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Delver Magic Book VII: Altered Messages

Page 40

by Inlo, Jeff

  Chapter 31

  The dieruhnes leapt from the broken window immediately after the elf guards grabbed Petiole. As opposed to the elves who slid down the ropes with grace and ease, the demons dropped from the upper level of the mansion like large red boulders. They hit the ground with bone jarring impact and left deep depressions in the sandy soil. They saw numerous invaders scattered across the grounds, but they dismissed them as nothing more than rodents skittering through the weeds. They were solely concerned with the two trespassers carrying the old elf toward the trees.

  The instant the monsters crashed upon open ground, they were fired upon from all directions. They were never in danger, for when they heard the first snap of a bowstring, the dieruhnes freed the enchantment of their tridents. Lightning cascaded through the air, demolishing every shaft and allowing the demons to otherwise ignore the barrage. They concentrated completely on regaining possession of the old elf.

  They had no fear of losing track of Petiole. They had already placed his scent into the forefront of their depraved minds. Even if the elf guards carried Petiole across dimensions, the dieruhnes would be able to follow. The scent a demon chased was more than just a link to a physical presence. A demon could sense the very essence of the spirit, and Petiole's maliciousness called to them like blood beckoned a crazed vampire.

  The two dieruhnes could not hope to match the elves' speed, but they believed their quarry would soon be slowed by pulling Petiole through the brush. They moved with diligence to the corner of the house, even as the hail of arrows ceased and the lightning from their tridents died away. To their frustration, however, they were set upon by another foolish attack before they could turn to the trees. They found the pathetic attempts to deter them tiring.

  Ryson rushed toward the dieruhnes with three elf guards behind him. The Sword of Decree remained sheathed on his back, but he had pulled both his war blades free. The curved swords were sharp and they would swing swiftly in his agile hands. The delver had every intention of engaging the demons, but he also knew it would not be his blades that would ultimately defeat the creatures.

  Leaping to his left in a blur of motion, Ryson avoided the first thrust of a heavy, iron trident. With his right hand, he swung one of the war blades down upon the arm of the demon. The sharp edge barely sliced the thick crimson skin, but it was enough to cause the fiend to reassess the threat before it.

  The three elves engaged the second dieruhne with their long swords. They used their agility to avoid furious spear attacks while remaining close enough to stab at the arms and legs of the tall demon. While they could not move with the same speed as the delver, they used their superior numbers and training to outmaneuver the monster.

  The frustration of the dieruhnes grew with every missed thrust of their tridents. Unable to quickly kill or wound their targets, they were forced to waste long moments parrying with the annoying distractions. While they were in no immediate danger of significant injury, their intended prey was escaping.

  Continuing to harass the demon before him, Ryson deftly coaxed the dieruhne away from the mansion and closer to the sea. They battled fiercely on open ground; the demon angrily hoping to plunge his spear into the delver's heart, and Ryson dodging every attack while slicing at the dieruhne's thick, blood-red hide. When the delver had the demon in the proper position, he dashed away and left the monster isolated and confused.

  Haven Wellseed cast her spell the instant the delver was clear. She called on the light that naturally opposed the existence of the demon's shadowy essence. She twisted and tied bands of golden energy into a magical prison, one that any elf could walk through with ease but would torture the soul of a demon that even looked upon its brilliance.

  Trapped in a cage of righteous intensity, the dieruhne screeched in fury and pain. While it could stalk the tortured grounds of various realms, it could not hope to pass through the light of pure virtue. Its malicious heart burned in the presence of such purity and it searched desperately for a means to escape.

  With a quick casting of his own, Jure offered just such a path. A circle of white energy opened a portal within the prison of light. The wizard created a rift into the dark realm just large enough for the dieruhne to pass through, and Jure left it open for the demon to consider its plight.

  When the monster appeared reluctant to take its only passage of escape, the elf sorceress decided to offer further encouragement. Haven pulled upon the bands of light that surrounded the trapped dieruhne, and the prison began to shrink. She worked her magic slowly so as not to enrage the creature, yet still make it clear that the dieruhne had no other option.

  As the prison continued to contract, the demon shrieked in rage. The dark realm held no peril for the creature, but it remained under the influence of the serps. If it crossed over, it would not return, and the serps did not wish to lose another demon. The dieruhne's twisted mind fought against two opposing forces. The enclosing bands of light encouraged it to escape through the portal, but the manipulations of the serps pressured it to remain in its current plane of existence.

  The ultimate choice was never in doubt, for once the strands of light bit into the crimson hide, the demon burned in agony. The fierce pain ripped the controlling influence of the serps from its cruel mind. Once free of the serps' manipulation, the only thing that held it in place was a thirst to tear apart the loathsome creatures who dared attack it. To its dismay, the bands of light offered no path to either the elves or the serps. It took but one moment to gaze angrily toward the mansion, and then it disappeared through the portal.

  After disengaging from the first demon, Ryson assisted the elf guards in maneuvering the remaining dieruhne into a similar position of vulnerability. With the demon in the clear, the elves and delver scattered to allow the magic casters the opportunity to remove the creature.

