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Honest Love

Page 16

by Cm Hutton

  “I’m sorry, Mom.”

  “And you can bet your ass your dad would back me up on every bit of that, too. He doesn’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to this anyway.” I rarely cussed around my kids, but I wasn’t going to let a snarky, hormonal teenager shoot off his smartass mouth about my love life.

  “I know. It’s just more changes for us. I don’t want to share you. We already have to share Dad.” Matts tone had softened.

  “I know. But that doesn’t mean that only your dad is entitled to move on with his life. I don’t want to just be your mom. I love that job, but you guys are growing up. You’re graduating soon and Jon and Jenna are right behind you. I don’t know what will happen with Derek or anyone else, but I don’t want to be alone forever. I know it’s hard for you to understand, but you guys aren’t five years old anymore. You’re old enough to get it.”

  “We do, Mom. It’s just hard.”

  “Believe me, I know.” I laughed. “I still can’t believe I shot off my mouth and told Derek to come with us. Look, I promise we’ll have fun. Let’s just enjoy this break and not think too much about any of it, deal?”

  “Deal.” Of course, Jenna was first to answer. She kissed my cheek and said, “I’m sleeping with Mom,” then took off for the other room.

  “You boys okay?”

  “Yes.” The both answered at the same time.

  I scooted over and grabbed both of them into a hug. “I love you boys so much. I’m so proud of you and incredible grateful you’re my sons.” I kissed their checks, then looked straight at Matt. “I know you want to protect me…that’s what this is all about, right?” He nodded his head. “Thank you, honey. You’re a good boy…a good young man. I’ll be okay. Trust me.”

  I could see Matt’s eyes tearing a little. “I love you, Momma.”

  “Me, too.” Jon added. They both hugged me hard, bringing tears to my eyes.

  “My boys…God, how I love you.”

  When I stood to leave their room, I could see a bit of sadness in their eyes. They were having a tough time with what I’d sprung on them and I felt bad. Maybe I was making a mistake letting Derek come with us, but it was too late now. I didn’t want to disappoint him either. And truthfully, I wanted him with me…with us.

  I turned back just as I was through the threshold, remembering something Matt would like. “Oh, and guess what kind of car I got to take a ride in last week, Matt? A shiny, black Nissan GT-R.”

  “What? No way! Man, I wonder if he’d let me drive it?” I laughed.

  I snapped my fingers and said, “Ahh, I should’ve led our talk with the car info. I can see your eyes sparkling. Derek doesn’t sound so bad now, huh?”

  Matt chuckled. “I might just like this guy, Mom.”

  “Right.” Jon was smiling ear to ear. He really looked up to Matt and tended to follow his lead. If Matt was okay with Derek, Jon would be, too.

  “Go to bed, boys. I love you.” As I turned to leave, I remembered something and felt horrible about it. “Happy New Year. I’m sorry it’s being spent here in a hotel.”

  “It’s okay, Mom. We’re about to be in the Bahamas. That’s better than any party or whatever.”

  I walked to my boys, held each of their faces in my hands, kissed their foreheads and said, “Thank you. Man, I’ve missed you guys. Glad we’re all back together.”

  “Love you, Mom,” they both said in unison.

  I walked in my hotel room to find Jenna face down on the second queen bed, fully clothed and asleep. I pulled her shoes off and covered her with an extra blanket that was laying at the end of the bed.

  I’d showered and dressed for bed earlier before I called Derek, but needed to brush my teeth. I wanted to text Derek again, but didn’t know if I should. I wanted him to know that I had talked to the kids about him. As I crawled under the covers, I made the choice.


  Don’t know if you’re awake. Told my kids about you tonight. My boys took it a little hard. I’m happy you’re coming with us.

  I leaned over to plug in my phone when it lit up.


  What happened?


  Nothing. They just had a ton of questions. They’re very protective of me…


  I don’t blame them. I feel the same way and I wasn’t around when everything happened with you guys.

