory of the phone call with Jet the night before squashed it under the distinctive sound of a woman’s voice in the background.

  * * * *

  It was late by the time Jet let himself into his house. This new development had taken a long time to process. Lily lay curled up on the couch with her long hair cascading down the side. She had changed into silk lounging pajamas with matching robe, her little dainty feet peeking out. She looked small and defenseless on his big sofa.

  He knelt down in front of her and ran a gentle hand through her hair. His heart ached when she didn’t move. He hated to wake her, but he wanted her in his bed with him, even if it was just to sleep.

  She stirred when he picked her up.

  “What are you doing?” She protested, but her voice came out weak.

  “Taking you to bed,” he told her and grinned at her scowl. “Don’t worry it’s just to sleep. Tonight anyway.”

  She swayed when he set her down beside the bed.

  “Steady. I’m going to turn down the blankets.”

  “Mmm,” she acknowledged sleepily.

  It was when she was slipping beneath the sheets that she asked, “Did you find out anything?”

  “No,” he replied. Nothing she needed to know about just yet anyway.

  She sighed and turned her head into the pillows and promptly fell back to sleep.

  In the shower Jet went over the new development they’d found. More than a prank had been committed in that house and there’d been a struggle. Whereas few clues remained to identify the victim, the luminal they’d used told a lot of the story. It was doubtful the person had survived the attack. It couldn’t have happened in the wee hours of the morning with Lily at home so it probably occurred while she’d been gone that afternoon.

  They would’ve missed it completely if Mark hadn’t noticed the blood in the corner of the master bedroom. This new knowledge was proof of the increased danger posed to Lily.

  Who could the victim be? With no one reported missing it was feasible Capriccio brought a friend along. Had they argued? That would support the evidence of the struggle.

  Drying off, Jet walked naked back into the bedroom and crawled into bed without waking Lily. Although wanting much more he contented himself with holding her. He almost groaned when she instinctively curled into his warmth. But she was safe and in his arms. It was enough for now. He closed his eyes.

  * * * *

  Lily woke up alone in the bed. Disoriented, her clouded brain took in the sparkling pool through the French doors. Her gaze slid around the room and alighted on a uniform shirt tossed across a chair. The memory of the scene at her house brought the nausea forward and she ran to the bathroom. She heard someone’s exclamation and felt the ignominy of being caught retching once again.

  “That’s it,” Jet said firmly. “I’m taking you to the doctor.”

  “That’s not necessary,” she said quickly. “It was remembering that gruesome kitten, that’s all.”

  Jet was skeptical. “Lily—”

  “No.” She softened her emphatic tone. “Really, Jet. There’s no need. I’m fine. I feel better already.” Which of course she did.

  He studied her and even though it was obvious he didn’t like it, agreed she looked better.

  “I have to go into work, but you’re taking it easy today. Someone will be on constant patrol outside.”

  She was too relieved that he dropped the subject of a doctor to protest. After assuring himself she was okay, he promised to call later and left.

  * * * *

  Jet made the quick drive to the Sheriff’s Department and entered through the back door. He became immediately aware of an argument ensuing from the front office.

  Walking up to investigate, he found a red-faced Denie staring down an equally red-faced Nathan.

  “What’s going on here?” Jet asked, looking from one to the other.

  After a moment’s thick silence Nathan muttered, “Just a misunderstanding.”

  Based upon what he was seeing, this was more than a misunderstanding. Were Denie and Nathan involved? That would be a surprise to him.

  However, he didn’t pursue what wasn’t any of his business and only instructed Nathan to get to his house to watch over Lily.

  After he left, Jet turned curious eyes to Denie.

  “Good morning,” she said, evading direct face contact. “Want some coffee?”

  Jet rubbed his chin and then shrugged. What
did he care if Denie and Nathan were seeing each other? Just so long as it didn’t get in the way of either of their jobs. Still, he wouldn’t have guessed in a million years that Denie had an interest in Nathan. Nathan’s feelings toward Denie were equally obscure to him.

  “I’ll get it,” Jet responded and after pouring a cup went to his office.

  Moments later, Denie stood at his door.

  “How’s Dr. Delaney doing?” she asked.

