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Outcast BoxSet

Page 34

by Emilia Hartley

Her throat tightened and breathing became difficult. Leaning against the window, her eyelids grew heavy. If she fell asleep, she wouldn’t see them coming. Her death would come as a surprise.

  Would Cohen at least look sad when they burned her?

  A knock shook her apartment. Her eyes snapped open. The light in the room was different, darker. Had she fallen asleep? How long had she dozed?

  The knock thundered again. It shook the floor beneath her feet. Ashe found herself stuck. Her legs refused to move. This was it. The end of the line waited for her on the other side of the door. Couldn’t she at least face it with some dignity?

  Sucking in a deep and steadying breath, she forced her feet into action. She stumbled toward the door, half paralyzed with fear. Yet, when she opened the door, only one man stood there.

  “Where’s the rest of the witch hunt?” her throat was dry, and her voice rasped.

  Without a word, Cohen swept through the door. He lifted her into his arms and kicked the door closed behind her. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around him. Together, they stumbled toward the bed at the back of her apartment.

  “What’s going on?” Her head spun as her heart fluttered.

  Cohen kissed the line of her collarbone and a shiver raced down her spine. She couldn’t help but arch into him. He nipped the skin over it and she let out a small groan.

  “Wait,” she shoved him back, her body protesting at her mind’s decision. “Aren’t you mad at me? Aren’t you afraid?”

  She searched his gaze, almost afraid of what she might find. His body hovered over hers. He surrounded her with a wall of protective muscle and power. Despite his presence, despite the clear desire pressing against her leg, she was still confused.

  He looked down, gathering his thoughts as his hands grazed her arms. She shivered, and a small smile touched his lips.

  “I think… I think there are a lot of truths the two of us like to ignore. We try to be other people, try to pull away out of fear.” He met her gaze. “When, perhaps, we could embrace what we are together.”

  Desire spiked through her, unlike anything she’d ever felt before. Her cheeks warmed. Cohen was holding her. He had just confessed something her mind was still trying to wrap around. All she could think about was his cock, hard and ready against her.

  Together. He’d said something about together. Her brain tried to make sense of it as her hands moved along his skin, reaching beneath his shirt just for more. He leaned into her touch like a greedy cat.

  “But, I’m no better than my mother, and we saw how that ended.”

  “And, one of these days, I’m going to hurt someone I love.” He said the words into her chest. “But, with you, I feel a different kind of fire. One I want to fall into head first.”

  “What if it burns out? Say we…” she licked her lips and searched for the right words.

  “Say we fuck?” he filled in, his voice low and heady as his nose nudged her breasts.

  His deep voice rumbled through her and pooled in her core. “S-s-sure. Say we do this and there’s nothing afterwards?”

  “I could be dreaming, but I don’t think that will happen.”

  She shook her head, unable to express her fear. “This could just be a build-up, years of tangled emotions and repression. Once we… you know, then it could all fall apart and we’re just two doomed souls.”

  “Ashe.” He said her name like a vow as he reached for her cheek. He urged her to look at him. There was a glow in his eyes that wasn’t wholly beast. It was a mix of ‘him’ and the animal within. For once, they were in balance and it made her lips part. “Look at what you do to me. Do you think that’s just some repressed feelings?”

  Unable to hold back any longer, she pulled him closer. Hands on either side of his face, she claimed his lips. He growled with satisfaction, the sound guttural and animalistic. He moved until he hovered over her. He pulled her hands away and held them over her head, a question in his eyes. She smiled. It was enough of an answer for him.

  He grinned, and his head dipped. His lips and teeth worked down her neck, sending shivers down her spine. She knew she should remind him that she was a virgin, but she couldn’t find her voice to do so.

  Ashe had no idea what she was doing. Letting Cohen take the lead was the easiest thing to do – it came to her instinctively. She licked her lips. His hand gripped her wrists, holding them over her head. It was a strong and tight grip, but as her body pulsed with desire, she felt no pain. His teeth scraped along her skin and she felt a shiver race down her spine. It made her arch into him.

