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Delver Magic Book VII: Altered Messages

Page 32

by Inlo, Jeff

  "There are swallits below us," Jure revealed to the delver. "Three of them, deep underground. It's a large cavern... very large."

  Ryson had dealings with such creatures on previous occasions, and it did not surprise him. Swallits were intelligent beings, able to communicate and utilize magic. They were also very powerful, and three would have been enough to counter the strength of the dwarf king.

  "Makes sense," the delver offered. "Three of them could physically overpower Bol and they can cast spells. If they decided to take hold of him, they could teleport Bol right to the algors. It all adds up. Bol is probably near enough for them to keep an eye on him."

  "So we've probably found him, but what's the plan?"

  "It's a simple one. You teleport us down there, and we deal with the swallits. We don't kill them, just convince them to leave or force them away from Bol. Our main objective is keeping the swallits from taking Bol away from there. I want him with us. I think we can handle that, don't you?"

  "Bol is going to be resistant to magic, so there's not much I can do in that regard. Whether he comes with us or not is going to be up to him. It's not like I can just cast a teleportation spell on him."

  "That means the swallits won't be able to, either. Like I said, they'd have to take physical hold of him first. That's what we prevent. Then we talk to Bol."

  "What if he doesn't want to talk to us?"

  "I really don't care," Ryson responded with all candor. "He's a big part of this problem, and he's going to have to accept that, whether he likes it or not. Anything else?"

  "What about the serps? They're manipulating the swallits. That's how I found them. There's a magical connection between them all. When the swallits see us, the serps are going to know we're there."

  "Let them. This isn't about stealth anymore. I want them to see exactly what we're doing. Let them start to see they can't control it all; let them worry about that for a while. I also want to keep them distracted. I'm a lot less worried about us having to deal with three swallits than I am over what Holli is going to have to face."


  Just as Jure had followed the streams of magic to find the swallits, Holli wove her magical essence through a web of energy to locate her own target. Her physical presence remained in Connel, but a narrow portion of her consciousness traveled over a direct line of magic. The elf placed the barest whisper of her perception into the magical connection that linked her with Enin. She then directed it through the channels that led back to Neltus, and from there, she seized upon links to the serps in Portsans.

  Cunningly analyzing the energy, she found the common links between them all and then located a similar thread. It was that stream of energy that led back to Burbon and the massive goblin, Okyiq.

  Once she obtained a definitive point that created the anchor between Okyiq and the serps, she cast an insubstantial sight spell that hovered near the goblin leader but did not disrupt the magical energies that led back to Portsans. With the spell cast and connected to an anchor that continuously remained with the massive goblin, she could constantly observe Okyiq's movements from a quiet spot in Connel without ever being detected.

  The elf placed her entire focus on maintaining careful surveillance over the goblin leader. She separated herself from all distractions as she watched and waited. She continued to spy on the goblin long after the delver and wizard left for the western coast. It wasn't that she lacked concern for Ryson and Jure, but she could not allow their mission to interfere with her own.

  In order to successfully eliminate Okyiq, she had to wait for him to be vulnerable. She knew the moment would arise, but she could not guess as to when it would occur. She needed to be ready to act at a moment's notice.

  Isolating herself, she kept a stoic watch over Okyiq's every movement. Even as the loathsome creature carried out the mundane tasks of searching and securing Burbon for his own purposes, Holli waited with undaunted patience. She did not eat, she did not sleep. She only watched and waited.

  Eventually, her determination was rewarded. Just after midday, she saw the goblin leader stake out a modest house near the eastern edge of Burbon. The monster ordered all of his minions to watch the exterior of the residence, but they were not to disturb him. A smile crossed the elf's lips when the massive goblin entered a small bedroom and threw himself on a simple cot. The time had come for Okyiq to pay for what he had done, and Holli was more than eager to avenge the death of a soldier she had held in the highest regard.


  Before Jure teleported himself and Ryson deep underground, Ryson pulled the Sword of Decree from its sheath on his back. The blade burned bright, reflecting and magnifying the rays of the early afternoon sun.

  "That's going to attract some attention," Jure noted.

  "I want it to," the delver replied with a half-smile. "I want them to know exactly who we are the moment we arrive. It's also going to be dark down there. Might as well magnify any light that's coming in through open shafts. It will give us the edge.

  "It's alright with me. Are you ready?"

  Ryson nodded and Jure cast a spell of teleportation. Rather than just compress space and time to create a conduit, Jure opened a passage through an overlapping dimension. By combining the layers of two separate realms, the spell allowed a clear path through the very same space that was occupied by solid rock in their own dimension. The force of magic propelled both the wizard and the delver through the mystical channel and delivered them into a vast cavern far below the surface.

  The delver's senses adjusted immediately to the change in environment. Even with his sword glowing, the amount of light decreased dramatically. His nose filled with new scents and his ears picked up the echoing vibrations of every sound. With gliding swiftness, he turned immediately upon three figures that stood silently in the shadows. He wasted no time with introductions. He allowed his glowing sword to reveal his identity, and he made his demands clear.

  "Time for you to leave," Ryson commanded of the three swallits.

