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To Fool an Assassin (Women of Purgatory Book 1)

Page 7

by Kells, India

  So many details of his mission—what he found out, what the admiral asked him to search for—may be related to his current predicament. Could he have unknowingly kicked a hornet’s nest? Everything merged with any detail he could have caught from his earlier conversations with him. Nothing matched, nothing jived, but he suspected that a common thread likely linked everything together. The trick was to discover what.

  “Are you sure she gave you the right coordinates? I see nothing here but bushes and dirt. And the sun is starting to set a little too fast for my own comfort.”

  Gabrielle jerked at the sound of his voice. He knew she wasn’t sleeping, but was more very deep in thought.

  “I’m sure I remember the coordinates, as accurately as she told them to me.”

  “Lost in thoughts, honey? Wondering if the someone who backstabbed you is a bitch or a friend?”

  Gabrielle turned to him and he could see her level of restraint as he was certain she would gladly tell him to shut up. Instead, she frowned.

  “I relayed the information. As to know if she told me the truth, I would say in about ten minutes, we should have our answer.”

  “Do you always have a reply for everything, honey, or it’s just a natural womanly talent?”

  As he expected, her frown lessened a bit.

  “Are you being a smartass, sailor, or it’s only because you have a dick?”

  “Ah, I feared you had forgotten. Babe, if you ever forget—”

  “We’re there.”

  Sully laughed, and searched at a distance to see small clusters of houses.

  “Okay, do you have a description of the clinic?”

  Smiling, Gabrielle directed her gaze at him. “I guess it’s the building with the red cross painted on the door.”

  “Now who’s being a smartass?”

  She was still laughing when he turned into the main street. Well, what could be seen as the only street. Few people visible, but many chimneys smoking. And as the smartass described, the clinic sported a white door with a red cross. No obvious activity, a pretty calm neighborhood, a loaded gun on his lap and a mercenary lady at his side.

  Parking in front of the clinic, he turned off the truck. The silence was deafening. Strangely, he expected mercenaries popping out from behind the little houses. Still nothing.

  “Who’s your contact again?”

  “I don’t know. Bea didn’t tell me a name, only the coordinates. Stay here, I will go and see if it’s safe.”

  Is she for real? “I don’t think so. We’re going together.”

  “So this whole speech about trust and quest has been complete hokum?”

  Lack of sleep made his frustration skyrocket, so his next move may not have been the most brilliant. He leaned forward, grabbed her neck, and kissed her.

  Sully wasn’t the only professional here acting in a very unprofessional way. And frankly, he didn’t care. Instead, he twisted to increase contact, and by the way Gabrielle groaned, he wasn’t the only one being unprofessional.

  Gladly, not all brain cells were flooded by lust and instinct kicked in when a shadow moved to the passenger side. As one, Gabrielle and him pulled their guns and aimed. There was a white man smiling on the other side of the window, hands raised in mock surrender.

  He was young, and even his nerd glasses couldn’t mask it. Mid-twenties? It could be a good guess. His voice couldn’t hide his amusement when he said, “It’s a bit obvious for a lover’s hideout, don’t you think? And if you’re the people I’m expecting, I suggest we go inside, before you two draw too much attention.”

  With both guns still aiming at his skull, he turned and entered the clinic.

  Now that the moment had passed, Sully was all too aware of the warm woman pressed beneath him. He lowered his gun and turned to Gabrielle.

  “You know this guy? Is he our contact?”

  Sully saw her blink, as if to get her bearings.

  “I don’t have a clue. Only one way to find out.”

  They both decided to ignore the embarrassing transition from arousal to business. Maybe it was the best way to do it. At least, they could both rely on their common ground, which was to not kill each other at this moment. Sully sat back and waited until she lowered her T-shirt and hid her weapon in the small of her back. Mechanically, he did the same as he scanned his surroundings. Dusk was creeping in and there were fewer people in the streets.

  Gabrielle walked to the clinic and entered, as he stayed right behind her and closed the door.

  The clinic looked more like an open-floored house than a standard medical center. It was like walking into a kitchen, with a long wooden table in the middle. White cabinets lined two walls and a tied sheet separated the rest of the house. There were a couple of hospital beds and two doors. Efficient with spartan furniture. Clean, but barren.

  The man was standing by the stove, focused on two fuming pots. His glasses slipped and he pushed them back on his nose. He was young, lanky; all emphasized by an oversized T-shirt and cargo pants. His light brown hair shaggy, in dire need of a haircut.

  Gabrielle examined her surroundings and stepped forward. “How did you know we were coming?”

  The man faced her and smiled. “Bea contacted me. She said you were in need of a shelter. And a shower, and possibly a quick exam. I can see blood on you both.”

  Sully positioned himself between the door and the window. The blood he was referring to was not all theirs, but he was damn well not giving him more details than necessary.

  “And you do everything Bea asks you to do?”

