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Our Kind of Love

Page 17

by Shirleen Davies


  “Phase three is active, C. It’s time for you to make more anonymous calls to alert TSR clients about a possible breach of their data files. This one should shake them up the way your stepfather expects.”

  C felt a trace of regret at the chaos Rave was creating. Through no fault of their own, his actions would undermine TSR’s success, perhaps cause the loss of tens of thousands of dollars in business, and impact client retention. Ephraim’s threats made it clear there’d been no choice, but C didn’t have to like it.

  “Thanks, Rave. I’ll make the calls, then contact Ephraim. Knowing him, he’ll waste no time contacting companies who selected TSR over Simondson to discover their current satisfaction level.”

  “This should get him off your back for a while.” Longer than a while if the results of the extra work ends as I hope, Rave thought. “Let me know if you need anything else.”


  “Client calls are escalating to a critical level, Linc. Tina is working with our customer service crew so each employee provides an accurate and consistent message.” Shane checked the status of the latest incident on his computer. “According to Vega, this attack is different from the last two.” He glanced over his shoulder, his mouth twisting into a smirk. “It wasn’t hard to convince him to work with Westfall on this one.”

  “Here’s the latest.” Matt handed Linc an updated report.

  Linc didn’t glance away from the spreadsheet as he studied the information. “This says no client data has been compromised. Can we rely on this, Matt?”

  “It’s the best information we have right now, and it’s what Tina is telling the clients.”

  “Has Vega given you any idea on when this will be contained?”

  “They’ve been working nonstop since he detected the breach. He and—”

  “Hold on, guys,” Shane interrupted. “Vega wants a conference call with us and Westfall. They’ve got some new Intel for us.”

  “Go ahead.” Linc pulled up a chair. “We’re here, Vega. What do you have for us?”

  “I didn’t want to say anything until I checked all the data, but I’ve discovered where the attacks are originating.”

  The door swung open as Tina entered. Linc motioned for her to grab a chair.

  “Tina just joined us, Vega. Go ahead.”

  “At first, given the sophistication of the attacks, I didn’t believe what I was finding. It was as if whoever set this up was leading me to the source.”

  Linc noticed Tina’s eyes widen as she bit her bottom lip.

  “Details, Vega,” Linc prompted, growing impatient.

  “Right. After being routed to China and back, I found the first incident came from the northwest area, but I could never get the source. The second incident went cold at a public location in Oregon. The third attack led us to gold.”

  “Vega…” Linc’s voice turned to hard frustration.

  “Got it, boss. I hope you’re all sitting down because you aren’t going to believe this. From what I can tell, this latest threat, and probably the others, came from an address in Portland. I don’t yet have a name, but if I were a betting man, which I am, I’d say our friendly competitor is out to get us.”

  “Simondson?” Linc asked, the pulse point in his jaw twitching.

  “Appears so. Give me a couple more hours, but if you know anyone in law enforcement, you may want to give them a heads-up.”


  “Open up, Donovan. We need to talk.” Linc pounded on the motel room door, Matt and Shane behind him doing their best to calm him down. He slammed his fist on the door again. “Donovan…open up.”

  They stepped back as the door slowly opened, a bleary-eyed Chad Donovan standing there. When he saw them, his eyes went wide.

  “What the hell do you guys want?” He stood before them in his underwear, the television blaring in the background.

  “A little early to sack out, isn’t it? Or have you been prematurely celebrating?” Linc pushed past him, ignoring Chad’s protests.

  “When I sack out is no business of yours.” His mind slowly cleared, a smirk forming on his face. “Celebrating what? Ah…they must’ve awarded the arts center contract. My guess is TSR didn’t get it.”

  Matt and Shane walked inside, closing the door behind them.

  “No, it hasn’t been awarded yet, but I’m relatively certain who is going to get it.” Linc swiped magazines off a chair and onto the floor, taking a seat, looking around the clean, cheap motel room. “This the best Ephraim can do?”

