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Ultimate Sacrifice (Men of Courage Book 1)

Page 14

by K. C. Lynn

  His gut feelings are usually pretty accurate. It’s one of the reasons I trust him to have my back, but if I’m being honest, I have considered this option, too. I think we all have. The question though is, why? What would someone have against us or this station, especially Rubin.

  “Look, Cap,” I speak up again. “Considering the circumstances, I think we at least have the right to question Marks about this, especially since no one is any closer to uncovering the arsonist.”

  He nods. “All right but we tread carefully. Last thing I need is the board breathing down my neck about unfair accusations. Besides, there could be a perfectly good explanation for all of this.”

  “True,” Cam says. “But now begs the question, where is he?” He gestures to the clock. “Rookie is running twenty minutes late, something that seems to be a habit lately, and if you ask me, it’s not helping his case.”

  As if the question summons him, Rubin comes running into the station, sweat covering his skin. He sends us a frantic wave through the glass as he passes by the office. “Sorry, Cap. Got stuck in traffic. It won’t happen again.”

  Captain’s lips press together in a thin line, his displeasure evident.

  Before we have a chance to talk about how to approach this, the alarm rings with a call, sending us in motion. Our chairs scrape across the floor as we bolt from Cap’s office, Rubin following after dropping his bag in the hallway.

  The entire station is called out, right down to truck seventeen, the ambulance, and my rescue squad. The radio rattles off the details as we pull on our gear. When I hear there’s been an explosion, unease settles in my gut, fearing the arsonist has struck again. Soon though, that feeling turns into something else, something incomprehensible when the address is relayed.


  Terror thrashes through my veins, making my blood run cold. Cam’s and Jake’s eyes meet mine, their thoughts reflecting my worst fear.

  “Move out now!” The order barely makes its way past my throat as urgency propels me into the passenger seat, the rest of my team jumping into the back.

  Sirens pierce the air as Carl pulls away, following truck seventeen while Cap pulls out in line behind us.

  I reach for my cellphone and dial Zoey, praying like hell she hasn’t left yet. The little hope I cling to evaporates when I get her voicemail.

  “Fuck!” I throw my phone, fear crashing down on me. “I think she’s there.” Every word is choked out past the panic threatening to claim me.

  Jake’s hand lands on my shoulder from the backseat. “Take it easy, man. If she is, we’ll get her.”

  “He’s right, Lieutenant. We got this.”

  My attention darts to Rubin as he speaks, tension mounting in my body as I think about his late arrival.

  Silence fills the truck, my narrowed eyes making him shift in his seat.

  “Hawke!” Cap’s voice crackles from the radio, breaking the tension.

  Clearing my tight throat, I hit the button on my mic. “Yeah.”

  “Is Zoey there right now?”

  I swallow thickly, eyes briefly closing as my mind strays to the unthinkable. “I believe so, sir.”

  “I want you to stay out with me. Let the others—”

  “No!” I cut him off before he can go further. “Don’t do this to me, Cap. I have too much at stake.”

  “That’s exactly why you shouldn’t go in,” he bellows.

  “No one will fight for her like I will, sir, and we both know it.” As much as I trust Cam and Jake, no one’s best will be as good as mine. “I’ve never let you down before. Give me this chance.”

  Silence fills the line and I pray he comes to his senses, because the last thing I want is to disobey orders from my captain, but if that’s what it comes down to, I will. Nothing will stop me from going in to find her, no matter what destruction awaits us.

  “We’ll have his back, Cap,” Jake adds, backing me up.

  The radio eventually crackles. “Fine, but I’m calling the shots for this one. You follow my orders. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” I make the promise but know it’s weak because no order will come before Zoey’s life.

  Thick gray smoke covers the sky the closer we get to our destination, making the knot in my stomach tighten.

  Carl slams on the brakes, laying on the horn as we move into heavy traffic.

  “Come on, Carl. Find an alternate route.”