  Jet glanced up. “Like someone who found a dead cat in her house. She wanted me to pass along her thanks for your help yesterday.”

  Denie shifted uncomfortably. “What did she say about the massive blood we discovered?”

  Jet leaned back in his chair. “Until I get more information I didn’t see the need to upset her further.”

  Denie studied her fingers picking at the wood on the doorjamb. Her disposition indicated there was something on her mind. He waited.

  “Do you remember when I told you about Celeste and that guy in Kansas City?”

  Her words hit as hard as if being racked in the nuts. How could he forget the day he learned he wasn’t the father of Celeste’s baby?

  He ran a vicious hand through his hair. “Why in the hell would you bring that up?”

  Her face turned ashen. “I’m sorry Jet and I know this is going to upset you because there’s apparently some kind of relationship building between you and Dr. Delaney.”

  “Spit it out, Denie.”

  Denie licked her lips. “Well,” she began. “That Fred guy, he’s her ex-husband right?”

  The mention of the man’s name sent an insurgence of dread into his stomach. It didn’t bode well with Denie’s body language.

  “What about him?”

  “He was very concerned about Dr. Delaney’s welfare when you were upstairs dealing with the cat situation.”

  “So?” he gritted at the delay while still positive he didn’t want to hear this.

  “So, I was curious and kind of eavesdropped.”

  “And?” he prompted.

  “And they were talking about her pregnancy,” Denie’s eyes reflected the fury gathering in his face and she finished in a rush. “Dr. Delaney is pregnant and apparently Fred Bailer is the father.”

  Darkness encroached around the edges of his pupils as Jet tried to comprehend Denie’s revelation.

  “You misunderstood,” he said, the words strangled.

  “No, although I didn’t hear everything, I’m confident about that.” Denie answered with such assurance Jet couldn’t doubt she meant it. “Apparently her ex is engaged to some Senator’s daughter and there was some plan to avoid a scandal about the baby.”

  The punch in the gut drained Jet’s face of all color. “You’ve got this all wrong.”

  “There’s more,” Denie said and Jet willed her to shut up. “It’s what Nathan and I were arguing about this morning when you came in. He said I shouldn’t tell you but Jet, I can’t let you go through what you did with Celeste.”

  His gaze shot to Denie almost in fear and for the life of him he couldn’t stop her from talking.

  “Now there’s nothing to worry about if you and Dr. Delaney haven’t, you know, done it before,” Denie paused, but Jet just sat there like granite. Her lips tightened at the unspoken confirmation. “They’re going to try and use you into believing the baby is yours, Jet, just like Celeste did.”

  Jet’s eyes rolled back in his head. This couldn’t be happening, not again. A million questions began running through his mind before another thought paralyzed him. Morning sickness. What happened this morning wasn’t the result of any vision. It was good old-fashioned morning sickness and Lily had lied.

  White-hot anger drove other things into his head like how unconcerned she’d been when the condom broke. She’d already been knocked up.

  Bile rose up in the back of his throat and without another word; Jet got up and slammed out the back door. He tried to calm himself as he drove to his house. Lily told him before she wasn’t pregnant so if she said anything contrary to that, it would prove she’d been lying the entire time. He took steady breaths.

  Denie was wrong. Lily wasn’t like Celeste and she didn’t have a single deceitful bone in her body. In just a few moments, Jet and Lily were going to be laughing at Denie’s huge misunderstanding.

  Lily was on the couch and became instantly alert at Jet’s expression.

  “What’s wrong? Did you find Anthony?”

  “No,” he said, so angry that his voice shook. “I needed to ask you about another matter.”

  “What is it?” She asked, getting up from the couch.

  “Have you been truthful with me in everything?” Jet begged her with his eyes to say yes.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, but guilt stained her cheeks.

  A roaring sounded in his ears. “Let’s start by asking how you feel now. Have you recovered from your illness of this morning?”

  “I’m much better.” Her voice was cautious, but her gaze shifted.

  “Are you? Were you even sick?” Then spat out the words, “Or are you pregnant?”

  She blanched. “How did you find out?” she whispered.

  The thunder of rage made Jet speechless for a moment. He approached until he was directly in front of her.

