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The Shiekh's Virgin Mistress

Page 2

by Brooke, Jessica

  Of this fact, he was entirely certain, and his arrogant way of courting Anna, showed in his extreme confidence. I can already see she is swooning at my power. She senses my greatness, her flushed cheeks and stammering tells me she is already in my sway. I find her intoxicating. I ache to touch her, to know more of her body.

  “Here Anna, sit here. You see we have a lovely view of the rose garden.”

  “I really shouldn’t be gone too long Omar. My father will be looking for me, and I need to…”

  With a sweep of his hand he insisted Anna sit. “Nonsense. I’ll hear none of that. The party has just begun. You will sit here with me so that I may get to know you better. You owe this to me; do not forget you are my date now, and at my disposal.”

  Anna furrowed her brow, “Um, Omar?”

  “Yes, my dear.”

  “I don’t really know how to say this, but well, I, um, I don’t date.”

  “You do now. You are now my date and I’ll hear no arguments. Now tell me about yourself.”

  Anna bit her lower lip and crossed her legs at the ankle. Part of her wanted nothing more than to be next to Omar, taking in his narcotic scent and soaking in his charismatic outpouring. To be in his light was one of the most inebriating moments of her life thus far. The other part of her was anxious and felt as if she were traveling down the wrong path much too quickly, and definitely not in a direction that was anywhere close to safe.

  Safety was a big deal to Anna. Even at home, where she had her own apartment on the outskirts of the campus, she knew all her neighbors and never went out at night alone. But now, she felt swept along on the strong current that was exclusively Omar, and she was concerned that her heart would not stop its erratic beating. Not to mention what was happening between her legs. Being a virgin meant, she’d never allowed herself this level of arousal, always cutting off any sort of romance whenever she felt even a hint that her body might influence her choices.

  Omar picked up her hand, and held it as he studied her. “Anna, I seek to know you. Today will not be enough. You will accompany me to my home, and from there I will show you the world. We will spend the next month together, just you and I. I will not take no for an answer.”

  Anna’s eyes grew ever rounder, “Omar, I can’t. I am so sorry, but I have to work for my father this summer. But despite that…”

  Omar put his index finger to her lips, “Nonsense. I will hear none of that. I’ve decided, you are mine. I wish to claim you as mine.”

  Anna stifled a snort, “Omar, that isn’t how it works here in the States. Besides, doesn’t your culture allow you many wives? I will never be one of many.”

  Ahhh, she is a bright female, intelligent beyond measure. “I have no wives. I’ve been waiting for you.” She is surprised. This is pleasing to me. I must taste her. I must hold her. Her plump breasts are lovely and her bottom is so round. I will claim her this night.

  Anna went to stand up, to leave, and Omarpulled her back down, and expertly moved her body so she was suddenly sitting on his lap. Yes little one, do you feel that? Do you feel how hard you’ve made me? What will you do now that you’ve created this desire in me?

  “Omar? I can’t …”

  I must taste her, he thought as both his hands found her face, and he gripped tightly at her jaw. She froze, and then her entire body melted into his. This was all the encouragement he needed as he slated his mouth to hers and kissed her fiercely. She moved to him, gave to his strength and molded herself to his chest, leaning in and resting her hands on both his pectorals.

  His cock jumped in his pants, and she kissed him back.


  Oh my fucking gawd! Good grief this dude is strong. He is so fucking arrogant too, why do I like him? What is wrong with me? I wish he would kiss me. No, wait, did I just think that? What is wrong with me? Why do I keep thinking something is wrong with me? Isn’t this normal? Isn’t this that chemical reaction I knew existed, but I’d never felt?

  “Omar? No, I just…”

  Oh god, oh god, oh god. He tastes so good. His hands on my face, oh god, what is going on in his pants? Is he already that hard for me?

  At this point, I was beyond concerned. My body had never betrayed me to this extent and now I felt single minded. I felt like a freakin dog in heat. Why did I feel as if should be straddling his lap and undulating against that rock hard pillar pinned against my thigh? Why? What is wrong with me?