  The man smiled again. “Oh yeah. I owe the lady, and I don’t mind payback, as long as I can do what she asks. By the way, my name is Luke, and yes, I’m a doctor. I’ve got the diplomas to back me up. And you must be Sullivan and Gabrielle. Well, those are the names Bea told me anyways.”

  Sully frowned. Was he making fun of them? He was about to reply when he saw Gabrielle shaking her head. He leaned back, letting her lead for the moment.

  “When was the last time you spoke with Bea, Luke?” Gabrielle softened her tone and sat on the table.

  Wise, Sully thought, friendlier.

  The man opened a cabinet to grab dishes and seemed to ponder her question. “Must have been twelve hours at least. I was busy with a patient and she rang my phone until I had a free hand to answer it. One thing she never understood about doctors, we’re not masters of our time.”

  Sully circled the table slowly, and sat on a chair. “Do you often speak to Bea? I mean, does she call you every day?”

  Luke laughed. “Hell no, it can be months in between calls. And when she does it’s mostly her asking questions about how the clinic goes and if I have enough food.”

  Gabrielle giggled. It was a very sweet sound; one Sully had never heard before.

  “Yeah, that’s the way Bea is. She cares, but she doesn’t linger on it. Her spot-checks are her way of saying she cares.”

  Luke nodded in agreement and handed Sully a plate heaping with what might pass as a stew.

  Sully sniffed, unsure of what it was supposed to taste like. Luke gave him a fork and winked.

  “No poison, I promise. I’m an average cook, I’ll admit that much. I cook to not starve. Back in civilization, I survived through fast food chains. I was the poster boy for what not to put in your body if you wanted to survive.”

  Sully dared a bite. Not bad. Bland, but not disgusting. It was far down on the list of worst meals he ever had.

  “And now you’re here, in the middle of nowhere, offering your services in this free clinic. Quite a jump for a civilized boy.”

  Sully’s words shifted the mood slightly. For an instant, the young Luke was lost in thoughts as he was passing a plate to Gabrielle and returning to the stove. He took one for himself and started filling it.

  “Beatrice Dante saved my life. Not so long ago … because I cannot use the expression when-I-was-young, you would laugh at me. I had just graduated from medical school, and I was full
of myself. You know, they talk about the God complex with doctors, I pretty much surfed on that frame of mind. I was bragging I could save anyone, do anything. The sky was the limit. What a fool I was.”

  For a moment, he ate in silence. Sully could see that memory alone made him age before his very eyes.

  “One day, I was working my magic at triage, in the emergency room. One guy entered, walking, supported by two other men. Shot in the chest, two rounds. The man had already lost a lot of blood. He asked for me by name, telling me no other doctor than I could touch him. I was a miracle worker; I had to prove it now.”

  Gabrielle softly squeezed his arm in sympathy. “What happened?”

  Luke sighed. “He was too far off. His insides were torn by the bullets, and the heart was faintly beating. He died a few minutes after I opened him up. I was pissed. At that time, I wasn’t even sorry for losing the guy; I was only concerned with my bruised pride. I went to the waiting room to tell the two men I couldn’t save the stranger. Let’s say it didn’t go well.”

  Sully nodded. “They were not ordinary men, they were criminals.”

  Luke glanced at him. “Yeah, Irish mafia. I couldn’t save the newly appointed leader of the city. The two goons thought I let him die on purpose, and started shooting at me. I ran. I don’t know what kind of luck I had that day, but I sprinted around a corner and bumped into Beatrice. She was visiting someone. For one second, I was scared shitless, trying to run away, the following one, the two bad guys were on the floor dead. That fast. I remember so little, I was in shock. Then, I was in a car with Bea driving like a madwoman. The men were dangerous and more were on their way. She saved me and kept me hidden for a while. Unfortunately, the heat didn’t die off. I had the choice of staying out of sight or disappearing. That’s what she did by sending me here. I owe her my life.”

  Sully looked around and realized it must have been difficult for the kid. The danger, the change of life. He had been trained to face extremely difficult situations. Luke was only a civilian, a boy.

  Luke shook his head and back was the kid in his eyes.

  “Now, finish your plates. Take a shower while I hide your truck. Afterwards, I’ll examine both of you. I should be gone no more than an hour. I will ditch your truck near an old deserted house, not so far from here. But coming back on foot will be a hoot at night.

  “Is it too dangerous? Do you want us to go with you?”

  He put his plate in the sink and winked at Gabrielle. “Nope, I know the area and the possible dangers now. You stay here and I’ll be back before you know it. Please don’t burn my house down while I’m gone.”

  Sully peeked through the window as Luke went out the door, started the truck, and drove away. He then shut all the curtains, closing them in.

  “Do you think we can trust him?”

  Gabrielle stretched. “I’m asking myself that same question about everybody I meet since I landed in Africa. Shit, I’ve never seen a mission going south so many times, I think I lost track of where we are. If we don’t trust him, what are our options? My entire network is compromised. What about yours?”

  Sully rubbed the back of his neck. He didn’t want to use his contacts yet. In fact, not until absolutely necessary.

  “I vote for semi-trusting Luke … for now. If we burn your option, we’ll try mine.”

