Book Read Free


Page 19

by Phillip Shaw

  Jenny stepped back in horror. She would have expected customer service like this back in England. But here in New York City? It wasn't normal and her instincts were playing up. Something in this building is very wrong for me to be treated like this. Play it cool Jenny, play it cool.

  ‘I'm sorry to have bothered you. Please, can I leave my number here and you can contact me on my cell when this gets sorted out? I was requested by Mr. Massaro himself.' Handing over her brand new business card Jenny remarked at the change in the woman. It was slight but her eyes seemed to acknowledge subservience. The professional manner was back. ‘I'm sorry, it's just that nothing has ever happened like this and today of all days, with all you media people in the building looking for our WIFI password and charging stations. I'll call you when our systems are up again.'

  Jenny thanked the stressed out receptionist but noted that her business card had just descended behind the table with a bunch of other paperwork. She walked outside the revolving doors and stared at the Manhattan skyline. It had changed since she was last here but that was true for a lot of people. The whole area in the financial district was abuzz with a new feeling of hope and retaliation signs everywhere showed how many jobs had been created for New Yorkers in bringing the area back to life. The buildings could be rebuilt but the area still held an eerie silence missing from the rest of the city that never sleeps. She needed a coffee and a cigarette so walked the short distance to Battery Park. The memorials all around her added to the feeling of calm in the area, squirrels ran through the park and people walked in pairs either taking photos or following city maps. The sight of Lady Liberty out in the foggy distance was an emotional anchor for the scarred people of the area. It was under renovation but still looked as small as ever to outsiders. She remembered the first time she had visited it years ago with her family. Aaron, ever the outspoken one had summed up everyone's thoughts. ‘Why is the statue so small?' it was true, the statue was small in comparison to the other landmarks in the city, The Empire State, The Rockefeller and the other buildings that made up the famous skyline. Jenny decided to head back, lighting another cigarette. The coffee as always was strong and rich and the American cigarettes as well as being pleasingly cheaper had a more traditional aroma and kick. The Massaro building was there in front of her. An abomination in this area it had been erected in a summer bypassing the usual planning regulations. In college, she had wanted to do an investigation into it but like everything else she chose the easy story close to home that got her most marks.

  Walking in New York was one of the great pleasures in life. Jenny wished she worked here permanently. Even the short ten-minute walk she had just taken had reinvigorated her and she was ready to get this interview finished. Walking back up the steps she noticed the heavier set security guards were gone from their position over to the side of the lobby. Presumably, this was because of the system failure. The receptionist from earlier was still flapping like a demented bird behind her desk so she just went and stood over by the waiting area. A glance towards the stairs stopped her. A man with a well-fitting leather jacket was following behind a striking older blonde. The women in front had a very satisfied look on her face. To Jenny, it looked like a scene from a cheap porno. She resisted the urge to shout over ‘I know what you have been up to' and lifted out her phone. True enough the WIFI in the building was still down but two emails had made it through.

  From Tattum, Chloe

  You better not mess this up Jenny; I'm expecting that interview with Clyne over before the evening news. Blain has been on my case all day about it. I saw your debut this morning. When you're back we need to talk about your foundation. I can show you what brand I use.

  Love you, Chloe.

  Great makeup advice from the office clown. That's all I need.

  From Darcy, Aaron

  Hey sis, in and out of reception so god knows when you will get this email. I got through customs into Burma. I have a travelling friend who might be the kind of guy you would like. He's taking me to the biggest temple in the area. I'll send you pics when I get back to civilisation. I think I'll use one for my online profile. I'm thinking me close to the camera with the world's biggest temple the size of my head.

  See you soon loser.

  Head the size of the temple, that figures.

  The man in the leather jacket now walked past Jenny and for the first time she saw the face she had been looking for, Clyne. No point in grabbing him. They are clearly going somewhere. Watching as the two passed Jenny slipped in behind and headed for the door. Her original thoughts of a lust ridden liaison between the two in a stationary cupboard were banished to the back of her mind for a moment. The main question she had now was who was leading her interview target away?

  The two walked straight out of the lobby carrying a large black holdall and made straight for the row of Police cars that were parked on the other side of the cordon. The blonde woman lifted her keys and opened the door. Clyne keeping his head tucked inside the hood of his sweatshirt got in the passenger side. She's a cop.

  The car moved off and Jenny sprinted down to her cameraman. ‘We need to go now.'

  The large man just calmly set down his sandwich and went over to the driver seat. His strange obedience grated on Jenny for a second but she had no time to waste. ‘Follow that police car but keep your distance.'

  The police car moved slowly out into the stream of continuous Manhattan traffic. The camera van moved off as well and kept a distance of a block behind. The car ahead was clearly not in any kind of rush and a few times Jenny had to remind the driver to keep his distance. The squad car moved off the island and headed out towards the residential district. Jenny kept her eyes focussed on the car. Why is a cop taking my interview subject somewhere? Does she not know I have a mental case in London waiting for copy on his story? The car stopped on a sloping hill outside an apartment block. The woman got out first, then Clyne with the holdall. She led the way into the building and checked her mailbox on the way in. Clyne followed and the two disappeared from sight.

