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Hard Ride

Page 16

by Opal Carew

  Amy had explained that Shock’s wife knew about these little affairs he had and was okay with it, especially if he did the contracts. That way the women knew it was only a short-term thing. As far as Liv was concerned, that was pretty fucked up—it certainly wasn’t the way she would want a relationship to be—but it wasn’t her relationship, and it wasn’t up to her to judge.

  As much as she wanted to be angry with him, really she just felt sad. And sorry for herself.

  But she reminded herself that Shock was also being a good friend to her. He was helping her, both financially and emotionally. He was being caring and supportive in helping her get over her sexual issues.

  In fact, she felt a little sad for him because he didn’t have a wife who loved him enough to ride with him and keep him happy all the time.

  Which she would. If she were lucky enough to have Shock as her man, she would never leave his side.

  * * *

  When they arrived at the house, the men started a barbecue and put on some steaks. Liv and Raven made a salad and Tempest prepared a pitcher of sangria. Soon they were sitting around the large picnic table in the yard, eating and laughing.

  Liv finished her glass of sangria and Magic filled it up again. She was feeling a little more relaxed, and when Shock slid his arm around her, she leaned against him, deciding to put aside her sadness and just enjoy the time she still had with him.

  When Shock had proposed their little arrangement, she never would have guessed that it would turn out this way. That she’d fall for him … and that he was already attached. But if she was truly honest with herself, she didn’t regret anything that had happened with Shock.

  He’d helped her save her sister’s life. He’d been there for her when she needed him most. And he’d even helped her confront what had happened to her in college, showing her how to enjoy being with a man.

  Now she chose to focus on the positive rather than allowing the whole experience to leave her broken and bitter.

  She noticed Rip had his arm around Raven, who was whispering in his ear and smiling.

  “Well, if you’re hot, I have a solution to that,” Rip said. Then he scooped her up and carried her across the lawn to the pool.

  “Don’t you dare,” she squealed as she clung to his neck.

  “What was that, woman?” He grinned. “A dare?”

  Then he tossed her into the pool. She shrieked as she hit the water with a big splash. Tempest raced up behind Rip and pushed him, but he grabbed her and they both fell into the water.

  Laughing and yelling, the three of them climbed out of the pool.

  “You got my favorite jeans wet,” Raven complained, then unfastened them and pushed them down.

  Liv watched wide-eyed as both women stripped off their clothes and tossed them on the grass, thankfully stopping at their underwear. Raven wore a black bra, edged with red satin ribbon, that plunged so low, Liv feared her large breasts would tumble out. Tempest wore a royal blue lace bra that lifted and displayed her perfectly formed breasts quite nicely. Both women wore thongs that matched their bras. It was like they wore elegant bikinis, but way sexier because these lovely undergarments were not meant to be seen in public.

  Rip stripped off his wet T-shirt and dropped his jeans to the ground, then he pulled Raven against him and kissed her. Long and passionately.

  “Mmm, sweetie,” Raven murmured when he released her lips. “I think you need some cooling off.”

  Raven started pushing him toward the water, but he just laughed and scooped her up, the bulge in his boxers evident, then raced toward the pool again. He leaped into the deep end with her in his arms.

  Tempest glanced at Steele with her expressive blue eyes while his heated gaze glided over her body. “Coming?” she asked.

  “Oh, very nearly,” he said, then stood up.

  Liv watched as Steele stripped off his shirt, revealing his bulging muscles and the snake tattoo coiling around his bicep, then across his chest. Then he pushed down his jeans. The other men took off their clothes, too, except Shock who still sat by her side. Her pulse quickened at the sight of their big, muscular, inked bodies.

  Shock’s lips brushed against her ear. “You want to go for a swim, too?”

  Liv’s insides quivered. She wanted to. She wished she was bold enough to stand up and strip down in front of these men. To bask in the warmth of their desire. Then to open her arms to them in blatant invitation.

