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To Fool an Assassin (Women of Purgatory Book 1)

Page 3

by Kells, India

  While she did everything to embed him as deep and as fast as possible, he didn’t budge and took his sweet time. Inch by inch, he pushed into her, looking at his own progress with fierce concentration. Gabrielle started caressing her breasts, teasing her nipples in maddening circles. Her movement caught his attention and surely made his tight control snap as he entirely sheathed himself in one stroke before lying on her and latching onto her nipple. Grabbed his shoulders, she rocked her hips. She couldn’t help herself and this warrior couldn’t have stopped her if he wanted to. Of course, he didn’t and started thrusting into her with added strength. Each thrust bumped into her inflamed clit, making her want to increase the speed, tightening her inner grip on him.

  The captain grunted as he increased the tempo. His face was a mere inch from of her, his breath fanning her lips. It was a silent but intense dialogue. The sensations swirled, unstoppable. It was like falling and soaring at the same time. Her heart beating wildly in her chest, she took his hand and weaved their fingers together. The gesture seemed to surprise him, but she saw pleasure in his eyes. The swift smile was flooded with pleasure when his expression turned tense, his rhythm more erratic, more desperate. He straightened back on his knees, giving him more depth, and just when she thought it couldn’t get better, he licked his thumb, before touching her core.

  Her world dissolved into ecstasy. Gabrielle felt him speed up and groan as he orgasmed in her. His hands fisted on her hips while he maintained the connection through each spasm, each shiver, each fiery spike.

  Slick with sweat, the captain collapsed, nestling his head on her chest, his hand caressing her tender nipple idly, his cheek scratching enticingly her skin. Lazily, his hand touched her hip. Gabrielle knew at this instant, she ought to push him away, roll out of bed, and distance herself from him. But she couldn’t. Damn it. Something inside of her couldn’t. Betrayed by her own body, one hand rested on his shoulder while the other caressed his hair. The air was so still, as if time decided to take a break for a moment.

  And it occurred to her it wasn’t the awesome sex and incredible orgasm that rocked her world … but the connection. This crazy, infuriating Navy SEAL had found a chink in her armor without a single word. How was this possible when she didn’t know him? And when what she did know irritated her so much? It was not good. Not good at all … was it? So why didn’t she want to move?


  Shifting to lie on his back, Sully firmly cradled Gabrielle to his side. He suspected that if he loosened his grip, this strange woman would flee. From the beginning, this story had taken weird and sharp turns making him quite worried, which he still was. However, he trusted his gut and it never failed him. And his gut told him to trust his admiral and now this woman, Gabrielle, whoever she was.

  The information he’d retrieved was now his primary mission. He had to deliver it to Admiral Feander, as planned. If the admiral had confidence in this weird Purgatory organization, he would, too … but not without keeping one very critical eye opened.

  Sully’s thoughts were soon distracted by curious fingers tracing patterns on his ribs.

  “Beware, lady, I’m ticklish.”

  Even after her warning, Gabrielle continued her game. He realized she was following the shape of his bruises on his ribs and abdomen.

  “Does it hurt? Maybe I should have asked that question before we fell into bed together, Captain Thorne.”

  Sully smiled. “I’ve been through worse. Plus, with your hands on me, I don’t feel pain. And please, I think you can call me Sully by now.”

  Gabrielle made a show of examining him, ending with a very interested part of him.

  “I see.” She grinned and he liked when Gabrielle abandoned the so-serious side of herself. “If you’re feeling better, we can test your limits even more.”

  Sully felt a flow of heat speeding through him. “I’m all yours, ma’am.”

  He impatiently waited for her lips to trail back to his when the phone rang.

  They both stilled for an instant. Gabrielle jumped out of bed and ran to the living room, beautifully naked, in his humble opinion. What a shame he couldn’t focus on the blonde, blue-eyed goddess before him as his senses went on full alert. A phone ringing when they least expected it was never a good sign. He was already checking for his pants when she came back into the room.

  “Wait, Bea, I’m putting you on speaker.”

  Sully fastened his pants and grabbed the cell as Gabrielle retrieved her clothes.

  “Listen quickly, both of you. You have about ten minutes to get out of your hideout. You have been made.”

  The British-accented lady was matter-of-factly pissed.

  “How come? Do you know where the leak is coming from?”

  “No, Captain, not yet. I’m working on it, but it isn’t my immediate priority. You have to get out and not be seen. Your face is all over the news as a fugitive. I’m making arrangements to send you to one of our safe houses nearby. In the meantime, grab your gear and get out.”

  “Yes, ma’am. On our way.” Frowning, Sully disconnected the call.

  Gabrielle came back with a duffel bag and dropped it on the bed. “Finish getting dressed as I load the car.”

