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The Rise of The Dominion: A Dominion War novel

Page 16

by D. M. Marshall

  “How long until it drops?” asked Lee.

  “Less than thirty seconds.”

  Raif knew what he had to do. “Lee, you and the others keep the bombers busy, Shepherd and I will close in and try and disable the freighter.”

  A double click sounded over the comms channel as Lee signaled his approval. Raif sensed Nate form up on his wing and in they flew, lasers stuttering.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Edo Mushur Raichel Ison flashed her Fist of the Dominion ID to the security guard as she ran past. Sensing Riccard Brams’ position before she saw him she angled off in his direction, Elenore trailing behind her. She saw Brams, who stood discussing something with a couple of senior officers. He looked calmer than Raichel felt but she could sense the anguish within him.

  As she approached he noticed her. “Fists. Thank you for coming. We have quite a situation here.”

  “Biggest understatement since someone said that Grawlins are ugly,” quipped Elenore.

  Brams ignored her. “Our foe have decided to finally come out into the open. The attack started fifteen minutes ago and already we can see that without some sort of miracle, we are going to lose.”

  “Why,” said Raichel, looking confused as she viewed the various screens showing the combat zones. The red dots appeared to be less numerous than the black dots.

  “If they were just standard Imperial vessels then yes, we would have the upper hand but unfortunately they seem to have joined forces with the Zhur Thoggu.” He raised his hands to fend off questions from the two Edo. “All we know is that many of the ships are encrusted with Ulorbana nanite steel and that they are employing plasma cannons and N-sphere emitters. How and why, we don’t know. All we do know is that they are very, very effective.”

  Raichel was horrified. Zhur Thoggu technology? Integrated into our technology? What Zhur Thoggu crafter would ever agree to such crimes? And who would seek the assistance of those exterminators from outside of our galaxy, whose viewpoint was so diametrically opposed to our own? She took Elenore’s hand. “Reach out with me, let us see what we can feel.”

  She felt Elenore’s perceptions mingle with her own, and together they Channeled, expanding their senses. She could sense tens of thousands of entities up there, some winking out of existence even as she touched their minds. She felt Elenore’s anguish and sent the young woman encouragement. She checked the battle screens again and then moved her focus towards what seemed to be the lead vessel, a particularly heavily covered Battleship. She searched amongst the thousands upon thousands of people onboard, looking for those particularly bright in the Astrals or seeming to be key decision makers. Soon, she felt one particular presence. One she knew too well. She pulled back, repulsed, but then she felt the presence of Astral-sensitive beings, much closer to the planet. She concentrated, then smiled broadly.

  She let go of Elenore’s hand. “Well, I have good news and bad news.”

  Brams cocked his head. “Bad news. Bad news always goes first.”

  “Bad news is that I know who is running the show up there, and she is one mean old lady.”

  Brams half closed his eyes as he rocked back slightly on his heels. “Adami. I should have guessed. I have been wondering what hole she had crawled into.”

  “The good news,” said Raichel, “is that there are some Edo up there. Edo Mushur Nate Shepherd and Raif Ko, if I am not mistaken.”

  “Ah,” said Riccard knowingly, “that would explain what’s going on just above the planetary shield. Let me show you.”

  “Skavespit,” cursed Raif over the comms channel, “that thing is as tough as my wife’s mother.” He jinked to avoid another N-sphere torpedo and curved around for another shot, Nate perfectly matching his maneuver.

  “Ko, Shepherd, whatever you guys are going to do you better do it fast,” grunted Dang. “The shield is about to fail.”

  Are going to do? Thought Ko. We’re already doing it. Short of ramming it, and even that was guaranteed success since the ship seemed practically indestructible, there wasn’t much else he could think to do. Fear gnawed at the edge of his mind, beginning to erode his famous confidence.

  Another attack run from the pair resulted in more chunks of Ulorbana breaking off from the ship, yet still it sat there, almost unperturbed as it worked to bring down the shield.

  “Blast it,” growled Ko. “Anyone got any better ideas? Dang?”

