Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3)

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Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3) Page 8

by J. L. Perry

  It takes me at least another thirty minutes to find my way out of his house. It is friggin’ massive. I swear I walked into numerous bedrooms, two bathrooms, a library, a storage closet, games room and a cloak room, before I finally managed to find the front door.

  I have no idea where I am, and no idea how to get home. I can’t even call for a taxi because I don’t know the address. Thank god he lives in a nice neighbourhood; otherwise I’d be shitting myself right now. I know Connor would come and get me if I called him, but I don’t want to disturb him.

  I navigate my way through the streets until I finally find the main road. It takes at least another ten minutes before I manage to flag down a taxi to take me home. The one that passed a few minutes ago, just drove straight past me. Arsehole! I can’t really blame him for not stopping, I’m sure I look like a hot mess. My shoes are in my hand because my feet are killing me, my hair is sticking up everywhere and I’m not wearing any panties. Well, he wouldn’t have known about the no panties, but I know I’m a mess.

  Once I climb into the back of the cab I give the driver my address. When he pulls out onto the road I sit back in my seat and think about everything that happened tonight. I still can’t believe I finally lost my virginity. It was amazing too, nothing like I thought it would be. I’ll never forget how Wolf made me feel tonight.


  Last night was spectacular and nothing like the horror stories I’ve heard from friends. What I just experienced was quite the opposite. It has been the most wonderful and intense five hours of my life. I find myself smiling as memories flood my mind. What an exceptional lover Wolf turned out to be. A girl couldn’t ask for a better first time.

  I’m surprised by the deep connection we shared. I never thought I’d feel such a deep connection to another male. Well I have one with Connor, but that’s an entirely different kind of connection. Wolf made me feel so cherished and special. Tears rise to my eyes as the realization that I’ll never see him again hits me hard. My heart starts to hurt. I cover my face with my hands and begin to sob.

  I pay the taxi driver when he drops me off outside my apartment. As I make the elevator ride up to my floor I search my bag for my keys. I don’t want to wake anyone up when I get home. They don’t need to see me like this.

  I thought that I’d be able to walk away from a one night stand with my feelings still intact. I was wrong! What happened tonight has somehow changed me. I didn’t think it was possible to develop feelings for someone in a few short hours, but again, I was wrong.

  Thank god nobody is awake when I enter the apartment. I quietly make my way to my bedroom. I head straight to my bathroom. A nice hot shower is what I need before falling into bed. I’m emotionally and physically exhausted.

  As I pull my dress over my head I smell Wolf’s cologne on my clothes. I hold my dress to my nose and inhale his scent. Tears start to fall again. I continue to cry in the shower as well. The effect he’s had on me tonight is greater than I thought. I haven’t cried like this since I was a little girl.

  As tired as I am, it takes a while to fall asleep. I know this sounds pathetic, but I sleep with my dress scrunched up next to my face. The smell of Wolf on my clothes is the only thing I have left of him.

  When I wake the next morning, I make my way to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. I look in the bathroom mirror as I wash my hands. My eyes are red and puffy from all the crying I’d done last night.

  I’m relieved that nobody is up yet as I walk to the kitchen. I need coffee. I also need some alone time to pull myself together. I’m still feeling very emotional about last night. I know Connor and Cass will freak out if I cry in front of them.

  As I wait for the coffee machine to heat up, I get my phone out of my handbag. I know there won’t be any messages from Wolf, because I didn’t give him my number, but I want to check it anyway. There are two texts from Cassie.

  I’m on my way home slut. Cook me some breakfast I’m starving. Love you. xx

  I smile when I notice she called me “slut.” Cass has never called me that before. Well at least she can’t call me “virgin pussy” anymore. That’s one of her favourite names for me.

  Her second message was sent last night.

  I’m going home with Damien tonight for a bit of horizontal humping, or vertical…maybe both. I hope you’re in the middle of getting your brains screwed out whilst having lots and lots of wonderful orgasms. I want all the gossip in the morning. I’m so proud of you for finally going through with it.

