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Celtic Fury

Page 24

by Ria Cantrell

  Rory turned from the grisly scene to face Stephen and he said, “I owe ye’ my life.”

  “Nay, it had to end here. I suspected he would not fight ye’ like a man, but use some dishonorable tactic.”

  Silence stretched between them as Rory digested the horrible words that Roderick had said just before he died. Stephen finally said, “I heard what he said to ye’. Even if it was true, she is yer’ woman. She may have had violence done to her, but she is still yers.”

  Rory felt anguish tearing at his heart. He had still been holding his sword aloft and in rage, he drove it into the floor. It hummed and quivered as it stuck deep into the worn plank of the floorboard. A tormented sound left him and he said, “Oh God…if it is so, how will she ever want a man to touch her again? She was na’ a whore…she was never with a man before me.”

  Clapping Rory on the back, Stephen felt the sorrow Rory was experiencing at hearing such a terrible thing. Many a lassie had such things done against their will. It was terrible, to be sure, but having gotten to know Rory in the last few weeks, the MacDougal knew he would be the man to help the girl heal.

  “With gentleness and patience, man. That is all ye’ can do.”

  Rory passed a hand over his eyes. A sound like an errant sob left him and he was not embarrassed for it. His Brielle had been through so much. Stephen patted him and said, “Go to her, man. Begin the healing with her. We will finish things here. Castle Campbell will be claimed in yer’ name, I give my word.”

  “What sort of man could have his own sister raped?”

  “A twisted sick one filled with evil. Go on…She needs ye’, Rory. And Rory, ye’ need to forgive her for what she had said…and for what was thrust upon her. T’was not her fault, man.”

  Rory nodded. He had no more words to say. If he had felt anger at Brielle before, all that was gone now. Maybe she felt she could no longer be with him because of what had been done to her. Of course, that had to be it. She probably felt like damaged goods now. Ahhh, his poor little angel! He just needed to get to Brielle. He needed to let her know he still loved her despite anything that had happened to her.

  Rory passed through the main hall and went to find his horse. He was vaguely aware of the fighting around him. Already the fray was mostly abated. His warrior instincts were now pushed dormant and he only could think about getting back to Brielle.

  Numbly, Rory found his horse and jumped onto its back. His heart was sick with the events of the day. First Brielle had professed she did not love him…that was bad enough. Hearing those words cut him to the depth of his soul even if she hadn’t meant them. Then, Liam took that arrow for her. Rory didn’t even know if his brother lived or not at this point. Then, squaring off with Roderick and learning of the violence Brielle had suffered was almost too much to bear. What man could hear those words about the woman he loved and not go mad? And now Roderick lay dead and despite the evil in him, he was still Brielle’s brother. How was he going to tell Brielle that her brother had been killed and that even if he hadn’t dealt the killing blow, it had been his intent to finish the hated bastard? How were they going to be able to move forward with their lives together after today? Rory heard a whisper in the wind, “With love, Ruiri, Hurry…” Rory rode swiftly to the neighboring village, where he had told Caleb they would muster. Stabling his horse, he steeled himself to face Brielle.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Brielle paced nervously about the room of the inn. She had helped Caleb remove the arrow from Liam’s side. That had been a gruesome and suitable punishment for her carelessness. It had struck against his hip, so the removal was painful, but it seemed to have missed any vital organs. They had packed the wound and bound it until they could get him home for Morag to tend with her healing balms. He had lost a good deal of blood, but it seemed to have ebbed finally, as the bandages stayed clean. While Liam rested, Brielle paced, unable to still the nervous energy born from worry and heartache. Caleb barely spoke to her. She could tell he was still furious with her and she could not really blame him. She had denied his son. Denying Rory was not only abhorrent to his son, but it also cut Caleb to the heart. She no more wanted to disappoint Caleb than she ever wanted to hurt Ruiri. She had said the unthinkable and denounced ever having loved Ruiri. Even though it was a lie, she knew she could never take those words back. She felt frantic with worry and dread. She knew her brother would stop at nothing to destroy Rory and she could not help but think that even if Rory lived, she had succeeded in destroying him with her words as much as any weapon Roderick would use against him.