  What was this? Was this years of pent up frustration finally blowing up in her face? Or, was it something stronger, a bond neither of them could ignore? All she knew, in that moment, was that her body was alight with flames. They licked up her legs, burning at her wrists where Cohen held her, and trailed between her breasts and down her stomach.

  Did he remember what she’d told him the first time he’d come to her apartment? It’d been a slip of the tongue, her mind more brazen than it’d ever been, but now she was glad he knew. He must have remembered, because it felt like he was taking his time. His free hand slipped down her waist and over her hip. It traveled along the space between her skin and the waistband of her panties.

  “These are…” His voice caught. He cleared his throat before continuing, his hand fisting in her panties. “These are too damn sexy for someone who claims to be a virgin.”

  She couldn’t explain why she’d picked out the bright red, lace panel bikini panties that morning. Something about that morning’s card reading had left her feeling weak, and so the bright red secret beneath her clothes had made her feel a little stronger. It might have also been a sign that she wanted this all along.

  She’d wanted Cohen to discover that she was more than just a scared girl, more than a witch. She was a woman now.

  He lowered his head. He gradually moved down her body, his eyes studying her as if she were a work of art. A breath escaped her mouth when she watched him grip the band of her panties with his teeth. Her heart lurched into her throat, electricity tingling her fingertips and toes. With a smirk on the corner of his mouth, he tore them away from her. The ripping sound echoed through the room, potent and strong, a reminder of what he was about to do. Cold air touched her sex that was already wet with anticipation. She cried out when she felt him.

  Cohen smiled. The bear danced in his eyes, the glow hypnotizing. She felt the force inside her rise in response. It let out a sound unlike anything she’d heard before. Cohen’s eyes widened.

  “What was that?”

  Ashe swallowed. “I’m not sure.”

  “I thought… All these years we were led to believe there was no animal inside of you.”

  Despite the conversation, Cohen’s hands refused to stop their wandering. They travelled up and down her skin, nails gently grazing here and there. She writhed beneath his touch, reaching to grab his shoulders now that her hands were freed.

  “Did you lie? All this time you could have saved yourself.”

  She shook her head, trying to summon words. Her body burned and begged. Her core throbbed. It wanted more. It wanted release. The force inside her trembled and shook, the sensation of something soft touching her from the inside.

  “Ashe,” Cohen growled.

  Hearing her name in his mouth was too much.

  He rose and took a breast in his hand. His thumb flicked her nipple. There was a sparkle in his eye, one that burned the way her body charred. “How about, you tell me one truth for each orgasm I can give you?”

  Her mouth formed an O. She looked down at the man hovering over her. “That’s quite the challenge, sir. I don’t know how many answers you expect tonight.”

  “It doesn’t have to be just tonight.” His head dipped, and he brought her other nipple into his mouth.

  She’d never felt anything like it before. Sparks danced where his mouth met her skin. Teeth dragged along sensitive flesh while his tongue flicke
d the tip of the nipple. She groaned, unable to hold back.

  Then, suddenly, Cohen flipped her over. She let out a cry of surprise as he tugged her toward the edge of the bed. Her toes touched the floor and Cohen angled her hips so that her ass was in the air. His fingers trailed along the curve of her ample and hard backside. Her face warmed, thinking about the extra rolls until she felt his fingers slip between her folds.

  She moaned into the sheets beneath her. Behind her, Cohen chuckled with pleasure. His fingers dipped inside her and found her already wet. She wanted more than a finger. She wanted him deeper than just a finger, but then his finger pulled away and she found herself bereft. Twisting, she looked back.

  Cohen knelt on the floor with a smile plastered across his face. He tapped her ass with one hand, the sting of it melting into the aching heat inside her. His face disappeared, and she felt something else split her folds. His tongue lapped up her desire while his fingers slid between her legs to touch the sensitive part of her.

