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Page 17

by Phillip Shaw

  Still Massaro was chirping in his ear. ‘What are we going to do about the agents downstairs? Surely they will try to contact their colleagues? I don't know how I'm going to explain this to them…

  Arbitan spun striking him across the mouth with the back of his hand, softly enough not to break the skin but with enough force that the man spun and fell to his knees. ‘How many times do I need to tell you? We are the custodians of order and I am their champion. We explain nothing, we owe nothing. Look at those two, I could walk into the room and tear them into pieces if I felt it was necessary. If the other agents downstairs try to interfere they will suffer the same fate. I have to speak with this detective and so do you. We need to maintain normality until I can gather more of your kind. I only hope they aren't as disappointing as you are.'

  Taking a last look at the two women Arbitan stood and kicked Massaro to his feet. With him once again showing the façade of authority he followed. He stopped himself, the spread of his influence surprised even him, the words in his inner monologue were so diverse and from many sources, a smile crept across his face, it was time to test the wits of the keen-eyed female.

  29. Seduction

  Kim set the magazine down as the double white doors opened at the end of the room. First to enter was the predictable leader of this meeting, Massaro. The subject that held her real interest walked behind, head bowed, meekly. He wore workman's jeans, still displaying oil stains and a cheque shirt over that he wore a tight fighting leather jacket which he showed no sign of removing despite being indoors. She stopped, catching herself staring when she looked at his face. Is he smiling at me? Quickly shaking that notion from her head she stood to greet the toad-like sports agent.

  ‘Please don't get up on my account Detective Clements. I am pleased to meet you, my name is Umberto, please let's get this over with so we can have some refreshments. Would you care for anything now?'

  Kim shook her head; the very look of this man turned her skin. He looked like he was in a state or perpetual moisture. His oily skin would surely smear if it touched the high polished surface of the room. Janice behind her requested some water, but Kim was eager to get down to business.

  ‘Mr. Massaro, I'd like to ask you about your relationship with the deceased? Mainly I want to know what sort of company he was keeping in the days before his death.

  ‘Detective, I must admit your directness is refreshing compared to some I usually have to deal with. In answer to your question, I didn't keep track of all the personal dealings of my clients. I only have so much time to dedicate to each of them.'

  ‘Surely you would have been in direct contact with Hutchens considering the tournament next month?'

  ‘I only act as agent for the best'. He said sweeping a strand of hair away from his sodden forehead. ‘As such I would only check in on Tyler when he needed me. If he didn't come calling the first I would have seen him would be in the first round. I am not some kind of overbearing parent demanding success from my protégés.'

  ‘Well, judging by his recent record I can see that. Hutchens used to be a star.' Kim looked up at his face hoping that she had started to break the defences down. A snort and flare of the nostrils told her she had tickled a nerve. ‘What is it exactly you provide to your clients that turn them from promising youngsters into d-list celebrities?' Kim stopped at that and looked away. Her head had begun to throb as if she was suffering a migraine and instantly she regretted pursuing such an abrasive line of questioning. After all, he's only the agent; it's probably nothing to do with him. A wave of relief came over her as the pressure subsided.

  ‘I'm sorry, it's just I follow tennis and Tyler had a chance to be one of the best. When did you last contact him or have contact with him?'

  ‘I actually spoke with him yesterday. He told me how he was going to his friend's garage to pick up his car. I asked him was he prepared for the event and of course, he advised me everything was fine.'

  ‘Was he in any financial trouble?'

  ‘He was one of the wealthiest sportsmen in the world so I think that's not your cleverest question detective.'

  ‘In that case, what I want to know is how did one of the richest men in the world come into contact with a low-level money lender like Tony Senza?' The pain was back, digging into her head like a spike, it must be the stress of earlier. I need to get out of here. I think he has answered enough questions. Again the pain lifted.

  ‘Are you feeling ok detective?' A younger voice asked. Jason Clyne had left his seat and brought her a glass of water. He put a hand on her shoulder, shocking her with the touch and glared at Massaro.

  ‘Thank you. I'll be fine.'

  Her head was clear again and her thoughts swirled back into focus. ‘You didn't answer the question. Do you have any knowledge of the dealings of Hutchens? You obviously have access to his accounts since you pay his royalties into them.'

  ‘I don't have any answer to that. I've already told you all I can. This was a tragedy. Perhaps Mr. Clyne will be able to shed some light on this. His business partner was murdered also.'

  ‘I didn't say anything about murder. But you are correct all indications point to the men you speak of being murdered. Unfortunately, Mr. Hutchens' body was so badly burned it's impossible to tell how he died, all we can be certain of is that he was immobile when he was doused in accelerant and set alight. Senza is still alive somehow. He has burns to ninety percent of his body but at this stage he is alive. How long he stays that way is anyone's guess. We have an office by his bedside in the unlikely event he can tell us anything. As for Mr. Clyne's partner, again we are unable to tell the cause of death. He was crushed in the automotive crusher. The lack of blood, in this case, may indicate that he was killed earlier. What we are dealing with is a professional; there was no trace of anything. It was as if he knew what we would be looking for. The reason I am interviewing you gentlemen is partly to eliminate you from our investigations and partly to assess whether you are at risk. Now if I can I'd like to bring Mr. Clyne into my inquiries.'

