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Dalton, Tymber - Monkey Wrench [Drunk Monkeys 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Tymber Dalton



  “Do it, baby,” Quack murmured. “Fuck his cock.”

  She rode him until the bubble inside her swelled and burst. The sensation of Lima’s cock filling her as her cunt squeezed it made every sensation that much better.

  “There you go,” Quack said. “See? We just made everything better for you.”

  It seemed to go on and on, never stopping, as she rode him harder and faster until the last echoes finally silenced.

  Lima grabbed her hips and made one final, hard thrust up into her, his body going rigid as he let out a loud groan.

  “Perfect timing,” Quack said with a chuckle.

  Lima finally relaxed and stroked her thighs. “Holy crap,” he said. “Perfect. Absolutely perfect.”

  After a moment, he patted her thigh. “Sorry, baby. You have to move.”

  Quack helped her sort of plop over onto her side, lying with her snuggled against him as Lima arose to dispose of the condom.

  When Lima returned, he took her hand in his and kissed it before snuggling in front of her. “Nap time before round two,” he said. “Because we don’t want to break you on the first night.”

  “It’s daytime,” she corrected.

  “Same principle. We’ll play a little more when we get up, grab showers, and drive you back to your apartment to change clothes. Then we’ll take you to work. Sound good?”

  No way in hell she’d argue with any of that. “Sounds great.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  After the three of them grabbed a playful shower together, and before the men drove Stacia back to her apartment, Clara caught up with her and pulled her aside. “Look, maybe this is a personal question, but you have a five-year?”

  Stacia shook her head.

  “You want one? If you’ll be making regular visits to these two, you’ll need one.”

  “I can’t afford one.” She hated to admit that.

  What did it say about her that she could admit to a stranger she’d just had sex with two hunks she barely knew, yet admitting she was broke hurt her pride?

  “Yeah, money is no object, in this case. Follow me.” Clara turned to the two men. “Wait right here. I’ll bring her back in a minute.”

  Stacia followed Clara to the upstairs room she shared with Yankee and Oscar.

  “I brought a few supplies with me from the clinic in Colima,” she said. “Wasn’t sure what I might need, so lucky for you I decided to err on the side of caution.” She dug into her kit and came up with two small packages and an alcohol swab.

  “What are those?” Stacia asked.

  Clara held up one. “A five-year.” She held up the other. “A thirty-day that will kick in immediately until the five-year takes hold. Well, in six hours. But if you’re going to go to work now, that’ll be plenty of time for it to take effect. Give me your left arm.”

  She swabbed a small area on Stacia’s upper left arm and then jabbed her with them.

  “That’s it?” Stacia asked.

  “That’s it.”

  Stacia rubbed the sore spots. “And they charge a hundred bucks for a five-year in the public clinics.”

  “Stupid, huh?” Clara threw the used boluses away. “You know how much the manufacturer sells the five-years for? Five bucks.”

  Of all the things she’d heard recently, that fact shocked her the most. “Seriously?”

  Clara slowly nodded. “I saw the CMI invoices when I worked at the clinic. A freaking five-dollar treatment and they basically ass-rape women over them in the States. The thirty-days are less than a buck each.”

  “But I’ll be okay?”

  Clara smiled. “No whoopsies.” Her smile faded. “Maybe one day we’ll all be lucky enough to reach a point where we can think about stuff like that. But I think for now we can agree it would be wisest, and safest, if we all take precautions.”

  “Yeah,” Stacia said, feeling a slight, wistful pang. She’d never considered having kids before. Not seriously. You needed a relationship and money to have kids.

  She had neither.

  “So go forth and enjoy,” Clara said. “Guilt-free. Those two are good guys. I’ve only known them a few weeks, but from what I’ve heard from Pandora, and what I’ve seen firsthand, they’re all determined save the world.”

  “Or die trying?”

  Clara reached out and touched Stacia’s arm. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that for any of us.”