  This was unlike anything she’d ever imagined before. Her knees shook, toes curling. Cohen’s tongue played at her entrance, teasing in circles or dipping in and out. The rhythm of his fingers sped up. Her hands fisted in the sheets. She didn’t know how much longer she could hold on.

  Cohen slapped her ass again. The pain of it was sharp before it soon morphed into a sensation of pleasure with a small flick of his fingers. Ashe cried out. Pleasure built up in her core, growing heavier and heavier by the second. Any moment, the dam would break. His face was buried in the V of her legs. His nose tickled her skin, a place never touched by anyone before. His tongue delved inside her and she cried out.

  One more flick of his fingers and the dam burst. Pleasure spilled through her like a wildfire. It burned through her body and made her scream into the sheets. Her legs tightened around Cohen, holding his hand in place. She didn’t know if she would survive without slipping to the floor, utterly boneless.

  He held her, his head tipping back to nip the flesh of her ass. It sent another spike of pleasure cutting through her orgasm.

  “I like the sounds you make,” Cohen growled.

  She was weak in the knees, unable to lift herself. Gripping the sheets around her, she tried to gather her breath. Cohen gripped her hips and flipped her over, using his own hips to push her higher onto the bed. The sensation of his groin against hers was too much.

  He leaned over her, bracing himself on his elbows. Locks of his hair fell forward and tickled her forehead. Ashe reached up, smoothing them back, her thumbs tracing the lines of his lips as he smiled. Smiles were a rare expression for Cohen, one he seemed to save just for her.

  “Now,” he began. “Tell me, did you lie about having an animal inside of you?”

  Her voice was something far away. She fought to bring it back, to remember how to speak. “Something is there, but… it’s mostly useless.”

  His brows furrowed. “Mostly useless?”

  She shook her head. “Another question. Another orgasm.”

  This time, his smile split his lips. She was dazzled by it’s brilliance as he laughed.

  “Greedy, witch.”

  She laughed. For once, she felt powerful. She felt beautiful beneath his touch, his hands roving as if he could not get enough of her ample flesh. He worshipped her body with everything he had. With his hands. With his tongue. With his gaze.

  She bit her lip. But, would he worship the rest of her? There was something she kept hidden behind her walls, a thing he’d glimpsed. Would he love that part of her, too?


  The word came out of nowhere. This certainly wasn’t love. It was sexual worship. Nothing more.

  Yet, she wanted to try something, just in case this could grow into more. Ashe needed to know if… if he could accept the parts of her she’d shown no one else.

  “Do you trust me?” She pushed herself up and caught his eye.

  She watched him lick his lips, a moment passing, before he nodded. Nervous, not knowing what to do with herself even though she’d asked, she gently pushed him onto the bed. His back touched the sheets and he looked up at her with expectation. Still, his eyes touched every part of her. He reached to shove the rest of her dress off her shoulders.

  It fell away, leaving her nearly naked above him. He growled with appreciation, reaching for her breasts. She sucked in a breath, awaking the power that curled inside her. It unfurled, like the wings of a bird. It settled over Cohen, leaving him shuddering beneath her.

  Ashe held his gaze, fighting back the fear of herself with his steadying power, and directed his hands over his head. This time, his arms rose of their own accord. She smiled, biting her lip. He was completely under her control, at her whim for whatever she might want.

  Cohen knew it, and instead of fear, a spark of excitement raced across his eyes. It was Ashe’s turn to make him beg and scream. If only she knew where to begin. She had him at her mercy, but knew nothing about the kinds of things a woman could do for a man.

  What had she gotten herself into? To distract herself, she focused on taking his pants off. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons, but Cohen was patient. He leaned his head back and waited for her as she peeled his jeans away from his thick thighs.

  His cock bulged beneath the thin fabric of his boxer briefs. Her mouth went dry, just looking at it. It was larger than she’d thought it’d be. How he’d kept that a secret in his pants for this long was beyond her. She reached for it, rubbing her knuckles up and down the shaft through the fabric. Cohen groaned and arched into her touch.

