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Loving the Hawke (The Seven Curses of London Book 1)

Page 16

by Williams, Lana

  “Let us discuss this in the drawing room so we don’t disturb Alice.” He didn’t want the girl to overhear what he said.

  They made their way down to the drawing room, and he closed the door behind them.

  “The doctor doesn’t want her moving for the next few days.” He told her the doctor’s concerns.

  “Poor dear. I can’t imagine what she went through. That terrible man.” Lettie’s outrage was evident in the fierce look in her eyes and clenched fists. “Who does he think he is?”

  Nathaniel appreciated her anger as he felt the same way. “He will receive his due. Have no doubt.” Rutter and whoever he worked for had to be stopped.

  Tears filled Lettie’s eyes.

  “What is it?” he asked as he drew closer to take her hands in his.

  She blinked, shaking her head.

  “Tell me,” he urged, trying to resist the desire to take her into his arms.

  “What happened to Alice is my fault.” The emotion in her voice caught him off guard, as did her words.

  “Why would you think that?” He couldn’t help but pull her into his arms. Her upset caused the same within him.

  “If I hadn’t drawn attention to her on Blackfriars Bridge or given her the information on the seamstress apprenticeship, none of this would’ve happened.”

  “Or it might be that instead of some bruises, Alice would find herself stuffed in a ship’s cargo hold and on her way to Brussels.”

  “What?” Letitia drew back to look at him.

  “Rutter was involved in a scheme several months ago to lure young girls into accepting high paying jobs as maids in Belgium. But they were actually being taken to Brussels to be used in the brothels. We thought Rutter was in prison, but twice now, he’s managed to be released.”

  “That’s terrible. I can’t imagine the horrors those poor girls go through, especially when they’re so far from home.” Letitia laid her head on his shoulder. “I never dreamed my actions could cause harm to someone.”

  “They didn’t. What happened to Alice was a terrible coincidence. And it certainly doesn’t mean you shouldn’t help.” He nearly bit his tongue as he realized what he was saying. But if she decided not to become involved any further, he understood. “I’ll find a safer way for you to make a difference.”

  She bit her lip, obviously tempted by his suggestion. Then she shook her head. “That feels like allowing Rutter and his cohorts to win. The man is obviously a brute and must be stopped.”

  Nathaniel lifted her chin with his finger so she would meet his gaze. “He truly is a brute, and you must treat him with the utmost caution. He has no qualms about striking young girls, nor would he think twice about hurting you.”

  “You must take care as well.”

  “Of course. With Mr. Langston’s help, we should be able to discover the ring leader of this scheme and bring down the entire operation.”

  But with the passing of each moment, he became more aware of Letitia in his arms, and the fact that they were alone. His gaze dropped to her lips. The lure of them proved far too strong for him to resist.

  He drew her closer, ever so slowly. It didn’t seem to matter how often he told himself to keep his distance from this woman—he couldn’t. Their lips met, and it was no surprise when desire shot through him. As his tongue sought hers, he stopped thinking. She was warm and willing but the passion pulsing through him wasn’t due to only that. Letitia was special in so many ways. How could he possibly resist her?

  With no answer, he deepened the kiss, his tongue seeking hers. The sweet taste of her was something of which he’d never grow weary.

  She placed her hand on his cheek, the heat of her palm seeping into his bones. He hadn’t realized how cold he was deep inside until he’d met her. Her unique fragrance teased his senses until his head spun.

  “You are so lovely,” he whispered before kissing the sweet dent in her chin then along her jaw and down her neck. “So brave. So determined.”

  She stiffened as though to deny his words, but he didn’t allow that. He moved his hands to her waist, bringing her against the length of him before grasping her hips. He held her tightly until her body relaxed once again. Still she wasn’t close enough. He ran his hands along her bottom beneath the bustle there, annoyed by the extra fabric and padding in his way. Her breasts pressed against him until his chest ached with the need to feel her soft skin against his.

  She wrapped her arms about his shoulders, and her fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck. When her lips sought his, he couldn’t deny her. He ran his hands along the length of her, loving how well she fit in his arms, as though she belonged there.

  He drew her toward the settee near the fire and continued to kiss her as they sank onto the cushions.

  When she pulled back from their kiss, he groaned in protest. She pressed kisses along his jaw and down his neck as he had done to her. Nothing had felt so good in a very long time. Or perhaps ever. Letitia did things to him, made him feel noble and heroic. Made him believe in things he had no business believing in. Made him long for them with his whole being.

  “I want you,” he murmured, wishing desperately there was a way he could have her. At the moment, he needed her as much as he needed air.

  “Oh, Nathaniel. I want you as well. I—” She stopped abruptly as though unable to put words to what she felt.

  He understood completely. He took her lips with his again and gave in to the temptation of her curves. Giving her a moment to grow used to his touch, he held his hand just beneath her breast then captured the soft mound.

  Her gasp was just what he wanted to hear. The idea of giving her pleasure only increased his own. He cupped her breast, squeezing gently. The way she arched into his embrace had him aching with need. With a gentle hand, he lifted her breast from her bodice to run a finger back and forth across the tip. Then he leaned down to kiss the swell of it, drawing another gasp from her.

