The Genesis Project
Page 5
A true tasting happened when two Pars were compatible, physically, emotionally, and mentally. The chancellor himself was bred from a true tasting. Both his sire and mother were bonded. As a result Chancellor Reynard had been born with certain gifts. Pars gave birth like every other species in the known universes, and were closely related to humans so the females would not become fertile until after their first menarche. But if a matched pair was truly bonded, fertility would follow the cycle of the first blood moon, making the child special. Blood Moons were only visible every twelve rotations. There wasn’t another one due until next rotation.
There hadn’t been a true bonding since the Chancellors birth. More than two hundred rotations ago. Some speculated it was due to disease and the eradication of their blood source, other’s said it was the Goddess punishing them for leaving their home planet. Now that her father had discovered a way of replicating the source, the Council assumed a true tasting would eventually happen. The blood source her father created didn’t walk around like humans of the past. They were farmed and left brain dead. They were stored in a climate controlled freezer where their blood and plasma was drained. After the draining process, they would then be stored in a fertilizing bath that would regenerate their red and white blood cells. It was a never-ending cycle and the only way to keep their species alive. In some ways she was glad she never had to worry about being part of the tasting. She couldn’t drink from the source either. This was all okay with Gen, well partly, half of her body was okay with that concept. The smart half. The other half was left wanting something she could never attain… companionship. She knew this was due to the way her body was responding towards physical and mental stimulation from those around her. At times she’d wake in the night, her body covered in a fine sheen of sweat, after dreaming of all the different ways her body had responded to the stimuli.
“See you in class Nim.” Gen walked in the direction of her Bio-Genetics class and let her thoughts stream. Today they were studying Lycanus blood. Had to love your garden variety of Lycans. She was looking forward to the distraction. If one more male asked her to go to the nutrient bar she was going to shut herself away in her quarters and only come out for class.
The lab room was empty as Gen entered. All the desks were neatly prepared for today’s lecture. She took advantage of her alone time and quickly pulled her supplement pack out. Grabbing the pen she lifted the sleeve of her dress and pressed firmly into her skin. The liquid was fire in her veins as it raced through her system, feeding her cells and strengthening her senses. This would safely see her well into the next week. She’d only need the natural grown food in her system then. Her father had made sure that her pens had all the enzymes and nutrients she would need in order to thrive. She quickly pulled her sleeve back over her arm and faced the front of the class discreetly putting the pen back in her pack.
“The showing of your skin would lead me to believe that I had permission to partake in the invitation that you are offering Miss Blackmore.”
Startled Gen looked up into the brilliant ice blue eyes of Xander Treegold. There was a reason this was her favorite class, and it was because he wasn’t in it. The one class she had with him, he made her question everything about herself. She never questioned herself prior to meeting the sociopathic, narcissistic, megalomaniac currently standing in front of her desk. He exuded too much confidence and his brashness knew no bounds. The females at the academy flocked to him like the lemmings she’d read about that hurtled to their death by running head first into the ocean. Only Xander wasn’t water, he was solid rock. Built for battle. She knew had he been an ancient one, he’d have been on the war riddled fields wielding his sword high above his head, while striking true fear in the hearts of his enemies.
“Why are you here?”
“I refuse to answer that question honestly, but here,” Xander dropped an elegant crème colored card with equally elegant blood red writing, down on the table. Gen looked at the card and then held it up between the two of them.
“What’s this?” She’d read the writing. Could see it was an invitation to a tasting, but why would Xander invite her to a private tasting?
“It’s an invite to a private tasting. Don’t worry, you don’t have to taste, or be tasted. It’s a tradition for us seniors.”
Xander leaned forward placing both arms on the front of her desk and slowly bent forward and eyed Gen. His electric blue eyes pierced the fabric covering her breast. Her skin reacted immediately and her heart raced in overtime. This was not normal behavior for her. She was disciplined. Her body however was traitorous. What else could it be? It wasn’t like she was willing herself to react to him this strongly. She wasn’t a silly female who followed a male around. She was a leader.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Gen whispered, gripping the card tighter in her hand. She was not going to let her body rule her thoughts. Keep it together Blackmore.