  She bit her lip and gazed at him. Was this what he wanted? Did he intend to share her with the other men right now? Her insides quivered with both nervousness and excitement.

  “I … uh … I’m not sure…” she said nervously.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. I just mean a swim.”

  She gazed into his reassuring brown eyes and he drew her close and kissed her.

  When he released her lips, she nodded, knowing Shock wouldn’t push her to do more than she wanted to.

  She glanced at Tempest and Raven, who were sitting on the edge of the pool in their bras and panties, dangling their legs in the water, totally unembarrassed by the fact their thongs covered nothing of their derrieres at all, and their sexy, low-cut bras showed off the swell of their round, full breasts to anyone who cared to look. And the men, who were all now in the pool, were looking.

  She wanted to learn to be more comfortable with her sexuality, and this was a perfect opportunity. Swimming in front of a bunch of sexy men in her underwear seemed a pretty modest start. It wasn’t like they were all naked. At least, not yet.

  She stood up and pulled her T-shirt over her head. She was a little embarrassed when she realized Wild Card’s warm hazel eyes were focused on her, but she pushed it aside, reminding herself that Wild Card had already seen her totally topless anyway.

  She removed her jeans and stood up, wearing only her baby-blue bra and matching panties. At least hers covered her ass so she didn’t feel quite so conspicuous.

  Shock stripped off his clothes, too, then watched her as she walked to the side of the pool and dove in, then glided through the water. She surfaced and shook her head, flinging water droplets around her, then swam to the shallow end where Wild Card sat on the wide steps and Magic and Dom stood in the water.

  God, these men were so good-looking. Magic with his James Dean–style hair and magical smile. Dom, taller than the other two, with his short-cropped hair and a fringe of whiskers along his chin. And Wild Card, with his dark blond spiked hair and warm, disarming smile. They were all broad-shouldered, muscular, and adorned with tattoos. So sexy.

  As soon as her feet felt the bottom of the pool, she stood up and walked toward Shock. He took her hand and led her to the steps, then sat down beside Wild Card and opened his arms to her. She sat on the step in front of him, facing the water, and he wrapped his arms around her.

  Across the pool, Rip and Raven were kissing and Liv realized he was unfastening her bra. It released and Raven stripped it off and allowed it to float away. He began kissing her breasts. Her head dropped back and the sunlight glistened on her black, glossy hair.

  Liv drew in a deep breath, imagining herself walking toward Wild Card, reaching around behind herself and unfastening her bra. She would lock gazes with him as she dropped the bra straps from her shoulders and slid them off, then peeled the bra from her wet breasts.

  His heated gaze would drop to her naked mounds, the nipples hard from the cool water. Then he’d cup one of her breasts and lift, the feel of his big hand around her soft flesh sending heat coursing through her.

  He would ease his face forward and—

  “Sweetheart, are you sure you’re okay staying here?” Shock asked.

  She glanced around and realized Rip was driving into Raven, to her ecstatic moans. Dom and Magic were sitting side by side in front of Tempest as she stroked Dom’s cock and sucked on Magic. Steele stood behind her, cupping her breasts in his big hands. Liv suspected that his big cock was pressed between her thighs, rubbing against her intimate flesh.
  Oh, God, she wanted to join them. To have three men paying total attention to her. She wanted to feel their cocks in her hand. In her mouth. To feel their big hands on her. To feel a hot mouth on each of her breasts.

  She locked gazes with Shock and said with confidence, “Yes, I’m sure.” Then she cupped his raspy face and leaned forward, brushing her lips against his.

  Butterflies fluttered through her stomach, but she quelled her nervousness as she buoyed her courage to tell him she wanted to be with the other men.

  His hand brushed over her breast and he stroked it as he rested his cheek against hers.

  “Are you getting turned on?”

  Her nipple was a hard, aching bud pushing against his palm through the lace.

  “Yes,” she murmured.