  “Letitia, I must touch you. I fear I’ll go mad if I don’t.”

  She opened those amazing eyes now glazed with passion. The desire in their depths was all the answer he needed to proceed. He kissed her again and shifted a hand to the hem of her skirt, easing up the fabric as anticipation throbbed through him.

  When his fingers grazed her bare leg, she gave a tiny gasp but he continued upward until he reached the thin fabric of her knickers. With determination, he found the opening and eased past it to her bare skin. The feel of her soft, warm thigh made him grow heavy with need.

  “Nathaniel,” she said with a moan as he caressed her.

  He kissed her deeper, that moan making him want her even more, to possess her in every possible way. But he’d settle for touching her for now.

  He let his fingers dance along her soft skin, back and forth, teasing, growing ever nearer to the apex of her thighs. When he finally touched the curls at the top of her thighs, her body jerked in reaction. Yet he continued to caress her, seeking her very center, the dampness there sending a surge of desire through him that had him drawing back to watch her.

  “Nathaniel?” she whispered as her head tipped back.

  “Yes, my sweet?” He’d known she’d be responsive, passionate, but this was more than he could’ve hoped for.

  “That—that is magic.”

  “Yes.” He couldn’t agree more. It was magic. She was magic. More than anything, he wanted her to understand how special she was and how much she pleased him. He nibbled along her neck as his fingers continued to move along her body.

  “I didn’t know...” Her voice was full of wonder.

  To know that she trusted him, allowing him to touch her where no one else had, showing her the pleasure possible between a man and a woman, was a gift beyond price.

  “There’s more,” he promised then pressed his fingers against her more firmly, slipping one finger inside. “You are so hot.”

  “Oh my.” Her lips parted in response as her breath came faster. Her hand tightened on the back o
f his neck. Suddenly her eyes widened even as he felt her body arch.

  He kissed her, taking her soft cries into his mouth. As her body softened against him, he held her tight, wishing he could carry her upstairs and make her his own. He wanted the chance to take his time and show her how happy he could make her.

  His body ached with desire, and his chest had an odd echoing pang. He didn’t care for the feeling at all. What was he going to do with her? This couldn’t happen again. He couldn’t allow desire to steal his common sense and so should keep his distance. Yet he needed to keep an eye on her and make certain she stayed safe.


  Reluctantly he eased back to look at her, wondering what he’d find there. Her expression glowed with happiness. That pang in his chest shifted, spreading.

  He could only close his eyes in response, for he knew the truth. She deserved someone far better than he. Someone who could give her a family. Someone who wasn’t damaged both physically and emotionally, and who could give her the life she deserved.

  But was he truly strong enough to release her and walk away?


  “There are many kinds of labour that require no application of muscular strength; all that is requisite is dexterity and lightness of touch, and these with most children are natural gifts. They are better fitted for the work they are set to than adults would be, while the latter would require as wages shillings where the little ones are content with pence.”

  ~ The Seven Curses of London

  Lettie paced her bedroom the next morning, restless after the events of the previous evening. She’d barely slept a wink, for each time she’d closed her eyes, she relived being in Nathaniel’s arms. What she’d experienced made her even more curious as to what it might be like to make love with Nathaniel, to become his in full.

  Though she tried to downplay what had occurred, her heart raced with the possibilities. Yet part of her was scared to death. He hadn’t suggested a deeper relationship last night, so what hope was there that he ever would?

  How did she proceed from this point forward? Act as though nothing untoward had occurred? Or—

  No. She paused mid-stride as a terrible thought occurred. Something about the way he’d said goodbye the previous evening had felt very final. Her heart squeezed at the thought. She shook her head. Surely it hadn’t meant anything. She refused to accept such a quick end to their relationship.

  At the very least, she needed to visit with Nathaniel so she could learn how Alice fared. If necessary, she’d visit his house of her own accord if he didn’t contact her soon. She could always wear some sort of disguise. Perhaps a—

  “What on earth are you thinking?” Holly asked from the doorway.

  Lettie startled in surprise, so deep in her thoughts, she hadn’t heard her sister open the door. “Why didn’t you knock?”

  “I did.”

  “I’m certain I didn’t tell you to come in.”

  Holly gave a delicate shrug. “You weren’t in the drawing room, and the rest of our sisters are. What else was I to do when you didn’t answer?”

  Lettie could only shake her head. “Return to the drawing room?”

  Holly scowled her displeasure. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  In all honesty, Lettie hoped she’d forgotten. “What was it?”

  “What are you thinking?”

  “What sort of question is that?”

  Holly came in and sat on the bed. “I can see you’re plotting something. It’s obvious from your expression.”

  Lettie turned away before she revealed anything else.

  “Aha. I knew it.” Holly jumped up to face Lettie and study her more closely. “You’re avoiding answering. That means I’m right.”

  “It merely means you’re being a nuisance. Aren’t you going to the Taylor’s party this afternoon?”


  “Don’t you need to prepare for it?”


