Her Protectors (Wolf trials Book 2)

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Her Protectors (Wolf trials Book 2) Page 13

by Tamara White

  “The others sent me. We’re ready for you. Cam, you should know though. Someone has taken over the pack since your father was dethroned. It’s Adam.”

  “Wait, who’s Adam?” I ask, the ominous expressions on everyone’s faces making me queasy. Something tells me this isn’t going to be good news.

  Cam faces me, a grimace on his face, “Adam was one of the ones who helped Dad punish me. And, he’s my brother.”

  Chapter 17

  Erick, Cam and Jason have all run ahead and the rest of us are lagging behind. Not because we’re slow but because I want more information on Cam’s brother. He dropped the bomb on me then took off at a run, Jason and Erick flanking him.

  The others urged me to follow. None of us shifting so we could talk as we run. Not that we really needed to. It seems Pete can still hear my thoughts at times.

  “Aw, don’t say that, you love that I can hear what’s going on in that kooky mind of yours,” Pete says, appearing beside me, the steady sound of his feet hitting the ground as we run.

  I shake my head, focusing on the scent of Jason and Cam, ignoring the cheeky grin Pete is sending my way. Nate, Jake and Rick are behind me, protecting me from anyone who tries to sneak up behind us, while Jonnie, Mitchell and Pete are running alongside me. I wanted to run with Cam and question him but, for my protection, it was agreed I’d stay back to stay safe and show the pack we’re a unit. It kills because I really want to know more about Adam. If only Pete would actually tell me about him and save me the trouble of being irritated.

  “I’m not going to tell you anything unless you acknowledge I can hear every little secret in that dirty mind of yours. Oh, what was that? You want to take me behind that tree and have your way with me? Jeez Dani, don’t you think that’s a little rude to be thinking of me like that with your other mates here!” he announces, a fake shocked expression on his face as Jonnie and Mitchell laugh. Laughter from behind us, tells me Nate, Jake and Mitchell heard all his little tirade too.

  I pause abruptly, making them stop a few feet ahead. “Fine, you can still hear my thoughts. So what? If you can hear them, you would understand just how pissed off you’re making me. Now tell me about Cam’s brother or shut up!”

  Pete walks back to me, his head hanging down, “Sorry Dani. I can hear your turmoil about Jason’s mom and I just wanted to take your mind off things.”

  Shit. I sigh, taking the last few steps and pulling him close for a hug. “I’m sorry. That was a bitch thing to do. I’m just frustrated. We don’t know what happened to Jason’s pack. I was out cold for days apparently and none of you really have an idea as to why. Then we’re going to meet Cam’s pack who is currently being run by his brother. You all showed varying degrees of nervousness at him being in charge so naturally, now I’m nervous. And on top of that, I have this feeling. Nothing too prominent but I feel like I should be on my guard at all times. It’s been like that since I woke up. In the back of my mind. I can’t quite explain it,” I sigh, relaxing in his arms.

  “Oh shit, that’s what I’ve been picking up on. I thought you were worried about Jason and Cam. That’s why I was being an extra douche. I knew you needed the distraction. Well, now that I know you have that extra feeling, I’ll tone it down. Come on, we need to catch up. I have a feeling Cam is going to need you when he sees Adam.”

  “Why? Can one of you please just tell me what the big deal is? Isn’t Adam his younger brother?” I ask as we pick back up in the same formation, though Nate is sticking close by Pete’s side.

  Jonnie answers from my left, “Yes, Adam is his younger brother. Actually, he was born not long after Cam was. There’s about two years difference between them. While Cam seemed to get the smarts, Adam seemed to get the mindless attitude. Everything Luke said, Adam took it as devout belief. His father could do no wrong in Adam’s eyes. Even when the day came for him to start punishing Cam too.”

  We run in silence for a minute before Pete continues the story, “As you can imagine, Cam was hurt by his own brother. It’s one of the reasons he rarely visits his family. He has five younger brothers. All of them each as mindless as Adam. They think Luke walks on water and can do no wrong. Cam’s afraid for you and what that will mean. He’s run ahead to gauge the feeling of the rest of them. If he even suspects his brother has some kind of agenda for you, he’ll make us leave without a second thought.”