  * * * *

  The men drove Stacia back to her building and insisted on walking her upstairs to the apartment. She knew her aunt wouldn’t be home, or else she would have refused them.

  She didn’t want to explain them to Aunt Darla. That would involve telling her a lot of other facts that she didn’t want to explain to her aunt.

  Her aunt had left her a note.

  Hope everything is okay. Love you.

  She felt guilty she hadn’t called her aunt so she didn’t worry. But in the rush after Marco, and then getting frisky with the men, being responsible had slipped her mind.

  Sorry, I’m fine. Missed the bus and slept at a friend’s place.

  Hopefully that excuse would be okay for now. She quickly changed clothes and followed the men downstairs.

  She was almost too busy keeping a wary eye out for Marco to realize the men were both scanning the area as they walked to the truck.

  I’m not alone.

  Damn, did that feel good, to know someone had her back who was able to actually stand up for her.

  When they reached the plant, this time Lima pulled up close to the main gate and they didn’t let her get out until they were sure Marco wasn’t hanging around anywhere.

  “We’ll pick you up again in the morning,” Lima said. “You wait inside the gate by the guard shack if you don’t see us at first, understand?”

  She nodded. She wouldn’t have argued with him even if she’d wanted to. Not with the protective tone of voice he used on her.

  She headed to the checkpoint and queued with the others already there to get stuck. But her mind wouldn’t stop thinking about the men or the hours she’d just shared with them.

  * * * *

  Lima and Quack sat there and waited until they saw her enter the plant. Only when they were sure she was safely inside did Lima pull the truck away from the curb.

  “Thank god we were here this morning,” Quack said.

  “Yeah.” No, Lima didn’t know this woman very well. But what he did know about her he liked and wanted to see more of.

  A lot more of. And not just because they’d had a fun day with her in bed, either.

  Maybe if Papa could arrange something for the aunt, a safe place like he had for Q’s family, maybe it would free Stacia to come with them when they eventually had to leave the area.

  A guy can dream.

  When they returned to the safe house, Papa met them in the common room with a grim look on his face and his tablet in his hand.

  “What?” Quack asked.

  Lima didn’t want to ask.

  “Bubba broke the encryption. Well, some of it. Sit down. He summarized and sent me a run-down.”

  “Do we even want to know?” Quack said.

  Papa handed him the tablet. “This is need to know. You can’t tell Ak yet. And that’s an order.”

  After Quack read, his expression changing from confused to pissed off, he passed the tablet to Lima. “Sonofabitch,” Quack muttered.

  Lima took a deep breath and read, knowing he wasn’t going to like what he found.

  And he didn’t.

  Yes, there were scientists at the clinic working on a Kite vaccine. Yes, the clinic was experimenting on the volunteers. Yes, they were being brainwashed into their mission.

  Yes, it was worse than they could have ever imagined.

  Much worse.

  Not only were the volunteers already hooked on Kite the drug, they were going to be infected with Kite the virus and turned loose to infect others in the name of spreading a po
tential vaccine.

  What Bubba didn’t know yet was the timeframe, where, or how the volunteers would be transported. Bubba was still trying to decrypt all the files, which apparently used different keys.

  And now they understood why the drastic file encryption measures.

  Unfortunately, nowhere in the system was Reverend Hannibal Silo listed. Anywhere. There were plenty of mentions in the scripts the volunteers were being fed that mentioned “the church” and god and other religious hokum, but nothing specifically naming the Church of the Rising Sunset or Reverend Hannibal Silo.

  In fact, from what Bubba had discovered, the facility could only be traced back to what looked like a non-existent person in Saudi.

  Lima handed the tablet back to Papa and propped his elbows on the table, head in his hands. “Fuck. Me. When are we blowing it up?”

  He did not want to be the person to have to shoot Stacia’s brother full of po-clo.

