Her Protectors (Wolf trials Book 2)

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Her Protectors (Wolf trials Book 2) Page 14

by Tamara White

  Sitting down between Jonnie and Mitchell, I ask Pete, “What do you mean about being improved? It looks nothing compared to Nate’s place and all the others. Shouldn’t it be all fancy and stuff?”

  Pete finishes the hunk of sausage in his mouth, swallowing noisily. “Well yeah, it should be but Luke has always had this pack as one of the lower ranked. Even after he got the role of Alpha king, he refused to invest pack money to upgrade everything properly. Believe it or not but they used to all live in tepee homes that they made themselves. Monique funded the refurbishment of the pack. As it is, most of them were used to this stuff so they weren’t really interested in proper houses. These huts, were the compromise,” he shrugs, shovelling a piece of steak into his mouth.

  I nod, eating my own food as I take in the woods around us. It’s a beautiful place. It’s just clouded by Luke’s influence. Fences are around each little hut, not that they really do much when they’re four foot tall. I doubt they’d keep a werewolf out if he really wanted to get in. Personally, I’d just jump it.

  The main house is an old red brick, with a cream door. It’s got a beautiful wrap around balcony on the second floor showing the three double glass doors, that lead to it. It’s the perfect size to add in some nice wicker chairs, and maybe a table. Something you could wake up to and have a coffee at and look out over the pack.

  I shake myself out of my daydream to see everyone staring at me. “Huh?”

  Jason grins, as Pete starts to chuckle. I glance at Jonnie and Mitchell to see them both holding back smiles. “What? What’d I miss?”

  Jason shakes his head, handing me a napkin “You have a smear of ketchup across the right side of your face,” he smirks. I snatch the napkin, hurriedly wiping across my face and looking down at it. Sure enough, ketchup is splattered all over the napkin. Crap, I’m such a pig. I keep my head down, wiping the last of what I can feel off my skin.

  I lift my head, meeting Jason’s eyes, “All gone?” I ask hopefully. The last thing I want to do is walk around the pack with ketchup smeared all over my face.

  “Yep, all clean now,” he says with a soft smile. I duck my head, avoiding the look, not wanting anything to trigger my heat. These days it’s so easy and the last thing I want to do is trigger it yet again. I really wish I could ask Monique why its happening so frequently and so unexpectedly. James gave me a brief explanation but there has to be a more definitive reason than I need to mate and have babies. I mean come on, I’m still seventeen!

  I lean back in my chair, having finished my meal and rub my full stomach. Nothing beats a big meal to keep you satisfied. “So, what are we doing now?” I ask as the others all finish off their meals.

  Pete wipes off his face on the back of his hand, “Well, we were going to give you the full tour while we wait for Cam. What’d ya say? Sound good?”

  I nod, intrigued, wondering what else can be around here. It doesn’t look much but looks can be deceiving. “Sure, let’s do it! Should we wait for Cam though? I don’t want to leave him alone,” I admit, the fear for his safety at the front of my mind.

  Jonnie and Mitchell shuffle closer, sensing my unease and wanting to offer comfort. “He’ll be fine. Jake, Rick and James will all be hanging around. They won’t let him get hurt,” Mitchell says, grabbing hold of my hand gently, stroking the back with his thumb.

  My wolf purrs, enjoying being surrounded by her mates. I just wish Cam was with us. Jason climbs to his feet, the rest of us following him. We leave our plates on the table and once we walk away, a wolf wearing a pale blue apron hurries out grabbing them and wiping the table over like a waitress would at a restaurant. Strange. What’s worse is no one seems bothered by this behaviour. I don’t say anything, choosing to leave it for another time. Now isn’t the time to start fixing the pack. I need to make sure Cam wins his alpha fight.

  We walk across the dirt field, past the houses and into the forest. The trees become thicker as we walk until I stumble over a branch. As I get up, I see a massive lake through the trees. I push myself forward, eager to see such magnificence. Jonnie is at my side just as excited.