  God damn it Cam! He keeps trying to protect me from everything without giving me the chance to decide what I need protection from. He’s going to face his brother first, to spare me from getting hurt. Well fuck that!

  I put on a burst of speed, refusing to let him face his brother alone. He may have Jason but he should have all of us. We’re not just a pack, we’re a family. We take care of each other. Even when it’s against blood family.

  I catch up, just as we break through the woods to a whole pack of wolves. There has to be hundreds of them all shifted apart from the Elders and two people I’ve never met. The man on the left has golden hair, very much like Cam though his eyes are a mix of blue and green. The other guy has the exact same sparkling blue eyes as Cam, only his hold a malevolence that unnerves both me and my wolf. He’s built much the same way as Cam and has menacing tattoos of wolves standing over humans on his chest and arms. It’s clear by the tattoos alone, he doesn’t want a human near his pack.

  Cam walks straight up to him, ignoring the wolves as they growl when he passes. The whole pack seems to hate him. I don’t understand why. Cam has been nothing but amazing to me. What has caused such dissention between them?

  “Hello Adam. I see you have taken over since Dad left,” Cam says, holding out a hand to shake. The big guy, Adam, takes his hand and I see him give it a small squeeze. Cam doesn’t even flinch before turning to the other guy. “Hey Blake. How you been?” Blake grins, pulling Cam in for a hug and I smile, seeing the love. At least Cam isn’t hated by all the pack.

  “It’s good to see you man,” Blake says, slapping him on the back affectionately. Blake’s considerably younger than the other two, possibly fifteen. Though with wolves, it’s hard to tell. Puberty always messes with things. His golden hair is the perfect match to Cam’s though a tad longer, reaching down to his shoulders. It makes him appear much younger.

  Cam pulls away, a massive grin on his face, “I’m so glad you’re here! I want you to meet my mate.” He gestures me over and I approach, a hesitant smile on my face. The wolves around them step aside as I walk among them.

  Cam wraps an arm around my shoulders both comforting and protective, while ignoring Adam and the other wolves. “Blake, this is Danielle Jackson, future Alpha Queen to the Alpha Pair and my mate,” he announces proudly.

  I can’t help but beam my joy at the way he presents me to his other brother, feeling all warm and fuzzy. “Hi! It’s so nice to meet you,” I smile as he grins wide.

  “Whoa! Are you sure your Cam’s mate? Maybe there was a mix-up and you’re meant to be my mate, because damn! My brother couldn’t get someone as gorgeous as you!”

  I laugh at his shameless flirting. “Yes, I’m sure Cam is my mate but if he weren’t, I’m sure you’d be in the running,” I flirt back, liking that tension around us is easing. The wolves around us were on alert when we approached from the tree line but the banter is making them see me as friendly, which is what I need.

  I need the pack on my side and being fearful won’t work with Cam’s pack. I already know that from having dealt with Luke but it’s good to see it in practice. I didn’t want to have to use fear as a power play. Though I wasn’t averse to it if I really had to.

  “I like her,” Blake says to Cam, a wink exchanged between the two of them.

  Adam clears his throat, grabbing our attention and dropping the mood in the clearing. “Excuse me, you know the rules, Cam. Your mate has to submit to me,” he says, a smug grin on his face.

  Cam’s smile falls, and he turns to face his brother. “No, Dani doesn’t have to submit to you unless you’re more
dominant than her which I guarantee, you’re not.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You know the rules. I’m a ruling Alpha so unless she wants to start a war, then she will submit to me,” he growls, his eyes flashing amber.

  I look over at the Elders, judging whether or not I have to. Lance gives me a small nod so I man up. “It’s ok Cam, he’s right. If you were the Alpha, I would submit to you so why should it be any different for your brother?”

  Cam nods, releasing me so I can bow to his younger brother but I feel his disapproval. He knows that for the pack to respect me, I need to respect them and that means showing the current Alpha my respect, whether I mean it, or not.