  The dieruhne, however, had seen what had happened to its companion, as did the serps. They were determined to avoid a similar incident, and at the serps' directive, the demon refused to allow itself to be ensnared by any prison of light.

  Swinging its trident furiously through the air, the dieruhne continued to move aggressively, even as it stood alone in the clearing. When bands of light threatened to encircle it, it leapt to the side or used its enchanted trident to keep the strands from binding together to form a cage.

  Unable to complete the prison, Haven turned to a new tactic. If she could not capture the demon, she would free it. She ceased her initial spell and cast one that would use the light as a battering ram of brilliance. She thrust the magical fury at the mind of the demon in waves of purity it could not see. The energy sought out the invading strands of manipulation and it flushed out the influence of the serps.

  The demon's white eyes burned brighter as the fog of serp manipulation was lifted from its consciousness. With its thoughts finally free, it turned its animosity first to the surrounding attackers. It recalled being assaulted by elves and the delver. Memories of more distant events remained blurred from the sudden blast of Haven's spell.

  Just as the demon readied itself to attack its adversaries, Haven called out in a soft but confident voice.

  "I can only maintain this spell for a limited time, dieruhne. When I do, the serps will regain control of your mind."

  "What do you chatter about, sorceress?" the demon hissed.

  "Search your memories. No doubt they are blurred. Why would a demon fail to recall the past? Demons feed off of it."

  "A spell of yours, no doubt."

  "My spell keeps your mind clear."

  "You play games."

  "Do I?"

  Haven weakened her spell slightly, just enough to allow a hint of serp influence to seep back into the dieruhne's mind. It was not enough to take complete control, but it caught the attention of the monster.

  The tug of influence brought the blurry memories of the demon into a sharper image. It began to recall its actions and realized its recent decisions were not its own. In a fit of rage, it fou
ght furiously against serp control.

  Haven strengthened her spell and once more forced any hint of influence away from the monster. She then revealed a basic truth.

  "You cannot fight against the serps. There are five and they are united. That is how they were initially able to take control. It is only through my spell that you retain awareness of your situation."

  "What is it you want, sorceress?"

  "You have a choice. You can fight us, you can fight the serps, or you can leave this plane of existence. My friend can open a portal to the dark realm. Once you leave you will be free of the serps."

  "And if I choose to fight the serps?"

  "They are inside the mansion behind you, but I do not believe that would be a wise decision. There are two powerful magic casters with them. I believe the serps would eventually regain control of your thoughts. Escape is the safest choice."

  The demon gave one last look to the mansion. It snarled with hate, but it turned back to the elf.

  "I will leave, but I do not choose to escape. Do not open a portal to the realm of dark creatures. Open a portal to the deeper dominion of pure demons. Send me to Demonspawn."

  "Are you sure?" Haven asked, understanding the request and its consequences. "Once you are spawned and leave, demons are not to return. You will be destroyed."

  "That may be so, but I will have my vengeance on the serps. My masters must know of creatures that dare to subjugate demons in this realm."

  "Very well." Haven then nodded to Jure. "Will you open the portal?"

  "I will, but only for a moment. I won't allow an entrance to Demonspawn to remain open for long."

  "That is all I will need, wizard," the dieruhne hissed.

  Jure concentrated first on the dark realm and then allowed his awareness to slide deeper into the bleak lands. The dominion of full demons encompassed its own layer of existence within the realm of dark creatures. It was a realm of pure hate and fury. To languish too long in such a place created immense pain, even when only reaching out with magical perception.

  Full demons were not like goblins, shags or hook hawks. Dieruhnes could not easily step from their own twisted realm to one of a more physical nature. In order to interact with the living, their initial passage into a land such as Uton required a certain transformation. It was like removing a monster from a nightmare to walk in reality, but once it exited a dreamlike existence, going back to its bleak home held its own consequences.

  The one thing Jure knew for certain was that the dieruhne would not return. He took hold of a point in Demonspawn and then cast the spell to open the portal. He placed the rift directly in front of the demon and prepared to close it immediately if the dieruhne went back on its word.

  The demon leapt through with one bound and an agonizing scream. When it passed through the rift, the corridor between realms trembled violently. The portal closed on its own.

  Birk Grund rushed quickly to Haven's side.

  "Is that all of them?" the captain asked. "Do you sense any more?"

  "There were only the two," Haven responded.

  "I think the only ones left in the mansion are the serps and the two spell casters," Ryson offered as he joined the others.

  "I would agree," Jure confirmed, "but I don't think they're done with us."


  Inside the mansion, the serps contemplated their own situation with growing alarm. Petiole was lost, and with him, any chance of creating a greater conflict between the dwarves and the elves. Worse, a dieruhne had been freed of their control and actually requested to return to Demonspawn. Such a request was monumental in nature. The beast was willing to sacrifice its own life to gain vengeance against the serps. As their losses mounted, a growing sense of vulnerability overwhelmed the council members, and Macheve offered the most accurate summary of their dilemma.

