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Favor: The Kresova Vampire Harems: Lyra

Page 3

by Graceley Knox

  We all settle, coffee and tea cups littering the giant wooden table in the middle of the room. Wolves drift in and out of the kitchen, some staying to chat and take in the vampires in the middle of their den, others leaving as quickly as they entered.

  Abhartach clears his throat and the happy murmur of voices dims until everyone is silent and staring at him. “I hate to be the one to disturb what has proven to be an eye opening, and incredibly warm welcome, but there is a matter we came here to discuss.”

  “Aye, well now that we’ve all gotten to know each other and know that we won’t rip out each other’s throats, let’s get down to it.” Callahan tips his chin to a man standing at the door way. He ducks around the corner and I purse my lips, unsure what exactly he’s going to do, but a funny feeling like excited anticipation fills my belly with butterflies.

  “We know that you’re aiming to take down Morana, and we’d like to help, but there are of course, concerns for the safety of our pack, and other packs we are aligned with.”

  Everyone nods as one like the birds from the children’s movie with fish, but the name escapes me.

  “So we propose that, to assuage doubts and sheer curiosity to be honest, that a few of our wolves join your ranks as guards, drivers, or whatever use you think would be the best fit in your outfit.”

  “Spies you mean?” Abhartach clenches his hand on his coffee cup.

  “Nay, not spies. We don’t need any information about you. We know that you’ll tell us everything so we can be prepared should an attack be eminent or we need to help you defend yourselves from her minions.”

  Abhartach looks to me, a frown marring his regal features. “What say you, daughter?”

  Brenna narrows her eyes at the use of the word daughter, and a tinge of sadness goes through me. She would never throw it in anyone’s faces that she had the chance to love and raise me. Neither would Callahan. I look between the three of them, my collective parents. Two by bond, and one by blood. Callahan rests his hand on Brenna’s thigh and her shoulders sag a bit, tension leaving her body.

  “We are open and honest with the packs. We have been since the beginning. I have no problems with any of their wolves joining us for as long as they’d like.” I take a sip of my tea. “However, I’d like to make sure, Pops, that they’re all very much okay with being in a vampire’s lair so to speak. You can’t order them to do it. We don’t want any animosity or any pissing contests between the men. Sparring and staying sharp is one thing, but there will be no measuring of dicks.”

  “Lyra Roux, you watch your tongue!” Brenna snaps at me and for the first time in centuries, I feel heat in my cheeks in embarrassment.

  “Sorry, Ma.”

  Callahan chuckles. “Agreed. We have a few who’ve volunteered. Maeve and Moira here would be honored to join you.” They both nod enthusiastically and I grin back at them. God it would be so fucking great to have them with me again.

  There’s a commotion at the door and I’m distracted from whatever else Callahan as saying as the sharpest pair of fog grey eyes meet my hazel ones and capture all the air in my lungs. His dark brown hair is pulled back from his face a strip of leather barely visible over his broad shoulders. A short beard covers the bottom half of his chiseled jaw, and I take my fill of him. His barrel chest, bulky biceps, down to his narrow hips and thick thighs. He’s built like a Viking of old, and sweet baby Jesus, he’s pretty much the stuff fantasies are made of.

  He breaks my focus by moving forward, and I try to pick my tongue up off the floor, ignoring the stares of Aurora and Reina, both of who are wiggling their eyebrows at me.

  I clear my throat, the silence in the room now deafening. “I’m sorry, Callahan, you were saying?”

  He glances at Brenna, a smile dancing on his lips. “This strapping fellow here is Damon. He’s one of the men who volunteered to help you all. He’s one of our best, Lyra. I’m sure you two can learn a lot from each other.”

  I mutter something noncommittal into my tea cup as I take a swig of it for something to do other than stare dreamily at the sinful looking man standing three feet to my right.

  Callahan waves a few other men in, and I greet them all with nods of respect and short hello’s. We all chat, staying through lunch, everyone taking their time to make sure no one is going to have any issues before we head back to my compound.

