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Broad Daylight

Page 7

by A. M. Wilson

  Flipping the folder closed, I’m tempted to toss it back to the captain, but instead, I keep it on my lap. I’m new to the station and have no pull yet, so I have to play the game for a while before I have any say. I harden my jaw and give myself a mental pep talk. I’m a detective, for Christ’s sake, and this is nothing but work.

  Turning to Tavers, I hold his eyes for a moment, silently letting him know I’m good with taking the case, before looking back at Captain Morgan.

  “Is there anything else I need to know?” I ask.

  “Just that Reece James is on his way here for an update. Unfortunately, besides his own prints, we were only able to pull off an unidentified partial print from the box he received. Nothing came up when we ran it through the system. Nothing for the lightning bolt either.”

  “So, he’s pretty much coming up here for nothing,” I guess.

  Tavers holds out a small box. “And to pick this up. It’s from his niece. I promised I would try to have it processed quickly so he could have it back. The perp stole it from his mailbox and put it in the box of trash Reece received.”

  I take the box, noticing that it’s been open and rifled through. The top flaps are flipped closed.

  Pulling in a fortifying breath, I get up from the chair and nod to Tavers before facing the captain. “I’ll keep you updated if anything comes up.”

  “I’d like to be kept in the loop too,” Tavers states, also standing. “I may not be on the case anymore, but James is a friend.”

  I nod. “Okay.”

  Before I turn on my heel to leave, Captain Morgan stops me. “As I’m sure you already know, Reece James’ brother Niko used to be a detective here in Westbridge. I don’t need to tell you the importance of this case. I want the suspect found quickly.”

  “You got it.”

  I leave the office and carry the file and box over to my desk. Back home in Florida, I had my own office. The perks of being on the force for so long and making detective on my first try. I miss the privacy of having my own space, but I have to admit it feels nice to be home. When I left years ago, I never thought I would come back, except for the occasional visits to my family.

  I drop the file on my desk and set the box on top before heading to the coffee machine. I normally stop by the small coffee shop near my house on my way into the precinct, but I was running late this morning. I’ve been warned several times the coffee here sucks, but desperate times…

  The second the hot liquid touches my tongue, I spit it back out in my cup. I may be desperate, but not so much that I'll drink this crap.

  “How’s that liquid ass taste, Lawrence?” one of the officers behind me asks.

  I turn and give him a sugary smile. “Like your dad’s dick.”

  A couple of the other guys laugh at my joke, and one slaps Williams on the back. “She got you there.”

  Working in a male-dominated field, I had to learn quickly to pull my own punches. At my old precinct, the guys knew I wasn’t someone they could easily fuck with. I gave as good as I got. Being new here, I have to go through the same thing.

  “Hey, Lawrence!” Bryan Barns walks up, leaning a hip on the counter holding the coffee maker. “When are you going to let me take you out?”

  I’ve been on the job here for two weeks, and this is the third time Barns has asked me out. Each time I’ve told him no. He’s not an unattractive man. Chocolate brown hair long enough to run my fingers through it, deep blue eyes I could easily get lost in, and what I’m thinking is a well-built body beneath the suit and tie he’s wearing. If I didn’t have a rule of not dating coworkers, he’d be one of the very few who would interest me. Unfortunately, I know all too well how bad a working relationship can get when it gets personal.

  “When you quit the precinct, that’s when I’ll think about letting you take me out,” I tell him. Grabbing a paper cup, I press the little nozzle and fill it with water. Bringing it to my lips, I raise a brow and say over the rim. “You willing to do that?”

  His lips twitch, holding back a smile. “You worth it?”

  “There’s only one way to find out.”

  He looks me over as though he’s contemplating his options. I finish my water and toss the cup in the trash.

  After a moment, Barns shakes his head. “It’s a damn shame, but I think I’m going to have to pass.”

  I pat his shoulder on my way past him. “Your loss.”

  I feel his eyes on my backside as I walk away. “You ever change your mind about dating coworkers, you know where to find me!” he hollers after me.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” I toss back at him with a smile.

  The smile is still in place when I look up, but it dies a quick death when I see the person standing beside my desk. I knew he would be here any minute, but even so, seeing Reece again knocks the breath out of me. The man has always managed to take my breath away. Why I thought now would be any different is beyond me.

  He hasn’t noticed me yet, so when I stop on the other side of my desk and he looks up, he can’t keep the surprise from his face. His eyes close, and he mutters a quiet, “Shit,” before he opens them again. “Lawrence. I should have known.”

  His remark sets my teeth on edge. “I don’t like it any more than you do, but we’re both adults.” I gesture to the seat he’s standing beside. “If you’ll have a seat, we can go over what we have on your case so far.”

  He ignores my suggestion. “What happened to Tavers? I thought he was handling it?”

  “Tavers asked to be removed from the case. He has… other issues he has to take care of.”

  I watch the muscle in his jaw bunch as he clenches his teeth. Turning to the side, he roughly rakes his hands through his hair. “You know what?” he asks, turning back. “Just forget it. I’ll handle it myself.”

