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Hidden Away

Page 14

by Sharon Dunn

  The seconds ticked by. The sounds stopped as though Nick were looking around.

  Her breath caught in her throat.

  Judging from the volume of the footsteps, Nick was maybe ten feet away from them.

  She tilted her head and looked into Jason’s eyes, drawing strength from his proximity and the calm of his expression.

  The footsteps resumed, this time making almost a squeaking sound on crunchy dry snow.

  It seemed to take forever for the footsteps to get far away. Finally, the quiet of the night forest fell around them like a soft blanket.

  Jason and Isabel stood very close together. Moonlight sneaked through the trees and washed over them. He bent his head and brushed his cheek over hers. Fire ignited, covering her skin and traveling through her muscles as his lips found hers. He brushed lightly over her mouth and then deepened the kiss as his hand touched her cheek.

  She remained suspended in the moment, relishing a sensation like warm honey being poured over her head and dripping down her skin. He held her close for a second longer before whispering in her ear. “We’re almost home free, Isabel.”

  The kiss had made her dizzy, light-headed. “Yes, I suppose we should make a run for it.”

  He kissed her one more time, took her hand and led her through the thick of the trees until they were able to run. There were no lights on at the concert venue, but the silhouette of the huge building was plain enough. There were only two snow-covered cars in the parking lot as they approached. Snowmobile tracks indicated the other pursuer had circled the building at least twice.

  She looked over her shoulder. Nick emerged from the trees, running straight for them. The snowmobile came around the side of the building.

  Jason pivoted and she followed. An SUV turned off the road into the lot. Michael’s car.

  The snowmobile made a beeline for them, the clanging of the motor pressing on her ears as she sprinted toward Michael’s car. Jason got there first, swinging open the back door. She piled in and Jason got in behind her.

  Michael revved the motor and sped forward, swerving and fishtailing through the icy lot. The snowmobile blocked their exit. Michael hit the accelerator and drove over a snow-covered lawn back up to the road.

  The snowmobile followed them until they turned onto a plowed road. Nick stood at the edge of the parking lot. The stiffness of his posture suggested rage.

  “Good timing, Michael,” said Jason.

  “We aim to please,” said Michael. “We’ve got a temporary safe house set up for you. You’ll both need to be debriefed, but I imagine you’d like to get a good night’s sleep first.”

  “I’m looking forward to a hot bath and a steaming cup of tea.” She smiled at Jason. The softness in his expression, that look of affection in his eyes, made her heart skip a beat.

  “As promised.” He placed his gloved hand over hers and squeezed.

  She pressed her shoulder against his, still caught up in the exhilaration of their kiss.

  Jason leaned forward to talk to Michael. “So is the investigation blown?”

  “We’ll have to lie low for a while until they think we’ve backed off. Once things cool down, we’ve got quite a few people to keep an eye on, especially Nick Solomon, thanks to Isabel.”

  She was glad Michael saw it that way.

  Michael said, “The profiler thinks the kingpin is working class or came from humble roots because of what Isabel told us about getting a thrill out of making the wealthy uncomfortable in their own homes.”

  They drove on in silence. Jason put an arm around Isabel and she rested her head against his chest, listening to his heart beat. The heaviness of fatigue invaded her body and she closed her eyes.

  She was safe...for now.

  Nick was still out there. Still set on her demise.

  * * *

  Jason rolled over on the bed as sunlight streamed through the blinds of the safe house. He’d had only a few hours’ sleep before morning came. He intended to get a few more. The safe house was a three-story affair in a subdivision outside of town that had gone belly-up. They’d driven past half-finished homes, some just framed, others nearly complete. The outside walls of the house they were in were done, but he could look across the floor to where Isabel slept on a mattress inside a room that had only two-by-fours for walls. In order for this to be a functional safe house, the Bureau had gotten the plumbing in the bathroom and kitchen done. Electrical wires were exposed in the kitchen where the drywall had not been put up before the stove and refrigerator were put in place.

  Isabel had had to settle for a hot shower instead of a bath, but he had been able to give her a steaming cup of tea.

  Only one agent, playing solitaire at the kitchen table, watched over them, his gun belt slung over a chair.

  Jason tossed and turned several times before he realized it was an act of futility to try to sleep. He sat up on his bed.

  Isabel looked peaceful covered in a soft pink blanket drawn up over her shoulders. Her cheeks had a rosy glow. The kiss they’d shared had been wonderful, but it had probably been brought on by the terror they were in the midst of at the time. He doubted the attraction would survive once this was all over, if it was ever over. He intended to return to his work as a PI even if the Bureau didn’t need him anymore. He could take care of himself. But Isabel might need to go into witness protection as long as Nick Solomon was at large. She’d have to move and change her name, cut all her connections. No, as much as he cared for her, he couldn’t see a future with her where she would be safe unless they caught Nick.

  Jason rose to his feet and ambled into the kitchen. He was still dressed in his clothes from the night before. The agent gave him a nod. He swung the refrigerator door open. It was fully stocked.

  “I’m going to get some air,” said the agent. He rose to his feet, shrugged into his ski jacket and stepped out the back door.

