by Bill Shore
research at GSK
Ban Ki-moon
Barnes, Ethne
Barry, Michelle
Beare, Nick
Bed nets
mosquitoes’ resistance to
not long-term solution for malaria
as part of Millennium Development
produced in Tanzania
provided free vs. social marketing
public awareness
UNICEF program
universal coverage concept
Bennis, Warren
Bezanson, Thomas
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. See Gates Foundation
Biosciences Energy Institute
Bird malaria
Black fever
Bloomberg, Michael
Bloomberg School of Public Health. See also Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; Malaria Research Institute
Bogotá, Colombia
BP plc
Bradach, Jeffrey
Breakthrough thinking leading to discoveries
character qualities
good is not good enough
Brewer, Tom
Brother Thomas. See Bezanson, Thomas
Brown, Gordon
Burke, Donald
Business travelers as market. See Travelers as markets for vaccines
Campbell, Kent
Canada, Geoffrey
Cardin, Benjamin
Carnegie, Andrew
Caroline Center, Baltimore
Carson, Rachel
Cause-related marketing
Celera Genomics
Center for Vaccine Development
Center on Wealth and Philanthropy
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Centre for Novel Agricultural Products
Cerebral malaria
Cerrell, Joe
Chagas’ disease
Chambers, Ray
Charge Against Hunger campaign
Charity. See Philanthropic organizations
Childhood hunger
Childhood mortality from malaria
in Africa
efforts require breakthrough thinking
portrayed in photographic exhibit
Roepe on
symptoms described
Circumsporozoite (CS) protein
Clinical trials of malaria vaccines
effectiveness measurements of RTS,S questioned
hotel phase
of LSA-1
monitored by WHO
and pharmaceutical companies
of RTS,S
Sanaria vaccine Phase I
of U.S. Army
of U.S. Navy
College Summit, Washington, D.C.
Coll-Seck, Awa Marie
Community wealth created by nonprofits
Community Wealth Ventures
among malaria researchers
among nonprofits
Cost considerations for disease control
DALYs of neglected diseases
developing countries vs. travelers market
economics of production, distribution
and increased public awareness
scaling drives down costs
See also Affordability
Côte d’Ivoire
Creation Out of Clay (Williams)
Creative capitalism philosophy (Gates)
Dahl, Ophelia
Dari, Alima. See Alima
DDT spraying to control malaria
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Dengue fever
Department of Defense, U.S.
Department of Energy, U.S.
Department of State, U.S.
Deresiewicz, William
Disability adjusted life years. See DALYs
Diseases and Human Evolution (Barnes)
Distribution of medicine and vaccines
of bed nets
complexity of
economics built into production
and OneWorld Health
through business relations with Africa
Doctors Without Borders
Doolan, Denise
Doolin, Wally
E. coli fermentations for artemisinin production
Economic market gaps
filled by nonprofits
filled by philanthropy
filled by science/economics/ philanthropy
as growth capital for nonprofits
Edna McConnell Clark Foundation
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation
Entrepreneurship. See Social entrepreneurship
Epstein, Judith
critical of RTS,S trials methodology
Eradication of malaria
delay of infection vs. prevention of infection
as impossible, naïve
Melinda Gates’s perspective
requires imagination, breakthrough thinking
requires political solutions, market mechanism
vs. medicinal treatment
See also Vaccines for malaria
Fagone, Jason
Failures of imagination
from focusing on symptoms not causes
as reasons for intractable problems
suffered in polio war
as underpinning of breakthrough thinking
Fauci, Anthony
FDA. See Food and Drug Administration
Fee-for-service nonprofit organizations
Field hospitals
Filarial parasite
Financial support for malaria control
progress and dynamics
Ray Chambers’s perspective
See also Cost considerations for disease control; Gates Foundation; Philanthropic organizations
Fisher Scientific
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S.