  Each of the swallits stood upon all fours. With their long curled horns, they appeared like ordinary buffalos until the light of Ryson's sword bathed their dark green coats. The thick, matted vines that comprised their hides swayed with their movements. Two of the creatures simply grunted in disgust. The third addressed the delver with obvious recognition.

  "The Delver Acumen surprises us with a visit. This was... unexpected."

  Ryson wasn't sure if the swallit was acknowledging his strategy with all due respect, or humoring him with sly sarcasm. It was entirely possible the serps had foreseen the move and warned the swallits of a possible incursion, but in the larger scope of Ryson's plan, it really didn't matter.

  "This is just the start. I'm here for Bol Folarok."

  "Here to take the dwarf king to safety?"

  "What we do with him is really not your concern," Ryson replied. "All you have to worry about is leaving here before you get hurt."

  "The passive delver is actually threatening us? Yet another surprise."

  The swallit who engaged in conversation stood up on its hind legs and took several steps away from its companions. As it walked carefully into a clearing, it eyed the delver's human counterpart with distrust.

  "It is a powerful and perceptive wizard that can ride the waves of magic right to our position. Do you threaten us as well?"

  "I'll do what I have to."

  Upon hearing that simple phrase, Ryson realized he, too, would do what was necessary. He would have liked to have given the swallits the opportunity to leave of their own accord, but he understood that they were already under the influence of the serps. Why else would they remain underground in an empty cavern watching over an exiled dwarf king? He decided to base his actions as if he was dealing with the serps directly.

  He did not wish to injure the swallits, such aggression was normally not within his nature. He could use the enchantment in his sword to persuade enemies to heed his advice without causing permanent damage, but t
he soul burning capability of the blade could cause enormous pain. He did not take any satisfaction whatsoever in causing suffering of any kind. Still, he had to remind himself he was not simply dealing with stubborn swallits. The serps were behind almost every decision, and the delver had reached the limit of his patience with such manipulations.

  With delver swiftness, he rushed toward and then around the two swallits that remained in the shadows near the edges of the cavern wall. He jabbed each quickly with the point of his sword. The sharp tip sliced through the thick vines of their hides and barely pierced their skin, but it was enough for the sword to work its enchantment.

  Each swallit shrieked in pain as magical fire engulfed their very essence. Stunned by the searing fury that flashed through their souls, they galloped furiously away from the delver and further back into the shadows. Once a safe distance away, they swerved about to face their attacker, but they stopped dead in their tracks, showing no eagerness to engage the delver again.

  Without slowing, the delver raced about and returned to Jure's side. He turned to face the swallit that remained standing on its two back legs. Ryson glared into the beasts eyes. He could almost see the same empty expression he noted in the faces of the goblins that attacked Burbon... the mindless creatures that followed Okyiq's orders and had killed Sy.

  At first, he was surprised intelligent creatures such as swallits could fall prey to serp manipulation, but then he remembered the serps had magically combined their powers. Their influence had clearly increased with their alliance. His patience grew even thinner and his anger blossomed. One last time, he made his demands exceedingly clear.

  "One way or the other, you're all going to leave this cavern. I can have Jure attack you magically or I can continue to burn all of your souls, but your time here is finished."

  The swallit responded, not just with words, but with an assault of its own. The creature brought its two front hooves together. A hexagon of pure orange energy rolled down its arms. It became a roaring blast of magical fire that threatened to roast both Jure and Ryson where they stood.

  "You wish to see who burns?" the swallit growled as it released the flames in one wide blast.

  Jure sensed the spell before it was cast. A ring of pure white magic encircled him at his waist and then spread out to create a shield of water that surrounded both him and the delver. The water was strengthened with the wizards deep connection to the azure energy and it absorbed the flames with ease.

  Despite being protected by the shield, Ryson leapt through the barrier and clear of the flames. The fire never came close to him, failed to singe a single hair. Utilizing his speed and agility, he raced around the swallit and swung the flat of his blade against the beast's shoulder. Though the creature was far larger and stronger than the delver, the speed of the strike was devastating, and it knocked the monster off its feet.

  Ryson stayed on top of the swallit, bent low to look directly into the beast's eyes.

  "You're still connected with the serps. I know they can see and hear this. I'm taking the dwarf king, and there's not a thing they can do about it. And just so they know exactly what my plans are, I'm taking Bol to the algors. That's right. I'm doing what they threatened to do. This little part of their scheme is over."

  The swallit growled in fury and rolled back to all fours. It prepared to charge the delver and smash its heavy, curved horns into Ryson's chest.

  Outmaneuvering the enraged beast was beyond simple for the agile delver. He glided over the stone floor of the cavern. Even as the beast followed with insane fury, Ryson controlled every facet of the encounter. He leapt and turned with purpose and eventually redirected the stampeding swallit toward its companions. The other two swallits wanted no part of the exchange and remained motionless in the shadows. When Ryson had corralled them together, he raced back across the clearing and called to the wizard.

  "Jure, seal them off!"