  I kiss Brenna on the cheek, hugging her tight. “Don’t be too hard on, Damon, love.” She whispers in my ear.

  I lean back, searching her gaze. “What do you mean?”

  “I saw the way you two reacted. I’ve seen that instant connection many a times.”

  I frown. “You know he can’t be my mate, Ma. I’m a half-blood vampire, and he’s a werewolf. That’s not a thing.”

  “Ah, that’s where you’re wrong. It’s rare, but it’s happened before.” She taps the tip of my nose. “And don’t forget, fate has her own plans for you, my love. I don’t think she really cares much what species you both are, so long as you’re what’s best for each other.”

  I don’t answer her, instead hugging her again before saying my goodbyes to Callahan.

  “We’ll stop by soon so we can check in on everything, little hellion.” He pulls me into his side with an arm around my shoulders, walking me down to the waiting cars which have now more than doubled in number. “I’m sure Brenna said something to you… but go easy on Damon. He’s a good man.”

  I huff a breath in frustration. “Yeah, we’ll see. I’m not making any promises. Sometimes lust is just lust, Pops.”

  “Aye, it could be. But I’m thinking this is a bit more.” Maeve and Moira bounce up to us, both with two duffle bags in their hands. “Did you pack enough, girls?”

  “Aye, Papa.” They both chime at the same time.

  “Good, now keep each other safe.” He kisses them both on the forehead before dropping a kiss to the top of my head as well. I grab a bag from each of them, tossing them into the trunk before Callahan speaks again. “And girls?”

  “Yeees?” We drag out the word, turning to face him, smiles splitting our faces in two.

  I have a feeling I know what he’s about to say, because he’d said it so many times in the five years the twins and I had been together, it had been like a broken record on repeat. Doesn’t mean he isn’t right though. We certainly had a bad habit of it.

  “Don’t get into too much trouble.”

  Chapter 3

  Without further ado we’re off, each of us climbing into an SUV and hitting the road. Maeve and Moira had corralled me into their car, shoving me into the front seat as they took the back. Before I can protest, my walking wet dream slides into he drives seat, his large hands enveloping the steering wheel.

  I gulp down a breath trying not to let my heartbeat speed up. With their senses, they’d all hear it.

  “Where to?” Damon speaks, and his voice is gruff and deep. Just on the side of just woke up after a night of dirty sex, scratchy, and it lights up every nerve ending in my body.

  “Uh…” I point to the SUV Carver is driving in front of us. “Just follow them. They know the way.”

  “We’ve got you, Damon. We know where Lyra’s place is.”

  He nods, putting the car in gear and falling into line behind the other cars.

  I stare out the window in silence, trying to get a grip on my scattered brain and whirlwind emotions. How the hell am I supposed to form sentences around this man? Trained to kill a person with my bare hands in a million ways, can’t figure out how to untangle my tongue to speak to one werewolf.

  It’s not like I haven’t enjoyed my fair share of pleasures through the years. I mean, I was in Morana’s court. I experimented. I tried a vast number of things, figuring out what does and doesn’t do it for me. No matter what, I’ve been unable to shake that small bit of propriety Brenna had somehow instilled in me.

  “So Lyra, what’s up first on the agenda?” Moira asks, leaning forward between the seats.

  I blink, re
focusing on the people in the car with me, grateful that she’d broken the thick tension in the car. “Well, I think we’ll get everyone settled, and then I know Aurora and Reina are going to try to break the spell on Morana’s ring again, if you’d like to help?”

  “Oh, breaking spells. Count us in.” Maeve claps her hands together.

  “I take it you’ve got some of Ma’s gifts?”

  They both laugh. “Aye, only a few.”

  Damon snorts. “They’re being modest. They’re both incredibly powerful. Even without their magical abilities.”

  I stare at his lips, entranced by their movement. “I guess we’ll just have to see what you’re made of then.” I tease, tossing a wink over my shoulder.

  “Yes, we should all spar. I’d like to assess your abilities so we can fill in any gaps in your security or training.” Damon’s words are clipped, and he doesn’t glance at me as he speaks, but something about his tone, grates at my nerves.