drug approval process
guarantees required from Sanaria
vaccine process
The Food Trust
Gandhi, Mahatma
Gates, Bill
on creative capitalism
on global diseases
on low incentives to serve poor people
on stretching market forces’ reach
Gates, Melinda, stands for eradicating malaria
Gates Foundation
addresses long-term market solutions
and Ballou
catalyzes global health
funds Amyris Biotechnologies
funds hookworm vaccine research
funds Institute for OneWorld Health
funds metabolically engineered artemisinin
funds Sanaria through MVI
as general contractor revitalizing anti-malaria efforts
and polio reemergence
Gaudi, Antonio
Genet, Jean
Genetic engineering
in Hotez’s hookworm vaccine
malaria-resistant mosquitoes
Genome mapping/genomics
and extraction of Plasmodium falciparum parasite
and faster sequencing
of human genome
of mosquito genome
for synthetic biology
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
Hoffman’s alternative malaria vaccine
RTS,S vaccine
vaccine effectiveness measurements questioned
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Global health
advanced by breakthrough thinkers
catalyzed by Gates Foundation
individual disease strategies vs. broad health goals
R&D priorities
GM (genetically modified) mosquitoe
s. See Genetic engineering
Good, Michael
Good but not good enough philosophy
Goozner, Merrill
Gorgas, William Crawford
Grabowsky, Mark
Grand Challenges Exploration Grants
Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition
Griffin, Diane
GSK. See GlaxoSmithKline
Hale, Victoria
creates nonprofit pharmaceutical OneWorld Health
on increasing interest in neglected diseases
and Keasling, Hoffman
Harlem Children’s Zone
Harris, Chuck
Harvard School of Public Health
Hepatitis B vaccine
Herskowitz, Ahvie
Hilleman, Maurice
Hochschild, Adam
Hodes, Rick
Hoffman, Stephen
background and character qualities
clinical trial for Sanaria vaccine
early practices and research
harvests, irradiates, P. falciparum parasite
obtains financial, professional, support
researches with wife Kim Lee Sim
scales existing vaccine discovery
See also Sanaria; Vaccines for malaria
Holder, Tony
vaccine developed by Hotez
Hooper, Arthur
Hotez, Peter
Human Hookworm Vaccine Initiative
Hunger eradication vs. feeding people. See also Childhood hunger; Share Our Strength
Idol Gives Back television program
leading to breakthroughs
as a moral, compassionate, connection
of Steve Hoffman
Imagination gap
Immunity against malaria
acquired by adults
lost by pregnant women
threshold issue for Sanaria vaccine
triggered by attenuated parasite/ vaccine
Indian Medical Service
Innovative Developing Countries (IDCs)
Institute for OneWorld Health
creation described
as nonprofit pharmaceutical
Instituto Butantan
International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol)
Investigational New Drug Application
Jacobs-Lorena, Marcelo
Jewish Social Services Agency, Rockville, Maryland
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute. See Malaria Research Institute
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. See also Bloomberg School of Public Health; Malaria Research Institute
Joint BioEnergy Institute
Karolinski Institute, Makerere University
Kashf financial services company
Kaslow, David
Kean, Ben
Keasling, Jay
compared to Hoffman
creates Amyris
on medicine-as-treatment approach
synthetic artemisinin
synthetic fuel research
Kennedy, John F.
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Khosla Ventures
Kleiner Perkins
Kochi, Arata
Kopp, Wendy
Kornberg, Arthur
Kozol, Jonathan
Kumar, Nirbhay
Lanar, David
Lariam (mefloquine)
Laveran, Alphonse
Leadership characteristics
Levine, Myron M.
