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The Shiekh's Virgin Mistress

Page 5

by Brooke, Jessica

  His warm chest pressed against my boobs and my nipples puckered. His citrus and cinnamon scent filled my head and I grew dizzy again. His lips roamed my neck and now across my collar bone and then back to my jutting and hard nipples. I moaned, “Omar, I am yours for the taking.”

  His hearty sound of approval, mixed with the intense hunger I felt pouring from him, and I was toast yet again. He spent some time on just my breasts and made sure both nipples were as jutting and erect as possible. By the time he kissed down my belly to the waistband of my hose, I knew what he was going to find when he removed them. I was soaking wet, and figured I was as ready as I could ever be for this to happen.

  I whimpered when he began rolling down my pantyhose, but he didn’t stop. He was completely in command of the situation, which oddly enough, brought me incredible peace at what I was relinquishing to him. I knew he was going to take care of me the best he could, and all I had to do was allow him this leadership.

  He carefully rolled them over my panties, leaving my panties in place, which I was immensely grateful for. He slid back and continued rolling down the hose until they were entirely off, and I felt as if he’d skinned me. The chill air caused gooseflesh to run up and down both my legs and I shivered. He stroked his warm hands over both my thighs, starting on the tops and then he moved them to the insides, and he pushed my legs apart, parting my entrance and using his thumbs at the edge of my lace panties.

  He made sounds of need and joy and gratitude and he continued to touch me and run his hot velvet hands all over me. I stared at his pulsing phallus behind the black material of his shorts, and I knew I was going to like this, or if not this, then I would certainly like it the second time.

  Omar moved even closer, and pushed more of the flimsy material of my panties out of the way, and his hand came in contact with my soft, wet, pink folds. He held his breath and stroked over my flesh, I felt and then saw how truly lubricated I was when he brought his hand back into view and it was shiny and covered in glistening serum from me.

  He scented his hand again and his entire body jerked in reaction. My belly began a slow trembling quiver unlike anything I’d ever felt before. He very slowly licked his finger, tasting me. The sound he made was unbelievably wonderful. I decided right then and there, that I needed to do whatever I could to hear that sound repeatedly, for the rest of my life.

  His eyes rolled in their sockets and his other hand went back to his shaft and he squeezed himself and stroked himself again and again as he continued to lick that finger. When his eyes found mine he whispered, “You are filled with nectar my love.” My love? Did I hear that right? He gave me a tortured expression and hooked a thumb into both sides of my lace underwear, “I’ve never tasted a female such as you, never. I must have more.”

  I gave him a shocked look and shook my head once, “Are you sure? I mean, you don’t have too. I really don’t know about that Omar.”

  He expertly removed my panties and I was in such a dither at thinking he was going to use his mouth on my pussy, that I forgot I was now entirely naked, spread eagle, on his bed. “I do not do this to females. I never have, and I would have told you a few hours ago, I never will—But Anna, you are giving me a first tonight and I shall do the same for you. You shall be my first and only female to taste directly to my tongue.”

  I squealed and cupped my hand over my pussy, and briefly felt how wet I truly was. I shook my head and basically denied him access. He gave me the disappointed parent expression and he even crossed his arms as he slid back to his shins. Then he lifted his brows, talking to me with just his expressions, and I knew perfectly what he expected, and what would please him. I also knew that in that moment, I’d displeased him immensely.

  I slowly lifted my hand away, but then I closed my legs. He scowled and growled and tipped his chin up, again telling me with body language exactly what he expected. I parted my legs, but not far enough for a full grown man to get in there. He uncrossed his arms, stood on the bed and peeled down his briefs in a fluid, graceful motion.

  His cock sprang free and jutted obscenely upwards. The tip was shiny and damp. The crown swelled and strained. My legs spread as far as they could go of their own volition. He was a god, and I nothing but a mere mortal.

  He fell to his kneesand began masturbating, fondling himself in front of me. I was enthralled and without thought I went to my knees and crawled closer to him. I had to know what he tasted like, I was beyond all sentient thought; I was nothing but a body, and a pussy, two tits, and gallon of lubrication. Virgin or not, I knew enough to think Omar was drugs, and I was already addicted.

