Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3)

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Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3) Page 9

by J. L. Perry

  “Oh god they would love that Jaz,” she squeals. “I won’t tell them. I’ll let them get a nice surprise. I’ll let their teacher know in the morning when I drop them off.”

  We chat for a little longer. When it’s time to say goodbye, Brooke says, “I love you Jaz. I’m so glad I’m going to see more of you now.”

  “I love you too,” I reply before hanging up with a smile on my face. Talking with her always makes me happy.


  The next morning I text Brooke to ask if I can bring Cassie with me this afternoon. I know she won’t mind but it’s polite to ask.

  Cass and I are taking my mum for a manicure and pedicure later this morning, before going out to lunch.


  After lunch we do some shopping. Mum bought a new bikini to take on the Cruise. She still has a great body for someone her age. There are still visible scars my father left on her body all those years ago, but she doesn’t seem to mind. It breaks my heart to see them though.

  Mum also bought some sexy lingerie to take with her on their trip, which nearly made me gag. I do not want to picture my parents doing the wild thing.

  TMI mum!


  Angel and Chris are excited to see me when I get to the school later that day. Angel squeals and jumps into my arms as soon as she notices me, which is sweet. It’s great to see them again. I can’t believe how much they’ve grown in the months since I last saw them. Angel still looks like a mini Brooke, and Chris is a spitting image of Logan.

  About twenty minutes later, we pull up at Brooke and Logan’s house. I love coming to their new place on the North Shore. It’s a beautiful house—well it’s not really a house, it’s a mansion. Brooke seems really happy here. Their penthouse was nice too, I mean really nice, but this place is better suited for the kids. They even have their own private beach out back.

  Brooke comes outside to greet us when we pull up. Seeing her again makes me happy. She hasn’t changed much over the last seven years. She’s still breathtakingly beautiful, inside and out. I notice her hair’s been cut a bit shorter since the last time I saw her. Even though she’s thirteen years older than me, we are extremely close.

  After she kisses the kids, she wraps me in her arms and squeezes me tight. Once she finally releases me, I introduce her to Cass.

  We sit out the back by the pool chatting, while the kids swim. The pool has a giant slippery slide down one end, so they are having a blast. Michelle, Logan’s sister, even wanders over from next door, with little Isaac, her son. He’s adorable. It’s good to see her again. Michelle’s a sweetheart just like Brooke. They are both lucky to be living next door to each other. Not only are they sister-in-laws, but best friends. I hope Cassie and I can have a set-up like this one day.

  Brooke invites Cassie and I to stay for dinner, which is nice. She said Logan would like to see me. Logan was the first man I actually liked when I was younger. He was so kind to my mother and me, after everything that happened with my father.

  At first I was a little sceptical, but after seeing him and Brooke together, all that changed. Growing up with my father, I’d never experienced two people in love like that. Over the years though, I’ve learnt that their love for each other is genuine. Logan’s not only a great husband; he’s a wonderful father as well.

  We are all sitting at the dinner table when Logan arrives home from work. “Holy fucking shit, he is hot…hot…hot,” Cass whispers from behind her napkin so only I can hear. If I wasn’t sitting at the table with his wife and children, I would have laughed at her reaction, but of course I can’t do that. Instead, I pinch her leg under the table, which earns me a dirty look.

  Logan kisses me and the kid’s hello, before introducing himself to Cassie. I have to pinch her leg under the table again, as he speaks to her. Her mouth is hanging open and I swear she’s practically drooling. Logan then makes his way around the table to Brooke, before pulling her off the chair and into his arms. He crushes his lips to hers—not a peck either, I might add, a full on make your toes curl kind of kiss.

  “I missed you today baby,” I hear him say. God, I’m so envious of how much he loves her. When Angel rolls her eyes and says, “Ewww that’s so gross daddy,” we all laugh. “He kisses her like that all the time,” she adds in a disgusted tone.

  After dinner, Brooke and I discuss what days I’ll be teaching at the studio. I’m really looking forward to it. She wants me to do Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays but I can’t do Fridays. On Friday, Cass and I are starting our new pole dance classes. We found a place not far from our apartment.