“Oh, yes it is.” His warm, lightly scented breath fanned over her face like a gentle breeze. She tried to move away from him. She always did, but Xander would always reposition himself, making sure they always remained close. Gently he took her chin in his long fingers and smiled.
“I want you there Miss Blackmore.” He moved into her personal space. Her eyes widened in alarm and she stopped breathing. His mouth was scant centimeters from hers. What in the name of the Goddess was he trying to do to her? Gen tried to pullback, but Xander moved with her, firmly holding her chin in his hand. She was in serious trouble. Her heart rate picked up its speed. She could not only hear the force of her breath as it rushed from her lips, but she felt her body move from the force of each inhale and exhale. Xander kept penetrating eyes on her as she tried for another way to escape his attention. Maybe if she looked down the connection would break, but she couldn’t. Ensnared, she’d never noticed how blue his eyes were. Sapphires so dark, their depth limitless. Gen didn’t blink for fear she’d miss the vibrancy the color gave off. This only happened when they were both caught in an intense atmospheric storm where they were the only ones affected. His body reacted just as quickly as hers. Any other time, his eyes were ice. Frozen over with arrogance and playfulness that rendered all females brainless. Was she now one of them?
“There is something so incredibly-…” he paused for a moment and then dragged the tip of his nose along her jaw, a barely there touch, Gen felt all the way to her toes. Muscles she didn’t know existed trembled in response to his touch. “Intriguing about you Miss Blackmore.” His words brushed her lips, sent an intense pleasurable heat to the pit of her stomach. The sound of his voice was filled with arousal. Deep and hollow, but the sound was anything but empty.
“Be there okay?” Xander reiterated softly.
She could only nod her head in response. Lemming. She wasn’t really going to go, even if he melted her body. Gen’s brain tried to process what she was feeling. She wasn’t really going to go to the private tasting, she told herself again. She wasn’t going to make a fool of herself. Even if Xander had a way of getting what he wanted from the other females. Genesis Blackmore wasn’t going to be one of those females. She didn’t need the distraction. Someone cleared their throat interrupting her addled thoughts. Adam Reynard. Had he been there the entire time? More importantly, how had she missed his intrusion? He did you a favor Blackmore.
“Now there’s a picture.” Adam said while Xander straightened and turned to leave. Genesis ignored them both as other recruits started to enter.
“Reynard,” Xander nodded in his direction in way of greeting and then quietly slipped through the classroom doors.
Adam looked over at Gen and she wondered for a moment what he was thinking, and quickly decided she didn’t need to know. The lecture on Lycanus would begin soon, and Gen made sure her tablet was on and ready to take notes. Adam rounded her table and stood next to her for a moment before pulling out the empty chair. The sound of the seat being pulled back to allow him to sit made he
r spine stiffen. He always made her nervous and he always smelled of chocolate. It made her throat dry.
“Can’t you sit somewhere else?” Gen asked politely. She was going for nonchalant, but her voice sounded all wrong, throaty and deep.
“I can sit where I want Blackmore.” Adam replied angrily. She wasn’t going to get sucked into his dark energy. There was something wrong with Adam Reynard. Something about the two of them in the same breathing space was all wrong. Her mind was conflicted and her body rigid. Some days she thought he was trustworthy. Other days she knew he wasn’t. Gen remained defensively on alert for the remainder of the class.