  I raise a brow.

  “Uh-oh.” The twins mutter at the same time.

  “What is it?” Damon asks, looking at them in the rear-view mirror.

  “Oh, don’t worry. You’re about to find out.”

  “While I have no problem sparring with you, wolf, so we can all stay sharp, you can rest assured you won’t find any gaps in my abilities.” I drum my fingers on the arm rest in my door, irritation flickering through me.

  “I meant no offense…”

  I hold up my hand. “Let’s not argue about what you did or didn’t mean. Your words were clear.” We pull up to the castle I call home, and before he can put the car fully in park, I’m out of it, walking swiftly up the stairs, before I do something rash like challenge him in front of everyone.

  Typical alpha wolf bullshit. Thinks he knows everything best. I’m just a small girl in need of saving. Wrong. I’m one of the deadliest assassins this world has ever seen. And he’d be smart to remember that fact.

  I push through the door of my bedroom, trusting that Aurora and Reina can get everyone settled while I cool down. My response isn’t rational. Not even close. But something about Damon makes me want to both pounce on him and sate my desire and wipe the floor with him at the same time.

  If this is what mating is… this hairpulling, confusing, jumble of emotions all at once, I want a refund.

  An hour or two later after I’d paced my room to get rid of my excess energy and done as much deep breathing as I could handle, I venture downstairs, following the raucous voices to the back patio.

  I lean against the door jam, watching as Aurora and her group laugh and mingle with the wolves and my father’s followers. It’s certainly a rare sight to see, so many different personalities, let alone species and factions, getting along with not a single drop of blood shed.

  “Ah, I see you have finally joined us.” My father speaks from behind me.

  I whirl around. “Yes, I just needed a few moments to myself. It was a very emotional day for me.” I give him a thin-lipped smile.

  “I’m sure it was. I needed a rest as well.”

  I rock back on my heels, unsure what else to say to him at the moment.

  “May I speak with you for a moment?”

  “Yeah, of course. What is it?”

  “Perhaps in private?” He tips his chin towards the group of supernatural beings behind us, all with extra sharp hearing.

  I walk with him out of the kitchen and into the living room. “This okay?”

  “Yes, this will suit.” He clasps his hands in front of him, clearing his throat. “I wanted to address the wolf Damon.”

  I arch a brow. “What about him?”

  “I saw the way he looked at you, and I believe we may need to speak with him about it.”

  If I wasn’t shocked, I’d laugh. “Speak with him about how he looks at me? What’s wrong with it? Does he seem like he wants to do me harm?” Sure as shit that wasn’t the vibe I’d been getting from him, but my lust addled brain could be clouding my judgement.

  “I don’t think he would intentionally harm you, no.”

  “Then I’m confused.”

  “He appears to desire you.” Abe’s features are grim when he says the words.

  “And you think you need to speak with him about this?” What in the hell is happening right now? Is he being a protective father or is this something else entirely?

  “I do not see any other way to get the point across to him.”

  “And what point would that be, father? I need you to spell it out for me because he’s here to help us against Morana, and if Callahan says he’s one of their best, I believe him. And frankly, we can use all the help we can get. No matter the way he looks at me.”

  “He is not for you, Lyra. You are destined for better than some werewolf wanting to scratch an itch.”

  Oh, lord. “Um, I hate to break it to you, but that whole virginity thing, it’s long gone.” I wave a hand. “Like so far gone, it’s not even funny.”

  Abhartach’s eyes widen. “That is not what I’m referring to. I’m speaking about your destiny as a Dria queen. You must find your harem and complete your bond with them so we can defeat Morana.”

  A lightbulb goes off. “And you think that a wolf can’t be a part of my harem of consorts, father?”

  “Of course not. They would not be able to provide enough strength to sustain you.”

  “Mmhmm. And what if he is one of my consorts? What then?” As I say the words, it’s like something clicks into place inside me, but I push it aside to examine later.