  Chad grabbed a pair of jeans, pulling them on, glaring down at Linc. “Look, I don’t know why the hell you’re here, but you apparently think it’s good enough to barge in and ruin my sleep. Why don’t you give me a clue?”

  “Did you and your stepfather honestly believe you could set us up, hack our system, then send warning messages to clients without us detecting the source?” Linc kept his voice low, absently drawing circles on the table next to him. He glanced up, his gaze feral. “You think you could break into our system with so little effort?”

  Chad blanched, expelling a deep breath, his arms limp at his sides. “Look, Caldwell, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t spoken to my stepfather in a week, and he definitely doesn’t trust me to handle anything beyond a meet-and-greet. If there’s more to this, you’d better enlighten me.”

  Linc, Matt, and Shane exchanged looks, wondering if Chad hadn’t been dialed-in on the happenings at TSR.

  “Are you telling us you have no idea about the attempts Simondson has made to hack our system, steal client data, and gather company secrets?” Linc stood, stepping to within a foot of Chad.

  “No shit? Ephraim actually tried something that stupid.” He scrubbed a hand down his face, shaking his head. “I’ll be damned. He must be getting desperate. Tell me more about what happened.” He lowered himself to the bed, resting his arms on his knees, seeing the surprise on Linc’s face.

  “I’ll share what we know, but believe me, Donovan, if you’re involved at all, you will go down.”


  “I hate to say it, but I don’t think Donovan is involved.” Matt slid into Linc’s truck, glancing back at the door to Chad’s room.

  “I agree, Linc. Something isn’t right about all this. He seemed too happy about his stepdad crossing the line and getting caught. Appears there’s bad blood between those two.” Shane shut the door as Linc started the engine.

  “If not Chad, then who?” Linc asked. “Ephraim sent him here to push votes toward Simondson and secure the contract. Is there somebody else we don’t know about?”

  “Hey, it doesn’t take a local person to do what they did. The hacker could be located anywhere,” Matt offered.

  Linc pinched the bridge of his nose. “I suppose you’re right. Guess we’ll know more after we get law enforcement involved. I’ll call Adam Monroe in the morning, get an investigation started.”

  “Whatever the outcome, I’m pretty certain Chad won’t be employed by his stepdad much longer.” Shane grinned at the thought.

  “I don’t expect anyone at that company will be employed once this is made public.” Linc shook his head. “Greed, ego, and stupid decisions. It’s a dangerous trifecta, gentlemen.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “When will my dad be back?” Caid yawned again, as he had many times while trying to stay awake until Linc returned.

  “He might not be back tonight, sweetie.” Selena tucked the covers around him, then swiped a strand of hair, so much like his father’s, from his forehead. “I’m sure he’ll be here as soon as he can.”

  Caid stared at her, his piercing blue eyes narrowing.

  “What is it?” Selena asked, seeing the question on his face.

  “Do you think he’s my real dad?” For such a quiet voice, it carried a major impact.

  She sucked in a breath. Caid had been referring to Linc as dad or daddy. Selena assumed they had this discussion before now,
but given the circumstances and all the issues at work, she could see how Linc had put it off.

  “You mean Linc?” She wanted to stall for time, give herself a moment to think of a good response.

  Caid nodded, his gaze fixed on her as if she held the answer to the biggest question in his world.

  “You’ll need to ask Linc, sweetie.” Selena could tell it wasn’t the answer Caid wanted when his eyes lost some of their spark. He slipped further under the covers, as if trying to hide his disappointment. His world had been rocked twice in his short life. At six years old, he needed to know where he belonged and if Linc would stick around.


  Linc came to an abrupt stop outside Caid’s bedroom, his jacket in one hand, his other hand reaching toward the door before he pushed it open. The question his son asked pierced his chest.