  “What is this place?” I breathe, loving the way the sun sparkles off the water. Trees surround the lake, hiding this beautiful oasis away from the rest of the world. I walk towards the dock and surrounding huts, curiosity getting the better of me. Do people live in them or are they like the huts you find along beaches for changing?

  As we approach, the sound of running has me on the defensive. I turn ready to meet an unknown foe only for Pete to bolt pass me in wolf form, running on the dock and leaping into the water.

  Jonnie and I laugh at his playfulness, both of us stripping down and shifting to join him. This is just what we all needed. Jason and Mitchell join us as we splash around, swimming between each other enjoying each other’s company.

  We play around in the shallows until the sun starts to set over the lake. My wolf perks up, realizing Cam still hasn’t shown up. I yip, getting the others attention as I run up to the shore and shift back to human. I hurriedly get dressed, trying not to panic at the fact I let myself get so distracted.

  Once everyone’s shifted back and dressed, I turn to Jason, “Why is Cam taking so long? Shouldn’t he have been here by now?” I ask, keeping my voice calm when all I want to do is bolt through the forest and look for him. I shouldn’t have let myself have fun with the others. I should have waited for him.

  “Look, it could be nothing. He could just be catching up. Let’s not panic until we know there’s something to panic about,” he says reassuringly. “Come on, let’s see where he is.”

  He takes my hand and leads us back through the forest at a much leisurely pace than when we came through. None of us talking, too busy in our worlds.

  We push through, emerging back into the pack area to see everyone running around all frenzied. What’s going on? My instinct is telling me, Cam has something to do with it. I look at Jason to see the crease in his forehead. He’s just as concerned as I am.

  We both hurry forward and run into a wall of wolves. They’re all looking forward and I let go of Jason’s hand to push through. Growls are echoing through the forest and my heart drops when I hear Cam’s howl. I surge forward, my wolf releasing enough dominance to push the wolves aside.

  A ring of wolves has formed around Cam and another wolf. Cam’s black and gray fur, marred with splashes of blood. The other wolf is a beige, marked with a black saddle across its back. Its paws drenched in blood.

  Watching them circle each other has my heart pounding with adrenaline. Why are they fighting now? Is it Adam or Blake? Why didn’t he call for us?

  I look among the spectators, some wearing frowns, some with gleeful grins, others just look disinterested. It has my stomach turning, knowing how much the pack is getting off on seeing them fight. This is wrong!

  I break away from the crowd to approach them, only to have a set of arms wrap around me and pull me back into the spectating crowd. I struggle, until a familiar scent hits my nose. I look up, shocked to see Tim grinning down at me, “Hello, Your Majesty. Let’s just stay back and watch, ok? Trust your mate,” he says, pulling me back a few more steps. Laura, Monique and Walter are gathered around, offering the rest of my mates hugs of welcome. When the hell did they get here?

  “What’s going on?! And when did you guys get here?!” I demand, dominance leaking from my voice as the pressure of the situation pushes on me.

  Tim’s arms loosen around me and I slip free, straight into Jason’s grip. “Dani, please don’t interfere. Cam is fighting a challenge fight for the pack with Adam. If you step in, he automatically forfeits.” At his words, I relax into him and watch the fight happening, the rest of my mates pressed around me. The tension in the air is so strong that with every nip, kick and lunge, I tense.

  Adam knocks Cam back and his wolf lands with a yelp. I tense, ready to step in but he jumps back up, going straight for Adams throat. He grips it through bared teeth, growling until Adam fina
lly stills underneath him.

  Sammy steps away from the other Elders, a look of pride on his face as he faces the surrounding pack members. “A challenge fight was issued today between Cameron Bairn and Adam Bairn. Cameron has chosen to spare his brother’s life and offer banishment instead. Adam, you have twenty-four hours to leave pack land. You have been given a gracious gift, one not many other Alphas would give if they were challenged. Don’t waste it,” he warns as Cam drops his throat and shifts back to human.

  He stands over his brother, looking down at him in disgust, “My brother,” he spits, facing the masses still naked, “He offered a challenge for me tomorrow then when my mate was gone, he stood there, telling me it was my duty to murder her. That is not how we treat pack members and not how we treat our mates! If I hear from anyone in this pack that their mate is being hurt by them, I will lock you in the cages!” He stares out at the crowd, daring them to object. When no one does, he nods a satisfied look on his face, “Good! Now let’s have some fun!” he shouts, causing an uproar of cheering.

