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Here to Stay

Page 19

by Adriana Herrera

  “Thanks for offering, Rocco. Poor Pau’s been sleeping on this couch that’s too short for her. They can walk here in the morning to have breakfast with me.” He looked up at his wife, who still didn’t look fully convinced about the change of plans. “Yolanda and Pura are planning to be at the mall by 7:00 a.m. Right, mi vida?”

  Yolanda still didn’t look too sure about this new development, but seemed determined not to make a thing out of my impulsive invitation. “That’s fine, mija.”

  Paula, on the other hand, had a backpack over her shoulder and was ready to go. “Yup. We’ll head over when I get up, Papi.”

  Julia had been silent as the whole exchange happened. Now she looked at her parents like she had no idea who they were.

  “So, you guys are cool with us taking off to Rocco’s for the night?”

  Sebastian just walked over and gave her a one-armed hug. “Sure, makes sense to take Rocco up on his hospitality. We’re pretty tight here.” He held out his hand for Yolanda. “Vamos, mi amor. I’m tired and you need a foot rub.”

  Yolanda took his hand and then leaned up to give me a kiss and pat me on the cheek. “It was good having you here, Rocco.” She wagged a finger at me and then gestured toward the kitchen counter, where there were a few containers packed with leftovers. “Don’t forget those, and come back on Saturday. Julita is taking us on the Kennedy tour.”

  “Sounds great. Thank you for today. I had a great time,” I said, unsure what to do next.

  I watched Julia walk off toward her bedroom without saying a word, but I didn’t know if I should press the issue of the sleepover. Was she really going to come to my place?

  After a few minutes, she emerged wearing gray leggings and a black sweatshirt with the word “Chula” in bright red at the center. It was hard not to stare at her. She looked alert, the sleepiness from before replaced with something new. Her eyes were bright and awake when she walked up to me with a small overnight bag slung over her shoulder.

  “I’m ready.”

  It took me a moment to react, but the Ortiz sisters waited for no man.

  “About time, let’s go people,” Paula complained from the door and Julia gave me a small smile as we walked out of her apartment into the cool Dallas evening. This was probably the most ill-advised thing I’d done to date. But I could not muster up the energy to regret it, not a bit.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “I’m taking the guest room with the TV.” I ignored Paula’s excited voice echoing from one of Rocco’s extra bedrooms. The man had cable and superfast internet, so we would probably not see her until she got hungry in the morning.

  I was standing by the doorway of the other bedroom, which was directly across from Rocco’s, while I listened to him moving around in the kitchen. He’d shown me to the bedroom after letting me know he’d be putting away the leftovers he’d brought over from my house. He’d walked over all the way back from my apartment with Pulga’s carrier slung over his shoulder and the reusable bag full of containers in front of him like it was very precious cargo.

  There was nothing precious about what I wanted to do with Rocco Quinn though. No. This day had been nothing but a series of emotional ambushes aimed at decimating my reasons to stay away from him, and I was in a mood to take every ill-advised road my body wanted to go down on this day of thanks.

  And even with all the not-so-friendly feelings happening in my pj’s, I was still hung up on the absurdly adorable display I’d witnessed firsthand during operation “Save Pulga.” He’d had perfect strangers sighing after him as he walked out of the vet’s office giving Pulga a pep talk as she popped her little head out of the carrier.

  Women had shot me appreciative looks, jealous looks.

  And for a moment, I wished I could claim him. I wished I could’ve taken his hand, possessively. Kissed him and told him how wonderful he’d been with that poor defenseless animal. And that was before he charmed my entire family at dinner, and managed to get my grandmother to let him clean the kitchen for her. Something she’d never done for anyone, not even for my dad.

  I sighed and walked out into the living room, where the man in question was currently trying to coax Pulga from under the couch—where she’d been since we arrived—with a small bowl full of fancy cat food. I stood there observing him and let myself take in the picture he made. Still in his jeans and sweater from dinner, he was crouched by the couch, his voice soothing and gentle.