  She had been a fool. She had tried to protect Rory, but love was the best protection she could have given him and she had failed him. She realized that mayhap if he thought that she no longer loved him, he would not fight to live. So many thoughts were rushing through her mind, she felt like she could scream. Guilt seized her heart with the realization of what she had done to Rory.

  Caleb watched the girl pacing in despair. He could see her lips moving as she replayed the words in her mind, her fingers opening and closing at her sides as she tormented herself with regret. He heard a horrible noise of frustration and anguish leave her as she continued to pace, lost in her own punishing thoughts. Some of his anger at her started to dissipate. He sighed. He could not stay angry at the lass. Caleb met her tormented gaze and finally he said, “Pacing is not going to help things lass.”

  Her eyes pleaded for his forgiveness. As Caleb sat beside Liam’s bed, he looked up at her and the expression on his face reminded her so much of Rory. They were very much alike in so many ways. She burst into tears and sobbed, “I am so sorry, Caleb. Can ye’ e’re forgive me?”

  Softening his expression toward her he said, “Ye’ did what ye’ thought would protect him. I know ye’ didna’ want to hurt him.”

  “My brother is mad. I know that now. He is capable of terrible things... unthinkable things. I could not imagine him harming Ruiri. I think he will stop at nothing to hurt Ruiri. I thought if Ruiri believed I did not love him, he would not come for me, but I do love him…with all my heart. He is the other part of my soul and now I may have lost him forever.”


  Rory stood at the doorway and listened to Brielle profess her love for him to his father. His heart slammed against his ribs at her words. She was in despair and he could feel her regret. He could not bear that hurt in his beloved’s heart a minute longer.

  Ye’ have not lost me.

  Brielle froze in her spot, her back stiff and straight.

  “Lass, turn around. Tell him to his face.” She was afraid to turn around. Caleb saw the stricken look on her face and he softened his expression.

  “Go on, Lass. Tell him.”

  Brielle’s heart was pounding so hard, she almost could not breathe. She could feel him standing behind her. Her love! Her mate! She was so afraid to look at him lest he dissolve like a dream. She had thought to never see him again. Rory wondered at her hesitation. It was as if she was frozen with fear. Did she not want to face him because of the shame cast upon her? Would he see the terror of the rapes in her eyes? He was almost afraid to look into her eyes, for to see that horror in those beautiful lilac pools might have been too much for him to bear. Caleb watched her still frozen to her spot and he just nodded, to encourage her.


  Rory’s voice, husky with emotion, drew her out of her fear. Just the act of Rory simply saying her name helped her turn slowly to face him. Seeing him standing before her was like a vision of hope; hope she had forsaken while in the clutches of Roderick. He swallowed hard. She thought he would be furious with her, but instead, she saw love in his eyes…and something else… pity and heartache, but not for himself; for her. She had been through so much; more than he wanted to think about.

  When she could finally find her voice, Brielle’s words choked her as she said, “Ruiri, I am so sorry…I ne’re meant to hurt ye’…Oh my God, ye’ are hurt.” Brielle forgot her fear and went to hi
m. She touched his arm that had been sliced by Roderick’s sword. There was fresh blood still seeping into the slashed fabric of his sleeve. She touched it softly, feeling the wound. He could feel her heat and taste her scent. He ached to grab her into his arms. His mouth hovered near her cheek as he watched her reach out to comfort him. His heart was hammering. She wanted to comfort him and he had no words to comfort her. She looked up at him with luminous eyes that brimmed with tears.

  “Ye’ are here…Rod would not have let ye’ go. He told me he wanted to kill ye’. If ye’ are here, that means he must be…”

  Rory nodded.

  “I am sorry, Brielle. I know ye’ will never be able to forgive me.” She raised her eyes to his. She put her hand against his cheek.

  “Ye’ came for me…ye’ did na’ abandon me…”

  Feeling her touch was like sweet torment. He needed to continue; he needed her to know the truth of what happened today.

  “T’was not by my hand, Brielle, but I would have finished him had the MacDougal not beat me to it.”