Mr. Ipswich entered the class all flourish and grace, bowing as he sat his case on the table. He flipped a button and what little light there was in the class dimmed, making the room darker. The wall in the front of the class instantly became a vid feed, and soon Gen was engrossed in the history and mythology of Lycanus. As the filmed neared the end, she chanced a look in Adam’s direction and found that he was staring at her. Angrily. When their eyes connected he continued to stare until Gen became painfully uncomfortable. She hadn’t done a damn thing to him. She was respectful, always. Even when he ignored her in front of his friends. Once she’d bumped into him alone in the walkway and he’d asked her how her classes were going. He seemed genuinely interested. But when two senior recruits began to make their way towards them, he’d quickly left her alone. She’d known then that he wasn’t what he seemed. Adam Reynard was an enigma. Hot one minute, cold the next, and she didn’t want to be bothered with either of his personas.
“Is there a reason you’re staring at me, Mr. Reynard?”
“Just wondering what you see in Treegold.”
“See in Treegold?”
She had no idea where this conversation was headed, but she knew she wanted it to stop. The vid screen went dark and what little light there’d been was restored.
Adam stood silently. She felt his hostility shoot bullets into her back. What was his problem? She wasn’t going to move. Why should she? Adam wasn’t worth the air he breathed, let alone her air.
“Xander is not the match type.” He continued.
Gen turned slightly in her chair, facing Adam. “Why do you care if Xander is the match type?”
“I don’t.” Adam grunted. The smell of bitter-sweet chocolate mixed with something strong and musky filled Gens nostrils as she inhaled deeply. The chocolate she’d never be able to place but the musky scent she knew from her study in the labs. Adam was throwing off pheromones in high quantity. His actions were in direct opposition of his body’s reactions. Why he reacted in this contradictory fashion towards her could only be answered by the Goddess herself. Pars sense of smell was naturally heightened but with Gen, it was ten times more advanced. Every emotion had a scent, even a taste. This one was arousal choked by confusion that left a bitter and sweet taste in her mouth. What in the Goddess’ name was going on with him?
Gen carefully got out of her chair. It was time for the last class of the day. Adam’s issues were not hers. Who cared if Xander was or wasn’t the match type? She had no intentions of matching anyone.
Chapter 5
Gens last class of the day was Verbal Sensuality. It was her least favorite class. Professor Aylet loved for everyone to participate in class discussions. Gens words were not well practiced or even heart felt. They were choppy and put together in such a way it almost seemed robotic. Everyone else talked with smooth vocal chords making each word lyrical. She’d gotten better over the weeks, but this new assignment was completely unnecessary to someone in Gens line of work. She was going to be a scientist, not mated to some male. Women weren’t second-class citizens on New Earth, but that didn’t stop the push of coupling in order to bear offspring.
Gen walked to the back of the class where Nimziri and his twin sister Nimaya waited. Nimaya was tall like her brother and kept her platinum hair cut pixie short. Her eyes were slightly slanted and filled with laughter and mischief. Gen had warmed to her instantly in her first week at the Academy. Nimaya was graceful and sure of herself, always helping Gen put her outfits together for class.
“Maya, Nim.” Gen nodded and took her seat at a table behind them. Professor Aylet walked into the room just as Genesis got herself situated. She was all silk skirts and body filling bodice. Her platinum curls hung loosely to her shoulders and she carried a soft pink parasol to match her silk gown.
“Greetings class, who would like to go first?” Always straight to the point. Professor Aylet was all about the assignments. Nimziri stood first and approached the front of the class. He walked sure footed up to the podium, as if his reading would be unmatched by any other. He placed his vid into the feed, and then took a deep breath. His gaze roved over the class until it rested lightly on Gen’s face. She gave him an encouraging smile. Maybe he wasn’t as calm as he liked everyone to believe.
“Begin Nimziri.” The professor said with a strong vibrant voice. She sat behind her desk in the corner and folded her parasol, placing it swiftly on the floor. He was silent for a moment his eyes smiling as he cleared his throat.
“This will be good.” Nimaya said looking over her shoulder at Gen.
“The blackest night is filled with a golden light.
A dark waterfall of vitality, glowing black against a sea of white.
Honey-almond mixed with ice blue delight.