  His hand slid down her waist, then over the crotch of her panties. She felt a little embarrassed, but no one was looking their way. They were all busy with their own passionate actions.

  His finger dipped under her panties and stroked her hot folds.

  “Fuck, you are really wet.”

  His arm tightened around her and he tipped up her face with his free hand and kissed her passionately. When he eased away, his hot gaze locked on hers.

  “I think we should go upstairs.”


  He nuzzled her ear. “God, Liv, I want to be inside you.”

  He took her hand and brushed it against his cock. It was like solid rock.

  “Now,” he murmured, his voice filled with need, as he drew her to her feet. She followed him from the pool, her insides trembling at the sight of Tempest, now sandwiched between Dom and Steele as they thrust into her, Magic stroking his cock as he watched them.

  Before she could muster the courage to say anything, Shock dragged her into the house and up the stairs. When they reached the bedroom, he closed the door, then tugged her into his arms and plundered her mouth.

  But she pressed against his chest and drew back. “Shock, wait.”

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” he asked, his hands around her shoulders.

  “I was thinking … I mean … this would have been a good opportunity to…” Words failed her. What would she say? Let his friends fuck her silly?

  “You wanted to stay out there and be with the other guys,” he said.

  She dropped her gaze, and nodded.

  “Is that really what you want to do?”

  She gazed up at him, biting her lip. “I thought it was something you wanted me to do.”

  “Don’t dodge the question, Liv. Is it something you want to do?”

  She took a deep breath. “I do. I mean, I find it a little scary, but really sexy, too. And I think it would help me.”

  “Help you how?” he asked, his eyes devoid of emotion.

  “Shock, you’ve helped me so much with my sexual issues. You’ve been patient and tender with me. But when I go back … after our month is over … I need to be with other men.”

  His eyebrow arched. “Other men?”

  “I mean … you know … relationships. Finding a boyfriend.” She rested her hand on his arm. “I need to be comfortable having sex with someone other than you. I think being with your friends, with you there, where I know I’ll be safe…” She squeezed his arm. “I think it will help me.”

  His eyes softened. “I get it, Liv. But right this minute, I want you all to myself.”

  He took her hand and led her to the couch in the sitting area of the large bedroom. They sat down and he slid his arms around her and pulled her close. She leaned against him, feeling protected within his embrace.

  “Liv, remember you said you wanted to do something to thank me?”

  She gazed up at him in surprise. “Yes, I would.” She ran her hand along his chest. “Something special.”

  He stared at her, his brown eyes darkening, but he hesitated.

  She gazed into his somber eyes, gliding her fingertips over his muscular chest. “What is it?”

  He leaned back on the couch and watched at her speculatively.

  “I’m thinking of sexual role-playing.”

  “Of course. You know I’ve already agreed to do whatever you ask.”

  “I know, but this isn’t what you’d expect.”

  “Whatever it is, of course I’ll do it.”

  She wondered what it would be and how she could agree to the carte blanche she’d just given him, but this was Shock, and as much as he wanted to push her limits, he had been considerate and concerned about her feelings and fears.

  “I want you to make love to me as if…” He hesitated.


  “As if you’re in love with me.”

  Now it was her turn to hesitate. He could’ve asked anything of her. To be with other men, to try one of the sexual acts in the contract she’d never done … But this … she didn’t understand.


  He shrugged. “Maybe I want the ‘girlfriend experience’ for a change.”

  “Oh. Well … of course, if that’s what you want.” She leaned forward, ready to stand. “Should I go change? Pretend we were on a date?”

  He took her arm and drew her close to him. “No, baby. Just right here. Show me you love me.”

  She drew in a deep breath, her heart beating erratically. She pushed herself onto her knees and leaned toward him, then brushed her lips on his. His breath tickled her nose as she fluttered kisses along his lips, then across his cheek, then back to his lips. She cupped his face in both her hands, loving the feel of his raspy, whisker-roughened skin against her palms and she pressed her lips to his in a light kiss. Then she deepened it.