  Jason lets me go and I run straight into Cam’s arms, gripping tight relief coursing through my veins. I know he’s capable of taking care of any threats but after seeing what happened in the trial, I’m pretty protective. I pull back to see a cocky smirk on his face which ignites my anger. “What the hell were you thinking?!” I demand, hands on my hips to show him just how pissed off I am. Even my wolf who usually loves her mates no matter what they do, is pacing angrily in my mind.

  “I had to! He told me I had to kill you Dani! I wasn’t going to sit there and let him get away with that! You’re my mate,” he says, as if that justifies him.

  I shake my head, turning to walk away before I get angrier when a wave goes through my body. Oh, not now! This is the worst possible moment for a heat cycle to surface. Jake sees the panicked expression on my face and runs over, scooping me into his arms and bolting off. Walter, Tim, Rick and James form a wall stopping my mates from chasing after me.

  Wolves all around me turn, following the scent my wolf is releasing into the air. “Shit! Um Jake, we need to find somewhere to lock ourselves up. Now!”

  He pushes on a burst of speed just as the first wolf breaks from the pack. “Fuck,” I hear him mutter, as he weaves us through trees until we reach the main house. He throws me through the door, slamming it shut behind us. He pushes the entry table up against it before grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs into yet another room. He does the same thing, locking it behind him and pushing a vanity up against it.

  He opens the closet, pulling out a bunch of old shoes and dust covered coats, revealing a trapdoor underneath it all. He opens it up and beckons me over, “Quick, get in here and stay put. I’m going to throw the coats over the door to cover up your scent as best I can. I’ll let you out once the scent has died down and the rest of the pack has calmed down.”

  I do as he says, not even offering an argument knowing just how many wolves there are out there. I can sense them like a driving force inside my skull. I don’t want to mate with anyone other than one of my mates.

  I climb into a dust covered space the size of a coffin and lie down. The door closes, encasing me in darkness, muffling the sounds from the outside. The louder the sound, the more anxious my wolf becomes. Now all I can do is listen, wait and hope no one gets past Jake.

  Chapter 19

  “Dani?” A muffled voice comes from the floorboards above me. It’s not Jake though. It sounds like Walter.

  “Walter? Is that you?” I call, tapping on the wood gently.

  “Yeah, Jake is just talking to Monique. Everything is all good out here now. I just wanted to make sure your heat had settled before I let you out.”

  Oh. “Yeah, it’s passed now,” I tell him, through the split in the floor. I’m glad I can finally get out. I have no idea how long I was in there but it felt like forever. My back and ass hurt from being in this position so long.

  I hear the hinges of the door then the bright light penetrates the darkness making me cover my eyes. Hands reach down, lifting me up from the under arms and bringing me into the room. I blink furiously, my eyes adjusting to the light in the room. Walter sees my struggle and hurries to the switch dialling the lights back.

  “Thanks,” I sigh, removing my hand from my eyes. “It was really hard to adjust after being in there so long. How long was I in there?” I ask, collapsing on the small bed in the room. I look up at the pale-yellow paint on the roof and let my mind stare at a small stain.

  “You were in there for just over three hours. Your heat is getting stronger according to the others. They’re just going for a quick run to burn off some energy, then they’ll be back,” he says, sensing my discomfort being away from them.

  “So, why did you guys come here? I thought you’d be safe with Tim. Laura should be safe in her condition,” I tell him, a note of anger in my voice.

  He nods, “I know but she wanted to be here for you. Besides, if Tim can’t protect her, then he shouldn’t be her mate. That’s just how our society works,” he says simply.

  I nod absentmindedly, staring up at the ceiling. The door bursts open and their scents reach my nose before I see them. My mates are back from their run. I sit up, prepared for whatever they have to say. I’m sure at least one of them is angry. Every time I get upset, my heat gets triggered. It can’t be a coincidence.