  Before I have a chance to stop him, he’s already stalking across the room. His back is stiff, and I can practically see the smoke billowing from his ears. I drop my head and take in several deep breaths. At one time, the thought of Reece being angry with me would have made me chase after him to make whatever happened right again. Now, though, it just pisses me off. Is the thought of being around me so disgusting to him that he’d willingly keep himself in danger? Or worse, the fact I’m a woman makes him think I’m incapable of doing this job?

  I’m seconds away from storming into Captain Morgan’s office and telling him I’ve changed my mind when I drop my eyes to the file and package on my desk. As much as I don’t want anything to do with Reece, the detective in me can’t let whatever’s happening to him go. I swore an oath to protect and serve.

  I’ll be damned if Reece keeps me from doing my job.

  Pulling up to the white one-story house, I park by the curb and shut off my car. Instead of getting out, I grip the steering wheel and look out the front windshield, giving myself a minute or two to gather my courage.

  I reach for the door handle just as my phone rings. I snatch it up, relieved to have a few more minutes before I have to face part of my past.

  “Hey, handsome,” I greet one of my best friends.

  “How’s Ohio treating you?” Decker asks.

  I prop my elbow on the windowsill and drop my chin in my palm. “I both hate it and love it.”

  “Uh-oh. What’s going on? Do Bennett and I need to come kick some ass?”

  I smile even though he can’t see it. “Nah. You know I can kick ass on my own if I need to. I just forgot the reason I left all those years ago, and I’ve had a stark reminder the past few days.”

  Decker’s voice is quiet when he speaks next. “I take it that means you ran into Reece?”

  I let out a harsh laugh. “A couple of different times. Not only that but now I’m also working a case that involves him.”

  Decker knows all about my past with Reece. I wasn’t in the best frame of mind when Decker and I met my freshman year in college. Decker was a junior and was assigned to be my guide around campus. I’m ashamed to admit I was a bitch to
him at first, but he didn’t let that deter him. It didn’t take the outgoing and outrageously gorgeous guy long to get me to open up to him and tell him all about my woes.

  “Sucks, babe,” he says. “I’d think your boss wouldn’t let you be on the case since you two have a past.”

  “He doesn’t know because I didn’t tell him,” I say quietly, still cursing myself for not informing the captain.

  “Sounds to me like you want to be on his case.”

  I snort out a laugh. “That’s the last thing I want, but this is my job, and I take it seriously. I’ll be damned if I let old feelings keep me from doing it. I’m sure it won’t be long before it’s resolved.”

  I hope like hell it’s not, I silently add to myself.

  A loud yell and what sounds like broken glass comes from Decker’s side of the line.

  “Where in the hell are you at?”

  “Bennett and I are out with some friends.” He mumbles something to someone on his side before he comes back on the line. “Listen, I’ve got to go. Bennett’s seconds away from decking a guy.”

  “You two be careful,” I warn my friend.

  “There’s no fun in being careful.” I roll my eyes at Decker’s laugh. “You call me anytime, day or night, if you need to talk. And don’t let Reece piss you off too much, or I’ll have to teach him some manners.”

  “Love you, Decker,” I say, meaning it with my whole heart. He was my lifeline back in college, and I’ll never be able to repay him for what he did for me. “Give Bennett my love.”

  “Love you too, babe. And will do.”

  After we hang up, I drop my phone on my lap and hang my head for a moment. Once I’m reasonably sure I can handle seeing Reece for a second time today, I grab the package from the passenger seat and get out. I take stock of the surrounding houses as I approach the front porch. The neighborhood Reece lives in is nice. His construction business must be doing well.

  Ignoring my nerves, I press down on the doorbell and hear the light jingle on the other side of the door. When several seconds pass with no answer, I press it again. I know he’s home because his truck is sitting in the driveway.

  Another minute ticks by with no answer. With irritated movements, I pull out my phone from my pocket to call his stubborn ass. I’ve just pulled his name up on my screen when the door is suddenly thrust open.

  My mouth dries, and my eyes widen at the sight before me. Many things have changed about Reece since we were teenagers. One is glaringly obvious right in front of me. Reece always had a body made of art. I remember the many times I laid with him, worshiping his body, and felt like I was the luckiest girl alive to have caught his interest.

  Reece, as a man… I swallow thickly. There are no words to describe the magnificence of what his body is like now. Deep ridges and grooves make up his stomach, and a fine dusting of dark hair covers the brick-hard pecs. His arms, which reveal several tattoos, bulge deliciously as he stands there with the door gripped in one hand while the other holds the white towel over his hips. Even his legs, which are covered with dark hair, and his feet are manly.

  Water drips from his hair and slides down his chest and stomach, wetting the towel. Images of him in the shower, running his soapy hands all over his body, flash through my mind. At one time, I would have playfully complained that he didn’t wait for me to take a shower with him.

  Warmth coats my cheeks when he arches a brow at my blatant perusal of his body.

  What the hell, Dani? Get it together.

  “What are you doing here? I told you before to forget about the case.”