  “No,” she whispered. Her power gripped him and pulled him back toward the bed.

  He let out a groaning sound, caught somewhere between desire and frustration.

  “You do as I say,” she whispered along his skin after dipping her head. He shuddered at the touch of her breath.

  She ran her nose along the length of his cock before rising to hover above his head. There was still no fear in his eyes. There was only the burn of desire. It jumped from him to her and left a sweltering trail through her body.

  “If your parents had tried this, things would have ended a lot better,” Cohen laughed.

  “Shhhh…” She held her finger over his lips and commanded them shut. He had a point, but now was not the time. She straddled his body, the hard length of his cock pressing against her groin. The tip of it rested against her stomach. She was sure she’d never be able to take all that inside her.

  But, she wanted to try. She lifted herself, taking him in her hand. Her entrance was slick with the evidence of her previous orgasm. The tip of him touched her entrance and she shuddered. Pleasure sparked from her core and through her limbs, but as she lowered herself onto him, she could feel the first twangs of pain.

  Above him, she grimaced. She’d been warned about this, by everyone. She knew the first time would hurt. It was a pain she wanted to endure. It was one she could control as she slowly lowered herself onto Cohen. Perhaps taking this much was not the way to start. Her entrance burned with the effort, but as she started rocking back and forth, the pain grew into something else.

  Pain was a way of life. The least they could do was turn it into something more enjoyable. She looked down and met his gaze. She could tell he ached to touch her, to take her breasts into his hands or control the rhythm of her hips. But, he was powerless beneath her. It made her smile. She was in control. She was his goddess.

  Ashe controlled the rhythm of her hips, slowly taking him in and out of her as she grew wetter. She leaned forward and raked her nails down his chest. They left long, red welts in their wake, but Cohen groaned. This was what he wanted.

  She leaned forward and kissed the red skin before drawing it into her mouth. She bit down until the slight taste of blood teased her mouth. She picked up the pace, her hips slamming down onto him.

  She would mark him the way his bear wanted to mark her. Anyone who looked at him would know he belonged to her. Cohen was her beast. She reached up, gently ki
ssing the skin of his neck before she bit again. He cried out beneath her as her control on him slipped. Her teeth broke skin and he growled with pleasure.

  He reached for her, twisting them so that he was on top. He thrust into her as hard as he could, as if he could not get deep enough. Each time he slammed into her she cried out. She gripped his hair and tugged. Pleasure roared inside her, building and building until it filled every inch of her.

  Cohen growled. The bear roared through him as he came. His head fell back, and Ashe’s own pleasure erupted into a cataclysmic orgasm. Pleasure slammed into her body, rocking her. Her body was gone and in its place was only pleasure.

  His cock pumped inside her, each throb casting another stone into the pool of her pleasure. Ripples made her spine arch and her body shudder. Cohen lowered his head. His thumbs traced the line beneath her breasts. He kissed the space between them, the roaring Alpha becoming soft in her hands again.

  She could happily spend the rest of her life like this. She had no words to use to explain it, but as she turned to him, she knew that her smile was enough.

  Just as their eyes met, she felt something shift inside her. A shape swooped across her vision. Something large and white. She felt the brush of feathers across her body and cried out. Cohen reached for her, concern in his faraway voice.

  Ashe tried to focus on the shape. She tried to figure out what it was, but there and then it was gone, she couldn’t decipher what she had just seen. Replaying the moment behind closed eyes, she could not make out the white shape.

  “Are you alright?” Cohen asked, shaking her gently.

  “I, uh, I think I am.” She smiled. Whatever she’d just seen, it was her. It was a part of her she’d thought half dead and useless. It’d only been hiding. It’d been waiting for the right moment.

  The right moment would have been years ago, but she couldn’t be angry with the animal inside her. The force she’d lived with was growing and unfurling with each passing day. Would she be able to give it shape?

  “You don’t look alright.”

  She shook her head and tossed him a smile. “Sorry, I thought I saw something.”


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