  “You slept with your ex-husband before you came here and he got you pregnant.”

  Her head jerked back. “Fred?”

  But it was like she never spoke as he grabbed her shoulders in a painful grip.

  “Is that why your engagement was broken?” he threw at her. “Maybe your brother wasn’t murdered at all. Maybe your accusations against Capriccio were payback for kicking you to the curb after finding out you were carrying another man’s kid. Is that why he filed a restraining order against you?”

  * * * *

  Shocked, Lily only had a vague awareness of the hurt he was inflicting. She heard the words, but couldn’t comprehend their content.

  “The baby isn’t Fred’s,” she repeated distantly.

  Jet clenched his teeth. “I suppose you’re going to tell me it’s mine then.”

  “It is,” she whispered painfully.

  “You little liar!” His rage exploded as his grip tightened. “You were going to set me up. Bailer’s getting married and he doesn’t want his big-time fiancé finding out he’s gotten his ex-wife pregnant. Do you think she might dump him when she finds out about his illegitimate brat? Are you afraid she’ll cut off his purse strings so he can’t support you? Is that why you’re making me the sucker to take the hit? Well not this time, lady. You’re on your own in this one.”

  The ethereal mist evaporated over the portent of his meaning. In a violent move that surprised both of them; she broke free and slapped him hard across the face.

  “He doesn’t support me now so why would it be a problem for her?” she cried. “I told you, the baby is yours.”

  Jet swayed as if in pain.

  “Liar!” he accused again, retaliating with a swing of his hand. Lily braced for the impact, but his aim drew back at the last second and a brush of air passed in front of her face. His breathing was hoarse and his face was bitter and grey.

  The expression he cast severed all that had budded between them before he spun on his heel to slam out the door.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Her tears dry on her cheeks, Lily didn’t remember crying them nor sinking onto the floor to her knees. In her haze, all she could hear was Jet’s accusations reverberating against her heart.

  How could he believe she could pass off another man’s child as his? The insult to her and ugly taint on their child kept knocking on the weak walls of her survival instincts.

  In shallow breaths, Lily forced functionality into her numbed brain.

  Where’s my car? That’s right. My house. I needed that. How can I get it? Mark… I’ll call Mark.

  She pushed to her feet in search of her cell phone. Her composure slipped when his warm voice came on the l

  “Let me call Jet,” he said after her request.

  “NO!” She shouted.

  “Alright, alright. Calm down.” He gave a worried sigh. “I’m on my way.”

  Lily remained ensconced in her nightmarish cloak until Mark arrived. He shot concerned glances all the way to the house and held off questions until they arrived.

  “I still think we need to call Jet,” he reiterated. She shook her head. “Sweetie, there are things going on here you don’t know about.”

  “I don’t care,” she snapped, and then bit into her bottom lip. “Please, Mark,” she broke off as communication split open the pain and she once again fought for control.

  “Lily,” his voice was troubled.

  “I’m begging you.” This time she looked straight at him and he flinched at the bruised irises.

  “Okay, honey,” he relented. “But what are you going to do?”

  “What I said. I’m going to get the rest of my things and leave.”

  “But you can’t.”

  “Watch me,” she all but screamed and put a shaky hand to her mouth and closed her eyes. Then more rationally, “Just help me do this okay?”

  His mouth flattened. “Tell me what you need and I’ll get it.”

  Her blank stare suggested he was the one acting crazy. “I need everything. I told you I’m leaving. For good.”

  She got out of the car and entered the house, but Mark’s arm prevented her from going upstairs.

  “You can’t go up there, it’s a crime scene.”

  She tried to pull away. “It was only an animal.”

  Mark looked worried at her flat response. “It was human,” he blurted out.

  She looked at him feeling numb “What?”

  Mark tipped his head to the ceiling. “Jet’s gonna kill me for telling you.”

  “Screw, Jet, what do you mean it was human?”

  “Maybe you’d better sit down,” he said and guided her into the kitchen. Lily followed, but didn’t sit.

  “Talk to me, Mark,” she insisted.

  “After Jet took you to his house I discovered drops of blood by the master bedroom closet. Fresh blood.”

  “Blood?” The floor shifted beneath her. “Whose blood?”


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