  The subdivision was miles from town, surrounded by forest. Jason didn’t relish the confinement. Hopefully, he’d be back to work in a day or so. First, he needed to make sure the Bureau took care of Isabel.

  Jason broke some eggs into a bowl and stirred them with a fork. The bacon sizzled when he placed it on the griddle. He melted butter in a frying pan and poured the egg mixture in.

  The aroma of bacon filled the air.

  “One of my favorite smells in the world.” In her room, Isabel sat up on her mattress. She gathered the blanket around her and strode into the kitchen.

  “I made enough for two. I don’t think the agent is hungry. Saw some orange juice in the fridge if you want to pour some.”

  She retrieved some glasses and the juice and then settled on one of the stools at the island where Jason was cooking. Bruises on her neck from where Nick had tried to strangle her were still visible. The thought of that man touching her enraged him. He served up their food and pushed the plate toward her.

  Isabel made sounds of approval as she ate. She looked up at him with her doe eyes, and he was struck by how beautiful she was. Affection glowed on her face. “My compliments to the chef.”

  He could pretend this was some sort of scene of domestic bliss, even imagine that they might have something like this waiting in their future. But he had to be realistic. They both did.

  “How long are they going to make us stay in this house? I want to get back to work and I need to call my boss.”

  “Isabel, I don’t know if you can just go back to that.”

  Her forehead creased. “I want my life back, Jason.”

  “Whoever is behind this has a lot of power and isn’t opposed to violent solutions,” Jason said. “You’ve seen that for yourself.”

  Her mouth formed a flat line as she pressed her lips together. “But this will end soon, won’t it?”

  “Not while Nick is still out there. Be realistic. You might need to think about wit
ness protection.”

  “I’m not giving up the life I’ve built here.” She stared at the ceiling for a moment. “Can’t you stay with me until they catch him?”

  “I don’t know,” Jason said. “I think you need more protection than I can provide.” Guilt washed through him. If he had been paying attention, Nick wouldn’t have been able to strangle Isabel.

  Her eyes became glassy with tears. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying I don’t want you to die. I’m saying the best thing is for you to move to another town with a new name.”

  She shook her head. “I thought... I don’t know. That something was happening between us.”

  He took her empty plate. More than anything, he wanted to hold her. To tell her everything would be okay and that they could be together, but that might get her killed. He made his voice sound cold and distant on purpose. “I’m only thinking of your safety.”

  “My safety?” A single tear rolled down her cheek. “I need to go brush my teeth.” She jumped off the stool and disappeared around the corner. The bathroom at least was Sheetrocked and had a door.

  Jason put the plates in the sink and stared out the window. There were boot tracks outside, but he didn’t see the agent anywhere.

  He could hear Isabel running the water in the bathroom.

  Feeling uneasy, he put on his boots and slipped into his coat. He stepped outside onto the threshold, visually following the tracks that went some distance from the house. He took a few more steps away from the house. The footprints ended and were replaced by drag marks leading to another half-finished house.

  Heart racing, he turned and sprinted back into the house. The agent could take care of himself. It was Isabel he was worried about.

  * * *

  Isabel splashed water on her face and stared at herself in the bathroom mirror. She pulled a strand of blond hair behind her ear. So that was it. She’d opened her heart to Jason, let herself feel something for him and he was pushing her away.

  Of course, it wasn’t realistic that they go into witness protection together. They’d known each other less than a week, but he acted like he didn’t want to be with her at all. He’d kept her safe so far. Maybe he was just looking for an excuse to push her away. He could be scared of his feelings for her or he might have just been caught up in the moment when he kissed her. It didn’t matter. The point was she wasn’t going to open herself up to this kind of stinging pain. Not ever again.

  She reached for a towel. The back door opened. Jason must have been coming back inside. She’d heard him step out earlier.

  She patted her face dry, covering her eyes. Footsteps echoed down the hallway.

  She wasn’t about to call out to Jason. The last thing she wanted to do was talk to him.

  She replaced the towel on the bar, then realized she hadn’t heard the back door close. The bathroom door swung open. Before she could turn, a gun pressed into the middle of her back.

  “Thought you’d get away from me, huh? You scream, I’ll shoot.” Nick wrapped his arm around her waist and pointed the gun at her head. “Lover boy is distracted right now. Don’t expect him to come rescue you.”

  He pulled her through the door. Nick had her in such a tight hold, she couldn’t move.

  He half lifted, half dragged her through the snow into one of the other incomplete houses. He pushed her onto the plywood floor and pulled a bandanna out of his pocket. Diving to the floor, he grabbed hold of her hair. “Hold still.”

  Her head stung where he’d yanked on her ponytail.

  In the distance, she heard Jason call her name. He sounded so very far away.

  Nick must have heard the cry, as well. Panic filled his words. He pointed the gun at her. “Cry out and you’re dead.” The tone of his voice told her he wasn’t lying. “Give me your hands.”

  She flipped over and tried to crawl away, knowing he would overpower her, but at least it bought her some time.