  “He was my brother, but he was poisoned with evil. I am sorry he is dead, because he was my brother, but he did horrible things.”

  At that profession, a fat tear rolled down Rory’s cheek, knowing full well what horrible things Roderick had indeed done. He whispered, “He told me what he did…what he had done to ye’. I am so sorry I didn’t protect ye’.”

  Brielle’s lips wandered over that tear and she said, “Ach, he has hit me my whole life. I dunna’ even feel it any more.” Rory leaned closer to her and he whispered something in her ear.

  “He told me of the other horrors, too. Come outside with me. I want to talk privately with ye’.” Rory wanted to spare her further humiliation in front of his father, but he wanted to talk to her about what had happened. It was the only way to put it in the past, by getting it out in the open first and foremost. He would not push her if she did not want to talk about it, but he wanted her to know he still loved her, despite what had happened and that he would not think her tainted. Brielle put her hand so easily into Rory’s and he noticed she did not flinch at his touch. Rory took her to an empty room in the inn. He sat down on the bed there and faced her.

  “Brielle, I dunna’ even know how to ask ye’, for if it is so, I dunna’ want it between us.”

  “I do need to tell ye’ something, Ruiri. I am afraid to tell ye’, in light of what I have done.”

  He stroked her cheek, flexing the muscle in his jaw.

  “It does not matter, Brielle. What has happened to ye’ does not change ye’. Ye’ are still my beautiful Brielle.”

  Brielle looked puzzled.

  “Ruiri, I dunna’ understand.” Rory lost control of his tightly held emotions. He lowered his head and sobbed outright. Brielle thought it was because of her horrible words she had thrown at him to make him think she didn’t love him. She took his clasped hands into both of her own. She said, “I am so sorry, can ye’ forgive me for what has happened?”

  “He…he told me…he had his friends…Oh, God Brielle, how can I even speak it, yet I must for ye’ have had to endure it.”

  Brielle’s heart turned at his anguish. She kissed his face, trying to soothe him; not knowing what to do to help him. Rory murmured, “For that alone he deserved to die…” Now she was confused. What was he trying to tell her?

  “Ruiri, please tell me.” He pulled in a labored breath and he said, “Roderick told me he let his friends…rape ye’. Five of them. He said I would die knowing ye’ were breeding from the violation. Oh Brielle, I have failed ye’ so. I didna’ protect ye’ from his evil.”

  Brielle stroked his hair and lifting his face in her hands, she kissed him, covering his hard felt tears with her lips.

  “Shhh, my love. T’is not true. No one violated me. I suffered slaps. Nothing more.”

  “They didn’t rape…”

  “Nay, Beloved. No one touched me.” Was she being brave? Did she think he would find her abhorrent if she admitted the truth? He searched her gaze and saw love there. Love and concern for him alone, but not brokenness.

  “It wouldna’ matter to me if they did…I would still love ye’, Brielle. I just didna’ want ye’ to have experienced that…to have such evil mar yer’ spirit.”

  Brielle’s eyes welled with tears. She kissed over his face again, overwhelmed that his love had never wavered, even after she had denied him. She felt his lips wandering to hers. As their lips touched, she realized, love had not wavered for either of them. She looked into his eyes and vowed, “They did not harm me. I swear it. Roderick is a liar…was a liar.”

  He kissed her again, greedy to taste her.

  “I wanted to protect ye’, too Ruiri. I am so sorry I hurt ye’.” Rory just kissed her again in response. Drawing her up into his arms, he took her onto his lap. His arms ached to hold her. She settled against him, feeling his warmth seep through her clothes. She thought she had lost him forever. She said, “I love ye’, Ruiri. Not for one second have I ever stopped loving ye’.”

  “I know. I think I always knew.” Brielle kissed him deeply. He stood up, lifting her in his arms. He gently laid her upon the bed. Her heart beat wildly; anticipating being with him. After kissing down her neck, Rory asked, “Is it too soon…do ye’ need time to grieve yer’ loss?”