  Love you. xx

  As I put my phone back in my bag, I suddenly feel like crying again. I certainly did get my brains screwed out, and also had lots of wonderful orgasms. It was, without a doubt, the best night of my life. I’m missing Wolf already. We may never see each other again, but at least I will always have the memories.

  About ten minutes later the front door flies open. I look up from the stovetop to see Cassie standing there, smiling. She immediately stalks her way over to me.

  “Morning bitch,” she says with a huge smile on her face. “Spill, and I want all the juicy details too.” I remove the eggs from the pan and turn off the stovetop. Then I face her. I smile at her for a split second, before throwing myself into her arms as I begin to sob.

  “What the fuck Jaz?” she says a little too loudly. “What the fuck did he do to you?” I quickly grab her hand and drag her down the hall towards my bedroom. The last thing I want is for Connor to wake up and see me like this.

  When we get to my room I quietly close the door. “You have five seconds to tell me why the hell you are crying, before I hunt him down and cut off his fucking nuts!” she snaps. Her comment makes me giggle because I know she means every word.

  “Please Cass, calm down,” I whisper. “It wasn’t like that.”

  “Well why the fuck are you crying?” she angrily whispers back.

  “Sit down and I’ll explain.”

  Once we are seated I tell her everything and, I mean everything. From the moment I left the club, until the time I left Wolf’s house. When I tell her what I’d said to Wolf after I had my first orgasm on the back of his bike, she pisses herself laughing. I mean, rolling around on my floor, holding her stomach with tears in her eyes laughing.

  What a friggin’ bitch!

  When I got to the part where Wolf didn’t want to have sex with me, she couldn’t believe it. Cass was also shocked when I told her what I’d said to him.

  “Shut the fuck up. You did not beg him to have sex with you?” When I nod she starts laughing again.

  “You are a fucking classic Jaz. I’ve definitely corrupted you over the years, haven’t I?” She wraps me in her arms and hugs me. She wipes a tear from her eye, when she eventually lets go of me.

  “My little girl is all grown up,” she says seriously and we both laugh. I’m feeling better after our talk. She always knows the right things to say.

  “If you’re worried about never seeing him again after breakfast we will drive over to his house and pay him a little visit,” she says as we make our way back into the kitchen.

  “I don’t know where he lives and I paid no attention on the cab ride home.”

  “Well what’s his name, we can just look it up?”

  “You told me no real names remember? So I didn’t ask.”

  “Oh fuck Jaz,” she manages to get out between laughs. “You’re friggin’ priceless.”

  We sit at the breakfast bar to eat. After the events of last night, we’re starving. Connor comes out of his room while we’re eating. He’s wearing boxers again. I look over at Cass, she’s definitely checking him out. I put my head down and smile, I don’t want her to know that I noticed.

  Connor approaches me to kiss me good morning. The moment the smile drops from his face, I know he can tell I’ve been crying. He pulls me up off the stool and into his arms.

  “Why the hell have you been crying Jaz?” The tone of his voice tells me he’s concerned. I hate when he worries about me, so
I tell him I’m fine. “Did something happen last night that you’re not telling me?” Then it dawns on him. He turns and gives Cass a dirty look.

  “Did somebody hurt you?” he asks through gritted teeth.

  “Nobody hurt me Connor,” I assure him. “I’m just a little emotional after what I did last night.”

  He quickly lets go of me and holds his hands up in front of him. “Please spare me from the details Jaz. There are some things a brother doesn’t need to know about his little sister.” His comment makes me giggle.

  He rests his hands on my shoulders, as he looks over my face. “Are you sure you’re okay?” I nod my head. “You know I’m here for you if you ever need to talk right?”

  I wrap my arms around his waist. “I know you are. I promise I am okay, so please don’t worry about me.”