  So what did you tell them? That I was hot for their mom?


  Hahaha! I told them the truth.


  That I love their mom?


  Not exactly. That might have been way too overwhelming for them. Jenna, maybe not, but Matt and Jon…yes.


  Well, I’ll be on my best behavior…in front of them, but I make no promises when we’re alone.


  I like that. Are you flying tomorrow or the next day?


  Tomorrow. I’m not wasting any time. Don’t forget I need the address.


  Yes, of course. Night. Miss you.


  Good night, my girl. I miss you, too. Can’t wait to touch every part of your sexy body. Just the thought has me hard.

  I blushed at his text.


  You’re bad! My whole face just turned red.


  And between your legs? Wet, huh.

  Hell, yes.


  Maybe. Now go to bed.


  Can’t. Tell me.


  Yes, very. Now leave me alone. I have children around me and can’t fix it.


  Damn. The vision I just had of you touching yourself…I’m done for. If I didn’t already love you, I’d be completely swept away. I have to see that, soon. Please.

  I loved his sexy, dirty texts. They made me feel wanted and I liked playing along. It was new to me and fun.


  If you’re a good boy, maybe I’ll show you.


  Killing. Me. Don’t do anything. I want you craving me by the time I get there. I know the kids will be around, but we’ll find a way. Do not touch yourself.


  You either. Goes both ways.


  UGH! Fine. But this thing has a mind of its own, you know.


  Good night. I love your dirty talk, btw. Very sexy.


  I love you…and your body and your red cheeks and your sexy texting. Night.



  I plugged my phone in and turned out the lamp. I snuggled deep down in the blankets and let my mind drift to my handsome guy. I wanted to relieve a bit of the ache between my legs, but I promised I wouldn’t and doing what he wanted made me feel so fucking sexy. I liked this new me.


  I stirred around when the alarm went off at 4:30am before forcing myself to get up. Our flight was leaving at seven. I showered and then started waking my kids. They were grumpy, but moving and making progress. We packed up and took the shuttle to the airport. By the time we made it through security and sat down for a bite of breakfast, it was 6:30 and I could hear our flight being called.

  We hurriedly ate what we could and packed up the rest to take on the plane. I’d paid for us to fly first class just because I could. I wasn’t paying attention to much around me as I stepped in and out of the aisle to put our things in the overhead bin. Jenna was next to me and the boys were a few rows back. I was situating my things and just about to sit when I felt someone bump into me. I turned to say excuse me, even though I was sure it wasn’t my fault, and gasped when I saw Derek standing right behind me.

  My mouth dropped open and I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him—hard, not thinking one bit about my audience. His arms circled around my waist held me tight to his body. “Oh my God…how d
id you…when did you fly…what the hell?” I smacked his chest.

  With me in his arms, he stepped out of the aisle and into my row as much as possible. I suddenly became aware of three sets of eyes watching us. “I think we have an audience,” he whispered. “I’m sorry. I thought I’d have to be on the next flight, but they were able to book me on here at the last minute.”

  I sucked in a quick breath and turned to see Jenna smiling, mouth covered, eyes tearful and little giggles escaping. I smiled at her and rolled my eyes. Then, I took a breath and looked back at my boys. Matt and Jon were staring, mouths wide open in shock. Then, Jon nudged Matt and mouthed ‘Derek London. No way!’ Matt smiled and just looked down at whatever he was doing. Jon did a little quirky wave and tried to look away. “Um, I think they might know who you are.”

  “Is that a good thing?”

  “Did you see my boys’ reactions? Yes, that is a good thing.”

  Derek laughed and leaned down to whisper in my ear. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too.” Then, I turned to Jenna. “Derek, this is my daughter Jenna. Jenna, this is Derek London.”

  “Hi, Mr. London, it sure is nice to meet you.”

  “You can call me Derek, if it’s okay with your mom.”