  He pulled and stroked himself. Giving me the best live pornographic display I’d never seen or dreamt of seeing. His golden mocha skin had a natural seductive sheen to it and when his huge palm traveled down the expanse of his cock, it was as if he were polishing it to a high shine. I saw those veins as they caressed the granite core of his hardness and I saw as his expression morphed and changed with each stroke.

  He reached between his legs and gently massaged his heavy sack, and his thighs both began to quiver. He grunted and gritted his teeth. “Anna, I will not release inside you on your first time.” He pulled and then squeezed hard at the base of his cock, the veins in his wrist stood out in sympathy with his engorged length. “I must feel all of you when I take you, all of you Anna.”

  I was confused and didn’t know a guy could get hard again after ejaculating, but I was still without words. His obscene display had hypnotized me and I continued to lean up towards him and his hand and that lush sound it made as it caressed his manhood. He pulled and squeezed and I watched every second of it. I also wanted to know what he liked, what made him cum; not that I could imitate a hand with the inside of my pussy, but I could maybe someday use my hand on him, and then later, maybe my mouth.

  I was darn near drooling at this point and I continually licked my lips and swallowed. I saw when his shaft began to fill and I heard his strain and need to release. He choked, and gasped and then it seemed as if he just exploded. His semen hit my breasts and some hit my face near my lip. I felt it slowly drip down my cheek and I fought the urge to taste him. I lost that particular battle though, and my tongue dashed out and I licked at his issue. He was delicious, and I groaned and collapsed over onto my hip, stabilizing my fall with an outstretched hand. I trailed my other hand up my chest and collected more of his seed, and I put that finger to my lips and I licked it the way I’d seen him do earlier. I again moaned in bliss.

  He fell forward and to me with a dramatic intake of air, and then he pulled me up into his arms, and kissed me fiercely. “For you Anna, only for you. Now I can take my time and make this good for you.”


  I laid there, quivering from what I think might have been a small orgasm. I was so far past the point of return I feared I might never be the same again. I burrowed my head against his chest and inhaled deeply. He squeezed me tighter and ran his hand to my bottom and then pulled me up to his naked, still erect front. I gave to his urgings and pushed the length of my body against his, and I felt it. It touched my bare skin and without thought, I rolled against—it.

  He made that sound of intense pleasure, and I did it again, and I felt him get harder, and fuller. His huge hand cupped my bottom and he rolled with me. I gasped at what my pussy continued to do and how much I ached to feel more of him. “Omar, Omar, Omar.” I cried as he rubbed himself against me.

  “I must taste your nectar my love.” He said as he magically moved and pulled me with him, until I was again spread eagle down the middle of his playground of a bed. He went to my nipples and suckled them both until they puckered and tightened, and then he began traveling down my body. My hands went to his head and I trailed them through his silky jet black hair. He made that sound, I twined my fingers deeper against his scalp and I tugged on his hair. He went farther.

  He kissed across the line of my hips, and then with his hands, he pushed my legs even far
ther apart, and his head disappeared between my thighs. I screamed and writhed when his tongue danced up the expanse of my cleft, and then he burrowed closer, lapping at me with a ferocious need I could have never imagined. He sucked and lapped and when his tongue lathed up and in, past the threshold of my entrance, I again screamed and my entire body shook. He lifted his mouth and pulled on my clit with his full lips, and that pretty much ruined me. I started whimpering as I felt the orgasm building deep inside me, and then he bit my clit, lightly at first and I made a sound of apprehension, and then he bit it harder, and harder, and that did it.

  I involuntarily sat up as my abdominals crunched and tightened and I began making sounds I’d never made. His hands held my hips and he bit me even harder. I’d had orgasms when I used the magic pulsing showerhead at home, alone in the bath, but I’d never felt what I was feeling now, and as the rolling waves of climactic pleasure rippled through my body, I came. That was a first, I’d never actually cum like that on my own, but I felt it as my body puddled hotly and Omar made that sound.