  “I’m sorry Raif, it’s too late,” said Dang, his voice particularly thick. “The shield is about to fail… there it goes.”

  Admiral Adami watched the screens updated as the shield draining ship did its job perfectly. The ship then dropped through the hole in the shield followed closely by the dog-fighting modified Delta bombers and those strange stealthy Nebula fighters. It headed for Disthasus, the main city on Citadel, home to the Imperial Stronghold and location of Riccard Brams. Once it fell, and he was dead or captured Weststar would assume control and the fighting would end, with Adami in charge of the entire Imperial Navy.

  “Captain, send in the other ships. I want the city shield down as soon as possible, and that hole won’t remain open forever.”

  “Yes, Admiral,” said Domovero spritely. They could all sense it, she knew. Victory was coming. She had known that many were deeply unhappy with using the Zhur Thoggu technology but now they were seeing the results of the killer-machines’ tech, they were less opposed to it. All military men wanted to achieve success and glory on the battlefield, and here they were, winning.

  “Oh, and Captain?”

  “Yes, Admiral?”

  “It is officers like you who will bring the Dominion back to its former glory.”

  The man visibly swelled with pride. “Thank you, Admiral!”

  Jake and Kaliko had joined them in the war room. Raichel noticed Brams give Kaliko a look, a quick flash of the eyes that he must have hoped no one saw. She had deliberated over whether to include Kaliko on the team due to her having killed Admiral Havalor, who had been adored throughout the Dominion. She had heard rumors that Riccard Brams was in fact Admiral Havalor’s son, and because of this might harbor understandable resentment towards Kaliko Savina. Until that glance he had appeared as comfortable around her as had with all the other Edo. Strange, she thought. Though for a man under such strain it was understandable if he was less able to control his emotions.

  Together they watched as the hole was torn through the great planetary shield, watched as the ships continued down and towards Disthasus. Nobody needed to guess what their next step was - a repeat of the process on the city’s shield. The room had substantially quietened as many staffers stopped to watch the inexorable path of the hybrid Imperial ships towards Disthasus, with the hounding Nebula fighters seemingly powerless to stop them.

  Brams glanced over worriedly at Raichel. “They’ll get them, Sir,” she said trying and failing to sound reassuring. An ex-Gladiator squadron pilot herself, she was desperate to be up there, doing what she could rather than being trapped here, under the shield, deep within the Imperial Headquarters, just waiting for the inevitable attack. “But we do need to consider the possibility that they breach the shield. We need to get you away from here Riccard.”

  “No,” he said, so loudly that it startled the staff near to him. “It’s out of the question. She cannot be allowed to defeat me.” He shook with repressed anger. “Admiral Havalor didn’t allow it and I won’t either.”

  Raichel approached him and spoke softly. “Riccard. I appreciate this is difficult but you are no good to the people of the Dominion as a captive or worse. Do you think Adami will be merciful?”

  Just then Danica Prilission returned, with Gil in tow. “High Doyen, Sir. I have contacted any many Doyen’s as I could. Ships will begin to arrive within an hour.”

  Brams smiled thankfully at her. “My thanks, Danica. Please see to the evacuation procedures for the citizens of Disthasus. Should the shield fail I need them enacted immediately.”

  She bowed slightly. “Of
course, Sir,” and walked away to begin her work. Once she was out of earshot the tall, imposing Imperial Defender leant over towards Brams, as if to whisper.

  “Save your breath, Gil,” said Brams. I already know what you are going to say. It was her final test,” he said sadly. He motioned towards a security chief and a group of security officers and then pointed at Danica. “Arrest that woman,” he said simply.

  Brams only had time to blink as Prilission whirled around, revealing a deadly looking hold-out phased plasma pistol gripped firmly in hand, already raised into firing position. She pulled the trigger.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Edo Mushur Val Nordin checked the countdown timer for reversion back into real space. Twenty seconds to go. Twenty seconds until his return to Dominion space. He knew that his presence would not be well received should he be discovered, but had found it impossible to ignore his feelings, he had felt a strong pull towards the Dominion. The Edo Conclave had agreed to him sending a flight group from his Paladins to the Dominion, he had just not specified it would be the group he led. A technicality, maybe, but if his feelings were to be trusted, one that would ultimately prevent his abolishment from the Edo Conclave, once they finally appreciated that sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. Time would tell.

