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Dalton, Tymber - Monkey Wrench [Drunk Monkeys 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Tymber Dalton

  Drunk Monkeys 3

  Monkey Wrench

  When you have evil to overthrow, you need to call in…the Drunk Monkeys.

  Stacia Rooney is worried her older brother is being brainwashed for a suicide mission by the Church of the Rising Sunset. When she has a run-in with the Drunk Monkeys, they unfortunately agree with her assessment.

  Quack and Lima think it might already be too late to help Stacia’s brother escape whatever evil project Reverend Silo has cooked up, but they need her help to get more information. They suspect it’s part of a larger plan to spread the deadly Kite virus across the United States and speed up the apocalypse.

  Whatever’s going on, Quack and Lima know two things for certain. One, Stacia belongs with them. And two, they are going to throw an explosive monkey wrench into Reverend Silo’s plans. The question is, will the world come crumbling down around them when two of them are exposed to Kite?

  NOTE:This book contains an instance of dubious consent involving a secondary character. It is not described in detail or intended for titillation.

  Genre: Futuristic, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

  Length: 62,663 words


  Drunk Monkeys 3

  Tymber Dalton


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2014 by Tymber Dalton

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-142-6

  First E-book Publication: August 2014

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Dear Readers,

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  This is Tymber Dalton’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. Dalton’s right to earn a living from her work.

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  I couldn’t do what I do without the love and support of my husband. He holds down the fort and takes care of the furbabies and keeps me in food and clean clothes while I’m writing what “the voices” tell me to.

  I also couldn’t do this without my wonderful readers who buy my books. Thank you, all of you, for your love and support. I appreciate you so much!


  This is book three in the Drunk Monkeys series and focuses on Quack and Lima. The books in the series are best read in order. All titles are available from Siren-BookStrand.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Author's Note

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  About the Author


  Drunk Monkeys 3


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  “That damn, batshit crazy asshole fucker in charge there in Pyongyang is the one who stirred the shitpot. Then Beijing made him lick the goddamned spoon and nuked his fucking ass. Problem is, when they did that—not saying they weren’t justified, mind you—our first and best chance to reverse-engineer this clusterfuck went up in a mushroom cloud. All the rest of us could do was fucking bend over and pray for lube and a reacharound.”

  —Gen. Robert K. McCammeron (Our Last History? by Willard M. Sterling. Interview date May, 2143)

  “In the time since we first became aware of the virus, and the subsequent events that have followed, we’ve come to understand that we have no idea why, much less how, they [North Korea] created it. Unfortunately, when Beijing wiped Pyongyang off the map, they also wiped out any hope we had of creating an effective vaccine in a timely manner to prevent transmission to a majority of the world’s population. It’s estimated that within another five years, over ninety percent of the world’s population will either be dead or infected unless we get lucky and figure it out.”

  —Dr. Arnold P. Almer, CDC (Our Last History? by Willard M. Sterling. Interview date April, 2143)

  “In terms of [Kite, the drug’s] addictive nature, it makes
meth look like baby aspirin.”

  —Kimberly Coates, PhD, University of Florida (February, 2143)

  “Well, fuck.”

  —President Charlotte Kennedy’s reported reaction upon learning that China authorized the use of nuclear weapons against North Korea on July 29, 2142, in response to Pyongyang allowing thousands of people they supposedly infected with the Kite virus to flood across the border into China several days earlier.

  “The Drunk Monkeys? Those crazy motherfuckers don’t exist. And boy, are they good at what they do. Thank god.”

  —Gen. Joseph Arliss (June, 2143)

  * * * *

  Long story short…

  From Australia, to Hawaii, to Mexico, and now Los Angeles. It’s May, 2143, ten months since TMFU—The Massive Fuckup—and only a week since we last left the Drunk Monkeys special ops team on their quest to save the world.

  For the past several weeks, the men—and now women—of the Drunk Monkeys have been busy little…

  Well, monkeys.

  And, good news, one mole was brought down and taken out of commission in Mexico City. Unfortunately, doing so uncovered the fact that there is actually a second mole in the food chain between the Drunk Monkeys and four-star General Joseph Arliss, their direct commander.

  And it’s a two-star general of a mole.

  To say that little factoid complicates things on their end is a major understatement.

  General Arliss still has the Drunk Monkeys operating off-the-grid and remaining in hiding. Oh yeah, along the way they’ve located two people from The List, scientists who were part of the team which developed the Kite virus for North Korea in the first place.

  That would be before China made North Korea go boom in a spectacularly radioactive mushroom cloud of dust.


  Those two scientists are now in the process of working to develop a vaccine for the Kite virus.

  The men of the Drunk Monkeys have also added two women to their group along the way. They’ve become valuable additions to their team. Pandora, who is an item with partners Doc and Tango, and Clara, a nurse practitioner who hitched her wagon to twin brothers Yankee and Oscar.

  Now, they’re all trying to locate a third person from The List and bring them safely into hiding with them. Meanwhile, there’s a certain troubling development that’s caught their attention regarding what appears to be a church-run research project that might or might not be designed to spread Kite in the United States.

  Oh. Almost forgot. There’s also Reverend Hannibal Silo to deal with, head of the Church of the Rising Sunset. He is still on his megalomaniacal quest to secure the Kite vaccine for himself, so he can control its distribution, become President of the United States, and destroy the rest of the world’s population so he can personally help repopulate it.

  Yeah, he’s nuts.

  And away we go…

  * * * *

  The monkeys have been on the move again…

  Lima didn’t like sitting around and not making any progress in their mission. Despite nearing the end of their first week at their safe house in the Los Angeles compound, the Drunk Monkeys weren’t any closer to locating the next person on The List, or finding out exactly what nefarious plots, if any, Reverend Silo’s church was cooking up.