  “Of course,” I answered. Most passengers were seated, so I held his hand in mine and we walked the few rows back so I could introduce my boys to my guy. “Derek, these heathens here are mine. Jon and Matt, this is…”

  “Mom, we know. Why didn’t you tell us Derek London was your boyfriend? How could you keep that from us?” Derek squeezed my hand when Jon said ‘boyfriend.’

  I laughed. “I really didn’t think about being that specific. I told you he used to play pro football.”

  “Yeah, but Derek London?” Jon couldn’t stop himself.

  Derek laughed and held out his hand. “Nice to meet you, guys. I’m Derek.”

  “Really nice to meet you, sir.” Derek looked at me when Matt spoke.

  The flight attendant passed by and told us to take our seats. I looked at Jon and Matt and mouthed ‘thank you’ as I scooted back toward my seat. “Where are you sitting?”

  “Right up here on the far right, by the window.” Derek leaned down and whispered, “See you after the flight” then kissed my cheek.

  “Mom, I can switch with Mr. Lon…Derek so he can sit here with you.”

  “Oh honey, you don’t have to change seats.”

  “Yeah, Jenna, sit with your mom. I’m sure you’ve missed her.” He squeezed my hand and I looked at his handsome face and smiled.

  “I want to move.”

  “Are you sure, honey?” Derek was gently rubbing his thumb across my hand.

  “YES!” She was already out of her chair and pushing her way past me to get to the aisle. She kissed my cheek and bounced to where Derek was assigned to sit. I moved into the row and sat by the window, then pulled Derek to me. He sat, leaned in close and cupped my face with his free hand.

  “I’m so happy to see you, to hold you.” Derek softly kissed my lips.

  “I can’t believe I just attacked you not only in front of my children, but the entire First Class.” I was nervously laughing due to the reaction of my kids. That could have gone terribly bad had I not talked to them last night and had my boys not been so star struck.

  “That…was exactly the reaction I was praying you would have when you saw me. It told me everything I needed to know.”

  “Oh yeah, and what’s that exactly?”

  “That you love me.”

  I held his face, kissed his lips and stared into Derek’s loving eyes. “I do. I love you, Derek.”

  He blinked slowly, letting my declaration wash over him. Then, I watched as his eyes filled with every one of the same emotions I was feeling. “Thank you for trusting me with your heart. It means more to me than I know how to say.”

  “I didn’t have a choice. My heart chose you, Derek and there’s no going back. Not. Ever. Four days without you felt like a lifetime. How is that possible?” I stared at my handsome man, all hot and gorgeous in his black t-shirt and jeans. I loved how his muscular arms fit so snuggly through the sleeves. I kissed the exposed skin on his bicep before laying my head against his arm. I hated that he still had few red spots left from the fire, but didn’t mention it.

  “Beats the hell outta me, but I feel the same way.” I couldn’t stop smiling. We buckled our seat belts and sat as close as we could, gently rubbing our fingers up and down each other’s arms, holding hands and leaning in to steal a kiss every few minutes. I was so happy. Life was perfect. I was in love with a man that wasn’t Jake and I felt whole again.

  Chapter 25


  I didn’t know what I did to deserve God shining his favor on me, but He sure as hell did. I held onto Claire the entire flight to the Bahamas. Having her so happy to see me on the plane was more than I could have hoped for. And her kids? Pretty amazing by what I saw.

  It was a seven hour flight with a plane change in Atlanta. Immediately, Claire’s boys and I took over all the carry-on luggage and ushered the girls to our next flight. I loved watching how Matt and Jon took care of their mom and sister. It was really nice and reminded me of my own family.

  It was late afternoon when we landed in the Bahamas. We boarded a short flight from Lynden Pindling International Airport in Nassau to Rock Sound on Windermere Island. Claire, although really watching to gauge her kids’ reactions, stuck close to me, holding onto my arm or hand and kissing me every now and then. I loved it. She felt even more like mine with her kids around us.