  “Do you have any weapons around here? I would hate to go to a party empty-handed.” Sully unzipped the bag and turned back at her.

  Smiling, she replied, “I think I can get you something to your satisfaction. Hurry up, sailor.”

  Chapter 3

  Five minutes later, they were both leaving the compound. Sully was hiding at the back, his big frame stuck between the seats. He was not happy about it, but it couldn’t be helped.

  Gabrielle drove carefully, not drawing any attention to her as she waved at the guards by the gate and took a turn at a lazy pace. She drove for about ten minutes before telling the impatient SEAL grumbling behind her to come in the passenger seat.

  “Have you spotted any tail?”

  “So far so good. But put your cap back on, just in case. We should be out of town soon, but it’s still risky.”

  “Do you know where we’re going yet?”

  “No, Bea only texted me to get out of town by the north. She will contact us as quickly as she can secure a place.”

  For a moment they stayed silent. Gabrielle scanned the road as the city turned into the suburbs and the suburbs into the country. Good choice to go up north. More options, more escape routes than near the coast. She didn’t yearn to, but with the weapons hidden in the trunk, they could hold back a small army. Purgatory never pinched pennies on goodies.

  “How long have you worked for Purgatory?”

  Gabrielle didn’t like being asked questions, but she figured keeping something from Captain Thorne would make him want to dig even deeper.

  “A long time. I don’t keep track of years passing by, but I was there from the start. Must be about ten years ago I guess.”

  “Admiral Feander once told me about using an independent agency. It was for the kidnapping of a naval officer’s family in Thailand.”

  Gabrielle knew about the case. She hadn’t personally participated in it, but if she remembered correctly it was Bea who went in herself. And was successful as always.

  “And the admiral used it again, on several occasions. Did you work on any of them?”

  Gabrielle smiled. “What is the saying you SEALs always use? I won’t confirm, nor deny?”

  Laughing, Sully shook his head. “Yep. You won’t tell me about Purgatory, from what I hear.”

  “Will you talk to me about the Intel that got you imprisoned in a South African underground cell?”

  “Nope, darling. Missions before chicks, and all that.”

  She had to laugh. “My thoughts exactly. But beyond the details, I’m more intrigued about why a Navy SEAL would go on a mission alone.”

  Sully winked. “Sorry, my lovely. Off limits, too.”

  One thing she hated was a global smart ass. On instinct, she seized her gun and pointed it at his
crotch. The man blinked, but was wise enough to stand still and keep silent, hands up in mock surrender.

  “I’m not your lovely, your darling, or your lady. I came here on a rescue mission to save your sorry ass only. I have a name. If you don’t know how to use it, keep your mouth shut.”

  “I didn’t mean to insult you.”

  He wasn’t even fazed. Bastard sailor.

  “Yeah, right. We may have let off steam together, but I know you think you could have saved yourself without my help, and I can even guess you think you need to protect me now and it burdens you. Let me tell you, I’m seriously thinking about kicking you out of this car and letting you rot. Unfortunately, I gave my word. Too bad.” She put her weapon back on her lap and the man somewhat relaxed. Not unshaken after all.

  Gabrielle ignored him for a while as she scanned her surroundings. So far, the traffic was still quite heavy, and she didn’t spot anything peculiar.

  It took a full ten minutes before a complete sentence was spoken inside the jeep. And, in Gabrielle’s opinion, it was a strategically wise one.

  “I’m sorry if I offended you. It wasn’t my intent.” The captain’s eyes never left the road, his voice low and quite sincere, she guessed.

  Gabrielle nodded but didn’t reply. Lack of sleep was getting to her and she preferred not to risk it. Anyway, she was saved by the cell phone. She switched to the hands-free system.

  “Hello, you’re on speaker phone.”

  “It’s me, Gab. Captain, bad news. You were tailed from when you left Pretoria.”

  Gabrielle glanced back again.

  “No way, Bea. I don’t see anybody.”

  “You’ve been tagged. Someone inside the compound.”

  “Impossible. Because if it is the case—”

  Sully finished her sentence. “You have a leak, a weasel in your midst.”

  “Bea …” Gabrielle’s voice held a warning she hoped her boss would understand.

  “I know. I’m still checking, but few knew about the rescue. And all are considered trustworthy.”

  “So you say,” Sully answered, looking at Gabrielle. She didn’t like what he implied.

  “We’re driving out in the country. Soon, we will be alone and vulnerable. We need a way out.”

  “In ten miles, you will cross a bridge. I strongly suggest you jump off it.”


  “Okay?” The captain sounded incredulous. “Please tell me for what purpose.”

  Gabrielle glanced at him. “She’s suggesting to ditch the tag. Underwater, it will be disabled and they will lose us.”