  Holding her arms open to him, she said, “He was a brother in name only. The only thing I grieve is that he never once loved me as his sister and now there is not a chance for him to redeem himself. Ye’, on the other hand have always loved me…from that first night ye’ held my broken and battered body against yers’. It is right and good for ye’ to be with me now. I have missed ye’ so much, my Ruiri.” At her possessive words of love, his heart swelled near to bursting. He began to carefully undress her and he was like a man starving. He kissed her and then let his lips wander down her throat to her chest. His fingers softly eased inside her bodice, gently connecting with her breast and he slowly reacquainted himself with the feel of her. He felt her arch up under his hand, and he looked into her eyes. He said, “What did ye’ need to tell me, Beauty?”

  “Make love to me. We will talk more about it later. Now, I need to feel ye’ and be with ye’. I need to love ye’, Ruiri. I need to be filled with you.” His fingers rotated gently over her peaked nipple and she moaned, as her body reacted to his touch. He removed his clothes and joined her on the bed. She was awestruck with the beauty of his male body and remembering just how perfect he was, made her hunger for all of him. Her breath caught as she feasted on him with her eyes, knowing that her body would soon be the recipient of his touch.

  She had held him in her dreams, not ever knowing if she would see him or touch him again, but seeing him again was like sweet bliss. He was the most delicious man she had ever laid her eyes on and he was hers. He was her truest mate. And he still loved her! She felt blessed to have this second chance. If she had denied loving Ruiri, her heart seemed to swell with love to prove her wrong. It was almost as if she couldn’t contain all the love she felt.

  She needed to tell him, so she said softly, “Ruiri, I love ye’ with everything I am.” He nodded, barely able to speak. He tugged softly on her gown and he whispered huskily, “Lift yer’ hips up a little, sweetheart.”

  When she did as he asked, she felt him ease her gown past her hips. Now it was his turn to feast on her, devouring her with his gaze. A sexy sigh left him as he looked at her lying there before him. He rose hard, looking at her waiting for him. She licked her lips in anticipation, seeing his erection rise before him. His hands skimmed over her, greedy fingers feeling every inch of her soft flesh. Rory leaned over her, kissing her belly, and resting his head on the gentle feminine swell. He breathed in her scent.

  His arms drew around her hips and he murmured, “My God, I am with my Brielle again. I had not been a whole man without ye’, love.” Her arms held him, stroking his shoulders, feeling him relax against her. She loved the feel of him lying against her that way.r />
  “Thank God he didn’t hurt ye’…thank God ye’ are safe here in my arms,” she said. Nuzzling against her belly, he seemed to relax and go very still. Brielle almost thought he had dozed off. If he had, she would not have awakened him, knowing how very tired he must have been. But then she felt his hand move lower and his fingers dipped between her thighs. He was met with her moist heat. She gasped, thinking he had fallen asleep, only to feel his touch.

  “Oh, yes Beauty. That’s my girl…so responsive to me.”

  She moaned softly. He kissed lower as he eased his fingers into her, first one, then opening her further with a second. When she felt him touch her like that, shivers surged through her.

  Brielle parted her legs, welcoming his sensual touch. He turned, kissing over her soft curls. He said, “Feed me. . . I am so very hungry for ye’, Brielle.” As her legs opened for him to fit between them, his hands eased under her, softly squeezing her buttocks, and drawing her up to his lips. He could feel her heat before he ever tasted her and as he parted her, a moan left him from somewhere deep inside. His tongue circled her bud, tasting her sweet honeyed juices on his lips. Brielle arched up to his mouth, needing him; craving the feel of his mouth on her. She flexed her fingers into his shoulders. She got a second chance, and she vowed she would not waste it. Despite the erotic sensations coursing through her, she mouthed a silent prayer of thanks for this second chance to love Ruiri. She would never deny her love for Rory again, she promised God and herself. Rory savored her as his mouth both tortured and pleasured her. Brielle glanced at him and saw his eyes, intense and filled with desire looking up at her. She shuddered, feeling his fingers gently moving in and out of her as his mouth feasted upon her. She was quickly reaching that place where she would climax, but they both realized they needed to be one.


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