  Massaro sat back; his head oozed, even more, moisture than before. He looked like he was struggling, pushing against something and failing. ‘Of course detective, we will both try to help in any way we can.' Massaro sat back and let the younger man sit forward. Kim stared at the man again and felt herself blush. His eyes were piercing; she couldn't put a colour on them. When she saw him coming in she swore they were dark brown but here staring in front of her they were the brightest blue. He still kept the jacket on but beneath it, she could tell that he was in shape. But the most striking thing about him was his apparent interest in her. Kim couldn't believe how intently he was looking at her, it was throwing her off then she realised she hadn't said anything in the last minute.

  ‘Mr. Clyne, tell me about your friendship with Mr. Hutchens.'

  ‘There isn't much that isn't already available to you I'm afraid. We grew up in the same orphanage, he followed one path I followed another. We kept in touch and I was grateful of his business. I will miss him.'

  Kim's heart melted in her chest at the last statement. This man in front of her was seriously getting to her. She was again lost staring at him. What is it about him?

  He is our leader.

  Kim nearly stood up in shock. Composing herself she looked at Massaro. The voice was unmistakably his, but Janice still sat looking blankly at her notes. A comment like that should have shocked her as well.

  She can't hear it. He has chosen you. You are with us.

  Again the voice of the older man was in her head. It wasn't sound it was feel. She felt the voice. Could she speak back?

  What's going on? A smile crept across both the men's faces as sweat broke on Kim. She felt it running down the small of her back. Janice noticing her discomfort took charge of the questioning. At lease, Kim thought she did she didn't see Janice's lips moving. Something was very wrong. Kim felt the questions going around in her partner's head, the possible answers, counters and parries like a duel in her
mind. The thought took on a physical state. Kim could feel them. She took one, a simple question about the work that had been done on the car. The words and feelings of the sentence were as putty in her hand. She changed it and to her shock, Janice spoke.

  ‘What work was done on the car?'

  Kim's head was a mess. The headaches were gone but replaced by something much worse. An otherworldly feeling of chill was in her mind. It could have been a spike of ice going through her forehead and out the base of her skull. Kim looked at Jason Clyne. She was careful not to speak, instead, she thought. What have you done to me?

  ‘Just some custom decals and a new exhaust system. Tyler was one of the few guys who wanted their vehicle made quieter! Stan and him took it out for a spin. Then when they didn't come back I put a call into Tyler. The line directed to here and Mr. Massaro brought me in.'

  You know that isn't true, don't you Kim? The question is do you care. Feel how you are now. Are you with me?

  Kim couldn't deal with this. The eyes, the look in his eyes, he's offering me something. I can feel it. What am I going to do? He wants an answer…

  Yes, I do.

  Kim dropped her pen. She knew then. There was no privacy anymore.

  Not true. I have given you the gift. I have empowered you. This cretin beside me cannot hear your thoughts anymore. I have given you more power than you can dream off. I can see it in you. You have been made for this day. Come with me. Be at my side and I will open your eyes to the real world. I know how you have suffered. You were graced with beauty and life. Men took advantage of this. Women hated you in jealousy. You tried to change, you tried to settle down and then it happened. You were cast into the furnace and you emerged on the other side recast. Nothing can break your spirit now. I will ask once more are you with me?


  You need to learn, this is as good a time as any. When we are free of this I will tell you why you are here but for now just know that nothing will ever be the same. This thing beside me, he was born with a fraction of the gift I have given you. He has wasted his talent. He was meant to prepare for my coming and instead he has allowed himself to be governed by mere mortals. He has chosen the easy way, the incorrect path. You, you will be greater than him. I have made you, taken your strength and magnified it. You will take his place. Do it now. I have no need for him.

  Janice sat noting down the answer to the last question and readying herself for the next one. She looked across at Kim and shook her head. Will she never learn? The first man to show some interest in her since the last bastard and it's up to me to do the interview. She looks like a girl waiting for a prom date. Janice turned to Massaro but her pen stopped writing, Massaro was staring blankly into the fish tank. His face had sunk on one side as if he was suffering from some kind of stroke or seizure. Janice went to go to him but then stopped. He doesn't need my help. It's nothing. She sat and watched. Massaro's face continued to contort; blood started slowly dripping from his nostrils onto the white table. No orifice on his head was free of it, blood filled his eyes and streamed from his ears, with a sickening thud his head hit the table and the blood ran onto the floor. The questioning must have been too much. The poor man has passed out. I'll go to the door and wait for help. I'm glad I have my gun with me.

