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Her Christmas Prince (Love in the Keys)

Page 10

by Godin, Caroline A.

  “What's up?” Tom looked concerned.

  “I'm going to have to clear out by tomorrow. We ran into someone I know last night in Key West. So I'm blown. And if you can believe it, she was with Brian.”

  “Callie's ex, Brian? What are the odds of that! Crazy. How did that go, running into him?” Tom waited for Henry's reply.

  “It was actually fine. But I need to get out of here before the press figures it out and descends on me. And I need to find some time today to tell Callie the truth.” Tom whistled. “Any advice?”

  “Nope, just be straight with her. I think she'll understand why you didn't tell her before. But it may take her a while to process.” Henry nodded in agreement. “Here's the thing, Tom. I want to keep seeing her. I know it's early days, but I think I may be falling in love with Callie.”

  Henry's declaration make Tom smile. He reached over and hugged his friend. “Amen! I can't believe it. You finally found your girl. I kinda thought something was happening. But I didn't want to say anything. Man, that's awesome.” He paused, a concerned look on his face. “But is that even allowed, you know, marrying someone who isn't royal?”

  “A few years ago, no, it wouldn't have been. But times are changing. I can thank William and Kate for that one. And it helps that my brother and his wife have produced an heir. I honestly don't know how my parents will react. A lot depends on how Callie reacts. It's not a life for everyone, and she may not want it, or me.”

  Tom thought about what Henry said before responding. “It's true, and no one but Callie can know for sure what Callie wants. But I will say this. I don't know anybody kinder or stronger. Or more loyal. And if she loves you back, I think she'd do anything for you.” Henry hoped his friend was right.

  “What's going on over here?” Callie joined the men and wondered what they were talking about.

  They both looked sheepish. “Nothing.”

  “Hmmm, why don't I believe you?”

  “We're just talking about your dad's fishing lures, and how they were a hit.” Tom nodded.

  Callie still didn't believe them, but she left it go. “Ok, if you say so. Henry, we best get going back to my parents. We have to start on dinner. Have a great Christmas, Tom.”

  “Oh, it's shaping up to be a good one. We've been cooking up a storm at my house, there'll be leftovers for days. We're having turkey and ham. Mmmmm.” Callie laughed. Tom did love to eat. He'd enjoyed a good portion of the post-service cider and cookies, and she knew for a fact his mother had made a big breakfast, as she did every year.

  Henry and Callie waved goodbye to everyone and headed back to her parents’ house. When they arrived, Henry offered her a small box. Callie was surprised. She hadn't expected a gift from him.

  “Henry, you shouldn't have ... I really wasn't expecting anything.”

  “I know, but I wanted to. And I didn't buy it. It's something I've had for a while now, and I'd like for you to keep it.”

  She opened the box and recognized its contents instantly. It was the signet ring that Henry wore on his pinkie finger. It was gold, and had an intricate design with small sapphires and his initials. She looked at him.

  “Are you sure?”


  She tried the ring on her middle finger and it was just right. Henry smiled.

  “See, it's a perfect fit.”

  “I love it. Thank you.” Callie gave Henry a light kiss, one that he deepened. It felt like a promise. Was that possible?


  Christmas dinner at the Meyers was just as lively as brunch had been. The men were outside, making sure the turkey was just right in the Big Green Egg. This was a new device to Henry, and Callie's uncle explained to him in great detail why he thought it was the best grill and smoker ever. It actually fit two full sized turkeys, and they were being grilled and smoked. In a second one belonging to him, the uncle was preparing to grill asparagus and corn to go with the meal. Henry was intrigued and thought he might like a Big Green Egg of his own.

  In the kitchen the ladies were preparing the various side dishes that were family tradition. There were mashed potatoes and gravy, cornbread stuffing, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, salad, cole slaw and macaroni and cheese. Callie's mother had made a load of fresh biscuits in the morning and their scent still filled the kitchen.

  Callie had most of the dessert covered off, with her pecan and key lime pies. But the family also had another tradition. They got a big birthday cake from the grocery store, and had “Happy Birthday, Jesus” written on the cake. Her grandmother Nora, who'd since passed, had started the tradition when Callie and her cousins were little, to remind them about the real reason for Christmas. And years later, even after she was gone, the family continued the tradition, and shared the responsibility of getting the cake.