  “I forgot you were doing pole dancing classes,” Brooke says with excitement in her voice. “If I got some poles installed at the studio, would you be interested in teaching a class there? Logan would love it if I learnt how to pole dance.”

  “I’d love that.”

  “Oh, I’m so excited,” she says as she claps her hands. “Michelle’s going to die when I tell her.”

  On the drive back to our apartment that night, Cass says, “What is it with that family? I felt like I’d fallen into the world of friggin’ beautiful people. It should be a crime to be that perfect.” I laugh at her comment. She says the craziest things sometimes.

  They are pretty perfect though.


  I taught three classes at Brooke’s studio on Wednesday. I went in early Tuesday morning, so we could go over the routines the girls are learning. I’ve always loved dancing, so I’m really enjoying teaching.

  I first started dancing at Brooke’s studio when I was twelve years old. She’d offered free Tuesday classes for people that couldn’t afford to pay for lessons. My mum let me participate without my dad knowing. That’s how I’d met her. She told me after I’d been there a few months, that I showed a lot of potential, so she offered me private classes.

  My teachers in Melbourne had told me I was good as well. They said I could make a career out of dancing if I wanted too, but counselling children is where my heart lies. I feel I can do a lot of good there, because of the life I lived as a child. If I can help one child, what I went through when I was younger will be worth it.

  On Friday we attend our new pole dancing class. It’s fun, but the classes we’d taken in Melbourne were a lot more professional. Cass and I decide for that reason, we won’t go back. Thankfully, we can still continue doing it once Brooke installs the poles at her studio.

  I kiss Cass goodbye when she leaves the class. She has a hot coffee date with some guy she picked up the other day in the bank. As if they’re even going to drink coffee. I know my friend well enough to know that coffee is the last thing on her mind. Knowing her, she will skip the hot beverage altogether and take him straight to the bedroom.

  I head straight for the car. I need to rush home to take a quick shower. Connor’s friend Mason is coming over. Connor has asked me to watch his little boy while they play cards. I don’t mind, I love kids.

  It broke my heart when Connor told me of the life Blake had before coming to live with his father. He’s just the kind of child that I want to help in my career. Mason sounds like such a great man. I commend him for taking on a single parent roll under the circumstances.

  Connor says he’s a great father, and even though he’s a male, I’m actually looking forward to meeting him, as well as having them live in our building. Connor speaks so highly of him, so I know he must be a nice guy. I trust my brother impeccably.




  Tomorrow’s our big move. Most of our things are packed up, ready for the movers in the morning. The last minute packing is all that’s left, but that can wait until tomorrow. Tonight I’m going to hang out with Connor, play cards and have a few beers. After the shitty week I’ve had, I need it.

  Red is still on my mind. I can’t believe I’m still upset about what she did. Whilst driving around the past week, I’ve found myself looking for her in the street. Crazy I know, but this chick
is under my skin and messing with my fucking head. I’m never going to see her again so I need to get over it.

  When we arrive at Connor’s apartment building I tell Blake that this is where we are going to be living. He enjoys the ride in the elevator up to Connor’s apartment. By the way his little face lights up in amazement, makes it quite obvious this is his first time.

  “You’ll be able to ride this everyday once we move here,” I inform him as I ruffle his hair.

  “Awesome.” I love seeing him smile like this. I rough up his hair again as we make our way to Connor’s door. I can smell the food before I even knock on the door. It smells delicious.

  “I’m hungry,” Blake whines while we wait for Connor to answer. It makes me chuckle. He certainly loves his food.

  “What smells so good?” I ask when Connor opens the door.

  “Jaz is cooking us chicken wings, BBQ ribs and homemade pizza. She’s been in the kitchen for hours. Wait til’ you taste her cooking man, it’s the best.”

  “Jaz,” he calls when we step inside the apartment. “Come and meet Mason and Blake.” When she walks out of the kitchen my heart drops into the pit of my stomach. Red! Connor’s sister is fucking Red.