  Lettie scowled at her sister. “Why don’t we join the others in the drawing room?”

  “You’ll only make some excuse to leave once we’re there.” Holly stuck out her lower lip. “You have been very distracted of late. Everyone has. Rose with her duke and Dalia with whoever it is that has her attention.”

  Lettie reined in her impatience. “A bit lonely now that the Season is underway?”

  “Maybe.” Holly trailed her finger along Lettie’s desk, a wistful look upon her face.

  A sudden realization struck Lettie. Alice and Holly were nearly the same age. How different their lives were in every possible way, from the food they ate to the how they spent their day to the clothes they wore.

  Lettie couldn’t help but give Holly a hug.

  “What’s this for?” Holly asked as she returned the embrace.

  “For being a great little sister.”

  Holly leaned back and smiled up at Lettie. “Thank you.”

  “You are welcome. Now, let us find the others and see what trouble we can cause, shall we?”

  The poignant moment convinced Lettie even more that all the girls threatened by Rutter and whoever else was working with him needed to be saved. Those girls were someone’s daughters, sisters, or nieces. They mattered, despite what some members of society might believe.

  She had to find a way to become more involved in helping to save them.


  Nathaniel watched the street carefully, waiting for Rutter’s cohort to make an appearance. He didn’t want to miss him. Langston had followed the man to this lodging house, and his observations suggested he lived there.

  After much consideration, Nathaniel had decided eliminating Rutter wasn’t enough. He needed to discover who gave the orders and destroy that man. Even after all this time, he had yet to discover who the man was.

  Rutter certainly wouldn’t be willing to give him a name. The man appeared to be deeply embroiled with the whole scheme. He’d managed to escape prison twice and admitted to having contacts who’d gained his freedom. To Nathaniel, that meant his loyalty was firmly on the side of those running the scheme.

  Therefore, Nathaniel had decided his best chance of gaining information was to question one of the men he’d seen accompany Rutter.

  But Nathaniel still intended to make Rutter pay for what he’d done to Alice.

  The injured girl seemed to be resting comfortably. The maid reported that though she’d coughed on and off throughout the night, it had subsided this morning. Nathaniel hoped that meant her internal injuries were minimal and would soon heal.

  Langston had helped settle her family into a new lodging house and paid the rent for the next month until Alice was well enough to rejoin them and the family could decide where they wanted to go.

  Unfortunately, it appeared Alice would have to give up her apprenticeship at the seamstress shop. Rutter might leave her alone at this point, or he might seek her out again to make certain he’d made his point. The risk was too great for the young girl.

  But those decisions could wait for when she was feeling better. Today, his focus was on learning more about the operation in which Rutter was involved.

  Once again, Nathaniel had dressed down for the occasion. His tattered bowler hat was pulled low over his brow as he leaned against the building across the street from the lodging house.

  Nathaniel was grateful for this morning’s task as it helped keep his thoughts from Letitia. It had been incredibly difficult to see her home the previous evening when everything in him wanted her to stay. And not just for one night. The way she’d responded to him made him long to further explore their passion. No matter how many times he told himself she wasn’t for him, he hadn’t yet convinced himself of it.

  For now, the only thing he could do was to shift his attention to his anger at Rutter and the others involved.

  From what Langston had learned over the past few days, the man left the lodging house relatively early and ventured toward Blackfriars Bridge most m

  After nearly an hour, Nathaniel’s patience paid off. The tall, stocky man ambled out of the lodging house, hands in his pockets, and made his way down the street, crossing to Nathaniel’s side.

  Nathaniel followed at a discreet distance, cursing his thigh once again as it had tightened up while he’d stood waiting. Glad he’d brought his cane with him, he leaned on it rather heavily. It eased the pain, plus it made him appear less of an adversary if the man looked back.

  The streets were busy this time of the morning. Everyone seemed to be in a rush. Nathaniel had no desire to draw attention to his conversation with the man so bided his time, hoping the man would venture into a more deserted area. In this particular neighborhood, Nathaniel would bet the man had more friends than Nathaniel.

  At last the man turned down a crooked side street with few passersby. Nathaniel hurried his pace and caught up with him.

  “Excuse me,” Nathaniel said, trying for the friendly approach first.

  The man frowned at him. “What is it?”

  “I’m looking for some information.”

  “Leave off.” He turned and started to walk away.

  “I’m prepared to pay well for it.” Nathaniel hoped that would be enough to catch the man’s interest. It was easier when an informant was willing rather than reluctant.

  The man glanced about and looked at Nathaniel again. “What sort of information?”

  Nathaniel guessed the man’s nose had been broken at one time or another. His features were dark from time spent outdoors. Long, rather unruly sideburns marked his jaw line. He was slightly taller than Nathaniel and certainly stockier. The man’s clothes had seen better days, showing signs of wear. Hopefully money would appeal to him.

  “You know a man named Culbert Rutter?”

  The man frowned. “What about him?”

  “I want to know what he’s up to and with whom.”

  “Oh?” The wheels were turning behind the man’s narrowed eyes.

  “Can I buy you a meal so we can visit for a time?”


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