I can taste you, I can feel you, and yet you move away
As if I’m the cause of your plight.
I want to trace the vein that runs from wrist to elbow;
Sink my fangs into your throat as my fingers go to work.
In this match that will be sanctioned and be pure.
Of this I am sure.
So come my golden Goddess don’tbe so demure.
Let me taste all that is pure.
Gen watched in horror as everyone in class turned to look at her. Nim pulled his vid from the feed, and walked to his seat. How could he do something like this? It was wrong, and not fair. He put her on display, embarrassed her further in front of the other recruits and the professor. Who else could he be talking about? Their entire Par community all looked the same. Same skin, same eyes, same color hair. Their only variance was their style of dress. For Nimziri to put all her qualities on display as if confessing his want for her would help his cause. He was very wrong. This feeling she felt was unpleasant. Harsh. Her skin heated with hostility towards him and his words. Her back was rigid with fear. Everyone was staring. No one said a word. Her body was wound tight, but her nerves were high on anxiety. Somewhere inside of her mind she thought she should leave and run from the class. Sensibility kicked in and warned her to stay put. What was done was done. Final. Nothing could snatch the words back. Time could not be rewound.
Now she understood the saying, ‘heat in someone’s stare.’ Her skin felt scorched by her onlookers.
“It was not my intention to embarrass you.” Nim whispered as he sat down. “I only said what every male here is too afraid to say out loud.”
Every male was not thinking those thoughts. They were not envisioning taking from her vein. Was Nim mad!
“Alright, class who is next?” Professor Aylet said over the murmurs in the class.
One by one everyone stood in front of the class and read their assignments. Everyone’s was different. They didn’t specify one person in general, instead they focused on a body part. Eyes, hands, lips, throat, neck. Nimaya mentioned how someone’s voice was sensual. More and more Gen was becoming uneasy. Her assignment didn’t necessarily describe another, but there were certain attributes that could be ascertained. Figured out if one had an inkling to dig deep. They were her feelings, her true feelings. But after Nimziri’s reading she wasn’t sure if this was something she could even address out loud to the others in the class. She was practical if anything else. She could do this, would do this.
“Miss Blackmore you’re the last one to read.” Professo
r Aylet said, as she straightened her vid screen on her desk. “Please share with us your thoughts.”
Genesis stood and very calmly approached the front of the class. Once she reached the podium she plugged in her vid feed. She straightened the bodice of her dress, found an imaginary piece of fluff on the folds of her sleeves and tried to pretend it was just her, and her alone. She took a deep breath and held it until she felt sure she was ready to begin. Air filled her lungs and the strength began to flow peacefully over her body. It assured her it was okay to express these unnatural, disconnected feelings.
“I can smell the fire in the air. The danger that surrounds your skin.
It’s electric and vibrant.
I’m in awe at how you move the pulse beneath my skin.
I’m in awe because I’m scared.
The smell of you surrounds me and intoxicates my senses.
It’s euphoric and it’s wrong.
It’s wrong that I wish to take your wrist and offer you my neck.
The sweet smell of your skin makes me hunger for your taste.
Bittersweet chocolate that clashes with sin.
I’m confused.
Above all I loathe you and adore him.”
Gen quickly sat down in her seat and kept her head down. She wanted the ground to swallow her whole. Professor Aylet walked around to the front of her desk and smiled.
“I am so very proud of all of you. Genesis and Nimziri, I must say I am quite pleased that you two obviously have someone in mind. Genesis the two males that are in your sights are lucky.” The professor said in a quiet tone. How could she have guessed her plight was between two males?
“Class you should all learn from their example. Their sensuality is real as it is based on a person or persons. It’s a tangible thing for them. Whereas most of you focused on the idea, or body in its form. Verbal sensuality is not only about words, but feeling. The slightest glimpse or the almost possibilities of those chance encounters evokes something in the spirit. Some of you should know this as quite a few of you are already matched. Next week we will focus on the tone of that sensuality.”