  “Omar?” Oh just shoot me, that was the breathiest voice I’ve never made before.

  “Oh Anna, I need you like I’ve never needed another. You will not deny me this pleasure.”

  Okay, I must stop this, I have too. Maybe one more kiss? “Oh Omar. You are the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.” STUPID! Why did you say that? You fucking idiot.

  “Anna, I will kiss you again. Now. You cannot leave me.”

  I can’t help myself as I kiss him back and get even closer to his hard body. Not just that thing between his legs is hard, but all of him. He is like a marble god and I can’t stop. I hear his dominant words, but they only turn me on more. I continue to wonder what is wrong with me, but I can’t stop, I just can’t. I want him at a level I’ve never before felt.

  His hands are like iron velvet against my cheeks and jaw and I can feel the thick, thudding of his heartbeat. I not only feel it against my face where he is gripping me fiercely, but also in that hard phallus of his pinned against my thigh. He’s hot, like on fire too, and I love it. I feel as if he is already consuming me, with just his lips. He is such a good kisser. Oh crap, I hope I’m okay?

  “Omar –wait. I must –I must. Breathe.”

  “You will use my breath, I cannot stop Anna. I want you like I’ve never needed another. Let me claim you this instant!”

  “What does that mean?” I wailed as I tried to push away from Omar. Then I heard my dad’s booming voice, and my heart sank.

  “Anna? Anna? Are you out here?”

  “Shit! That’s my dad. You have to go Omar. You don’t understand. I’m so sorry. Go!”

  “I will not! You are mine now Anna.”


  “Daddy! I’m over here. Omar take the path. Omar you must go.” Shit, now I’ve made the king angry. I can feel it roiling off of him. “I’m sorry. Go!”

  “I will claim you yet Anna. You are mine.” Omar said as he ducked away.

  I straightened my skirt and tried to appear as normal as possible. I rubbed around my mouth and quickly found a Kleenex in my purse to wipe away the lingering lipstick. Not that there was much, I think Omar kissed it all off.

  “Hi Daddy.”

  “I was looking for you sweetheart. There are some clients I wish for you to meet. Are you okay? Your cheeks are flushed? Are you getting sick?”

  “No, I’m fine. It’s just this warm air and the sun. Come on, let’s head back in. I need to hit the restroom, then we can mingle. How is the party going so far? Are you networking like crazy?”

  “It’s fabulous darling. I love these kinds of gatherings. I’m making new contacts left and right. There is one powerful young man I’d especially like to introduce you too. He is at Yale right now, but soon he’ll be finished and heading Jim’s corporation. I think the two of you will hit it off splendidly.”

  Dad babbled on and on about his friends and their kids and all the great business connections he was making. I heard bits and pieces, but mostly all I could think about was Omar. My body was still racked with random twitches and winks, and my poor panties felt ruined. Never before in my life had I felt this turned on, this aroused and this beyond redemption for what I ached to feel.What I specifically ached to feel from one particular beautiful Arabian man.

  Daddy introduced me around and I met quite a few new people. I drank more champagne and my head swam again. My body calmed down and after I’d gone to the restroom, and used wet wipes between my legs, I felt much better. My body had gone into some sort of hyper drive in the lubrication department and that
alone told me volumes about the seductive sway Omar held over me. I wanted more of him, lots more, and all I could think about was how passionate he’d gotten and how much I desired to see him naked, his big strong body and those muscles I’d felt under the silk of his shirt.

  Just his big hands, when they cupped my cheeks felt as if they’d left brands. If I closed my eyes, I could almost feel him again, holding my face to his, insisting I respond, insisting I belonged to only him. Of course, when I did let my mind wander and I remembered the taste of him and how his tongue had danced against mine, expertly showing me how to respond and how to kiss him in return, my body once again melted into a hot, liquid puddle of a girl. Hopeless. I was fucking hopeless and I continued to scold myself for losing so much control, or rather, for giving up so much to him so quickly. I also continued to wonder what was wrong with me.

  “Anna, I’d like you meet Brian Price.”