  After I’d fallen backwards and was still panting from what had just happened, he stalked up my body and kissed me. I tasted him and me and the combination of us. When I cracked open my eyes, and he pulled back to give me a very satisfied grin, I saw how shiny his mouth and cheeks were, this elicited a substantial aftershock that rattled up through my body.

  “You are ready now Goddess. Your body has opened and is ready. I will take you, claim you, I am not taking my time. I wish to impale you now, and then later, after you have recovered, I will make love to you properly.” I whined and nodded in agreement. I was still without words. I bent my knees and lifted my legs, spreading myself as far apart as I could. He went back on his knees and looked at me, muttering, “So pink; so luscious.”

  He palmed his cock and trailed the crown of it against and around all my soaked folds, and more aftershocks rattled up through me. Then he nestled the tip at my entrance, and he climbed back on top of me, sliding in another inch of his incredible heat. He kissed me and whispered against my lips, “Relax Anna, I will take care of you.” I again whined a sound of agreement and obeyed. I relaxed farther, and he entered more of my body.

  My pussy twitched and clenched and continued to flood with heat and lubrication, and he made that sound. He laid over me and put his hands behind my back, wrapping them up and over my shoulders, I guess to stabilize me. I began trembling again, shaking violently from head to toe. His broad chest was pinned against mine and his weight helped me, made me feel safe. He tightened his grip and pushed himself another increment into my soaked sheath.

  I rolled my hips and helped him; I was getting into this and was already wishing for more. He slid partially out and then he pushed himself harder into me. We both felt where he stalled and my body blocked his entrance, denying him access. He was only about half way into my body. He grunted at my ear, “Bite me Anna.”

  I lay there, uncomprehending for a long moment and then I opened my mouth and wrapped my lips around the top of his shoulder at the juncture of his neck. His hands tightened and he held me fast, I was now in a vice of his making. He humped his hips, pulling out a few inches and then he slid in and out a few times, always stalling and waiting and not going all the way, not breaking me, not piercing me. I whined and bit harder.

  He pumped slowly, over and over and my body responded. So far, nothing hurt, it all only felt incredible and I wondered what real sex was going to do to me. I suddenly understood why the girls in the books would scream, HARDER. I wanted more; I wanted him to hurt me. I was definitely perverted.

  I bit him even harder and I moaned and lifted my hips to meet his shallow thrusts. He made that sound again, and I felt how hard and hot he was now, I felt his heart inside my body and I loved it. I loved every second of his smothering weight and his sounds of need and the feel of his huge hands holding me under him. I loved how huge his cock was and how it filled me up and insisted I stretch and give to its girth and length. I loved how his heat, melted my body to conform to his.

  His hands tightened another notch and I knew. I bit and I cried and I braced myself and he did it. He thrust himself in a grunting, violent moment and he fully entered my body. My scream of agony was muffled by his shoulder in my mouth and then I began crying and trying to get away from him. I was crazy for a few agonized moments as the intense, searing pain shot throughout my body. He held me fast and stalled there, buried inside me. His balls vibrated against my butt and his heart ratcheted up deep inside my belly. He was in me, inside me as far as he could go.

  I finally stopped struggling and gave to him. It still hurt and I continued to cry and whimper, but I wasn’t fighting him anymore and that feeling as if he’s stuck as hot branding iron inside my core, slowly diminished until I just felt raw and wounded. He stayed inside me and he remainedhard. He slid himself in and out in languid, shallow strokes until I once again began to think I might like sex and this penetration thing.

  As soon as I showed him I was okay, and getting back into him being inside my body, he pulled out. His retreat was slow and methodical and I felt as if I’d lost him, I moaned in displeasure and reached for him. He palmed himself and pinned his still hard cock between our bodies and then he laid back down, pinning me and kissing my neck.

  He whispered, “You are so brave, so strong. You are now mine.”