  He’d never thought of clarifying his answer, telling Caid that yes, he was his real father. Their first encounter had almost been too easy, two friends playing on the floor with a bag full of action figures. When Caid asked if Linc would be his daddy, he’d given the most natural response—yes. They’d never spoken of it again.

  Linc wondered if Selena weren’t here tonight, would Caid have asked him directly, or would he have let himself worry about it, creating confusion and uncertainty.

  “Hey, buddy.” Linc pushed the door open, tossing his jacket aside as Caid came fully awake.

  “Dad!” He launched himself into Linc’s outstretched arms.

  “I hope you were good for Selena.”

  Caid nodded, looking at Selena over Linc’s shoulder, a contented smile on his face.

  “What did you two do?”

  “We played ball, ate hamburgers, played video games.” He looked at Selena.

  “Drove to Pine Cove for ice cream.” Selena smiled at the big grin on Caid’s face.

  “I got chocolate.”

  Link’s eyes widened. “Chocolate, huh? And all I’ve had since breakfast is an energy bar and coffee.”

  Selena placed a hand on Linc’s shoulder. “I’ll go make something while you and Caid talk.”

  “No, stay. I can eat later.”

  Her gaze shot from Linc to Caid, who still had his arms wrapped around his father’s neck.

  “You know where to find me. Just follow the smell of grilled cheese.” She walked out, closing the door behind her.


  As two sandwiches grilled on the stove, Selena wrapped the remaining block of cheddar cheese, setting it in the refrigerator. Picking up a cup of coffee, she waited, hearing the sound of a door closing down the hall. A moment later, Linc walked into the kitchen, his face haggard but at peace.

  “He missed you.” She poured him some coffee as he sat, handing it to him before returning to the stove. Taking down a plate, she scooped up the sandwiches. “Here. You look like you need food.”

  Snaking an arm around her waist, he pulled Selena onto his lap, nuzzling her neck with his lips. “What I need is bed…and you.”

  She laughed, pulling back and picking up a sandwich. “I think we can make that work. First, you need to eat.” Holding it to his mouth, she laughed at the disappointed look on his face.

  Finishing the first sandwich in record time, he shoved the plate away, turning Selena so she straddled his lap. Shredding his hands into her hair, he pulled her down, nibbling at her lips before settling his mouth over hers.

  Her eyes closed as she slid her hands to this shoulders, then wrapped them around the back of his neck. Lacing her fingers through his hair, she moaned softly, hungry for his taste, his touch. Fire streaked through her as he deepened the kiss, moving against her, creating a heat almost unbearable in its intensity.

  Shifting, Linc moved his hands to her hips, lightly massaging as his mouth worked its magic on hers. Blood pounded through his body as a fire he’d never known blazed through him. He couldn’t get enough of her…would never get enough of her. A hungry growl escaped his lips as his tongue collided with hers, tangling, retreating, then plunging in again. He could feel his heart thundering as his hands moved to her thighs before sliding under the hem of her blouse.

  Breaking the kiss, he pulled back, his breathing ragged, a heated glare in his eyes. Desire speared deep in his belly as he saw yearning as strong as his own in her eyes.

  “I need you, Selena.” Standing, he held her steady, tightening his hold. “Wrap your legs around me,” he breathed out, taking her mouth again, walking into his bedroom and pushing the door closed.


  “Caid only said okay,” Linc chuckled, his fingers grazing up and down Selena’s arm as they lay in bed, morning sun streaming through the parted curtains.

  “He didn’t ask any questions? Seems you got off much too easy.” She smiled against his chest, her fingers playing with the silken hairs.

  “That so?” Linc laughed, although he felt the same. “He asked if I was his real daddy, and I said yes.” He glanced down at her, enjoying the way her fingers played against his body. “Real men don’t need a lot of words.”

  This time, Selena laughed. “I’m beginning to understand that. Other than my father and cousins, I haven’t spent much time around real men.” She tugged lightly on his chest hair.