  “Come on, Pulga. You must be hungry, sweetheart.” With a finger, he pushed the bowl as close to the couch as it would go. “You need to eat. We can’t have Julia thinking I can’t take care of my girl.”

  I almost gave myself away, because this was too much. He was too much. Everything I learned about Rocco made me want him more, made me ache to get closer.

  Once I had Rocco, really had him, I wouldn’t be able to stay away, and soon after that I’d be back to where I always ended up, bending, altering my plans for the sake of a man. I was playing an extremely dangerous game, but I was not bowing out yet.

  I cleared my throat and he looked up, his face opening into a wide smile when he saw me. “Hey, you get settled in? Is Paula okay in the back room?”

  Damn it. Why was he like this? Why did he look at me like my very presence made him deliriously happy?

  I padded over to where he was and kneeled down next to him. “It’s great, thanks. We probably will have to forcibly remove her from that room tomorrow though. Our dad never let us have a TV in our room, so whenever she has a chance to watch TV in bed she goes a little nuts.” He beamed as if his enabling my sister’s cable addiction was his greatest achievement of the day. “Thanks for offering, by the way. I love my family, and having them here is a really nice surprise, but I was not prepared to have my house completely taken over.”

  He shook his head as if it was nothing, “No need to thank me. I have plenty of space. It’s nice having people using those rooms. It’s the nicest place I’ve lived in, and other than the Exiles, I’ve had no visitors.”

  He blushed then, and looked down. I’d seen him do this before, act embarrassed or ashamed whenever he talked about his background or his lack of family and friends. I wanted to brush the black curls out of his eyes and soothe him, tell him that being here with him after the happy chaos of a holiday with my family felt like an oasis. Like the perfect ending to a good day. A day his presence had made so much better.

  But instead I gave a short nod and said nothing. We looked at each other for a long moment and it was almost like he could see everything I wasn’t saying. That my silence was my only defense against the foolish things he was making me feel.

  Just as I was about to make an excuse and flee to my room, I saw a little furry head peek out of the couch. I touched Rocco’s chin to get his attention and pointed down. Pulga was out from her hiding place and getting busy with her dinner. We both smiled at the little pest as she inhaled the fishy-smelling food. I got up first, and Rocco followed suit. We both stood there in the dim light of his living room, a few feet apart, not moving. His chest heaved up and down, as if his heart had suddenly gone into overdrive.

  I gestured toward the open bedroom door. “I should head to bed. It’s—”

  I looked at my watch and realized it was only 9:00 p.m., not exactly bedtime yet. “I should go, give you some space.”

  He furrowed his brows, like I’d said the most absurd thing he’d ever heard. “Space from you?” My heart was thumping in my chest for this man. “I like having you here. I liked spending the day with you and your family.” He put his hands in his pockets and those blue eyes shone with gratitude.

  “Thank you, Julia. It’s been a while since I’ve had a Thanksgiving like that.” He opened his mouth as if to say something else, but then closed it and looked to the side. “Whenever I’m in New York, I usually go to Coach’s house, but I always go see
my parents first.” He let out a long breath, as if merely talking about his family exhausted him. “So, I’m always a little out of it by the time I get to his place. My family is a lot.”

  I almost rolled my eyes and said “So is mine” or something in that vein, but I stopped myself. I knew the struggle of growing up in a home where the adults couldn’t or wouldn’t care or nurture their children. The long-lasting scars of that kind of upbringing, all the work it took to undo the feelings of worthlessness for the adults who survived childhoods without a sense of safety. It would not be fair to act like my family’s admittedly poor boundaries or loudness compared to what Rocco dealt with.

  Rocco was strong. So fucking strong, and kind. To me, to everyone, even to his parents, who continued to treat him poorly. Before I knew what I was doing, I closed the distance between us.

  This was not a fluke or something I was doing just because either. I wanted him, and I reached up for him.

