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Her Protectors (Wolf trials Book 2)

Page 8

by Tamara White

  My wolf lets out an agonized howl and I run into the adjoining bathroom and turn the shower on cold before diving under, clothes still on. I sit here curled in a ball until the door opens and a gasp draws my attention.

  Lily is looking down at me in sympathy, “Oh sweetie, come on, let’s get you out of there,” she says, pulling a towel from the rack and holding it up for me. I turn the switch off, ignoring the way my body is shivering and climb out into her waiting arms. She wraps the towel around me, grabbing another to dry my hair. I stand still, shock taking over. What just happened?

  “Dani? Your skin is going ice cold. I need you to strip and get dry. I’ll turn the heater on out in the room while you do. Just give me a call if you need some help, ok?”

  I nod absentmindedly, stripping down as she leaves the room. I towel myself off, before wrapping it around me and going back in the bedroom. Lily silently hands me some clothes so I get dressed, my motions emotionless as I try to process.

  Once I’m dressed, she guides me to the bed, running a brush through my hair. A knock on the door announces James’s entrance. He stares straight at me, a look of sympathy on his face. After Lily is finished brushing my hair, her and James drag chairs in front of me, waiting.

  I look up, not sure what to say, “I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened. Can you please tell me what’s going on?” I beg, tears streaking down my face. I don’t understand all of this. Why didn’t Dad tell me this would happen?

  Lily clears her throat looking uncomfortable. “I don’t know what you know, but what you just felt was the start of your heat cycle. Do you know what a heat cycle is?” she asks, a blush spreading across her cheeks.

  James looks away, his own cheeks a touch pink.

  “I only know what Jason told me before he threw himself out the window. He said I’m emotional after my first shift, and that my heat cycle would start soon. We kissed then my wolf became unbearable. His was the same. That’s why he jumped.”

  James and Lily are nodding after my brief explanation, as if what I said makes perfect sense. James takes it upon himself to explain, “When a female wolf turns sixteen, she shifts for the first time. A month after the first shift takes place, her body starts a heat cycle. This is for the continuation of our line. The thing is, the last twenty years, without the proper queen leading us, our females have only had one heat cycle, shortly after they turn. This means many females have been forced to have a child on their first and only heat if they wish to have families. However, something has happened with your first shift. Laura and Tim have been told wolves in their pack have been in heat since you left.”

  Lily interrupts, “Hell Dani, even females in my pack are going into heat. The only explanation is you.”

  “What Lily means to say is, before now, we never had this happen amongst us. I believe, that your line is bringing back fertility amongst the packs. Your power is, in essence, based in healing. Melina’s was, so I assume yours would be similar. What happened up here was your wolf trying to force a heat. You obviously care for each of your mates, which is why she is more than happy to start it now.”

  Okay then…

  I’m not really sure what to do with all that information. “Does this mean anytime I’m around one of them, I’m going to go into a raging hormonal mess?”

  James blushes and looks away embarrassed, while Lily laughs. She sobers enough to give me an answer though, “No, Dani. You just have to avoid those, uh, situations, just like you did today. Your body will give you some warning before the heat strikes. You will feel needy, like you need to be touched or held, then your mate, or in your case, mates, will show you a lot of attention. Some even compete for your affection, or try to prove their worthiness. It all depends on the character of the man themselves,” she explains.

  I sit in silence, trying to absorb everything, only to feel like my brain is going to overload. Why is this happening?

  “Dani?” James tries grabbing my attention again but my mind is going through it all.

  Mates, heat, babies. That’s what they’re trying to say right? No! I can’t have children! I don’t even want children! “I don’t want kids!” I shout.

  James and Lily both startle, taken aback by my outburst. James, grabs my hand, while I pant, the beginnings of a panic attack taking over, “Dani! Calm down! No one is saying you have to have kids now, just that, that is what a heat cycle is for, procreation. Jeez, we’re not going to go ‘here you go boys first one to knock her up, wins!’ We’re not barbarians,” he rolls his eyes, clearly exasperated.