  “He cannot be. My daughter will not mate with a werewolf. End of discussion.” He walks away before I can argue my point further, and I stare after him, a little unsteady after our heated discussion.

  I’m not quite sure what his issue with the wolves is, but I know that some customs are hard to break. When he’d been imprisoned, the wolves had been under his command. Perhaps he’s not happy that they’ve created their own customs and rules that don’t include the Kresova. Either way, it’s not like I have a say in the matter.

  It’s not like going to a deli and picking a slab of meat. ‘Hello, I’d like this one here. Tall, dark, and wolfy. Mmhmm, yes him. Next up, I’ll take brooding sex on a stick there. And finally, I’d like to see this one here, yes, the one with fangs and tattoos. Thanks so much.’ Not bloody likely.

  “Hey, sorry, I don’t mean to disturb you, but Aurora is going to take another stab at destroying this stupid ring if you want to join us?” Reina’s voice echoes off the walls in the living room and I head toward her.

  “Yes, thank you. Let’s do it.” She doesn’t mention overhearing anything although she keeps glancing at me out of the corner of her eye. If I had the energy, I’d ask her what she heard, and what her thoughts on the matter are, but I’m quite done with other people’s opinions at the moment.

  We circle around a table on the patio, the fading light of the day casting shadows over everyone’s faces.

  Aurora lights a white candle before placing the ring in a black stone bowl. Next, she grabs a flask, and before I can ask her to pass it on over, she pours clear liquid, water I’m assuming, over the ring, submerging it completely.

  “I snuff the magic that enlivens you; I drown the light that fills you; I cast out the power within you.” She repeats the saying three times and I stare intently at the ring, waiting for it to explode or shatter or something.


  “Is that it?” I ask, scratching at my head in confusion.

  “Not quite.”

  Carver rounds the corner, holding something glowing orange, and hands it to Aurora. It’s a hammer. A very hot one by the looks of it.

  Aurora grabs the ring, placing it on an anvil, before swinging the hammer at the ring with such force, a battle cry escapes her lips. The metal glances off the ring, leaving it unmarred and a collective sigh of disappointment moves through the group.

  “I swear to god I’m going to wring Leander’s neck the next time I see him fo
r giving us a faulty spell.” Aurora curses.

  “Something has to be missing. It could be something very small, but important to the process.” Maeve speaks up.

  Aurora smiles at her. “I’m happy to go over everything with you tomorrow if you’d like? Maybe you guys will interpret something different with your knowledge of magic and spells?”

  “Count us in.”

  A strong presence steps behind me, close enough that I can’t turn around without bumping into them and I just know it’s Damon. I look up over my shoulder at him, watching the way the shadows flicker over the planes of his face. I didn’t think it was possible, but it gives him more of a devilish air, and the thought of letting him do with me as he pleases sends a wave of pleasure straight to my clit.

  “I wish to speak with you if I may.” His voice is still scratchy, even as he whispers the words in my ear.

  I shiver in response, nodding. “Go for it.”

  He looks to the people around us, who all scatter at his stare with mumbled excuses such as having to be somewhere and go do that thing. Scaredy cats.

  “I wanted to apologize for offending you earlier today. It was not my intention to do so.”

  I face him, not putting any extra space between us, enjoying the flow of heat from his body to mine. “Apology accepted. I might have been a little touchy. It was an emotional homecoming for me today.”

  “I’m sure it was.” He traces a finger down my cheek and tilts his head. “How are you holding up?”

  “Surprisingly well despite all the new developments.” I bite my lip. “Settling in okay despite living with a bunch of vampires?”

  “Vampires don’t scare me, precious.” He pushes his hand behind my neck, his grip possessive.

  “They don’t?” I ask, not sure if he’s going to kiss me or offend me again, and unsure which I really want.

  “Nah, I can handle my own. What scares me is the thought of something happening to you.” His light grey eyes search my own and I’m stunned silent.

  “You don’t even know me.”

  “I knew of you before today. And when I first saw you…I knew.” He leans in closer, his beard tickling my lips.


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