  The colour drains out of her face as her eyes nearly pop out of her head. She quickly recovers before Connor notices. She squares her shoulders as she walks towards me and extends her hand.

  “Hi, I’m Jacinta,” she says with a smile. I can tell it’s forced. So this is how she’s going to play.

  Game fucking on Red!

  I shake her hand and may have squeezed it a little tighter than normal. She immediately narrows her eyes at me before pulling her hand out of my grip. I want to laugh. If she wants to pretend she doesn’t know me, then I’ll do that too. I narrow my eyes back at her. I want to let her know that after what she did the other night, she’s on the top of my shit list.

  She looks down at Blake. Her face softens and a beautiful smile appears. Fuck, that smile! Why didn’t I get one of those? I feel him move his tiny body behind my legs. Sucked in, is my initial thought. Red probably has no idea that he’s scared of women, I’m not about to enlighten her either.

  She squats down so she’s at his level. “Hi little man,” she says sweetly. “My name is Jacinta.” His body is hidden behind mine, but he peaks his head out to look at her.

  “Do you like chocolate chips cookies?” He nods his head. “Well, when my brother told me you were coming over I made a big batch for you. Would you like to come in the kitchen with me and have some? If your dad says it’s okay, you can have a big glass of chocolate milk too.”

  Blake tugs on my jeans. “Can I have some chocolate milk with my cookies dad?”

  “Sure buddy. You can have whatever you want.” The little traitor gives her a big smile. He then extends his hand out for her to hold.

  I’m actually a little jealous of my son as they walk towards the kitchen hand in hand. I want to be the one holding her hand. I remember exactly what her delicate little hands felt like wrapped in mine.

  “I told you he would love her,” Connor gloats. “She’s amazing.” Yes she’s amazing, but I’m not about to tell him that.

  “Take a seat, I’ll go grab the cards. Hope you brought plenty of cash, I’m feeling lucky tonight.” He’s not the only one feeling lucky tonight. My heart’s still racing. I’m fucking ecstatic that I’ve found her again. Pissed, but happy.

  I hear Red ask Blake to go down the hall and wash his hands in the bathroom. She’s alone in the kitchen. “I’m gonna grab a beer, want one?”

  “Thanks man,” he replies.

  Her back is to me when I walk in. I take my time admiring that fine arse in those tight little shorts, before walking up behind her.

  I cage her in by placing my hands either side of her, resting them on the bench. “Are you sure I can trust you to look after my boy without ditching him,” I whisper sarcastically in her ear. It feels good to be close to her again. I can smell her sweet strawberry scent, it makes my dick twitch. Sure I’m pissed, but I’d be lying if I said I haven’t missed her. I thought I’d never see her again.

  I can’t believe she’s Connor’s little sister. He’d kick my arse if he found out I deflowered his precious little Jaz. At least I finally know her name. Jacinta—I like it. It’s a pretty name and it suits her.

  She swings around to face me. She narrows her eyes. It makes me want to smile, but I don’t. I’m hurt by what she did. I don’t want her to think things are okay with us, because they’re not.

  “Why are you being such an arsehole?” she snaps.

  “You know exactly why,” I reply in an angry whisper. “You just sneak away in the middle of the night without so much as a fucking goodbye.” Her head lowers. Great, now I feel bad for the way I’m treating her.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispers. She looks up at me with her beautiful blue eyes. I’ve missed those eyes. “I had my reasons for leaving, I apologise if I hurt your feelings.” Damn right you hurt my feelings.

  “Don’t flatter yourself Red. We both got what we wanted that night, there’s no love lost here sweetheart.” I abruptly turn, grab two beers out of the fridge and leave. When I hear her gasp behind me, I feel like an arsehole for what I just said.

  I pass Connor his beer and take a seat. “Let’s eat first. I’m fucking starving,” he complains. “I’ve been smelling this shit for hours, all she gave me to tie me over was one fucking cookie.” I laugh, he sounds like a spoilt little kid. “How much longer until its ready Jaz?”

