The Imaginations of Unreasonable Men
Page 25
Proportional analysis of vaccine efficacy
Protein Potential
Public/private partnerships
Pucker, Bernie
Pucker, Sue
Rabinovitz, Regina
Recombinant DNA technology
Reiling, Kinkead
The Reinvestment Fund
Resistance of malaria to antimalarial drugs
counterfeit artemisinin drugs
Roepe’s research
Retinal changes in cerebral malaria victims
Rockefeller, John D.
Rockefeller Foundation
Roepe, Paul
Roll Back Malaria
Ross, Ronald
RTS,S vaccine
Alonso leads research, trials
compared to Sanaria vaccine
as first-generation vaccine
funded by Gates Foundation
measurements questioned
Mosquirix tested
with only partial efficacy
See also Clinical trials of malaria vaccines
Sabin Vaccine Institute
Sachs, Jeffrey
facility described, opened
harvests, irradiates, P. falciparum
as market-directed organization
translational research efforts
vaccine compared to Jacobs-Lorena and Kumar’s
vaccine compared to Keasling’s
vaccine compared to RTS,S
Scaling and sustainability
Schizont cells
Schramm, J. B.
Scofield, Chuck
SeaChange Capital Partners
Self-confidence as a characteristic
Shapiro, Teresa
Share Our Strength
addresses root causes of hunger
Charge Against Hunger campaign
in Ethiopia
Sim, Kim Lee
contributes to vaccine development
researches with husband Hoffman
runs Protein Potential
Skadinsky, Carla
Sleeping sickness
Smallpox vaccine
Smith, Craig
Social entrepreneurship
importance of affordable solutions
and markets for nonprofit goods, services
and new roles for philanthropy
in poor countries by nonprofit investors
with scaling focus, not just creating
Social marketing
Social problem solutions
by competing for return on investment
foundation grant partners
government/philanthropy/ marketplace/science
and market economic principles
pursued by attacking root causes
through biotech engineering
through scalable strategies
Soros, George
South Africa
Space program in the twentieth century
Spending on diseases. See Cost considerations for disease control
and Hoffman’s vaccine
in malaria disease cycle
Sri Lanka
Stewart, Ann
Stoll, Norman
Stroud, Robert
Sulfadoxine pyrimethamine (SP)
Sullivan, David
Surowiecki, James
Synthetic fuel production
Teach for America
“The Mosquito Can Be More Dangerous. . . . ” article (Smith and Hooper)
Thompson, Bob
Timberland Company
Time-to-event analysis vs. proportional analysis
Tourism market. See Travelers as markets for vaccines
Transgenic mosquitoes
Transmission vaccines (altruistic vaccines)
Transmission-blocking research
Travelers as markets for vaccines
with high level of protection
as market for Sanaria vaccine
secondary to poor children
and underground Novartis scandal
Tropical medicine
malaria as most difficult disease
revitalized by Gates Foundation
See also Neglected diseases
Tropical Medicine and Travelers Clinic, San Diego
Trypanosoma cruzi parasite
Trypanosomiasis/Trypanosome parasites
Typhoid fever
Underground market of counterfeit drugs
UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund)
United Nations special envoy for malaria
Vaccines for malaria
compared to medicinal treatment
efficacy standards
LSA-1 developed by Lanar
market value described
and P. falciparum
pre-erythrocytic stage
preventing human-human transmission
Sanaria’s attenuated sporozoite vaccine
Sanaria’s IV delivery
Sanaria’s translational research effort
See also Clinical trials
Vandenberg, Jerome
Vasella, Daniel
Vector control
Venter, Craig
Venture capital (VC)
Venture philanthropy
Venture Philanthropy Partners
Visceral leishmaniasis
Brother Thomas
Deresiewicz on
Steve Hoffman
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
early RTS,S/Mosquirix work
Lanar’s research
Wars influenced by malaria. See Military commands affected by malaria
Wavell, Archibald
Weina, Peter
The Wellcome Trust
Wesray Capital
“What Will a Partly Protective Malaria Vaccine Mean . . . ,” The Lancet
White, Nick
Williams, Rosemary
World Health Assembly
World Health Organization (WHO)
on artemisinin and resistance
on bed nets distribution
DDT and chloroquine campaign
monitors vaccine development
on vaccine costs
World Malaria Day 2010
Yarris, Lynn
Bill Shore is the founder and executive director of Share Our Strength®, the nation’s leading organization working to end childhood hunger in America, which he founded in 1984. He currently serves on the board of directors of The Timberland Company, and of Venture Philanthropy Partners. Shore has been an adjunct professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business and the program advisor for the Reynolds Foundation Fellowship program at the John F. Kennedy School of Government’s Center for Public Leadership. He is the author of three books.
PublicAffairs is a publishing house founded in 1997. It is a tribute to the standards, values, and flair of three persons who have served as mentors to countless reporters, writers, editors, and book people of all kinds, including me.
I. F. STONE, proprietor of I. F. Stone’s Weekly, combined a commitment to the First Amendment with entrepreneurial zeal and reporting skill and became one of the great independent journalists in American history. At the age of eighty, Izzy published The Trial of Socrates, which was a national bestseller. He wrote the book after he taught himself ancient Greek.
BENJAMIN C. BRADLEE was for nearly thirty years the charismatic editorial leader of The Washington Post. It was Ben
who gave the Post the range and courage to pursue such historic issues as Watergate. He supported his reporters with a tenacity that made them fearless and it is no accident that so many became authors of influential, best-selling books.
ROBERT L. BERNSTEIN, the chief executive of Random House for more than a quarter century, guided one of the nation’s premier publishing houses. Bob was personally responsible for many books of political dissent and argument that challenged tyranny around the globe. He is also the founder and longtime chair of Human Rights Watch, one of the most respected human rights organizations in the world.
For fifty years, the banner of Public Affairs Press was carried by its owner Morris B. Schnapper , who published Gandhi, Nasser, Toynbee, Truman, and about 1,500 other authors. In 1983, Schnapper was described by The Washington Post as “a redoubtable gadfly.” was described by The Washington Post as “a redoubtable gadfly.” His legacy will endure in the books to come.
Peter Osnos, Founder and Editor-at-Large
Copyright © 2010 by Bill Shore.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Shore, William H.
The imaginations of unreasonable men : inspiration, vision, and purpose in the quest to end malaria / Bill Shore.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
eISBN : 978-1-586-48840-6
1. Malaria—Prevention. I. Title.
RA644.M2S465 2010
614.5’32—dc22 2010023877