  “I’m trying, Lieutenant.” His wheel spins as he weaves in and out of the stropped vehicles, turning down a back alley.

  I fight to possess a semblance of calm, my patience nonexistent as my mind runs with worst-case scenarios.

  Because of the traffic jam we were stuck in, police and ambulance are already controlling the scene when we pull up. The sight that I’m met with has a newfound fear fisting my chest.

  “Jesus,” Cam breathes out the one word, jumping out of the truck behind me.

  Injured people line the sidewalks, paramedics assessing them within the chunks of scattered concrete and debris. The bar is barely left standing, most of it consisting of rubble and smoke.

  This is different than the others, the flames barely existent but destruction more severe, making me wonder if anyone could even survive this. The thought is enough to ruin me.

  Regardless of the differences, there is no mistaking the sweet odor that fills my nostrils. My jaw locks with the knowledge that the bastard has struck again, but this time it was on precious ground. This time threatens to take my whole world down with its devastation.

  Cap nods over at me, expression solemn as he gives me the go-ahead before shouting orders to truck seventeen.

  With a quick assessment from my vantage point, I see most entrances are blocked. “We’re going in through the east side,” I tell Cam and Jake, a sudden calmness slipping over me, despite the chaos roaring in my veins. “We’ll assess more from the inside.”

  “Copy.” Cam reaches for the sledgehammer we’ll need to break through the concrete while Jake and I slip on our oxygen tanks.

  “Where do you want me, Lieutenant?” Rubin asks, sounding too eager for my liking.

  I fight to rein in my suspicion, knowing now is not the time. “You be ready with any tools we call for.”

  “Come on, Lieutenant. Let me come with you. I wanna be where the action is this time.”

  My control snaps, hand shooting out as I shove him up against the truck. I lean close, getting into his face. “You stay the fuck out of my way and follow orders. Do you hear me? You have enough to answer for.”

  Shock registers on his face before anger tightens his features but he’s smart enough to heed the order. “Yes, sir.”

  I shove away from him and head in for the rescue. My two best friends fall in step next to me, all of us masking up, determination fueling each stride we take. I have only one purpose and it comes at no cost.

  I will risk it all to save her, even if it means giving my own life.



  Fire rages in my lungs, eyes burning even more as I cough and sputter through the billowing smoke. I drag myself to my knees, my entire body screaming in protest.

  Warmth drips down my face next, spilling onto the ground. Lifting my hand, I quickly realize it’s blood, the color crimson staining my fingertips. A whimper of fear breaches my lips as I try to comprehend what’s happened.

  “Frank!” His name shoves from my dry throat, rasping through the air. “Frank, can you hear me?”

  “Over here.”

  Hope inflates my chest when I hear his gruff voice. I wave the dust out of my face, trying to see through the destruction as I feel my way over to him. It isn’t long before I find him, barely making out his form through all the debris.

  “Thank God. Are you all right?”

  “I’m pinned.” Pain laces his voice, straining his words.

  My gaze coasts down his body, terror lodging in my throat when I find the heavy steel cooler on hi
s legs. “Do you think you can shift enough for me to drag you out?” I ask, knowing there is no way I’ll be able to move it.

  He shakes his head, expression pinched in agony.

  “Okay, it’s going to be okay.” The assurance is just as much for myself as it is for him, panic threatening to pull me under.

  I scan our surroundings, hoping to find a way to get help, but it doesn’t take me long to realize just how much trouble we’re in. Buried within the walls of destruction, the broken concrete and debris block any form of escape.

  I climb to my feet, adrenaline and desperation pushing me past the pain screaming through my body. “Wait here.”

  “Kinda hard for me to go anywhere, sweetheart.”

  If I had it in me to laugh right now I would, but there is nothing funny about this. I step over the demolished earth, dodging broken glass and rubble. A severed wire sticks out from the wall, sparks flying from the end of it, sending me in the opposite direction.