  “Precisely,” Bea’s voice added through the speaker phone. “But it’s not all. One mile farther down the road, you will cross a railroad track. If I’m right, the next train will pass in two hours. The beauty is, because the turn is quite sharp, the train will slow down enough for you both to jump on.”

  “And where is that train going?”

  “Namibia, or at least close to its border. Keep the phone dry, I will contact you as soon as I secure a safe house there. I don’t have to tell you to stay under the radar, especially when crossing the border.”

  “Thanks, Bea. Plug the leak quick.”

  “Will do, friend. I will also contact James to let him know of the recalculation. Play safe, kids.”

  Yeah, right. Gabrielle couldn’t help but feel helpless and frustrated. Someone inside Purgatory, the team she had worked with, risked her life with for so many years, was now a threat. At least someone inside it was. Who? Her mind was whirling so fast she growled.


  She shook her head before taking a deep breath, making sure to avoid looking at her passenger yet. Could she even trust him? Right now, she didn’t have any choice. Until Bea could find the leak, she was stuck on so many levels.

  There was three miles to go before the bridge. She hit the gas. The back of the jeep skidded a little, lifting an impressive cloud of dust from the side of the road. When it cleared, that’s when she saw it—another jeep, older model, two men at the front and at least one at the back.

  “Time to test your skills, cowboy, we now have an official tail.”

  Sully lifted his head and the easy-go-lucky guy faded before her eyes. If she hadn’t seen a funny side of him, she may have been convinced this was his normal state.

  “You have two miles to get rid of them. After … we will be in an interesting situation.”

  “I got it.”

  The fools behind them started to shoot first. One bullet hit steel, the other hit glass, the rear one.

  Sully crawled in the backseat and kicked the back window off. He used the new opening to take a better position. She could see the jeep slowly creeping in. Another shot.

  “Cowboy, if you want to invite them in for tea, instead of shoot them dead, please let me know.”

  The next thing she heard was three shots. And then, the jeep disappeared from view.

  When Sully crawled back in the passenger’s seat, he was like a little boy who won a teddy bear at the fair.

  “Yahoo! Killer hits. Did you see?”

  “If you want a pat on the back or a medal, I’m not that kind of girl.”

  “Wow, if I hadn’t seen you wild and free, I would think you’re a constant downer.”

  “I’m trying to keep us both alive. When we’re out of this mess, I’ll revert to wild and free.”

  The man smiled again, and this time she couldn’t help but to follow suit. Unfortunately, one glance at him, and she didn’t see the pothole on the road. The jeep didn’t take it well … or at least the tire didn’t and it exploded. It took all of her strength to prevent the car from jumping into a ditch. The road dipped a little and she could see the lake, less than a mile away.

  “Hit the brakes now!” The jeep rattled so badly, she barely heard Sully yelling as he helped steady the car.

  “No, if I hit the brakes, we won’t have enough speed to go over the bank and into the lake.”

  Again, the jeep jerked from side to side, covering most of Sully’s curses and her own. The lake closed in.

  “Captain, grab the gun and the phone and jump.”


  “You heard me. Do it, quick.”

  “No way.”

  “Captain, I don’t intend to die, but we need the phone and weapons dry.”

  “No fucking way.”

  “Stow the knight act and think of the mission, the info you carry.”

  “Shut up, sexpot, and hold your breath, time for a swim.”


  This woman was beyond infuriating. Not only did she over plan things, which in his book was a big no-no, but when all turned sour, she went to overdrive bitching, and even a hint of dominatrix undertone. Yeah, infuriating and a little bit hot, too. Even hotter if she could think about sex now. But as they were running at a hellish pace toward the railway, soaking wet, phoneless and weaponless, he was pretty sure sex was not on this woman’s mind at the moment.

  The sun was setting fast and they sped up, silently agreeing time was of the essence. As the last lights dimmed out, they hid in the final railway curve. The sun literally dropped as quickly as the temperature.

  Both laying in the dirt, turning their clothing into cakes of mud, Sully didn’t know if he should dare say a word.

  “So, do you think we arrived before or after the train?”

  He examined her profile, and for a moment he thought she didn’t hear him. When she turned, he reminded himself at that precise moment he should have kept his mouth shut. What saved his poor ass was the distant whistle they both hoped for.

  As Purgatory’s boss had predicted, the train slowed down. At dusk, Sully could only discern the cars. Once the train’s engine passed them, they jumped and started to run. He made sure to let Gabrielle in front of him. If she should miss the lift, so would he.

  But as he expected, despite the cold and stiff muscles, she gracefully hoped between two cars, twisting to keep hi
m in her line of vision. Before the train accelerated again, he grabbed a handle and vaulted after her. There wasn’t a lot of space to move around, and the complete darkness made it difficult to see if there was a trap or a door.


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