  Kim couldn't describe the feeling she now had. Power surged into her head. So easy, like a paper cup. Kim had smiled when she grabbed Massaro's thoughts. She felt the wrongs he had committed. Clyne was right, he had abused this purity, did he not listen to the leader. Did he not know why they were here? Massaro hadn't seen it coming. Kim had grabbed all his thoughts, all his power and squeezed them tight, so tight that he had been unable to cry out, to even move. She held his mind in her hand and she had crushed it. In that move, Kim Clements had found what she had been looking for. She had emerged from the cocoon of her life. Sitting in front of her Arbitan smiled and took her hand.


  30. Butterfly

  The body of Massaro just continued to ooze blood onto the white table. Kim could do nothing but stare at it. She had done this, she had ended this life but it was not like before. When she had killed before there had always been a mix of emotions. Firstly relief, the immediate threat against her life was over, second a brief moment of pride in her shooting, this was always there no matter what anyone said, and the pride had to come before the fall. The fall was the guilt, the life she had ended, the father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister or lover that she had snuffed out. This was much different. It was like swatting a fly, the immense power she wielded in that briefest of moments had been at once overwhelming then insignificant. She felt the strands of the lives he held in his power and she took them, just like that they were hers now. Like the hairs on her head they were there. She couldn't feel them unless she pulled at them. The only one close enough was the secretary outside. She felt her easily, she could feel her thoughts going around and around in her head. The overriding one was the strand left by Massaro. It horrified her, the strand demanded sexual favours from the receptionist. Kim felt the strand in her mind and grabbed it like a rope; she removed it and replaced it with something simple. Enjoy your work.

  ‘I can sense I have chosen well.'

  ‘What happened?' Kim mumbled.

  ‘I have no time to waste so listen to me. The world you live in exists because of me. You can feel the power I have given you. You can also see what happens when those born with it abuse it. I have been reborn in this world because the creatures within it are starting to reject the controls that they need to survive. I understand you will have questions over our time together I will answer them all. You are one of my chosen.'

  Kim stared at the man in front of her. Sitting calmly beside the corpse of one who seemed to be a follower of his she had been a fool to think he was interested in her sexually. He smiled at her showing a set of perfect teeth. If this is the reason I am on the earth I better make these questions good.

  ‘Am I a mind reader now?' Dammit.

  The smile remained as he eased back in his seat folding his hands over his stomach. ‘Mind reader is an interesting term, ah yes; I can see what the perception of a mind reader is in this time. No, you aren't a mind reader.'

  ‘How do you know what to say? If you have been reborn where were you before? I mean how can you even speak our language?'

  ‘That is the question of a detective. When I return I can feel everything. I know everything. It only takes one of my chosen to control another and I have their knowledge. So if it helps you understand, you aren't a mind reader Kim, you are a harvester. You are here to help me win my war.'

  ‘Your war? Who are you fighting?'

  ‘Our war. It is the war of all of us. When the world rejects the correct path so it is given a choice, on one side am I. People are dangerous, they should be allowed to roam free; they are motivated by desire, greed, lust and any other of your deadly sins. Few among them have the necessary cognitive thought to rule. As you can see, the natural chosen are imperfect.' With that, he kicked the cadaver of Massaro onto the floor. ‘Our war is not meant to be amongst ourselves, we have a greater enemy, an equal. One of your scientists talked of opposite reactions. I have an opposite and he will be gathering his forces also. He is the enemy of structure; his desire is to let every person and every sentient mind on this plane reach its full potential. To allow even the weakest, even the most dangerous the chance to reach their peak. This is not the first war, this will be the seventh.'

  Kim was staring out the glass window. Manhattan had started to grey over; there was the chance of rain. Weather like everything else was governed by rules. Rules she had learnt all her life. The sun rose in the morning, it set in the evening. The sky was blue, the grass was green. Nowhere does it mention some kind of God sitting in front of me bestowing the power of life and death unto a middle-aged Manhattan detective?

  ‘Why me? Why now?'

  ‘I cannot answer the time. But I can tell you why. You are destine
d for this. You are a lawmaker. You already follow the correct path. Think about it yourself. I could feel the person you want to be crying to be released. I put you on that path. Now take it!'

  He's right. The only thought that was in her head now was that of her leader. Her lord, she would follow him because it was meant to be. This city had become a cesspit; she saw it every day, scum like her ex-lover had been allowed to triumph while good people. People like Janice ridiculed because of her size. Her inner strength had been kept back by others, Injustice.

  ‘What do we do now?'

  ‘Now, we find the others. We find my generals and see if they are worthy to retain their powers. If they are like this one, we will need to find others like you, we should start……'

  The sound of gunfire interrupted them and they both turned to face the door. Not just single shots, Kim grabbed at her head, like the skin of an onion something was gone. ‘The secretary is dead.'

  ‘Give me your weapon, NOW!'

  Kim didn't hesitate; she pulled her gun from her holster and threw it over to Clyne. He caught it and in one movement had kicked the marble table on its side forming a barricade. The gun was trained on the door. He had cocked it and was ready. The silence outside was deafening to the pair in the room. Kim wished she had some sort of weapon but she knew who was in charge here. The door didn't open, the intercom system buzzed into life.


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