  Callie looked down at her hand, and the new ring she was sporting. She had been stunned when she'd opened the box, that Henry would give her something so personal. And valuable. She was no gemologist, but even she recognized it was a unique and expensive piece. She wondered what it all meant. Did Henry have feelings for her, too? She dared not get her hopes up, after what happened the last time she'd dared to do so. She wondered if she should slip the ring off, in case someone noticed, but no one had so far. And she didn't want to insult Henry. She continued chopping vegetables for the appetizer tray.

  Milly came over and silently began chopping with her. It was a companionable quiet between mother and daughter, not awkward, like usual. When they finished, they arranged everything on a gigantic platter with dips and set it out in the living room.

  “Thank you for your, help, Calista. I couldn't do all of this without you.” Callie was touched by her mother's uncharacteristic words. What was going on? “By the way, I know I had my misgivings at first. But Henry? He's a keeper.”

  Callie blushed. “Mom, don't get ahead of yourself. It's still very early days.”

  “I know honey. But even your father knew something was different about this guy. And he's about the only boy you brought home since Tom that he's actually liked. I reckon he's turned my thinking around. That, and I can see how happy you are, and how he treats you. It's all a mother could want, a man to cherish his daughter. I know you think I'm overbearing sometimes, but I've only ever wanted you to be happy.” Callie spontaneously hugged her mother.

  “Oh mom, I can't tell you how much it means to hear you say that.” Both mother and daughter had tears in their eyes. “I feel like we've turned a corner, and I like how it feels with us now. Can we keep it going?”

  “I'm sure going to try my best, Callie.” Wow. Her mother had just called her Callie, not Calista. For the first time in her life. This was big.

  “You don't have to call me Callie. Calista is OK, if it's you saying it.” Milly gave her hand a squeeze.

  Henry had come in to see if he could help and witnessed the exchange between mother and daughter. It was a Christmas miracle.

  Jackson came in to the kitchen to announce that their part of dinner would be ready in about ten minutes. The women went into action and finished setting the table. They began bringing out the side dishes and preparing for the meal.

  Everyone was once again seated at the table. It was truly a feast, and Callie couldn't be happier. It had turned out to be a wonderful day. She was blessed to have cousins who were also her friends, which made holidays even more special.

  Once everyone was seated, Jackson asked them to bow their heads for a blessing. Milly touched her husband's arm, and she took over.

  “Dear Lord, we thank you so much for the gift of your love and redemption. We celebrate your birth today with a feast fit for the King of Kings, prepared in love by this family who serve you. Thank you for keeping everyone safe and healthy and happy. Thank you for the many blessings you've bestowed upon us as a family. We think of those who've gone before us. And we welcome our newest members. We look forward to the new year with hope and faith in our hearts. In Jesus' name we pra
y, Amen.”

  Everyone said Amen. It was a lovely blessing and obviously heartfelt. Callie shared her mother's sense of gratitude and of faith. She was very confused about her situation with Henry but was trusting that God's will would be done and that things would work out as they were meant to.

  Dishes were passed around, and teasing was made about who was having how many servings, all in jest and fun. Henry complimented the cooks on the meal, which was delicious.

  After the dinner, everyone helped to clear and clean up, then retired to the living room for a little break before dessert. Jackson put National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation on and everyone laughed at the favourite family movie. About 20 minutes in to the movie, Callie's phone rang. It was Erin. Odd, she hadn't expected to hear from her til tomorrow.

  “Hey, what's up? I thought you'd be passed out in a turkey coma by now.”

  “What is up with you? And why is your parents' house on TV right now?” Callie thought she'd misheard for a moment.

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  “Callie, go to the front door and take a peek outside the peep hole, but don't, under any circumstances open the door.” She did as Erin asked and couldn't believe what she saw outside.

  There were several news trucks and a bevy of photographers parked outside her parents' house. What on earth was going on?

  “Callie, are you looking?”

  “Yes, I'm looking. What is this? Why are they here?” Callie sounded perplexed.

  “You don't know.” Erin let out a sigh. “Oh wow, I can't believe I'm telling you this. But here goes. It's Henry. He's not who you think he is.”

  “What do you mean? Erin, this is all completely surreal. What are you trying to say?”

  “I'm saying that Henry is actually Prince Henry of Laurenia, and the fourth son of King Rupert and Queen Olivia. You're dating a prince. And apparently the paparazzi figured out where he's at, and it's a slow news day, so you're it.”

  Callie heard the words Erin was speaking but they weren't quite registering. What?

  “Turn on the local news channel.” Callie walked into the kitchen and turned on the small TV her mother kept on the counter top. And there it was, her house on the news. With the reporter outside talking about how the Prince had spent several weeks in the Keys and that they suspected a romance with a local.