  "This is a disaster!"

  Desiv found it extremely difficult to argue with the conclusion, but he was not ready to accept defeat. It was not time to argue over perceptions. He had to recognize the reality he faced, but he was also serp. He saw opportunity in the potential ruins of their schemes.

  "And how we cope with disaster is what separates us from those of lesser intelligence! We are five serps joined together, and this is not a defeat. It is an opportunity."

  "For what? Our complete destruction?"

  "No, just the opposite. This is where we take control as only serps can. The battle is not over. We must not look to simply survive this assault, but we must turn it against our enemies. We will prove to every inhabitant in the land that we are dominant above all else. This is their ultimate stand against us. Let us destroy them and reclaim our control over their pathetic lives. It is what serps do!"

  Macheve was not stirred by the emotions of the speech but rather by its intrigue. If they could reestablish dominance under such conditions, they could quickly turn a disaster into a colossal victory. Such an effort would send a message to any that dare oppose them in the future. They could become the prevailing force in all of Uton. In order to win, however, they had to do more than defeat dozens of elf guards and two powerful spell casters. They had to remove the one clear obstacle to their supremacy.

  "Very well," she agreed, "we take the fight to them and kill Ryson Acumen. He is the one who has led them to our doorstep, and he cannot be allowed to live. No more games, just his death. It is time to use Rivira."

  "I agree," Desiv replied without hesitation.

  The sorceress could not help but overhear the conversation. Rivira was not against using her magic against the delver, but the odds were clearly stacked against her. She had witnessed Jure use his magic, knew the wizard cast in a perfect circle of white. The elf sorceress was also powerful and the two together would most likely overcome even her most potent spells. She began to wonder exactly what was in store for her.

  "Use me?" the sorceress asked suspiciously. "Use me in what manner?"

  "Use you to overcome the forces against us," Desiv replied.

  "Jure is a powerful wizard," Rivira protested. "I have seen him in battle before. If I faced him alone, I might be able to overcome him, but he has allies. I have no chance."

  "In your current state that would be correct, but you overlook the basis of your strength. Your foundation is blue magic. The power of water courses through your core, and we are near the sea."

  "But Jure can summon the same energy."

  "He won't dare do so in the same manner in which you are about to."


  "Yes, we need you to destroy them all. You won't be able to do that with a simple spell. You must do much more. You will become one with the sea, mix your essence with all of the raging power that is to the west. Once that is done, they lack the power to stop you."

  And suddenly, the serps' intentions became very clear. In battling the delver and his allies, she could become a victim of her own magic. If the serps had their way, it would be the last spell she would ever cast.

  "I can't do that! I would lose my ability as a sorceress, lose my very identity. I wouldn't be able to come back."

  "That is true, but unfortunately, it is necessary."

  Realizing the serps were intent on their plan, Rivira backed away and prepared to defend herself.

  "Nothing is necessary," the sorceress snarled angrily. "I will not listen to you, and you have no one left to defend you here. Your magic is nothing against mine, and Neltus would not dare attack me. Your dieruhnes are gone and your army is in Burbon."

  "I have no need of Neltus or an army," Desiv responded with a dismissive wave of his hand. "The council is in need of your extraordinary connection to the sea. Why do you think we brought you here?"

  "You're right," Rivira stated defiantly. "The magic is powerful here, and I will not be overcome. All you have is your manipulations and you are not strong enough to control me."

  "If it were just me," Desiv allowed with a sly grin," that would be true, but I am not alone. There are five of us here a
nd we all understand the necessity of the matter. It is regretful that we must lose you in such a way, but you were always considered expendable if the need arose. The need is here. The need is now."

  Rivira felt the numbing fog of serp manipulation slip into her mind. She tried to cast a spell to shield herself from the invading influence, but she could not even raise her arms to focus the magic within her. As her thoughts of rage slowly drifted off into a murky haze, she could hear Desiv's final words to her.

  "You never had a choice in the matter. Unlike Okyiq, you will not be able to resist or break free. We have been preparing for this since we invited you to join us. We have been analyzing your magic and your spells. We know exactly how to manipulate you. You cannot possibly overcome all five of us at this range. Now, cast the proper spell and become the tool of destruction you were destined to be."

  Rivira's true consciousness was buried under serp control. The spell she cast was one of immense power, but not one of her own bidding. With her hands raised high over her head, she spoke the words that would reshape her body and essence into a new existence, one that would forsake flesh and blood and become pure in the element of her essence.

  A brilliant ring of azure energy slid down Rivira's arms and wrapped itself around her torso. As it surged throughout her body, it triggered an amazing metamorphosis. The sorceress' body disintegrated into the deep blue energy, only a shadow of her figure remained in its place. Her soul was no longer connected to a mortal body, but to a magical vessel of pure water.

  Even after the transformation, the serps retained control. They could feel the intoxicating explosion of sheer energy surge through the new entity that was once Rivira. Though they could sense the being's strong connection to the ocean, they knew it was insufficient for the foes she would face. It had to be strengthened further, and for that, she needed to join with the sea.


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