  Without questioning the order, the wizard brought forth another ring of pure white energy. He thrust the magic outward and upward, toward the rock ceiling at a point that stood between them and the three dark creatures. A surge of pure force burst into the rock and broke it apart. A cloud of dust and debris engulfed the area as a thick wall of stone fell across the clearing and blocked the surprised swallits off from the rest of the cavern.

  Ryson stepped forward and inspected the new obstacle with a smile and a nod.


  "That should slow them down," Jure noted, "but they might eventually be able to break through. They're powerful and they might be able to blast through with spells of their own."

  "I don't think they're going to be in any hurry to get to us," Ryson revealed. "That's why I told them what we were planning on doing. They know we're not just trying to take Bol to safety. The serps are going to have to think about what it all means."

  "I can't argue with that. We might end up doing them a favor by taking Bol to the algors, but it's your call."

  "Yes, it is," Ryson agreed with an even bigger smile. "Thanks for not trying to change my mind. I guess it's time to have a chat with the king."


  Through her sight spell, Holli could see the large goblin drift off to sleep. The bedroom Okyiq chose was much smaller than she had hoped for the inevitable encounter, but she decided she could use it to her advantage. She slipped her bow off of her shoulder and placed it against the wall along with her quiver of arrows. The battlefield would be too small for her to use that particular weapon effectively.

  She pulled a straight battle blade from the sheath at her hip. The sword was thin but surprisingly strong, forged by elf artisans. It was also short enough for her to maneuver in the tight space that waited for her. She believed it was all she would need.

  Concentrating on the sight spell for one last look, Holli inspected the room where she would confront the goblin. There were no guards; no goblin attendants or shag enforcers, and no hook hawks perched outside the only window. They would be alone upon her entry. She would have to ensure it remained that way.

  She canceled the sight spell and in the next instant cast the teleportation spell that followed the same magical link. The anchor point affixed to Okyiq remained clear in her mind and she was able to create a path of compressed space directly to the side of Okyiq's bed.

  Holli could have struck quickly at the goblin, slit his throat in one swift motion, but she decided against it. Something about Okyiq's breathing gave her pause. She wondered just how deeply he slept. If he woke suddenly, he might succeed in dodging her blade. She didn't want the monster to survive due to simple chance. She also decided to follow the same logic that had sent Ryson to the underground cavern. She did not wish to be predictable.

  Rather than attack, she set her mind initially on her defenses. Though the room was empty beyond herself and the massive goblin, she could not be certain how many goblins waited within shouting distance. She did not wish to be interrupted. With one last spell, she used the majority of her remaining magic to seal the room.

  A bright green octagon of energy appeared around her hands. She willed the energy outward and the magic expanded to hit all four walls. When it did, it extended both up and down and along the floor and ceiling, completely enveloping the internal space of the small room.

  When she completed her spell, the elf returned her focus to the goblin. She was not surprised to see him awake, staring at her, and grinning like the monster he truly was.

  "So, elf guard—wizard's errand girl—is the one who comes. I was hoping for the delver."

  "Ryson Acumen has other business."

  "Doesn't matter. I knew someone was coming."

  "Is that supposed to concern me?" Holli asked. "It is no surprise. I had to use the magical connections to the serps to cast my spells. I had to accept the chance you might be warned ahead of time."

  "Fah, serps had no idea. I knew. Ever get feeling you were being watched? That's how I knew."

  "Then why did you dismiss you
r guards and go to sleep?"

  "Got tired of waiting. Wanted to get this over with."

  "If you are hoping to obtain help from your horde, I hate to disappoint you."

  "I saw the spell. Guess you sealed the room. Doesn't matter. I don't need help. I just have to make a promise. I keep all my promises."

  "I suspect you do. What promise do you wish to make to me?"

  "Promise to kill you slowly. Don't like elves."

  "And I have no respect for a monster that would kill a good and decent man. Still, I will kill you quickly."

  Chapter 25

  Ryson didn't believe it would take long to locate Bol Folarok, and as he searched for the exiled dwarf king, he began to take greater interest in his surroundings. The cavern was vast; comprised of one overwhelming expanse at the center with many large and distinct chambers branching off in several directions. There were plenty of places to hide, but he doubted the dwarf would choose to avoid him. After all, he wasn't searching for a criminal, he was hoping to contact a king who simply walked away from his own throne.

  As he expected, Ryson quickly found signs that pointed to the ex-king's location. He found tracks in the dust and scuff marks on the stone ground. He couldn't actually see anyone lurking about in the shadows, but he could smell and hear the presence of another individual prowling about one of the smaller hollows. Based on what he could sense, he knew instantly it was the dwarf king, but with each scan of the elaborate cave, his concern for Bol waned.

  At first glance, the cavern appeared like a wondrous work of nature—a wide underground expanse of breathtaking beauty. Flowstones, stalactites, stalagmites, and strangely sculpted columns filled the open space with glorious splendor. Incredible stone marvels covered every section of the main expanse, and each corridor among the individual chambers held its own assortment of remarkable formations. The light from open shafts reflected off Ryson's sword, and the magnified brilliance sparkled against the walls of gypsum and throughout the mineral encrusted, narrow tubes clustered across the ceiling. The entire grotto could captivate anyone who looked upon its enchanted glory.


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