  He let her take the lead. She glided her tongue between his lips and stroked the inside of his mouth. His tongue caressed hers, then they tangled in a gentle, undulating dance. Her breath became shallow as their mouths moved on each other. She moved closer, then shifted in front of him, her knees settling on either side of his thighs as she pressed her body closer to his. His arms wound around her waist and his hands moved lightly over her back. Stroking. Her breasts crushed against his big, hard chest, her nipples swelling into tight buds.

  “Oh, Shock, I want you.”

  “Tell me, sweetheart. Tell me how much you want me.” His brown eyes bored into hers with a need she could feel in the depth of her soul.

  “I want you more than life itself. You are everything to me.” She kissed him again. “I love you,” she breathed against his ear.

  Oh, God, she’d said the words. Her heart clenched. Oh, God, she meant the words. She did love him. From the depths of her heart.

  But she couldn’t tell him that. Couldn’t let him know it was true.

  But this wasn’t real to him. He wanted the “girlfriend experience,” that was all. That gave her permission to act on her feelings without any worry that he would misinterpret and push her away. This was just playacting.

  Then why did the simmering heat in his eyes seem to be filled with so much more than lust?

  Clearly, wishful thinking on her part. She might not want to love him … but she did. And deep inside, she wanted him to love her in return.

  “Show me, Liv,” he murmured against her ear. “Show me how much you love me.”

  She nodded as she stood up and shed her pale blue, lace bra then peeled off her panties. His gaze heated her naked breasts stood in front of him, totally naked. She took his hand and drew him to his feet, then eased down his boxers. She rested her hands on his chest and let her gaze wander the length of his magnificent body with an appreciative eye. Then she led him to the bed.

  She wrapped her arms around him, conscious of her hard nipples pressing against the solid heat of his body, and she kissed him. His strong arms around her, his big solid body tight against hers, made her feel feminine and soft. And the way he held her made her feel cherished.

  The feeling made her want to pull away. To run and keep her heart safe.

  But she needed to do this. To thank him.

nbsp; And to push herself past fears she needed to set aside.

  He eased onto the bed, then drew her on top of him.

  She stroked his cheek, then kissed him again. She stroked his bulging bicep, admiring the Celtic star with two dragons facing each other. She kissed the inked surface, loving the feel of his rock-hard muscles beneath her lips.

  She continued across the broad expanse of his chest and she found one pebble-like nipple and licked it, then took it into her mouth. She teased it with her tongue. When she suckled lightly, he groaned. She released it, gliding her thumb over it as she kissed to his other nipple, then took it in her mouth.

  She could feel his erection pushing at her belly, growing larger. She glided downward, following the trail of hair down his stomach to the tip of his cock. She ran her tongue over the tip lovingly, then wrapped her hand around his hard, wide shaft.

  “I love your big cock,” she murmured.

  She stroked his erection lovingly. “I love how it gets so long and hard because you want me.”

  His hand stroked over her hair. “Of course, I want you. I’ve wanted you since the moment I met you.”

  When she gazed at him, she was shaken by the depth of feeling in his eyes. If she tried, she could almost believe what she saw there was love. But she knew better than that. He wanted her, for sure. He had for a long time.

  But he belonged to another woman.

  That’s why he’d introduced the sexual contract. So he could have her and even enjoy the “girlfriend experience,” as he’d called it, without all the messy feelings to deal with. He knew what he wanted and he knew how to get it. Once they were done this month, he’d send her home, then hop on his bike and ride off into the sunset.

  But, God, what she wouldn’t give to have him fall in love with her.

  She opened her lips and took his cockhead inside, the big, bulbous head filling her mouth. She watched his face as his eyelids closed, then opened again, revealing a deep need in his eyes.

  She sucked, then glided down his enormous shaft, taking him deep into her throat. Then she glided back. Her insides heated at the thought of his big erection gliding into her. Stroking her inner passage with its solid breadth.


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