  “I’m just getting it out of the oven now,” she calls back. He offers to give her a hand but she declines.

  The first tray brought out is full of honey soy chicken wings and smoky BBQ ribs. They look as good as they smell. She places it on the table and hands us both a plate. She won’t make eye contact with me. She returns to the kitchen and comes back with two more trays. One tray has a pepperoni pizza on it, the other one looks like ham and pineapple.

  “Is it okay if I give some pizza to Blake?” she asks, but the stubborn arse is still refusing to look at me. I’m feeling bad for the way I spoke to her. If only she’d look at me, I could give her an apologetic smile.

  No such luck!

  “Sure,” I reply. “Give him whatever he wants.”

  It turns out Connor’s right, she can cook. It’s the nicest pizza I’ve ever eaten, even the base is homemade. The wings and ribs are delicious too. She’s beautiful, sweet and cooks like a fucking chef. Shit, I should have tied her to the fucking bed last week so she couldn’t run away. Connor’s a lucky bastard, living with someone who can cook like this.

  I hope he gets fucking fat!

  When she comes out to collect our plates, Connor stands and tries to stop her. “Let me do it sis. You’ve been on your feet for hours cooking, go and sit down.” I can tell by the way she smiles at him she adores him as much as he adores her. I want one of those fucking smiles. I know I’m not going to get one, she still won’t make eye contact with me.

  “Did you eat something?” he asks her.

  “No, I’m not very hungry. I might have something later.”

  “Are you feeling alright? You look kind of sad.” That makes me feel even shittier. She assures him she’s alright, before reaching up on her toes and kissing his cheek.

  Hey, where’s my fucking kiss?

  I feel like a total arse. What I said to her in the kitchen is probably the reason she’s sad. I hope I didn’t hurt her feelings too much. Connor leans down and kisses her forehead. I want to kiss her too. So damn much!


  We’ve been playing cards for the last hour. Connor’s kicking my arse because I can’t concentrate on the game. All I can think about is Red.

  While Connor deals out the next hand, I tell him I need to take a leak. I don’t really need to go. I want to walk past her bedroom and see how things are going with her and Blake. I stop at the door and stare. They’re both sitting on her bed with their legs cross
ed playing the X-box. They have the same determined look on their faces as they play. They’re so engrossed in their game; they don’t even notice me standing there. Watching them makes me smile. They look so cute together like this.

  While I’m in the bathroom, I hear Blake squeal in his cute little voice, “You beat me Jazzi. I can’t believe it. My dad can’t even beat me at this game.” I hear her laugh, she has such a sweet laugh. “I want a rematch,” he demands.

  It makes me smile when I hear her say, “Game on little man, and be prepared to get your cute little butt whipped again.”

  I wash my hands and leave the bathroom. I can hear them both laughing as I walk down the hall. It warms my heart. I love hearing my little boy laugh like that. He doesn’t do enough of it.

  I’m surprised when I peer into her room again. She has Blake pinned to the bed and she’s tickling him. “I can’t believe you cheated. You got me killed on purpose you little cheater, just so you could win.”

  “I’m sorry Jazzi,” he laughs. A full belly laugh, it’s like music to my ears. She’s fantastic with him. My heart sinks as I think about what she did to me last week.



  I’m having fun with Blake. He’s such a little sweetheart. My heart breaks, thinking about the life he had before he moved in with his father. Like me though, he’s free of that now and has a bright future ahead of him.

  Blake has a fighting spirit. You only have to play video games with him to see that. He’s determined and doesn’t give up easily. We’ve been playing the same game for over two hours, he won’t give up until he beats me. I also have a competitive streak, but I am getting sick of playing the same game, so I reluctantly let him win, just so we can stop.

  “What do you want to do now little man?” I ask with a smile.

  “Can we watch a movie Jazzi?” His voice is so sweet. Blake was having trouble earlier pronouncing my name so I told him to call me Jaz or Jazzi. I presume he prefers the latter.

  “Do you want to watch a movie in here, or go out into the lounge room?” I ask.


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