  Bubba, their backdoor intelligence contact in Chicago, was furiously trying to dig up something, anything, that would give them a better idea of Silo’s plans. So far, he’d been unable to hack into the church’s computer system in general, or the church’s Los Angeles facility in particular.

  And considering Bubba’s advanced skills and wide network of intelligence contacts, he found that highly suspicious, to say the least.

  On the other hand, Bubba thought he had finally secured a solid lead that might reveal the location of Dr. Riley Perkins, a chemist, from The List. It looked like Perkins had definitely traveled to the Los Angeles area. Her exact whereabouts, however, still remained a mystery.

  It wasn’t much, but it was a start.

  The building they were now using as their safe house had, until just a few months earlier, been a small private school of only twenty classrooms. It had closed down when the rich parents withdrew their children en masse in response to the risk of Kite infections.

  Even better, the building came equipped with a fully functioning chemistry lab that Q and Sin had taken over to continue their work trying to develop a Kite vaccine.

  The two women who’d joined the team, Pandora and Clara, were just glad to have air-conditioning and indoor plumbing after their time on the road.

  One of the other men had snagged them a TV. Lima, their unit’s communications and computer expert, hacked a sat-link cable TV connection. Lima ran the cable connection into the former cafeteria, which they were using as their dining area, planning area, weapons cleaning area, and general socializing area.

  Pandora and Clara sat in chairs in front of the dark TV while Lima worked his magic. Some of the men from the group, who weren’t napping or standing watch, came in to observe. Normally, Clara would be in the lab helping Q and Sin with their research, but the two doctors were currently pouring through new information they’d received that morning from one of their fellow teammates from The List who was in hiding at an undisclosed location elsewhere in the world.

  Lima hit the power button on the TV remote and the screen flashed to life.

  The women let out a cheer. “Let’s see what’s on,” Clara said.

  The first channel he landed on showed Reverend Hannibal Silo giving a sermon.

  Both women booed. “Yeah, if that’s all you got,” Clara said, “shut the damn thing off.”

  “Hold on,” Lima said. “Give me a second.” Three channels later and he’d found the local news.

  The sound of it even drew Papa and Alpha, their unit’s commander and second-in-command, and Uncle, the eldest member of their team.

  The reporter was detailing another deadly riot that had broken out in the western part of the area, near the old LAX international airport complex. Buildings that had miraculously survived previous riots were now ablaze, while deputies, police, and firefighters attempted to fend off rioters and tried to do their job to stop the fires from spreading.

  Clara chewed on her thumbnail. “How far away from us is that?”

  One of her men, Yankee, stood behind her. He rested a hand on her shoulder. “Close enough to keep tabs on, but far enough we don’t need to worry about it. Not right now, anyway. That’s at least fifteen miles from us.”

  “Is that the smoke I saw this morning?” Pandora asked. She’d discovered the building’s roof had been used for gardening projects by the school. She now spent a few hours every day up there tending to the neglected plants that had survived.

  “Probably,” Quack said.

  Quack was Lima’s partner. The twenty men of the Drunk Monkeys SOTIF unit were paired in two-man buddy teams. Each man had a code name. When the two women, and the two scientists, were added to their group, they were also issued code names by the group. Lima was Devin Mercado, who’d been in the military for ten years, ever since he was eighteen. The last four of those years he’d spent serving with the Drunk Monkeys. Quack was Cody Velez, just a few months older than Lima at twenty-nine.

  Lima handed Clara the remote. “Here you go. Enjoy.”

  “You’re not going to watch with us?”

  “Nope. I’ve got to go check in with Bubba and see if he has anything new for us.”

  Bubba was Pandora’s friend and boss in the research department at Chicago Metro Media. He was also a computer hacker and former military intelligence, and now their only guaranteed secure line of communication to General Arliss. Bubba had served with Arliss during his time in the military years earlier.

  Lima swung through the kitchen to grab himself a banana before heading down the hallway to the classroom on the first floor that he and Quack were using as their quarters. He’d set up all his equipment on the teacher’s desk, and th
ey’d shoved the students’ desks against the far wall to give them plenty of room for their bedrolls. It was nice to finally be able to spread out after weeks of cramped quarters.

  Quack followed him to their room. “Please tell me we’re going to be doing something soon. Anything. I’m going stir crazy.”

  They were men of action, not men of sitting around. Lima sympathized. With the riots in such close proximity, he wanted to find the next scientist from The List and get the hell out of the area. The safe house might be an ideal work location for Q and Sin, but the area in general was unstable.

  “I hope so.” Lima powered up his main laptop. “But it’s a big damn city,” he said. “Even after the earthquakes dropped some of it into the Pacific Ocean a few decades ago. It’s like a small country when you look at the population density. It takes time to find someone who’s determined they don’t want to be found.”

  Dr. Riley Perkins was single. Originally from Canada, she had no living family there. When the group from The List made their escape from North Korea into South Korea just days before China nuked their rambunctious neighbor, that was the last any of the others from The List had seen of her. They knew she’d survived, but no one knew where she’d gone. They didn’t even know for sure what name her false passport had been under.

  She’d logged in to the team’s private server a couple of times over the past several months, but she’d been careful enough to conceal her true location by using hacked sat-link ID codes. Q and Sin had left messages on the server when they settled in LA, asking Riley to contact them because they were now together, but so far they’d received no response from her. They didn’t know if it was because she hadn’t checked the messages, or just wasn’t responding because she worried it was a trap.


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