  “We can’t,” Papa said. “Not yet. We need to see what else we can get from there first. And it doesn’t change the fact that Q and Sin need a chance to get into that lab and see what they can grab before we blow it.”

  “We might be risking people getting loose and spreading Kite.”

  “We might risk destroying a vaccine they have already created,” Papa said, “and any notes they might have about what they did. You two need to see what else Ak can find out from her brother before we take the operation down.”

  “Whoa,” Quack said. “We can’t ask her to go back in there and expose herself to Kite.”

  “Well, you damn sure can’t tell her about all these details yet,” Papa said. “Is this going to be a problem, gentlemen? Because we have a far bigger problem than your dicks getting sucked.”

  * * * *

  Stacia was glad to see the men parked directly outside the main gate when her shift ended. They drove her back to the apartment, where she grabbed clothes so she wouldn’t have to return later before her shift that night.

  Her aunt had left her a note in reply.

  Any news from Marvin? Love you.

  She thought about how to answer that and decided a form of the truth might be the best.

  Not today. I’ll check on him. Love you.

  She realized the men were staring at her.


  “You all right?” Lima asked.

  She forced a smile she didn’t feel right that second. “I will be when we get back to your place and you make my brain explode again. At least, I hope that’s on the agenda, because if it’s not, I’m going to be really disappointed.”

  Lima pulled her in for a kiss, then Quack did the same.

  “I think we can arrange that, babe,” Quack said.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Back at the safe house, Stacia followed Lima and Quack to their room. She didn’t know if she’d come to regret getting involved with the two men, but at that point, she didn’t care. Their first tryst together had awakened something inside her that she’d never realized existed before.

  Sure, in what little free time she had, she’d read books where the girl got the guy and they led happy lives together.

  That wasn’t reality.

  Reality was hard, made up of lean bank accounts and long farking hours at work and struggling to figure out how to make every single cent stretch as far as she could.

  Reality wasn’t two gorgeous, ripped hunks who not only had great bodies and wonderful personalities, they had the hots for her.

  And, oh yeah, they were trying to save the world.

  She was more than willing to indulge in this luxury. It was free.

  Well, it might cost her her heart later, but that was irrelevant.

  It was an indulgence she was more than willing to make the trade-off for.

  Especially when it increasingly looked like she might have lost her brother to whatever crazy scheme he’d gotten himself mixed up in.

  Spend some time letting two hunks love every last goddamned conscious thought out of her brain?

  Sign me the fark up.

  Life was short. Too damned short for her to worry about future regrets right now. She wanted this.

  She wanted them.

  And hot damn, they wanted her back.

  The men quickly helped her shed her clothes, and then the three of them were lying naked on the bedroll together. “I want both of you,” she said, going all-in. “You know? At the same time.”

  Lima stared down at her with those gorgeous eyes. “You want that sweet virgin ass of yours taken?”

  She nodded.

  Both men grinned. “Oh, baby,” Lima said, leaning in and nibbling at the base of her throat. “You are in for a treat.”

  Quack went and rummaged around in his bag, declaring success a moment later and returning with a condom, bottle of lube, and a package of wipes.

  “Spread ’em, baby,” he joked.

  She did. Lima climbed on top of her sixty-nine, his cock dangling over her lips. As she opened her mouth to suck on him, Lima said, “Wait. Swap places, dude.”


  She nearly laughed at Quack’s disappointed tone.

  “Dude, you need to be up front. You’re a little thicker, I’m a little longer.”

  “Oh, good point.”

  They quickly switched places, and then it was Quack’s cock dangling over her lips. She reached up and grabbed his ass as she opened wide and sucked at the head of his cock.

  Lima pushed her thighs apart, and then Quack had his lips locked around her clit.

  Okay, no way she’d ever regret this. That felt damn good.

  Then Lima interrupted them again, just as she’d gotten a good moan going around Quack’s cock. “Dude, your head’s in the way. Roll over.”