  “I know what you told me.” I try to keep my voice calm and collected, but it’s damn hard with him standing there practically naked. “I also know you only said it because of our history. From what I’ve seen of the report we have on you, it would be stupid not to have the cops involved. Your safety is more important than anything we ever had between us.”

  “I find it suspect that as soon as you return to town, someone starts fucking with me. Are you holding a vendetta, Lawrence?”

  I rear back at his sarcastic grit before composure resettles my posture. “As if I have any interest in fucking with you.” My professionalism slips at his antagonizing remark. I don’t believe for a damn second he truly thinks I’d go to such lengths. Especially after all this time.

  I see the argument in his eyes, and I swear if he tells me to leave, I’m going to knock him upside the head. Being stubborn isn’t anything new for Reece. I just hope he’s gotten wiser with age.

  “Fine,” he grits out and opens the door farther. “Let me get dressed, and I’ll be right out.”

  He turns without waiting for a reply from me and stalks down the hallway. I go inside and close the door behind me. Stepping farther into the living room, I look around. It’s the typical bachelor's pad with a big-screen TV, an L-shaped sectional, a couple of small tables, and a stereo system in one corner. A few pictures decorate the walls.

  Feeling awkward being in Reece’s space, I look down at my shoes and impatiently wait for him to return. It doesn’t take long before I hear him approach. He’s put on a pair of worn jeans and a faded gray T-shirt. His hair is still wet, and it looks like he used his fingers as a brush.

  “You want something to drink?”

  “No thanks. This won’t take long.”

  He gestures to the sofa. He waits for me to take a seat before he chooses to sit a couple of cushions over from me. Leaning forward, he rests his elbows on his knees, his eyes coming to me.

  “A detective, huh? The last I heard, you were wanting a degree in early education.”

  I harden my heart against Reece’s attempt at easy conversation. I’m here on a professional level, and that’s it. I have no desire for things to move to a more personal one.

  “Things change,” I tell him in a voice that plainly says I’m not here to talk about me.

  He sighs, thankfully catching my meaning.

  “Were you able to find anything?” he asks tightly.

  “This is my first day on the case. But Tavers came up with nothing. A partial print was found on the box you received, but nothing hit in the system. The lightning bolt didn’t reveal anything either.

  “Dammit,” he mutters, scrubbing his hands over his face. He looks tired, but then again, I’m sure having a stalker puts a cramp in your sleep cycle.

  I hand over the small box. “You left before I could give this to you. Tavers was able to have it processed so you can have it back.”

  He grabs the box and flips it over several times. “My niece, Maggie, was so excited to send me this,” he remarks, staring down at it. “Knowing whoever’s fucking with me has touched it makes it seem tainted now.”

  “Don’t give them that power.”

  He lifts his head, and I see questions in his eyes when they meet mine. After a moment, the curiosity fades, and they turn hard again.

  Looking back down at the box, he pulls the flaps open. A smile curves up his lips, and he reaches in to pull out a seashell the size of his palm. It’s white with a pink hue. He flips it over a couple of times before holding it up so I can see. The pink hue is in the shape of an R. I smile at the unique design.

  “I heard about what happened to Aislin,” I say quietly. “I’m happy Niko finally found her, and the man responsible was brought to justice.”

  His jaw hardens, and his eyes flash with anger. “Thanks,” he mutters.

  “They’re living in Florida, right?”

  “Yes,” he grunts, setting the shell back in the box and putting it down on the table in front of the sofa. “They moved there a couple of years ago. They have twins.”

  “Good for them.”

  “So, what’s next?” he asks, moving our conversation back to the reason I’m here.

  “There’s not much we can do at this point. Just keep an eye out for your surroundings. If anything seems off, give me a call.” I pull a business card out of my pocket and hand it to him. “If they
make contact again or if they send you anything else, call me immediately. A person like this either will stop on his own or it’ll escalate. We need to find out what type he is.”

  After looking over the card for a second, he drops it on top of the box, then gets to his feet. I get to mine as well. We both stand there like awkward teenagers. Reece’s body is tense with his hands shoved into his pockets. I can just imagine the tight fists he’s making.

  Unable to stand the weirdness anymore, I turn toward the door. I hear him walking behind me. Grabbing the handle, I turn back before I pull the door open. My breath gets stuck in my throat with how close he is to me. I shuffle closer to the door, ignoring the delicious scent that’s always been uniquely Reece’s.

  “If anything comes up, I’ll be in touch.”

  He nods.

  I open the door and step through. On the second step, I look back at him over my shoulder. He’s standing there, his knuckles white as he grips the edge of the door. The expression on his face sends shivers down my spine. He looks seconds away from coming after me.

  “Stay safe, Reece,” I tell him.

  I don’t stay to hear his reply. Facing forward, I book it down the steps like my ass is on fire.



  A gleeful smile spreads across my face. The final shipment confirmation just pinged my inbox. I make a quick trip across town to an abandoned office complex to pick it up. Shiny unused tools always send a jolt of adrenaline through me, knowing it’s only a matter of time before I can dirty them up. Or make others do the dirtying for me.


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