  “It was nice being with you today. My folks loved you.” I stood up on my tiptoes, and kissed his cheek. Pressed my lips against his smooth chin.

  He’d shaved before coming to my house for dinner; he’d wanted to look his best for my family. Somehow, out of all the things he’d done today to chip away at the little bit of resistance I had left, that was what razed through the last of it.

  He sucked in a breath as I pressed my lips to his face. I stayed there for a second, unable to pull back. His scent, lemon verbena, and a little bit of cat fur, enveloping me.

  “Julia.” My name on his lips was an invocation and I wanted to succumb. In the back of my mind, something nudged me to step back, to go to my room like I’d said I would. Trying to edge out the need in my body. But that was not what I wanted. My hands came up around his neck and when he said my name again, it was with his lips against mine.

  My heart thundered in my ears as I opened my mouth to whisper, “Rocco.”

  I felt a shiver run through him as he tightened his arms around my waist and anchored me. This was the place where things made sense. His arms were a harbor and I needed...

  “Can I kiss you?”

  Of course he’d ask.

  I didn’t answer. I pushed closer until our bodies were flush together. We were touching in so many places. I slid my tongue out to lick his bottom lip and it was like a jolt of electricity. He nipped at my lips, hungry for me, and I responded as if I’d been starved too.

  That night at his place had been a small taste, but this kiss was sultry, slow, his hands on my hips, possessive. I threaded my fingers through his hair, and when my nails grazed the back of his head, he growled. A lusty sound, like every touch was revving him up. But before I could process that these were not the sounds of the restrained man I’d gotten to know, he was moving down to my neck, the edge of his teeth against the tender skin there, making me tremble.

  “Oh, God.” Was that me? I didn’t know I could sound like that.

  I gripped his back hard as he tongued my ear, shivers wracking my body. My core ached, wetness pooling there. I wanted to sink into the floor, let him take my clothes off and fill me up with his touch, his words, all of him.

  “Rocco.” I wanted to say we should stop, that my sister was just down the hall, but what came out of my mouth was a long, tortured moan, which sounded a lot like “Besame.”

  It was as if my breathless request for his kisses snapped the last thread holding him back. He moved his hands from my hips down to my ass and squeezed.

  “I’ve been wanting this ass from the moment I saw you.” Those growls, there was no chance of me not seeing this through. I’d expected more softness, but this Rocco was self-possessed, just enough of an edge to send my pulse racing. I was licking into his mouth as he ran his hands over me, and everywhere he touched, I was burning. I wanted him everywhere. Especially where I needed him most.

  I dragged one hand from his neck and gripped his cock. “You’re so hard.”

  He pulled up from where he’d been nibbling on my neck, and looked down at me, his eyes blazing. “I’m like this half the time I’m around you. When I saw you in those pajama shorts this morning, I almost came in my pants.” He growled, still running a possessive hand over my ass.

  “Your body does things to me.” He was flushed and his lips were red and swollen, but what made my heart stop was the way he looked at me. It would be very hard to walk away from this.

  I ran my hand over his erection and licked my lips, wanting him to see that I was right there with him. “You’re one to talk. I don’t even know how to process what happens to me whenever I see you shirtless.” That cocky grin that I’d only seen a couple of times blossomed on his face. I was melting for him, literally.

  “What happens to you?” he asked in a voice I’d never heard before, the gentle and nice Rocco gone now, replaced by a man who was completely focused on making me lose every ounce of sense for him. His hand moved across my hip and he pressed the heel of his hand right against my clit, making me sway with need. “Do you get wet for me?” His mouth was right against my ear for the next question. “Are you wet now?”

  I was dizzy and so turned on, I could barely think, but I regrouped, because I could play this game too. I licked up his neck before I answered. “You know I am, you fucker.”

  A rough laugh escaped his mouth, before he bent down to kiss me, his hand still cupping my sex. “I’ve been wanting a taste since that night. I’d lick you so good, tongue you until you’re boneless.” He actually pulled back and licked his lips. “I’d do it all night.”