  She let out a little yelp of surprise as Quack did just that, rolling her with him and not relinquishing his lip-lock on her pussy.

  “There we go,” Lima said as he patted her ass. “That’s better.”

  Quack reached up and grabbed her ass cheeks, spreading them so Lima had better access. She tensed a little when she felt Lima spreading the cool liquid in the crack of her ass, rubbing it on her puckered rim, not breaching yet.

  Then Quack redoubled his efforts, fucking her pussy with his tongue and alternating that with licking and sucking her clit, holding her in place with his fingers dug into her ass cheeks.

  “Just relax and enjoy it,” Lima coaxed. One finger started massaging her rim, the man adding more lube as he took his time and pressed a little, testing her reaction.

  She focused her efforts on sucking Quack’s cock. She didn’t have a lot of experience at it, and hoped what she lacked in that she was making up for with enthusiasm.

  She didn’t know how long they lay there, but then Quack found a perfect rhythm with his tongue that started her hips rocking against his mouth, and Lima used that opportunity to press his finger a little more firmly against her rim.

  When his finger finally breached through her tight ring of muscle, she gasped, but then she felt her orgasm start and she was rocking back on forth on top of Quack, fucking her ass onto Lima’s finger, and grinding her pussy into Quack’s face.

  “Oh, yeah. There you go. You found what you like, didn’t you?” Lima asked.

  She moaned around Quack’s cock, unable to give any other reply than that. Hell, yes, she liked it. It felt great!

  Lima started moving his hand, now actively fucking her ass with his finger as her first orgasm faded. He took his time, adding more lube, and she wondered what he was waiting for when Quack sucked on her clit and shocked her by yanking a second orgasm out of her that she hadn’t even realized she was close to having.

  And that was when Lima added a second finger. She whined and tried to stop moving as her body struggled to process the pinching burn, but then Lima slid two fingers into her pussy, too. That stretched out her orgasm, to the point she didn’t know if it was the same one, another one, or a long string of them melding toge

  But it felt damn good.

  “And there she goes,” he said, a smile in his voice as he had both his hands fucking her, pussy and ass. “That’s a preview of coming attractions, baby. Just think what it’s going to be like having our cocks there.”

  Her nipples rubbed against Quack’s body, pebbling them to the point they were aching and she wished the men were sucking on them or playing with them.

  I’m sure that can be added to the menu.

  That thought triggered another climax, and Lima laughed. “Oh, you just came again, didn’t you? I think you’re ready to play.”

  When he pulled his hands from her ass and her cunt, she started to whine around Quack’s cock. But then Quack patted her on the ass and pushed her up.

  “Time to change places, baby,” he said, sliding out from under her. He wiped her juices off his face before turning around, lying on his back, and pulling her on top of him. “Put my cock in that sweet pussy of yours,” he said.

  She reached down and grabbed it, rising up on her knees before impaling herself on his shaft.

  Quack cupped her breasts in his hands and started playing with her nipples. “Now you just wait right there until Lima’s ready.”

  Lima had wiped off his hands and was rolling the condom on. He slathered his cock with lube before pushing her down on top of Quack. “Hold her open.”

  Quack’s hands disappeared from her nipples and reappeared on her ass cheeks, drawing a soft moan of protest from her.

  “Don’t worry,” Quack assured her. “I’ll be playing with them again in a minute.”

  Lima pressed the head of his cock against her rim, pausing after he breached her ass. “You doing okay, baby?”

  She’d braced herself against Quack’s chest. “Uh-huh!”

  He took his time, the sensation of both their cocks filling, stretching her unlike anything she’d ever experienced. Every nerve in her body was on high alert, her clit throbbing, nipples wanting more action.

  Her hair fell around her face and she stared down into Quack’s eyes.

  He wore a playful smile. “Oh, baby. Look at you. Gonna get you so spoiled by two cocks that you’re never gonna want to go anywhere else, are you?”


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