  Gabrielle laughed. “Semi-trusting. Yeah, as you’re semi-trusting me right now. I wonder if two semis make a whole in your point of view.”

  Sully came around the table and cupped her chin. “You’re the person I trust at this moment, honey.”

  “Well, even though I’m the only one currently here at this moment, I’m incredibly flattered.”

  Sully winked. “You can’t blame me for covering all the basics. Even the most enticing ones.”

  Sully couldn’t resist the pull. When he came closer and she didn’t move, he took it as an open door. He kissed her. A part of him wanted to ravish her, take her there on the kitchen table, but somehow, another part of him wanted more than that. He wanted to take his sweet time to touch and savor her—lose himself in her as she would do the same. Even if trust was thin, their mutual attraction was anything but waning.

  Sully reined in his fire and deepened the kiss, absorbing her moan, one hand skimming her cheek and the other grabbing the edge of the table. Entranced, he jumped a little when Gabrielle grabbed his hips, trying to pull him to her. He didn’t budge. She groaned again, with a hint of frustration, and her hands started to follow his ribcage up, at first over his shirt, and then dipping under it. She detailed him, her light touch tickling a little, and then pressing more firmly against him as she reached his chest before making her way back down again.

  He was unable to stop his breathing from speeding up. The blood surged in him and he swore under his breath, but she didn’t halt her exploration.

  One of her hands grabbed his hip as the other started outlining his quivering belly. It was now her turn to take her sweet time, her palm swirling and caressing, inching down so very slowly. Involuntarily, his hips rocked toward her. He couldn’t resist, and prayed for her to never stop. His breath caught when her hand snagged on his waistband. Gabrielle turned her back to the table, sneaking her knees between his legs, forcing them to open more. Out of balance, Sully leaned forward and placed his hands on the table on either side of her, trapping her in. However, he felt he was the one trapped, as for the life of him, he couldn’t move away from her hands and mouth. Gabrielle seemed to have taken his cue. She deepened the kiss as her hands moved to unfasten his pants. Sully pushed his hips forward and she laughed at his impatience. Once she opened his fly, her fingers dipped a few inches, but in his current position, his pants were stuck on his hips. Gabrielle stroked his thighs up and down, in a maddening tempo. When she reached his knees and decided to change paths and caress the back of his legs, up to his ass, he pressed himself to her.

  “If your plan is to kill me, honey, you’re doing a fine job.” His voice was breathless to his own ears.

  Nuzzling his cheek and firmly grabbed his buttocks before answering. “I don’t know who’s torturing whom, but I must say that even though I’m enjoying myself, I’m desperate for your hands on me, too.”

  Unknowingly, his hands left the table and reached for her T-shirt. Once dropped to the floor, he pulled on her pants and when they were gone; hooking his arms behind her knees, he lifted her up before pressing her hard against the wall. In the process, his own pants slid down enough to take a better stance and he was damned glad for the added bonus.

  “Am I close enough, honey?” Sully panted in her ear as she grabbed his hair.

  “Not quite, sailor.” She shifted in his arms and reached for his cock between them. When he entered her, she was so wet and ready for him, it blew his mind. All logic went out the door and he picked up the tempo. Gabrielle bit his shoulder and angled her hips, which pushed him even deeper.

  Each time he rocked his hips, she amplified the movement. Pleasure was gripping him way too fast.

  “Whoa, Gabrielle, you have to slowdown, or I’m going to make a complete fool of myself.”

  Gabrielle closed her eyes as her head fell back and she moaned and moved faster. Sully had to grind his teeth and start thinking about differential equations as he felt his balls tighten in expectation. Too fast, too soon.

  “Mercy, honey, slow down, or I’ll—” Sully couldn’t finish his plea as she orgasmed in his arms; her cry muffled in his neck as her body jerked. Gabrielle’s head softly thumped back on the wall, her eyes losing focus as she rode the wave of pleasure.

  At first, Sully couldn’t take his eyes from her, fascinated, but soon his body took over and he let himself fall and be surrounded by her as he exploded and lost all sense of space and time.

  It took a long time for his body to stand still at last, enjoying the motionless connection they had. He was breathing hard, his forehead against the wall, inhaling her sweet scent each time he drew a breath. His arms were a
round her and he could feel her heart thumping against his own. What happened to his intention of going slow? When did he lose his focus long enough to forget about that? He suspected it was the way she took what she wanted, including him—that was a turn on. She took charge of her pleasure, too. He didn’t realize it the first time they had sex, but he could see how he could enjoy that with her.

  “Are you still alive, sailor? Because I don’t know if I’m. Damn, you might be the one who’s going to kill me after all.”

  Sully laughed softly. If she only knew. He straightened a little to look at her face. “Your heart is still pumping, I can feel it, and your skin is hot as fire. But maybe I need stronger proof to be convinced.” Bending his head, he captured her nipple between his teeth. She arched back, forcing him deeper inside of her. The friction was maddening and he felt himself swelling again.


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