  I look at the pale, plain, boring boy that isn’t even half the man of Omar and my entire body shuts down. It was like a freakin switch or something. Just off. Nothing. Nice and dead. Part of me recognized that part, that frigid part of myself, and welcomed it back as the protective barrier it was meant to be. The other part of me, the part that Omar had apparently awakened? Well that part was darn near suicidal.

  I stood there and talked to pale Brian, and I almost fell asleep. I was dazed as I thought of a polite way to extricate myself, and then Omar caught my eye from across the room. My heart again thudded as if a herd of horses were galloping across it, and I felt my cheeks flush. I hoped that Brian didn’t notice, which I doubted, he was so self-consumed with the verbal diarrhea he was spewing, that I wondered if he’d ever noticed another individual apart from himself.

  Omar toasted the air between us, which was a considerable distance, and again my body began winking and flooding with warm heat. I felt my face burn, even my ears got hot, and my knees went weak again. Maybe I’d drunk too much?

  “Brian, I am so sorry, I really need to run to the bathroom.” I lied.

  I did leave the ballroom though. I almost sprinted out of there and was heading for the front when I was intercepted. “Anna, let me kiss you one more time.” Omar called to me. I didn’t stop. “Anna, you will cease this retreat right this second!”

  I had no intention of obeying another of his commands, but my body listened, and submitted. My feet froze and I literally skidded to a halt. I didn’t turn around, I was rooted and fighting with myself, with my body, and I was baffled at its responses. Omar slid in behind me and wrapped his chocolate skinned arm around my chest, and he leaned down at my ear. “Good girl.”

  Then he kissed the side of my neck and my eyes rolled in their sockets. I fell into him, giving myself completely and letting him support me. He did just that and wrapped his other arm around my waist as he hovered over my back. His hot lips scalded my nape, and then he pressed his groin against my bottom. I felt him, all of him, all of his manhood and that masculine need. I felt his length and size and my entire fucking body melted into him, against him, and also into my panties yet again.

  My legs started shaking and I heard a faint voice in the distance, almost whispering, “Omar, Omar, Omar.” It wasn’t until moments later that I realized that was me, and my voice. I was lost and gone and I was entirely –his, in that moment. If he’d insisted, I might very well have laid down there, in the lobby and given my maidenhood to this tall, dark stranger.


  I’d come to my senses shorty after almost giving myself to Omar in the lobby of the reception hall, and I’d fled the wedding entirely. I headed to my dad’s loft in downtown New York and I sat for well over an hour, just thinking, and still continually questioning myself. I couldn’t figure out my reactions to Omar, not in the slightest, this girl just wasn’t me. My body never, ever, never, ever, controlled me.

  My mind was fabulous, I knew this, and even from a young age I knew I was much smarter than most of my peers. I was okay to look at, but I rarely wore makeup or did my hair. I had nice hair, but I usually just kept it up in a ponytail or a bun, and I never thought too much about my clothes. Of course, now I was going to be working for daddy, which meant I needed to gather a few dresses and work appropriate attire.

  I just couldn’t imagine what Omar had found so desirable about me. He was stunning and obviously a powerful, wealthy man that always got what he wanted. Why did he want me? And I still couldn’t deny what my own body was telling me, what my body ached for now; literally hurt it ached so intensely. I knew who it ached for, and it bothered me.

  I went to bed before dad got home, and I slept, although my dreams were filled with Omar. Just him and that seductive chocolate skin of his and those deep amber eyes that were eternally fixed on me, just me. I woke up with my hand inside my pajama bottoms, and my body was drenched with heat and slick need. I was ready for the Arabian warrior to pillage my vessel, and that ache I’d felt earlier, notched up to an even higher level.

  Dad never came back that night, and I had Sunday morning to myself. I wandered down to the bakery and then towards the park and I continued to think. It was a gorgeous fall day and I sat and people watched for most of the afternoon. By the end of the day, I went to a couple small boutiques and bought myself appropriate attire to work with my father for the next few weeks.