  “Callie, are you there?”

  “Yes, I'm here. I'm stunned. I don't know what to say.”

  “So he never told you he was a Prince?”

  “No. Somehow it never came up.”

  “I wonder how they found him.” Callie thought about it.

  “I think I know. We ran into Brian last night in Key West. And he was with someone who Henry knows through society circles. It had to be one of them.”

  “So what are you going to do?”

  “I don't know. I guess I'd better get Henry and figure it out.”

  “OK. Well, just let me know what's going on. Do you need me to come back?” Erin was a true friend.

  “No, I'm fine. But I appreciate you offering. I'll keep you posted.” Callie hung up the phone. As she was about to return to the living room, there was a small rap at the kitchen door. It was Tom. She'd never been happier to see anyone.

  She opened the door and Tom entered.

  “Is Henry still here? Is he all right?” The concern he had for his friend was obvious.

  “Yes, he's here, and happily oblivious to what's going on out there. I only know because Erin just called me after seeing the house on the freakin' news! Seriously. A prince? You didn't think that was worth mentioning?”

  Tom knew she'd be annoyed. And that he'd probably take some of the brunt of it. He was not wrong.

  “Callie, it wasn't my place to tell. He came to visit, he needed some R & R, and just wanted to be a normal guy. He never intended to meet someone or anything, he just wanted to read and fish and hang out with a buddy and take a breath. Is that so hard to understand?” No. Callie shook her head, no.

  “How did they find him out?” Tom was curious. They'd been so careful for so many weeks.

  Callie told him about Key West and Amalia and Brian. Tom agreed with her that it likely wasn't a coincidence.

  “So what do we do?”

  “Get Henry. I parked around the corner and cut through your neighbour's yard from the side street. We can hike out that way and I can get him out that way. I'll take him back up to Miami to his security detail.” Callie nodded. It sounded like a good plan but it also meant she'd have to say goodbye. Now. Her heart was breaking.

  “OK, I'll get him.”

  “I'll check out what's going out front and make sure we're clear.”

  Callie took a deep breath and walked to the living room. She stood in the doorway and signalled to Henry to join her. He excused himself and followed her into the kitchen.

  “Tom! Hey, I didn't know you were coming by. You're just in time for dessert.” When Tom didn't smile, Henry knew something was wrong.

  “What's wrong?”

  “Apart from a gang of reporters and photographers parked out on the street in front of the house? Nothing.”

  Crap. It had happened sooner than Henry thought. He looked at Callie, then at Tom.

  “Can you give us a minute, mate?” Tom nodded and let himself outside into the back yard.

  “Callie ...” she put a hand on his arm and stopped him.

  “Hey, I know. I get it. And this probably isn't the best time to talk about your life as a prince. Tom has a plan to get you out of here and I think you should probably just go. It's best for everyone's sake.”

  Henry's heart sunk. She sounded so matter of fact.

  “OK.” He motioned for Tom to come back in. “Callie says you have a plan. Shall we call Biggs?” As if on cue, Henry's cell phone rang. It was Biggs.

  “Hi, Biggs. Yes, I know. Tom's here, and he has a plan, would you like to chat with him?” He handed the phone to Tom and he and Henry's head of security agreed on a rendezvous point. Tom handed the phone back to Henry.

  “Not to rush you, but we should probably leave sooner than later, before the natives get restless. I'll be outside when you're ready. Callie, have you got something he can put on, sweatshirt and a hat maybe?” Callie nodded and turned to go into the laundry room. She found a freshly washed hoodie and a baseball cap of her father's and brought them back.

  “Is there anything you need from the car?” Tom addressed Henry.

  “Nothing that won't keep. I've got my passport and stuff with me. If you could get my duffel bag couriered later, that would be great.” Tom nodded. Henry handed him the keys to the SUV.

  “Will these do?” Callie held them up for Tom's approval.

  “Yep. He'll just look like a local. Perfect. Callie, I'll be back for the SUV tonight. OK, see you outside when you're ready.” Tom went outside and waited while Henry made his goodbyes.

  “Callie, I really didn't want things to happen like this. And I was going to tell you about the whole prince thing today, when we found a quiet moment. I knew when we ran into Amalia last night that my days of anonymity here were done. Can you forgive me for not being straight up from the beginning?” He looked so sad.

  “I won't lie, it's a bit of a shock. And I'll need some time. But how can I hold this against you when I'm lying to my own mother?” Now that Milly and she had been getting along better, Callie was feeling worse and worse about it all.


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