  “Oh, sorry, it just sounded like that,” I mutter sheepishly, not looking either of them in the eyes. I’m not sure I want to know what they’re thinking right now.

  All that’s happened is bad enough and I still have to grab my stuff for us to go to the next pack. It’s like a four-hour flight away. Plus, I have to meet with the Elders to find out whether they want me to do this without them or if they are ready to stop being such asses. Finger crossed it’s the latter because my hormones are all over the place and I will snap if they cross any more lines.

  Chapter 10

  The bags are packed and ready to go. Now, to get this meeting with the Elders over with. All the boys spent the night with me but they didn’t come back in until a couple hours after my heat had calmed, because they were worried to set it off again.

  I let the guys pack up the car, seeing as the Elders have requested to speak to only me. Whatever the hell that means. James keeps hovering at my side, refusing to leave me alone. When I asked him why he was being so protective he answered with, “Because if you go into heat, your wolf won’t want me. Anyone else is fair game. I’ve tasked myself with the responsibility of you being protected from yourself until you are ready for your heat.”

  Since I was already nervous about it myself, I was glad someone else was looking out for me. I don’t know if I could trust myself. In the moment last night, I would have given anything to be with Jason but today, I would have been regretting it. We’ve barely known each other for a couple weeks. As much as my wolf is trying to convince me we’re ready for that step, I don’t feel it. And even though I know that the heat cycle is meant for the continuation of our kind, kids have never been something that factored into my life. Even when I thought I was a defective wolf who couldn’t shift, it was never part of my plans. All I wanted was to run through the forests, maybe find a wolf who would be a good match so we could spend our days together. Sad but true. You always want what you don’t have. For me that was my wolf. Now that I have her, I have no idea what I want. All I know is I want my mates right beside me.

  I knock on the door, not bothering to wait, “You ready to see me?” I ask, closing the door behind me.

  All the Elders are gathered in the same chairs they were yesterday with a sombre expression on their faces. This doesn’t look good.

  I take a seat facing them, preparing myself for whatever comes next. Erick, Lance and Sammy are sharing the sofa, looking withdrawn. Jax is over on the chair to my right, looking more neutral than anything. No expression on his face.

  Meanwhile Sonja is sitting in the high-backed chair, looking all regal in her pale silver pantsuit. Her ebony hair brushed off to one side. Her face radiating satisfaction. “Dani, how good to see you today. It brings me nothing but pleasure to tell you to get out! You are no longer welcome in this pack. You are banished.” She smiles sweetly at me.

  My stomach drops. She can’t be serious? I look at each of the others waiting for one of them to speak up but nothing. I stand, raising myself to my full height, even though they all tower over me. “This is what you want? What you all want?” I ask, gesturing to the men. I can’t believe they’d all want me gone.

  Sonja gets to her feet, “Look Danielle,” she draws out my name snidely, “We don’t want you here. We don’t need you here. As Elders, we are more than effective to lead our people,” she says haughtily.

  I can’t help it, I laugh. I see Lance, Erick
and Jax trying not to smirk which just makes me laugh harder.

  “You dare show me such disrespect?!” Sonja growls stomping her foot angrily. Oh god, now she’s acting like a child.

  I wipe the tear that gathered in the corner of my eye and stare her head on, “How do you expect to lead our people, when you’ve already led them to ruin? You let an Alpha Pair lead them who were using their power to blackmail, kidnap and kill people! Hell, Luke was the one responsible for trying to take me the other day but no, you still think you’re better off without me? Tell me something, with me gone, how are you going to tell the pack that only the Tiern and Wyld pack are able to have females in heat because you got rid of their only chance?” I say throwing it in her face that there is something I can offer the pack that the Elders can’t.

  From what James explained to me last night, the only packs that had heat cycles start for their females were Pete and Nate’s. He theorized that, when I visit each pack, my power is spread among them, starting the heat.