  “Ow,” he muttered, then flipped her on top so she straddled his waist. “You play dirty, Ms. Kerrigan.”

  “You have no idea, Mr. Caldwell.” A wicked smile crossed her face.

  He splayed his hands across her back, drawing her down for a kiss. “Show me,” he whispered against her lips.

  “Now?” she breathed back.

  “Oh, yeah,” he groaned, tightening his hold as he hardened beneath her.


  “I’d appreciate it, Adam. We have a lot of data to give them, and we’ll do whatever is needed to get this resolved.” Linc held the phone to his ear, resting a shoulder against the patio door, watching Selena show Caid how to throw a Frisbee.

  A week had passed since Vega and Westfall discovered the data needed to identify the source of their problems. Adam was more than willing to help nail the man.

  “Yes, we can set up a meeting to hand off the data. Let me know when and where. And, Adam, I’d prefer you be present,” Linc said. He hung up, then dialed another number. “Matt, I want the group brought together at eleven this morning. Adam Monroe has assured the FBI we have what is needed and they want to see us sooner rather than later. We’ll go over what we have and pull together any other data they may find useful. Vega and Westfall should conference in.”

  “Vega can conference. Westfall flew into Spokane this morning. He’s driving over now.”

  “I’ll be there in thirty minutes, Matt.” He hung up, more than ready to turn everything over to the FBI.

  “Are you off again?” Selena walked up to him, sliding her arms around his neck, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

  “I’ve called the team together for a brief meeting. It shouldn’t take long, but I know you need to get some work done. Nina is on her way. Can you stay until she gets here?” He returned the kiss, glancing over her shoulder at Caid, who worked on figuring out the Frisbee.

  “Of course. I don’t have any appointments, so I may work from home.”

  “Perfect. I’ll swing by after the meeting and take you to a late lunch. By the water, if that’s okay.” Linc stroked a finger down her cheek. He needed to make a quick stop in Pine Cove before picking Selena up, then he wanted some time alone with her.

  “Sounds wonderful. Casual, I hope.”



  “I believe we’ve covered everything. Each of you has a job to do before we compile the final report for the FBI. Unless you need to confirm some data, don’t put in any more hours on this, other than preparing the reports. Adam assures me the FBI will want to confirm what we provide, so they’ll be putting some time into this.” Linc looked around the room at each person who’d helped close out the latest round of threats. “Look,
people, I don’t know where this is going. As we’ve discussed before, the person we thought helped Simondson doesn’t seem to know anything about the hacking. My gut tells me someone else, maybe even someone close to us, is involved, but that’s all I have to go on. Instinct. Keep vigilant.” Taking a breath, he stood. “I want to thank each one of you. Without your dedication and extra effort, we might still be mired in this mess. Following where the data led, not giving up, everything you did was critical.”

  “And we can’t overlook the work Tina did, taking care of our clients.” Matt glanced at her, seeing her face color a rosy red, her gaze focused on the floor. “We didn’t lose a single one, Tina. Thank you.”

  “I’m glad I could do my part.” Tina scooted her chair back, putting distance between her and the others, not looking up.

  “You did more than that, and it won’t go unnoticed,” Linc added.

  She nodded, staying silent.

  “I don’t believe we’ve ever been properly introduced.” Gray glanced toward Tina, extending his hand. “Gray Westfall.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Tina.”

  “I have a good friend back home named Tina. A nickname, I think,” Gray added.

  “Actually, Christina is my legal name. Most people call me Tina, but close friends just call me C.”


  Linc couldn’t get Tina’s odd reaction to their compliments out of his mind as he left Pine Cove. She’d exhibited strength and confidence during the recent crisis. Today, her actions indicated a woman who wanted to be anywhere else except in a room accepting congratulations.

  He thought on it a few more minutes, reaching no answers. Linc decided he wouldn’t spend any more time on the Tina mystery—at least not today. Answers eventually came out. Patience had its advantages.


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