  Once I come up to a wall of broken concrete, I pull at the large chunks, using all the strength I possess. I pull at it so hard that the tips of my fingers begin to bleed. A cry of frustration leaves me, my fist hitting the rock when I make no progress.

  “Help! Can anyone hear me? We’re trapped!” Pain rattles my head as I call for rescue, but I shove it aside and continue calling for help. Unfortunately, nothing but silence greets my ears.

  Defeat slips over me, drowning what little hope I had. Tears prick my eyes but I blink them back, knowing crying won’t help anything right now.

  When Frank lets out an agonized groan, I walk back over, kneeling next to him. “Do you happen to have your cellphone on you?”

  I don’t even want to think where mine could be right now.

  “In my left pocket,” he answers, voice weak.

  I pat down the side of his body, frantically reaching inside of his pocket, and it causes another painful grunt.

  “Easy there, sweetheart. This isn’t a fishing expedition.”

  This time, a chuckle does escape me but it’s short-lived, trailing into a desperate sob. “Now is not the time to be making jokes, Frank.”

  “Take a breath, darlin’. It’ll be okay. Someone will come for us.”

  If they know we are somewhere in this wreckage. My biggest fear is we’re buried too deep for anyone to find us. By the time they do, it could be too late. I let that terrifying thought trail off and dial 9-1-1. It’s to no avail, reception nonexistent.

  “Shit!” The cellphone drops in my lap, my dread growing with every passing second. I notice Frank’s head lull to the side and realize he’s losing consciousness. “No, no, no. Frank, don’t fall asleep. Please. Stay with me. I can’t do this on my own.”

  “I’m with ya, kid. Just resting my eyes.” He breaks into a coughing fit, furthering my concern.

  I pull my thin sweater off my shoulders. “Here. Use this.” I cover his mouth with it, using it as a filter against the dirty air.

  “No, you,” he says, pushing it away.

  “I’m fine right now. You need it more than I do.” Refusing to argue, I cover his face then lift his head to prop it on my lap as I settle in behind him. “Does this help or make it worse?”

  “As long as you’re with me, sweetheart, it helps.”

  My heart swells, tears welling in my eyes again. “I won’t leave your side, Frank.”

  “And I won’t leave yours.” His hand grasps mine, squeezing tight. “I couldn’t even if I wanted to.”

  A watery laugh escapes me as I shake my head, but I don’t scold him for his misplaced humor. Not this time.

  I continue to try his phone, praying for a single bar, but remain unsuccessful. Every passing minute my concern grows, fearing no one will be able to find us in the midst of this destruction.

  My thoughts stray to Austin, heart breaking at the thought of never seeing him again. When my sister died, a part of me wanted to be with her, no matter where that was, but as I face death now, I know that’s not where I’m meant to be. I still have too much to live for. So much to do with Austin. I’m not ready to lose that.

  “You hanging in there, Frank?”

  “I’m here,” he wheezes. “I don’t know about you but I’m damn hungry. I skipped lunch.”

  This man and his jokes.

  With a smile, I open my mouth to toss out the irony of us being in the kitchen when the sparking wire suddenly stops flailing, losing its power. I sit up straighter, swearing I hear something in the distance.

  “Seriously. I could really go for—”

  “Shh,” I cut him off. “Do you hear that?”

  “Hear what?”

  Silence fills the span of a second just before some rubble falls from the wall. “Fire department, anyone here?”

  “That!” I cry on a laugh, praising the Lord for the blessed interruption.

  “Zoey, can you hear me?”

  Austin’s voice sends relief hurdling through my chest. “Yes, we’re in here,” I yell, breaking into a coughing fit as I suck in dust-filled air. “Please hurry. Frank is trapped.”

  The sound of steel banging against concrete penetrates the heavy air before more rubble and rock fall away, leaving a small hole to start forming. I squint at the flashlight shining in, covering my eyes.

  “I see them,” someone relays, sounding a lot like Jake.

  I’d be happy to see anyone right now but I can’t deny just how much more grateful I am that it’s the three of them.