  Once we landed, we took a thirty minute private car, limo was more like it, to a house on Windermere Island. It was pretty spectacular. The house was very private, almost like a secret hideaway. I kept thinking to myself that I’d have never found Claire and the kids if I would’ve tried to surprise them on their trip.

  “This place is incredible. How did you get it again?” We were all just getting out of the limo in front of the house as I asked. I didn’t remember what Claire had told me.

  “It belongs a guy…another patient of mine.” She just smiled.

  I leaned in close, wrapped my arms around her waist and whispered, “Who is he?” I didn’t want to be mad, but who the hell was she getting this free house from and what did he want in return?

  Claire turned to look at me. “Stop being jealous. He’s married…happily. His wife actually suggested it. I’m all yours, remember?”

  I laid my forehead against hers. “Yes, I do. But I think I’ll remind you later.”

  Claire kissed my lips and mouthed, “Promise?”

  “Count on it.” I pulled back and turned to the three pair of eyes watching us. “Let’s go check this place out.”

  “Come on Mom and…and…Derek.” Jon was still unsure of how to address me, so I let go of Claire, clapped Jon on the shoulder and said, “Lead the way, Jon.”


  There were five bedrooms and as many baths with just about every room holding a view of the ocean and retractable walls or sliding glass doors that led to amazing balconies. Claire’s kids were running around calling out which room they wanted and it made me smile. “I think they’re excited.”

  “You think?” She laughed. “I knew Andy was downplaying this place. I’m going to have to torture him next week. There’s no telling what he could be renting this place out for this week and he’s letting us stay here for free.”

  “Seems like a nice guy.” I was trying to be sincere. It was a nice gesture. I just didn’t like some other guy doing things for Claire. Stupid? Yes. But it made me jealous that she’d planned all this without me.

  Claire took a step in front of me and put her hand on my chest. “He is a nice guy. What’s wrong?”

  I cupped her face. “Nothing, really. I want to do things like this for you. I’m a little jealous.” I gave her my sweetest, saddest face I could muster.

  It worked. The huge smile on her face
told me so. “You can. Anytime. For now, let’s enjoy Andy’s generosity.”

  “I think I can handle that.” I kissed the tip of her nose then took her hand in mine and kept exploring.

  We walked down a long hall that was separate from all the other bedrooms and found the master suite. I looked at Claire just as she turned to me and gave her a wink. She laughed and led me through the door. It was a giant room with a huge king-sized four poster bed covered with white fluffy linens and a net canopy. There were red accents throughout the room which made it look sexy as hell. I walked into the bathroom where Claire was taking a look and saw that it had a huge walk-in shower and large jacuzzi tub. I wrapped my arms around her from behind and said, “We’ll be taking advantage of that shower and bathtub while we’re here.”

  She leaned back against me and moaned, “Hmm, I like the sound of that.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “I know. Later, when the kids are off exploring or something. Okay?”

  “Of course.” I said. “But for now…” I turned her around and slammed my mouth onto hers. She reached up and gripped as much of my hair as she could and pulled me to her, matching every swipe of my tongue, every nip and suck of her lips. “I’ve missed this.”

  I ran my hands down her back and palmed her ass, pulling her toward my body. I wanted Claire to feel what she was doing to me. “Derek.”


  “I do. I want you too, baby.” She slid her hands under the back of my shirt and started gently scratching her nails up and down.

  “Ahh, don’t call me that unless you want me to strip you naked and take you on this cold, tile floor.”

  “Does that mean you like it?” She was looking up at my face, but I answered her with a squeeze to her ass and a slight grind of my erection against her. She let out a little gasp. “Hmm…”

  “Answer your question?”

  “Mm-hmm, don’t do that anymore. I can’t think when you do that, Derek.”

  “Good.” I kissed down her neck and back up behind her ear.

  “We should go see wh…where….kids…my…where they…shit…” I had pulled her earlobe into my mouth and sucked on it, making Claire forget all about whatever she was trying to say. “Kids.” She practically yelled it.


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