  I was barely able to stand, my hands fisted on his shoulders. “Why are you torturing me?”

  He kissed me again, one long lick into my mouth, then asked, “Can I touch you there? I can feel you’re dripping for me.”

  Without speaking, I took his hand and slid it between my belly and my cotton panties, until I got him right where I wanted him. I wasn’t some wilting flower. If he wanted to touch me, to put his hand on me, then I would make sure he knew exactly how I wanted it. He gasped as his two fingers dipped in and rubbed my clit.

  “Fuck, you’re wet. Will you let me suck on you?” His words were coming out in between harsh breaths, as his clever fingers did their very best to drive me out of my mind.

  “Oh shit. Rocco.” I spread my legs wider, giving him more access, my hips rolling into his touch.

  He shook his head, his breath harsh in my ear. “I want to taste you, but not today.”

  What? Why?

  “No,” he said as his thumb circled the exact spot that made me go off like a rocket. “When I put my mouth on you, I’m going to take my time. Lick and suck until I have you begging. Saying my name like it’s the only word you know.”

  “Fuck.” It was too much, he was so big, and it felt like he was everywhere, his hands on me, his kisses leaving me breathless. I wanted to say yes to everything. To his mouth, his hands, his cock.

  But I needed a moment, I needed to think. “I thought you didn’t date. This skill level does not reflect that.” I felt that cocky grin against my neck and my knees almost buckled.

  “I said I didn’t have girlfriends. I never said I was celibate.”

  Clearly not. If the coordinated attack on my sanity by fingers and tongue was any indication. Just when I thought I might survive this mostly unscathed, he pulled his hand out of my pants and pressed it to his nose, then sucked his fingers.

  “Oh my god.” That reedy, barely audible voice was mine. “Rocco.”

  “Fuck, I love how you smell.” His wet fingers dipped right back in, looking for my clit again. “I bet I’ll have you on my hands for days.”

  I was holding on for dear life as he increased the pressure, his fingers pressing the bundle of nerves inside me as his thumb made circles on my clit. I stiffened as the pleasure coiled something inside me so tight it felt like every muscle in my body tightened at once.r />
  “Does that feel good? I want to hear you come for me, Julia.”

  I had no words. My belly felt liquid and that tightness in my gut started building, impossibly good.

  I moaned again and he took my mouth hard, his fingers expertly working to make me fall apart. The orgasm hit me in waves and I clung to him, panting his name as it took me under. Until I was boneless in his arms.

  I couldn’t remember ever—not with Matt or any of the guys I’d messed around with on our many “time-outs”—being with a man who could make my body respond like this. Once the moment passed, he slipped his hand out and brought it back to my ass. Cupping it, like all of that was his. And I was in no shape to argue.

  “Good?” he whispered in my ear, and even though it sounded a little smug, I had to give it to him. He did excellent work with his hands.

  I tried and failed to look mad. I was too blissed out. “It was great and you know it. Don’t be conceited.” He laughed and I tilted my head for another kiss. We started lazy and slow, but when I pressed against him, I felt his erection. I looked up, embarrassed. I’d gotten off like a porn star and he was still hard as a rock.

  “Can I?”

  He shook his head and kissed my ear. “Today was about you.”

  Why was he like this?

  It was my turn to shake my head. “Are you trying to win some kind of Mr. Perfect award or something, because who says no to a blow job?”

  He laughed and hugged me tight. “I didn’t say no. I said, I’m okay for now. I don’t need to come every time you do.”


  I gripped his cock tight and looked at him. “But what if I want to taste you?”

  “Julia, you don’t have to.”

  I ran a hand over his hard chest, my mouth watering at the thought of him in my mouth.

  His body was tight with tension. I could tell that it wouldn’t take long for him to lose it. I wanted to give him the same pleasure he’d given me.

  “I want to.” I was about to go down on my knees and show him when a loud crash and my sister’s voice made us both jump.


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