  “Hold on, baby. Just a little more and we will be in there. Whatever you do, stay where you are.”

  I nod, even though he can’t see me. “Hang in there, Frank. They’re coming.”

  It isn’t long before the hole is big enough for them to fit through, all three of them rushing in with a stretcher.

  Austin comes to my side while the other two drop down by Frank.

  “Look at me.” His hands cup my face, eyes filled with panic. “You okay?”

  “I am now.”

  A heavy breath escapes him as he pulls me into his arms. “Jesus, I was so fucking scared.”

  “Me too,” I confess, hugging him just as tightly. “I have no idea what happened. The blast came out of nowhere and…” I break into a coughing spell, taking in too much air as I frantically try to deliver our encounter.

  “Easy, baby. Don’t talk.” He slips off his mask and holds it over my face. “Deep breaths.”

  I do as he instructs, the clean air a welcome reprieve to my burning lungs.

  “How’s it going, Frank?” Cam greets him, assessing his pinned situation.

  “Been better,” he grunts.

  “Well next time you get hungry don’t get so excited,” he tosses back, making Jake chuckle next to him.

  “Hardy fucking har, get this damn thing off me.”

  Obviously, he’s not in the joking mood anymore.

  “Can you feel your legs?” Austin asks him, checking his vitals.

  “What the hell do you think? Hell no, this damn thing weighs a ton.”

  A smirk twitches Austin’s lips before he looks up at the other two. “He’ll be okay. Let’s try the airbags first. If they don’t work, we’ll get Marks to bring in the jaws.”

  Small deflated bags are placed underneath the cooler before they are blown up, lifting the heavy appliance just enough for them to get Frank on the stretcher and out from beneath it.

  Despite his earlier comment about not being able to feel his legs, he groans, the painful sound making me wince.

  Austin presses the mic on his jacket. “Cap, we have them. We’ll be out soon, have medics waiting.”


  Austin helps me to my feet while the other two lift the stretcher. Jake backs over the destruction, leaving Cam at the head of it. As they walk for the makeshift entrance, I suddenly feel my feet come out from under me, a gasp of surprise fleeing past my lips.

  “Easy, Zoey girl. I got you.” Austin’s soothing voice whispers in my ear, his stro
ng arms settling me against his broad chest.

  “I can walk,” I assure him. As much as I love being in his arms, I don’t want to make this harder on him.

  “Yeah, I know, but right now I need to feel you breathing against me.”

  I gaze back into his dirty smudged face, love filling my heart like never before.

  The mask slides away from my face as he leans in, his lips moving for mine. I wait with bated breath, needing to feel the connection more than ever.

  “Zoey, where are ya?” Frank attempts to shout from his prone position ahead of us, breaking up our reunion. “You okay back there?”

  “Right behind you, Frank,” I return, smiling back at Austin sheepishly.

  “Good, because we need to talk about what kind of insurance you have on this place.”

  Chuckling, I rest my head on Austin’s shoulder as he carries me to safety, thanking God we escaped with our lives and Frank didn’t lose his sense of humor after all.



  Tensions run high in the conference room, Rubin sitting before the captain and I as we question where he was the night of the warehouse fire that killed Declan.

  It’s all I can do to remain calm and professional because, right now, professional is the last thing I feel. The explosion was two days ago. Two days ago I almost lost the woman I love all because some fucking pyromaniac has an agenda. It’s time for answers and I intend to get them, starting with our prime suspect.

  “I already told you guys. I had a family dinner that night.”

  That ever-present rage continues to build inside of me as he blatantly lies straight to our faces again.

  “Well, you see, Rubin, this is the problem.” Cap starts calmly. “Cam saw your brother the other night at the gym and he said there was no family dinner.”

  His facade slips. He swallows hard, shifting in his seat as he realizes he’s been busted.

  “Where were you, Marks?” I ask, my suspicion unmistakable.

  “I was taking care of something, okay? It’s private.” His flippant response has my anger exploding to the surface.


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