  Jason and the agent would most likely go through the front door of the safe house and search there first. In the minutes it took them to find the tracks and drag marks at the back of the house, Nick would be able to escape with her if he had a vehicle nearby.

  Nick pounced on her again, flipping her around and tying the bandanna around her wrists. He pulled her to her feet and pushed her through the empty house, their footsteps echoing on the plywood subfloor. He pushed her out the back of the house.

  She heard the sound of a diesel truck before she saw it. Nick had left it running for a quick escape. He led her around to the side of the house and shoved her in the driver’s seat. “Scoot over.” And then he jumped behind the wheel.

  The truck eased through the deep snow.

  Isabel lifted her head to look out the back window. The truck bed was covered with a tarp.

  “Stay down,” Nick barked.

  She reached for the door handle, seeking to escape before the truck was going too fast. Though her hands were bound, she was able to wrap fingers around the door handle. Nick grabbed the collar of her robe and pulled her back.

  “Don’t even.” He pulled a gun from his waist and pointed it at her. “Just in case you want to try that again.” Nick pressed the accelerator, trying to go faster, which only made the wheels of the truck spin. He cursed.

  The truck gained some traction and he sped toward the road.

  The Bureau had taken great pains to make sure they weren’t followed to the safe house. “How did you find me?”

  “You pay someone enough money and they will tell you anything.”

  So one of the agents had turned on them. The investigation was even more tainted.

  “Everyone has a price, Blondie.” Nick sped up a winding country road. “Once we figured out the Feds were following us, it just took a little research to figure out who would turn because of debt and a gambling problem.”

  “Which agent?”

  Nick shook his head. “I’m not telling you.” He grinned. “After I deal with you, it won’t take much to get rid of lover boy too.”

  Ice replaced the blood in her veins. Nick was going to kill Jason, as well, and she had no way to warn him that one of the agents was dirty. “Where are you taking me?”

  “Someplace where they won’t find you until spring, if ever. And it will look like an accident. Just like you suggested on the ski hill.” Nick stared at the road ahead as a sinister smile spread across his face. “Got to hand it to you, Blondie—you have some good ideas. We could have been such a great team. Living large.” He turned to look at her as the road straightened out and his eyes were as cold as stone. “Now you won’t live at all.”

  Terror crushed her lungs, making it hard to take in even a shallow breath.


  Jason wrapped his arms around himself and drew his knees up to his chest. Even with his ski jacket on, it was chilly underneath the tarp of Nick’s truck, where he’d hidden.

  The truck had been rolling away as he’d jumped in the back, too fast for him to get to the cab and pull Isabel free. If the passenger-side door was locked, he would have lost his chance altogether. Nick had been distracted by Isabel trying to escape when Jason climbed in the back.

  The bed of the truck vibrated as it rumbled up a hill and slipped into a curve. Once Nick stopped, Jason would have a chance to get to Isabel. It had been at least twenty minutes and Nick hadn’t even slowed down.

  Jason eased toward the side of the truck and peeked out at the winter landscape. Nick must be taking Isabel deep into the hills far from witnesses. He checked his pocket. Though he’d been issued another phone, he’d left it on the kitchen counter of the safe house.

  He rolled back to the middle of the truck bed. His hand wrapped around a tire iron. That might come in handy.

  He focused on the rhythm of the wheels turning for what must have been another twent
y minutes.

  Finally, the truck lurched to a stop. He heard the driver’s-side door open and slam shut. Then the passenger door eased open. He waited for at least three minutes before lifting the tarp and peering above the rim of the truck bed.

  He didn’t see Nick or Isabel, but their tracks were easy enough to follow. They’d gone toward a cluster of trees. He grabbed the tire iron and jumped to the ground, pressing close to the truck to avoid being seen if they came back out.

  He ran toward the forest, then dashed from tree to tree. Nick shouted something at Isabel, disturbing the quiet forest. Fearing for her life, Jason sprinted through the evergreens. An old log cabin leaning to one side stood in a clearing. Nick stomped past a glassless window. Jason lifted his head but couldn’t see Isabel anywhere.

  Jason edged closer as fear was embedded in every muscle of his body. What if he was too late? He dashed toward another tree and then crouched as he approached the house. At least he hadn’t heard a gunshot.

  Nick’s voice rose above the sound of scuffling. “If they ever find you, it will look like you froze to death. My hands will be clean. We are miles from everything. No one comes up this road this time of year.”

  Jason raised his head above the rim of the window. Isabel lay on the floor with Nick kneeling beside her, removing the bandanna that bound her hands.

  Isabel was still in pajamas and a robe. Her feet must be icicles by now in the slippers she wore.

  His tire iron was no match for the gun he saw in Nick’s waistband. Because he’d just gotten up less than an hour ago, he hadn’t had time to grab his own gun.

  If he could surprise Nick, Jason might be able to overtake him. Nick stepped through the door on the opposite wall from where Jason was hidden.

  Isabel rose to her feet.

  Jason made a hissing noise to try to get her attention. She saw him just as Nick, standing in the doorway, turned in the direction of the sound. Jason ducked down behind the cabin wall.

  “Did you say something, Isabel?” Nick’s voice dripped with suspicion.


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