  Erick leans forward an eager expression on his face. “Your heat started? When?” he asks excitedly.

  “Yep. Last night it decided to make a very unexpected appearance. We also found out since I left Tim’s pack, they’ve had an influx of females going into heat. And Lily has noticed the same thing happening here. So, tell me Sonja, can you give the wolves in the other packs the chance to finally have children?” I ask, leaning back, confident that she will have no choice but to keep me around.

  Sonja’s face is turning an ugly shade of red, and it pleases me more than I’d care to admit. I guess she thought I would just roll over and accept whatever she said. No, my father died for me to be here. I will follow through until the end.

  Jax stands, summoning all of our attention with his movement, “Dani, would you please give us a moment? We need to discuss this development.”

  “That’s fine, but could you make it quick? We have a plane to catch,” I remind them. They nod as I make my way out of the room, closing the door firmly behind me.

  I cross the hall, sitting on the bottom step and wait for them to call me back in. Sonja is a real bitch. The balls she has to call me in and try and kick me out like that, I can’t believe it! I honestly thought the Elders would be smarter and decide to keep me around but she is playing them all. What is she holding over them, that they would try to get rid of me? I plan to find out because I am not going to let her try the same shit with me.

  Jake waltzes down the hall, hands linked behind his back with a big grin on his face. “Hello Your Majesty,” he mocks. He knows I hate the titles.

  “Hey Jake. What ya doing?” I ask as he plops down on the step beside me. He nudges my shoulder playfully, “I’m your enforcer. After being taken, we agreed no alone time for you. One of us is to always be within distance. It’s safer that way,” he says when I go to argue.

  Sighing in defeat, I know he’s right. It’s doesn’t mean I have to like it. “So… How’d the packing go? Did you grab everything?” I ask biding the time.

  He shrugs, his eyes staring down the hall, “Yep, got it all. Rick and the others are just stuffing it into the cars. We have a private plane waiting for us to take us to the Slade pack once the Elders are finished screwing around with you.” He wraps an arm over my shoulder, pulling me close. I lean into him, letting my wolf feel content with a fellow pack member and friend. Jake has become a rock to me this past week. With everything that has happened, then with my dad, he’s helped me stay sane.

  “I don’t care if she’s the Queen!”

  Jake and I exchange glances at the outburst of Sonja’s voice from the room. The door to the room opens, Sonja storming out. She stops at the doorway turning back to shout, “YOU WILL REGRET THIS!”

  Well, I guess that didn’t go the way she was hoping it would. I listen as she stomps down the hall and out the back door, slamming it shut behind her. Wonder what happened?


  I bolt to my feet at the sound of Lance’s voice. He beckons me into the room and I follow throwing a smile back at Jake. He winks as I go, leaning back on the step, the dutiful guard.

  All the guys are gathered around, looks of relief on their faces. “What’s going on?” I ask, sitting in the same chair as before.

  Sammy steps in front of me, “Sonja has been playing us for a while to get what she wants. We didn’t realise how bad things were until today. She tried to say you had fabricated your heat cycle so, we called Tim and Laura. The news we were told has brought joy to our hearts. Laura has finished a heat cycle and is now pregnant,” he says, grinning at me. “We need you Dani, to be our Queen and bring us back to our former glory.”

  Chapter 11

  I’ve been in a daze since we left. Laura’s pregnant. Does Nate know? Why didn’t he tell me? If he doesn’t know, should I tell him? Sonja is finally gone. They told her that if I left, it would ruin their society so she had to suck it up or forfeit her position as Elder. She chose the latter, storming from the house.

  Walking to the car, I don’t see Cam until I walk straight into his back, falling on my ass. I land with an ‘oomph.’ Hands reach under my arms, hauling me up. “You ok Firecracker?” Pete asks, as Cam stares down at me with a smirk on his face. “Yeah Precious, what ya doing down there?” he asks, raising an eyebrow in question.