  We laid like that for an eternity and he slowly deflated and rolled partially off of me. I lazily blinked at him and leaned in to kiss his lips. “Thank you. I can’t imagine a better first time.”

  He stroked my cheek and his eyes said it all, and I knew I’d pleased him. I gave him a languid blink and then I yawned. “You will now rest. When you wake, I will make love to you properly.”

  “Is it late? Am I staying the night?”

  “You are staying until Monday morning. I’ve decided you are mine to enjoy for the remainder of the weekend.”

  I thought about it, and then I decided I didn’t really need to go anywhere other than be at work on Monday morning. “Okay.” I moved my legs and realized I was quite sticky. “Um, Omar, did I bleed a lot? I think I might have.”

  “Yes my dear, it’s fine..”

  I scowled, “Should I wash up?”

  “No, you will now sleep and recover. I will moisten a towel and clean you. Anna, I am the luckiest man on the planet.”

  I batted my lashes and didn’t know what to say. He did as he said, and came back to me with a warm damp towel and carefully cleaned the insides of my sticky thighs. The warmth of the towel and the way he fondled up through my sex, gave me more aftershocks of pleasure, and I twitched and giggled as my stomach muscles rippled in abandon.

  “You my dear are truly a goddess of passion and desire.”

  I looked at him as he walked back to the bathroom and admired his muscled back and perfect round ass cheeks. I waited for him to return so I could see his front. He stalled half way between the bathroom and the bed when he saw I was looking at him, and his hand went between his legs and fondled his now limp, although still impressive manhood. I saw my dried blood in the hairs at his groin, and I saw his joy and pride in just his eyes and demeanor.

  His body was beautiful and hardened. The plains of his pectorals cast seductive shadows that forced my eyes lower and down the terrain of his rippling abs. Then there were those tight, defined lats that created a V shape, making me look towards the trail of black hair that traveled down to his beautiful cock. I made a sound of intense appreciation and he lifted half his face in a lazy grin. Before I closed my eyes and fell asleep, he mouthed the word, MINE.

  I don’t remember much after that episode. I went into a semi coma like sleep. I relished the silence of his penthouse and that feeling we were up in the clouds and somehow closer to heaven. The honking noise of the city far below us was now nothing more than a faint memory and I cuddled into the luxury of the fine bedding and comfort of being so near him.

here were no clocks in his room, so I had no idea how late it actually was when I finally was able to rest. He’d crawled back into bed next me and gathered me into his arms and we’d slept like that for what felt like hours and hours. Although, when I woke up, it was still pitch black outside. Omar’s arm was around my ribcage and his right hand was cupping my left breast. He was asleep and his restful breathing tickled at my neck. I snuggled into the curve of his groin and went back to sleep. I’d never felt so safe or cared about my entire existence.

  Near dawn, I woke again and winced when I moved. I was still sore, but it was a delicious sore and I checked myself with my hand. I wasn’t bleeding anymore, so that was a good thing. Omar rolled towards me and dragged me to his front, I gasped but went to him and he held me by my waist. “Good morning my beautiful goddess.”

  He rolled his hips and I felt his hardness again, he was fully erect and jutting as if he’d not just had sex with me, and cum hours earlier. I was amazed, I had no idea a man could be like this. I pushed myself against him and rolled my hips and felt his length as it skidded across my lower tummy. His hand went between my legs and I spread for his inspection. I knew I was wet again, and when he discovered the same, his hips bucked against me.

  He growled and pushed me to my back and then he was on me. Kissing me and holding me and rubbing his heated length against the skin at the juncture of my pussy and my thigh. He gutturally said, “Now I will show you the pleasure of being fucked by a real man.”

  He was more intense now, more commanding and I knew I was going to like this, I just knew. My body was already prepared for him and that ache deep in the pit of my belly was already twanging away like some hidden, internal harp string being plucked by the massive male now planked over me.

  He went back on his knees and pushed the covers away and off of both of us, my nipples tightened down from the cool air of the room. He pushed my legs apart and checked me for wetness. He made that sound, my body reacted further. I panted, “Omar.”


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