  I step forward, bending down on one knee, baring my neck a little, not in complete submission, because my wolf won’t let me. “I, Danielle Jackson, wish to offer my submission to the Alpha of the Bairn pack. It’s an honor to be here,” I say, making myself project humility when I feel anything but.

  A few moments pass with Adam staring at me. I can tell he knows I’m anything but serious. My wolf is starting to get frustrated and, just when I’m about to let her leak a little power out, he speaks. “Welcome Danielle Jackson, future Alpha Queen to our Alpha Pair. I hope your time here is well spent.” With that he turns on his heel. All the wolves around us start to dissipate leaving me with my mates, the Elders, Jake, Rick, James and Blake.

  “Well, looks like Adam’s still a ray of sunshine,” Nate says, breaking the awkward silence. We all chuckle, the tension in the air dissipating.

  Cam helps me to my feet, pulling me close. “You ok?” he asks, looking into my eyes. My heart beats faster with his concern. I smile up at him, letting him know I’m fine. I pull him to me, my lips meeting his in a quick show of passion. The others all laugh around us until Cam pulls back, a massive smile on his face. “What was that for?”

  I grin, “What, I can’t kiss my mate? I just wanted to,” I tell him with a soft laugh. He smirks pulling me back for a quick kiss before releasing me. “Ok then, that means I can kiss you whenever I want.”

  Nate grabs my arm, pulling me against his chest as Cam laughs. “Alright, enough kissing my mate. We are in a new pack and have things to do,” he rumbles, laughter in his voice.

  Lance interrupts before one of the others can, “He’s right. We need to get going and figure out what they need your help with. Adam wasn’t exactly forthcoming when we got here. We also want the healer to check you over Dani to make sure there’s no lasting damage from whatever happened.”

  I nod, understanding the need to get a move on. I don’t wat to be here any longer than I have to either. The fact that one of the Elders wants us gone sooner rather than later, is even more reason not to trust this pack.

  We all follow after them, James taking up a defensive position behind us. I linger, wanting to join him but he shakes his head to stop me so, I keep going with the rest of them. I glance back intermittently trying to figure out why he wouldn’t let me hang back when I hear a door slam drawing my attention to a massive settlement.

  I expected the Bairn pack to have a bunch of mini mansions much like Nate’s house was but it’s a huge area filled with fifty small wooden hut like shelters. Its barbaric.

  People are milling around, watching us, some barely wearing clothes. It’s disturbing to see them so primitive. A pack should be nurtured not left to sleep in the slums like this.

  “Why is everyone living like this? Shouldn’t they have proper houses built?” I ask as we walk among them, offering polite smiles to those who meet my eyes.

  A young man stops and rushes forward. The guys immediately tense but my wolf senses he doesn’t mean us any harm.

  “It’s an honor to meet you,” he grovels, his head bent in submission.

  I kneel down coming to his level, the guys all murmuring objections but I don’t care. This poor boy can’t be older than fourteen and they’re treating him as if he’s a monster. “Hi, I’m Dani. What’s your name?” I ask introducing myself.

  He lifts his head to meet my eyes, the gray of them sparkling brightly in the last rays of sunlight. “I’m Liam, your Highness.”

  “Hey, none of that ‘your highness’ stuff. I’m just a wolf like you. I’m no more special than each of you,” I tell him, gesturing to his fellow pack mates who are watching us. “I don’t want any of you to think that way about me or my mates. We are all part of the same pack, we should be treated as such. No one wolf is better than another.”

  Liam smiles up at me, awe in his eyes. I can tell from his look he wasn’t expecting that. A few of the surrounding pack members drop to their knees and crawl closer, eyes full of wonder.

  “Um guys, a little help here,” I plead looking up my mates who are all wearing varying degrees of smugness on their faces. Nate bends down, coming to the rescue, “Alright everyone. I know you’re all excited to meet the future Alpha Queen but it can wait until tonight. She will make time for all of you over the next few days, I promise.”