  “You know damn well I walked into your fat ass. Maybe if you weren’t dawdling, I wouldn’t have hurt myself,” I pout, playing hurt. His face sobers quickly and I feel Pete’s chest rumble behind me with laughter. He knows exactly what I’m doing.

  “Are you ok?” Cam asks, taking a step towards me.

  I pretend to shiver in Pete’s arms, willing the waterworks to start, “I’m in so much pain.” His face contorts with concern. “Actually, I think I broke my ass.”

  I last one second before bursting out laughing, Pete not far behind me. Cam stares at me shocked. He takes three strides, snatching me from Pete, throwing me over his shoulder and waltzing towards the car as I giggle like a child.

  “Uh oh, what’d she do now?” Jason calls as we get to the car.

  Cam spanks me before putting me back on my feet. I sway from the sudden shift of blood to my head. “Cheeky girl tried to guilt trip me. Made me believe I hurt her when she ran into me,” he says around me. “I think she learned her lesson,” he smiles down at me.

  I poke my tongue out and turn to walk away when another set of arms scoop me up. “Hey!”

  The soft scent of sandalwood tickles my nose. Jonnie beams at me, “Got you! You’re coming with us.” I smile up at him, glad to spend some time with him and Mitch. The others have been occupying my time lately, it will be nice to get to know them more. Mitchell opens the car door for Jonnie and he places me gently on the back seat before they walk around, climbing into the front seat. The others all pile into the second SUV, Jake, Rick and James as well. It must be a seven-seater otherwise they’re all going to be cramped as hell in there.

  “So, Dani, you ready to meet my mom?” Mitchell asks, starting the car. We take off down a dirt road, before reaching a highway and continuing.

  I glance back to make sure the others are following. Once satisfied, I turn to answer, “Yeah, I’m nervous though. What’s she like? You think she’ll like me?” I ask nervously. So far, things have been going well with the family members that I feel sooner or later, my luck’s gonna run out.

  He stares at the road, lost in thought as we travel down the highway, “It’s hard to describe her. She used to be the most fun mother in the world. Since Dad went MIA, she’s gone hollow inside. Don’t be too surprised if she zones out on you,” he says softly.

  Oh wow. I can’t even imagine. She lost her mate and son, all in a few days. I wonder why he left? If there was a note or if he just up and disappeared on them? If he did, why?

  From what I know, males are superprotective of their females, so for a male to leave his mate, there must have been one hell of a reason why. Either that or he was a coward
and just no longer cared.

  Hearing the hurt in Mitchells voice makes me extremely sad for his mother. I couldn’t survive without all my mates. That’s what makes this whole process more difficult. Now that Sonja’s gone, I’m hoping beyond hope that they allow me to stick with the group of them, but the trial isn’t over. What if one or two aren’t considered worthy enough to be my mates? Then what do I do? Back down without them? Leave the pack in ruins because I want my mates more? Ugh, why is life so hard?

  “When was the last time you saw her?” I ask, leaning forward so I’m between them.

  Jonnie grins over at me, ruffling my hair, “We visited about three, maybe four months ago. She’s been left to lead the pack but one of Dad’s enforcers has been acting as Beta, since we aren’t there. We have to visit regularly so the pack isn’t upset about it,” he explains when I furrow my brow confused.

  Mitch nods along his agreement. “Yeah, Steve is an okay guy but he’s more enforcer than Beta. A lot of people in our pack don’t want the beta job so it can be a little harder than most other packs. That’s why Tim took us. We’ve been with him for almost two years, trying to learn to do things the right way for our pack.”

  “Wait, this has been bothering me. Why Tim? I know you guys all love him and so do I, but shouldn’t Luke have been the one to teach you all this? As Alpha King, that’s what I assume his role would be. Same with me as pair of an Alpha Pair. Wouldn’t my mate and I be considered to teach new Alphas to lead their packs?” I ask, curiosity burning. It’s been bothering me since I found out they came here for it. Like why wouldn’t they go to some sort of special alpha training than live with Tim where he is doing it all? Surely they would have some kind of boot camp maybe?


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