  I decided I needed to discipline my mind, and hence, NOT allow any thoughts of Omar. I did try, I really did, but by the time I’d gone to bed, I was hopeless. All I seemed capable of, was seeing his golden eyes, and feeling those big, strong hands on my face. Of course, if I really sunk down into what I now referred to as my, pit of Omar, I could almost feel him kissing me.


  Monday morning started early, and I arrived looking the part and ready to help my father. I was told to follow and listen, which I did, and all seemed totally understandable. I was on top of my game in between the random flashes of you know who that insisted on invading my thoughts at the most inopportune moments.

  I was attempting to distract myself with my reading of past cases, when a very familiar, accented voice caused me to lift my head. I blinked furiously, thinking I’d imagined it, but no, there he was, in all his otherworldly glory.

  “Hello Miss Potts. Pleasure to see you yet again.”

  “Omar? What? What are you…?”

  “Anna.” He said, and just my name coming from his lips, and the tone of adoration in his voice, sent me into a level ten anxiety attack. My eyes fluttered and I grew dizzy and for a second I feared I might faint.

  I heard the door to my dad’s office open and I took a breath. In the next instant my dad bellowed. “Khalil! Great to see you again!”

  “Richard, the pleasure is all mine. I am simply here to make an appointment.”

  “Don’t be silly, come in now, we can discuss a few things, then later in the week, you can come back and I should have all the transactions finalized.”

  My dad and Omar left without another glance in my direction. I felt utterly alone and as if they’d left me in a dark hole. Then I noticed what was happening inside my body, and I shivered from head to toe.

  I fled to the bathroom. I leaned over the sink and then I sat down, I had too. I was going to faint if I didn’t. My head continued to swim and I crawled to the toiled and then threw up. I’d tried so hard to forget the mysterious man named Omar, and I was certain I’d never see him again. This was all too much, and the way he said my name told me he intended more for us, and he was one of my Dad’s best clients. It was all too much.

  I felt better after vomiting and then I splashed cold water on my face. I must have spent a solid twenty minutes in there before my breathing and heart rate returned to normal, or near normal and I made my way back to my desk. I composed myself behind my monitor and pretended I was fine and hadn’t just almost died from shock.

  Omar gave me a cordial nod on his way out and my dad told me to put him down for a Friday, after lunch appointment. Omar didn’t s
ay anything else to me and I watched his broad back and elegant walk as he departed. When he got to the elevator, he turned and his eyes were instantly on mine. He mouthed the word, MINE, and then the door dinged closed. I lost all the feeling in my lower body.

  My dad had been talking about this and that, but I’d missed it all until I heard, “I won’t be here darling, but it is going to just be a couple signatures and three final transfers for Mr. Khalil, I think you can handle it.”

  My heart stuttered, “Alone with him? You want me to handle him alone?” My voice was at least an octave higher than normal.

  My dad patted my shoulder and chuckled, “Did you know he is a real life sheik? A true blue blooded Arabian Prince?” I gaped at my dad and then I felt sick again. My dad miss read my expression completely and casually laughed, “Don’t worry honey, he’s done all of his schooling either here or in the UK, he’s Americanized enough, and he’s young and hip and modern, just like you. He’s an easy one sweetheart; you’ll do fine.”

  Just like me? Did my dad know nothing about me? Nothing at all? I was a nerd, a bookworm, a brainiac. What in the world made my dad think I could handle an, almost King? I nodded and pretended I wasn’t terrified of the impending, end of week, and being totally alone with Omar once again.


  The week sped by, and I caught on fast to my dad’s way of doing things. I’d successfully managed to focus on work, most of the time, with only small blips of day dreams ravaging my mind and body. Omar was due to arrive right after lunch, which I didn’t eat. I couldn’t. I was much too nervous.

  He arrived promptly at one, and my dad had left early, and left me in charge of this last client. I had instructions to get signatures and then do three final transfers. I had all the paper work there on the big desk. Omar walked in, accompanied by his entourage of body guards, and all sentient thought whooshed out of my head. I felt like a freakin idiot, and I couldn’t stop smiling and stammering.


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