  At his words, they all nod hurriedly and scatter. Even the remaining wolves who were lingering and staring have run off. Nate helps me to my feet, the others all chuckling. “It’s not funny guys! At least Nate didn’t leave me out to dry like you did!”

  Pete laughs, lunging for me and scooping me up and over his shoulder. “Come on, we have to go do stuff. If we leave you to ask questions, we’ll be here all day,” he says striding away, the others following him.

  I don’t argue knowing it’s the truth. There is so much I have to learn and so little time to learn it. For now though, I have to face Cam’s brother and find out what the next challenge here will be.

  Chapter 18

  “We don’t need her help! Our pack is fine without her doing her little ‘trial’ here. Why doesn’t she just go to the next pack and leave us be?!”

  Adam is really starting to piss me off! We’ve been here the last hour, the Elders trying to make him contribute with the trials but all he does is say in some way that they don’t need me and would prefer me gone. Well, me too buddy! I don’t want to be here listening to him rant and rave about how I’m not good enough, or how he wants my mates, especially Cam, gone from his territory. It’s just lucky for him that I’m trying to make nice or I would have already ripped him a new one.

  Lance leans forward on his seat, obviously agitated. “As we’ve explained to you, multiple times already, you are the last pack, the last trial. Dani must complete it here for us to move onto her coronation. All you are doing is delaying us!” he slams his hand down on the table, my wolf growling appreciatively. It’s about damn time someone showed him who was in charge. He’s barely old enough to shift, let alone order us around like this!

  My mates have been sitting quietly watching the proceedings, without interference until now. Cam rises from his chair, a hush descending on the room. “That’s enough, Adam. If you aren’t going to be civil about this, then I challenge you for the right to rule this pack. I’ve had enough of Dad playing us against each other. All you’ve ever done is follow him like a mindless sheep. That time’s over. Either accept that Dani is going to be queen or we fight for pack Alpha? What’s it going to be?”

  Adam smirks, full of hate, “I accept your challenge.”

  Sammy stands, the other Elders following suit. “A challenge has been issued. This means no backing out. You both understand that the winner will assume the role of Alpha of the pack and loser will be banished from pack lands, if not killed during the challenge?”

  Cam and Adam both nod, accepting the terms.

  “Very well, you have until tomorrow morning to say goodbye to your families. We will reconvene about the trial after the challenge has been met,” Sammy says, offering a brief nod my way.

  Everyone stands, leaving the room quickly. No one wants to stay near Adam apart from Blake and even he looks like he would rather run from the room than stay behind.

  Adam moves, blocking Cam from leaving, “Can you stay a moment? Blake and I want to talk to
you,” he asks, softening his face. I watch as Cam falls victim to his brother, my wolf angry. She can see the malice in his eyes and doesn’t want me to leave him alone.

  Cam’s face softens, seeing my reluctance, “I promise I’ll be fine. Go get some food and rest.” I nod, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, my eyes lingering on Adam. There is something seriously wrong with him. Don’t ask how I know, I just do. My wolf is on edge each step we take away from them.

  “Come on Dani, let’s go get you some food,” Jonnie says, slinging an arm around my shoulders and leading me out of the house.

  Compared to the huts outside, this house is a mansion. Beautiful brick work and multiple rooms. I don’t understand why they would have a house this modern out here but not build them for the rest of the pack. They shouldn’t be forced to live in dwellings like these. Maybe I should ask the Elders if we could get some proper homes built? Anything would be better than the houses they have now.

  The Elders separate, going off in one direction, while my mates lead me to an open shelter. It’s made with palm leaves and bamboo if the scent is anything to go by. It smells divine. So fresh and natural. Heavy duty tables have been built with oak and pine trees. There’s a small amount of stainless steel forming a little buffet area. Food is heaped upon plates and wolves are coming to and fro, gathering plates of food for them and their families. It’s very communal.

  “This place has really improved since we were last here,” Pete muses, grabbing a plate and dishing up some food. The others do the same and I look around to make sure no one objects before doing the same. I pile on two steaks and a big helping of bacon before following the others over to a handmade table. The craftsmanship is amazing.


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