  After I finish my breakfast, I get up and make Connor something to eat. I leave him talking with Cass as I make my way back to my bedroom. I hardly slept last night. I want to lie down for a while.

  About twenty minutes later Cass climbs into my bed and lays beside me. She puts her arm around my waist and spoons me, as we both fall asleep.



  The hurt I felt when I woke up this morning after Red ditched me is gone. Now I’m angry. Fucking furious actually. I feel like a hypocrite, because it’s nothing I haven’t done myself, hundreds of times in the past. But I thought what we shared last night had meant something to her. It definitely meant something to me.

  A few minutes ago I got a text from Blake’s friend’s dad. He said he was taking the boys to the movies and would drop him off after lunch. I miss him and want him home, but I know I need some time to calm down first. I don’t want Blake to see me like this.

  I text Connor and tell him I’m going to the gym. He says he’ll meet me there. I know a few rounds with the punching bag will relieve me of some of this tension.

  We agree to meet in an hour so I head upstairs to my bathroom to shower. I don’t usually shower before I go for a workout, but I need to wash off all remnants of last night. I want to forget it ever happened, but I know that won’t happen. What Red and I shared last night was something I will probably never experience again.

  She has probably fucking ruined me now for all the other girls I’ll hook up with in the future. It’s like her pussy has magical powers. One night with her has changed everything.


  Connor walks into the gym a few minutes after me. We fist pump each other. “How’d you end up last night?” he asks. “Did you pick up a nice piece of arse?”

  “I don’t want to fucking talk about it.” My comment makes Connor laugh.

  “Boy someone’s in a mood this morning,” he chuckles. “Sounds like you didn’t get laid last night.”

  “Oh I got laid alright,” I reply in a clipped tone.

  “So what’s the problem then man?”

  “The problem is that I had the best fucking sex in my life and she snuck out of my house in the middle of the night, while I slept.” Connor roars laughing this time.

  “It’s not fucking funny, arsehole.”

  “It’s not like you haven’t done the same thing in the past.”

  “I know, I know,” I reply. “I really liked this one. She is the first girl I have ever wanted to spend the whole night with. I was so fucking pissed when I woke up this morning and she was gone. The worst part is I don’t even know her real fucking name.”

  “Fucking hell Mason. I never thought I’d see the day a chick would bring you to your knees.”

  “I fucking know right?” I say with a chuckle, because I also can’t believe she has me tied up in knots like this. “It’s like she has a fucking magical pussy or something, and cast some sort of spell on my dick.” Connor slaps me on the back, as he roars laughing again.

  “That’s a fucking classic man.”

  By the time I left the gym I’d calmed down. I stopped off at a gaming shop on the way home, I wanted to get a new game for Blake’s X-box. I also picked up some snacks from the supermarket. I’m going to spend the afternoon with my little boy, playing video games and eating junk food. Anything that will help me forget what happened last night.


  Blake and I had a great afternoon together. It was a hot day, so we ended up going for a swim later that day and I cooked a couple of steaks for us on the grill. Meat on the BBQ is another thing I can cook.

  That night when I got into bed I could smell Red all over my sheets. Fuck! As hard as I tried to ignore it, I couldn’t. Eventually I got up and stripped the sheets off my bed. How can I forget her if I can smell her sweet strawberry scent all around me?



  When Cass and I woke later that morning, we moved her stuff into my room. My parents are arriving later today with the rest of my stuff. They’re going to stay here for a few days, before leaving for their Cruise. Cass is going to share my room with me until they leave.

  She helps me strip the bed and put on some clean sheets. While I give the room a quick vacuum, Cass wipes over the en-suite bathroom.

  She’s barely been in this room since she arrived, but I still want to make it nice for my parents. I’m looking forward to them coming. It’s only been a week since I left Melbourne but I miss them terribly. I’ve never been away from my mum for this long before.


  When they finally arrive, mum hugs me tight and cries happy tears. “I have missed my little girl so much,” she whispers.

  “I’ve missed you to mum. A lot!”