  Thoughts of his brother tugged at his consciousness, traitors to his will. Under the influence of the fallen Skave Lord Adil Necron, Val had crossed into the Deep, and whilst seeking revenge against the Dominion had destroyed the planet Nanidu. What he hadn’t know was that his brother was still alive and on Nanidu at the time. If he was honest with himself he was still trying to make amends, though he recognized that he would never truly feel the debt repaid, no matter how many lives he had saved since then or in the future.

  Senoch Gray broke into his reverie. “Three seconds to reversion. Two. One. Mark.”

  Nordin pulled back on his hyperspace drive lever and with a slight shake his Recon Stealth Nebula fighter returned to normal space and right into the middle of a fierce battle.

  “Evasive maneuvers.” Val swung his Nebula fighter over onto its starboard stabilizers and pulled back heavily on his flight stick, narrowly avoiding a laser barrage from an all-too-close battleship.

  “Val, some of the ships are heavily modified with what looks like Zhur Thoggu technology,” commed Gray, as calm as ever.

  “Mark that side as the bad guys,” Val replied. “Anyone who thinks that having anything to do with the Zhur Thoggu is a good idea needs to be taught some very clear lessons.”

  Their fast entry speed upon reversion and their maneuvering had brought them to the edge of the conflict. Nordin needed to decide quickly how best to assist the defending fleet, but first needed information.

  “Xfour, analyze the battle, give me target data, including damage sustained and each vessel’s total damage output. If we’re to fight I want us to negate as much of their firepower as we can.” The X4 hooted in response and got to work. “Senoch, Dical, bond.”

  Nordin reached out to his two remaining wing men. Touched their minds in the Astral plane, felt them welcoming him. His mind swam through theirs, folding and merging together until they were indistinguishable as discrete entities. He knew their thoughts, and they, his.

  The Edo bonding used their enhanced Channeling capabilities to search through the conflict zone. Almost immediately they detected the other two Edo, down near the planet’s surface. Val brought that area into focus on his screens and saw that they were chasing a larger vessel and its escort ships down towards Disthasus. He frowned, as did Gray and Dimerchi, then checked and saw that there was a gaping hole in the planetary shield. Zooming out further it became apparent that more ships were peeling away from the battle towards the hole. They’d found where they were needed.

  There was no need to speak, the three Astral-bonded Edo acted in complete unison as they flipped over and peeled away down towards the stream of vessels, wings opening into attack position.

  The middle-aged human security guard took his time entering his security code into the wall mounted pad next to the door that led to Grand Mushur Sord Okarachebe’s cell. Tomasa Iwu waited as patiently as he could, well used to small-minded people making the most of what power they had over others. Finally the door swished into the ceiling. Iwu gave the man a full smile, revealing his mouthful of carnivorous incisors in all their serrated glory. Iwu took great pleasure in seeing the man step back, startled. Without waiting for a response, Tomasa turned and walked into the cell. The door slammed back down, sealing the room.

  The huge wolf-like Edo Mushur looked well. Or at least, not unwell. A Lifzan still looked capable of defeating a Titanirus even when almost dead. Sord greeting Tomasa calmly, seemingly at peace despite his predicament. It didn’t help Iwu feel any less agitated. He had no idea how he was going to prevent the Edo Mushur from being sentenced to death. As with all politically motivated trials there were too many power players involved to hope to combat with things as mundane as facts and the law. He realized that, like the Gladiators, when faced with a superior force you had to play dirty. Unfortunately for Mushur Okarachebe, he had yet to think of anything sufficiently devious enough. There was still time however, all was not completely lost yet.

  “Mister Iwu,” said Sord, his gravelly voice echoing around the small, sterile room. “It is a pleasure to meet you again. How have you been?”

  “Well, thank you, Mushur. My wife, Bianchana, keeps me busy. I trust you have been treated well?”