Li Guo Qiao
Liquid nitrogen for freezing vaccines
Liver state antigen vaccine. See LSA-1
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Long, Carole
Loucq, Christian
LSA-1 (liver stage antigen) vaccine
Luke, Tom
Mahmoud, Adel
“Malaria: Blood, Sweat, and Tears” photographic exhibit
Malaria Control and Evaluation Partnership in Africa (MACEPA)
Malaria eradication efforts
compared to medicinal treatments
of Hoffman summarized
reasons for failures
require breakthrough thinking
Malaria Forum
Malaria Institute of Macha
Malaria No More
Malaria parasites
become stronger with counterfeit drugs
disease cycle complexity
mosquito transmission discovered
Plasmodium falciparum extracted
replication, mutation, in red blood cells
research described
See also Resistance of malaria to antimalarial drugs
Malaria R&D Alliance
Malaria Research Institute
Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI). See PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative
Manson, Patrick
Manson’s Tropical Diseases (Cook and Zumla)
Marines, U.S.
Market-directed organizations (MDOs)
Markets for malaria cures
with cause-related marketing partnerships
found, created, by social entrepreneurs
Gates leverages commercial investments
importance of affordability
incentives lacking
military personnel, travelers
Mary’s Center, Washington, D.C.
McNeil, John
MDOs. See Market-directed organizations
Measles virus
Médecins Sans Frontières. See Doctors Without Borders
Medicinal treatment efforts
sulfadoxine pyrimethamine
varied approaches
vs. eradication through vaccines
See also Bed nets; Vector control
Mefloquine (Lariam)
Melo, John
Menendez, Clara
Merozoite parasites
Military operations affected by malaria
American Revolutionary War
as focus for research
as leading cause of casualties
U.S. Civil War
Vietnam War
World War II Pacific campaigns
Military personnel as market for vaccines
Millennium Development goals
Millennium Promise
Miller, Clara
Miller, Louis
Moral imagination
Moree, Melinda
Muhwezi, Jim
Müller, Paul
Multi-drug-resistant (MDR) gene
MVI. See PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
National Institute for Medical Research (London)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Naval Medical Research Center, U.S.
Naval Medical Research Institute, U.S.
Naval Medical Research Unit Two (NAMRU-2)
Navy, U.S.
Neglected diseases
addressed by OneWorld Health
financial considerations (see Cost considerations for disease control)
increased attention to
ranked with DALYs metric
Neustadt, Richard
Newman, Jack
Newton, Paul
Nongovernmental organizations. See Nonprofit organizations
Nonprofit Finance Fund
Nonprofit organizations
with cause
-related marketing
combined with political, market, forces
fee-for-service programs
funding of malaria research
and gross margin concept
with long-term market mechanisms
OneWorld Health pharmaceutical
within science disciplines
sustainability and scaling
transformed into MDOs
Nussenzweig, Ruth
attenuated sporozoite vaccine
discovers potential of weakened parasite
on Hoffman’s clinical trials
identifies circumsporozoite as vaccine target
parasite irradiation research
Nussenzweig, Victor
O’Connor, Francis
On Becoming a Leader (Bennis)
OneWorld Health. See Institute for OneWorld Health
Open Society Institute
Optimism as a characteristic
P. falciparum. See Plasmodium falciparum parasite
Pallotta, Dan
Panama Canal
Parasitic diseases
black fever
as lacking vaccines
See also Malaria parasites
Partners in Health (PIH)
Pasteur, Louis
PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI)
on Sanaria clinical trials Phase I
as Sanaria’s main funder
Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative
Pharmaceutical industry
Pheap Sung
Philanthropic organizations
fill failed economic markets gap
help nonprofits accountability to market forces
look for returns on investments
with market mechanisms for social goals
prefer vertical disease-fighting strategies
as solvers, funders, of social problems
with venture capital investing
Plasmodium falciparum parasite
in clinical trials
complexity of life-cycle
extracted by Hoffman
in RTS,S trials
transmission-blocking research
Polio vaccine
Politics of disease eradication
addressed by DALYs
balanced with market mechanisms
with government as market
setbacks due to loss of infrastructure
and voiceless malaria victims
PopTech conference
Pre-erythrocytic stage vaccines
Presidents Malaria Initiative (PMI)
Presidents’ Summit
Problem solving
new roles of foundations
with no market incentives for poor people
of root causes vs. amelioration
through imaginative leaps
Product Development Partnerships
Project Mercy