  I’m happy to be living here with Connor, but I still hate being away from her. She needs this time alone with her husband though. I want her to travel the world and enjoy her life.

  God knows she deserves it.

  Connor, Cassie and I help my dad bring the rest of my stuff up to the apartment. I’m officially moved in now. When we went shopping yesterday, Cass and I bought some cute accessories for my room. I love how it looks.

  Later this afternoon I plan on booting up my laptop so I can start scanning the classifieds for a job. Right now though, I need to get changed because my dad is taking us all out for dinner. It’s nice having my whole family back together again, even if it’s only for two days.


  All day I tried not to think about Wolf. Occasionally, his gorgeous face popped into my mind. For self-preservation, when it did, I pushed it straight back out again.

  Whist we were eating dinner mum made a comment on how glowing I looked. I nearly choked on my food. Cass giggled so I kicked her under the table. Connor just shook his head. Our reaction made mum ask if she was missing something. When the three of us said no at the same time, she shook her head. I think she knew there was more to it, but thankfully she didn’t push it.

  When we get back from the restaurant, I grab my laptop out of my room. Whilst I sit and scan the classifieds for jobs, Cass talks with my parents.

  Unfortunately, there are no vacancies for a Child Psychologist in Sydney. My mum assures me that something will come up soon, and not to give up hope.

  Before shutting down my computer, I decide to check my emails. I notice there is an email from Brooke. It says she hasn’t heard from me in a few weeks, and is wondering how my big move went. After turning my computer off, I grab my phone and call her.

  Brooke and I have remained very close over the years. She became like a big sister to me after she saved us from my dad. I love her, Logan and their two kids Angel and Chris. They are such a great family. I’m actually a little envious of the love Logan and Brooke share. They’re what you’d call the perfect couple.

  When I call Brooke’s number, Angel answers. “Aunty Jaz!” she screams when she hears my voice. “Mummy said you moved to Sydney last week. How come you haven’t visited us yet?” The attitude she expresses as she says it, makes me giggle.

  “That’s why I’m ringing Princess. I want to ask your mummy if I can come over tomorrow and vis
it.” The next thing I hear is her voice screaming right into the phone.

  “Mummy. Aunty Jaz is on the phone and she wants to come over tomorrow to visit.” I hear Brooke in the background.

  “Don’t scream into the phone sweetheart, you’ll make poor Aunty Jaz deaf.”

  “Sorry Aunty Jaz,” Angel whispers before passing the phone to her mum.

  “Hey Jaz,” Brooke says with a laugh. “Sorry about that, she does it all the time to her father when he calls too. I’ve been meaning to call you and invite you over, but things have been pretty hectic lately.”

  “That’s fine. I just wanted to check if you’re free tomorrow?”

  “You can come to the studio during the day,” she replies. “Maybe we can grab some lunch. Or maybe it would be best to come over in the afternoon once the kids are home from school. Angel would never let me live it down if she doesn’t get to see you. Ever since I told her you were moving back to Sydney, she’s been driving me crazy asking about you.”

  “I can’t wait to see her either,” I say with a smile. “She sounds so grown up now. I haven’t seen her or Chris since the last time you were all in Melbourne.”

  “Yes, she’s growing up fast. But unfortunately the bigger she gets, the bigger her attitude gets too. The majority of the time though, she is still our sweet little Angel. Always fussing over her little brother and smothering him with love, and still has her daddy wrapped around her little finger.”

  We talk for around an hour about the kids, Logan and the dance studio. I tell her about my job hunting. Brooke explains that she is down a few teachers at the studio. One is due to have a baby, and the other has broken her ankle.

  “If you’re interested in teaching a few classes while you’re job hunting, I would love to have you.”

  “Oh, I’d love that.”

  “Okay great. We can discuss it tomorrow when I see you.” Tomorrow can’t come soon enough. I’ve missed Brooke and the kids so much.

  “How about I pick the kids up from school on the way over?”


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