  Sord growled. “It would be interesting to see them try to treat me any other way. Like all prey, their shallow bravado soon wilts when face to face with a predator.”

  “Please, Mushur Okarachebe, do not antagonize these people. You need all the support you can get.”

  Sord shrugged and opened his hands, viciously barbed claws extended. “I do nothing but look at them.”

  Tomasa sighed. He knew exactly what he was doing, knew exactly how fearsome he looked to most other sentient species. Even though he was a supremely experienced and masterful Edo, his ancestry and nature could not easily be ignored. It was similar for most sentients who had evolved from predatory species. Even Tomasa’s own species, the Dallateen, battled against aggressive tendencies in the male of the species, though this did allow for there to be a fine tradition in warrior Dallateen, a line that Tomasa had been proud to be included within as a member of Gladiator squadron.

  “Yesterday I attended a pre-hearing. Just myself, the judge and the prosecution team - each side outlined our cases. Although the evidence put forward by prosecution is weak, there is a great deal of it. Little to none of it is directly related to your actions and much of it is attributable to the Edo through collateral damage only. Were this a proper trial I would say we have a good chance of winning.”

  Sord inclined his head. “I understand. Do not worry so, Mister Iwu. Have faith in the Astrals. Even if I am found guilty the Edo will continue. This is not the end for the Edo.”

  Iwu shook his head, again. “I’m not sure I’ll ever understand you Edo. How you can be so calm when these people, whom you have sacrificed so much for, want you put to death for doing nothing other than saving their own lives?”

  Sord growled gently. “With the Skave elsewhere they need someone to blame, Tomasa. It has always been easy to fear and hate those different or more powerful. The Edo have always been at risk, and always will be. We survived despite the Emperor’s and Overlord Murqen’s best attempts and though I may not, the Edo will also survive this.”

  Tomasa’s resolve doubled. How could he let someone so noble and selfless be slaughtered? He would rather die than let Sord become a public spectacle.

  “Mushur Sord,” he said, quite solemnly, “I will do everything I can to defend you and the Edo from this braying pack of Oorrtans. I will not rest until even my toes twitch no more.”

  The deadly bolt of phased plasma erupted from the small hold-out pistol Danica Prilission had somehow hidden within
her clingy, revealing outfit. Brams watched, everything in slow motion, as the young Elenore Frost easily absorbed the bolt with an outstretched palm. Danica Prilission fired another shot, aimed again at Elenore, and not him.

  Confused, he watched as Elenore blocked the plasma and then gestured. The pistol flew from Prilission’s grip to Elenore, who giggled as she caught the gun. The woman moved to turn and flee but stopped immediately - the tip of Raichel’s Astral blade glowed menacingly near her throat.

  “Move, please,” said Raichel darkly. Prilission glared at Raichel but slowly raised her hands.

  Brams found his voice. “How?” he asked the young woman. “How did you react so swiftly?”

  Elenore actually winked at him. “I’m heir to the Grazan throne. You get to recognize would-be assassins after a while. I’ve been waiting for her to make her move. She waited far too long,” she crowed, somehow taking delight in the attack. “What a complete amateur!”

  Raichel just shook her head and let her blade dissipate as a pair of security guards cuffed Danica.

  “We know who you are,” said Prilission to Elenore. “You’ll not live through this assault.”

  “Jeez,” said Elenore, “can’t you think of something a bit less melodramatic to say? This is your big moment.” Raichel almost laughed but held it back. It wouldn’t be appropriate for an Edo Mushur in these circumstances.

  “Please, take her to the holding cells,” said Brams. “I want her guarded by a full squad at all times. When this is over we’ll be having a long chat, Danica.”

  Danica laughed, annoying Raichel. “When this is over you’ll be dead, traitor.”

  “A bit better,” encouraged Elenore. Raichel rolled her eyes.

  “Riccard, I’m not taking no for an answer,” said Raichel. “Imagine what Jase would say if I left you here. We are leaving. Gather your things, and only bring your most trusted aides, if you have any, that is.” She winked at him to know that it was at least partly in jest.


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