  Sure enough, Cam comes into the room, anger on his face. I sigh, preparing for whatever he has to say. Monique, Tim and Walter follow in after each of my mates making the room a lot more cramped. Pete, Jonnie and Mitchell join me on the bed, offering each a small kiss on the cheek before clambering behind me.

  Cam watches me, his green eyes sparking as they joke around with each other, making me smile. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he was jealous.

  Laura strides forward until she’s directly in front of me, heaving me up from the bed with surprising strength considering her condition, and wraps me in a hug so tight. “Are you ok? Have the boys been treating you good? I’ll kick their asses if they haven’t,” she grins at me, pulling back and holding onto my shoulders. Her face is glowing and she already has a beautiful little bump.

  “I’m fine. How are you? And how’s the baby? I was so excited to find out you’re pregnant and sorry that I inadvertently set a heat cycle off in the packs,” I apologize, my head hanging down in shame.

  She places a finger under my chin, making me look up at her, “Don’t you ever apologize. It’s not your fault. You are so new to this world and there is so much you don’t know. James told us you had no idea what a heat was until it triggered, which wasn’t fair on you. You have the world on your shoulders and you’re only seventeen. You should have another year at least until a heat was triggered but I guess your wolf thought you were ready.”

  Ha! If only she knew just how not ready I was.

  “Now, there is another reason we’re here, which we already explained to your mates. Monique and Walter have suggested you form the mate bond now that you have been to each pack. The Elders have agreed now that Cam is officially the Alpha of his father’s pack. This way we can wipe out any and all possibility of Luke trying to claim us again,” she explains, wariness crossing her face as I get angrier.

  I’m not angry with Laura. I could never be. It’s just this is absurd. Like she said, I’m seventeen. Why do we have to bond now? Shouldn’t it wait until after the coronation?

  I look to each of my mates, trying to gauge their reactions but they all are keeping their faces carefully blank. I step away from Laura, over to the window and look out at the forest as each of the pack members go about their business. What I wouldn’t give to just be a nobody. Not the Alpha Queen to an Alpha Pair. Or would that be Alpha Group with all my mates? Ugh, who even knows?

  I face the group, knowing I need to know where everyone else stands before making any decision. “Can I please have some time with my mates? This decision affects us all and I need to know how they each fee

  Laura and Tim both offer me small smiles, leaving the room without a word. Monique makes her way to me, a strange look on her face, “Please think about this carefully before dismissing the idea completely,” she warns before turning on her heel and leaving.

  Walter lingers at the door, obviously wanting to say something too but he just offers a warm smile and leaves. Before the door closes completely I see James, Rick and Jake all trying to peek in the room, only to be herded away by Tim. Good. I want privacy for this, not eavesdroppers.

  Two minutes pass with me just staring at them. Nate’s watching me, his blue eyes curious. Pete is fiddling with his hands, nervous energy emanating from him. Jonnie is calm as ever, while Mitchell just looks blank, no emotion whatsoever on his face. Jason looks calm as usual, though nothing ever really bothers him.

  Then you have Cam. He looks calm enough but I can feel anger radiating off him in waves. I take a deep breath ready to find out what the hell is bothering him so much but he beats me to it. “Why do you always run?” he blurts out, his hands by his side clenched into fists.

  “What?” I ask, my anger fading away in the confusion. I glance over at Nate and Pete to see them just as confused as I am, while Jason refuses to meet my eyes.

  He shakes his head, his blue eyes changing to amber as he gets more aggravated. “Every time your heat is triggered, you run away or you make us leave! Why?! Are none of us good enough for you?! Or is it that you don’t want any of us and you’re just playing along with everything until you can pile on the Alpha Pair responsibility to Tim and Laura? Huh? Well?”

  I look at the others, trying to see if they feel the same way only for Cam to grab me by the arms and swing me around. “Don’t look at them! I’m talking to you! Now answer me!” he growls into my face, amber consuming his eyes.

  I rip out of his arms, my own wolf getting furious. “How dare you grab me like that! If you want me to answer you, then you treat me with respect! I’m not some plaything you can beat around until you get your way!”


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