  ‘Wait here.' Jenny advised her driver.

  She opened the door and smoothed the creases from her skirt. Walking over to the mailboxes she checked the name. K CLEMENTS.

  Back in the van, she pulled out her phone again. Out of the financial district, the reception was back to normal and she sent an email off to her research team back in London.

  To Blaincorp@infoteamb

  Hi, it's Jenny here. Need a quick file sent over for a New York Cop. Name K CLEMENTS.

  Thanks, guys.

  A few awkward minutes passed before the phone vibrated into life. Jenny was relieved as she was about to ask some personal questions to her camera guy to pass the time.

  ‘Well, who is she?' He asked.

  Jenny read down the file and just turned her phone to show the driver.

  ‘She's Kim Clements!' The driver said.

  Jenny clicked into the media links, personal info could wait to later.





  Jenny knew she couldn't go barging into the building now. For some reason, this detective had taken the chief witness in a murder investigation back to her apartment. Jenny couldn't believe it. With a bit of luck, her big break was about to get even bigger.

  ‘We need to get some snacks; we could be here for a while.'

  The driver just groaned.

  33. Pursuit

  The scene at the arena was like something from a disaster disease movie. Markus stared out of the window of the helicopter as it made its final sweep into land. The painstaking detective work that was envisaged didn't materialise. This had all the hallmarks of a denouncer attack except one. There were no casualties. Markus had been cold calling all the leads dug up at the jail with Ava, now he hoped that he could start ru
ling some of them out when they landed. Ava certainly looked shocked at the scene. At least, ten thousand people had been gassed in a coordinated terror attack. Those ten thousand people were now laid out in the massive car park surrounding the Dome. Markus had been briefed immediately by the order and dispatched to investigate. Schultz had called him personally and told him to drop everything. Drop everything, as if I had anything to go on.

  The search for the escaped Coates was in its infancy. A meeting had been set up with the adept police chief but before they had set off the call came in.

  Markus, there's been an incident. One of our adept in the area is a wrestling promoter. Avery. He has escaped the attack but it must be a denouncer attack. He was one of our most low profile adepts his influence would only be noticeable to one of them. I need you to go to the scene immediately. The American branch is sending a chopper. You will have their full resources if required. We need to find out if this is being caused by one of them.

  Markus went over the call in his head again. There were a number of irregularities. If this was a denouncer attack how did the adept survive? Any attack that Markus had heard off was only designated a denouncer attack if the primary target was an eliminated or wounded adept. They were so careful about their own security that only a denouncer could stop them.

  The chopper landed and Ava disembarked first. Markus still wondered at the efficiency of her movements, her training coupled with her powers warranted his full attention. The distraction of these attacks and this pursuit were at odds with his desire for knowledge. Markus followed behind her as she took charge at this scene. They had agreed on the chopper ride over that it would be good for her development to lead some of these conversations. That coupled with her ability might succeed where Markus tried and trusted methods were failing so far. The police officer in charge at the scene rushed over to greet them.

  ‘Agents Keller and Stent, we believe there may be some link to this attack and the prison riot across state. What can you tell us about the attack?'

  Markus stayed in the background, much more direct than we agreed. She must have picked something up already in his thoughts.

  The police officer was clearly taken aback by the young woman questioning him. He looked over at Markus for permission to answer and Markus just hit him with a cold stare. ‘Agent … Keller asked you a question.'

  Regaining his composure the officer began. ‘I've never seen anything like it. We came down here as first responders and thought this was the biggest loss of life any of us had ever seen. The arena was still full of gas so we had to come in wearing breathing equipment. We started the aircon back up and it cleared it out for us. The bodies… they were everywhere, people just fallen down, huddled together. We weren't prepared for what happened next. They all just started waking up! There wasn't one casualty apart from a few broken bones and sprains from trying to escape in the crowd. So what we have now are ten thousand witnesses to the attack. We have been contacted by the promoter Jackson Deane or Avery as he goes by. He is under lockdown with his private security.'

  Markus surveyed the scene; people everywhere were just sitting holding their heads. He took a toxicology report from a passing scientist and began paraphrasing to Ava. ‘The compound of the gas cannot be determined without lab tests. The affected seem to be displaying the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. Clearly that's not the case as prolonged exposure to that would have killed them.'

  ‘So where do we start Stent?'

  ‘You can tell me if there is anything that the police officer isn't telling us.'

  Ava walked over to the lobby area of the arena and Markus followed. There was still a palpable smell of gas in the arena but there was no inherent risk according to the rescue teams. Still more people were laid out inside the arena. They seemed to Markus to be the less affected as many of them were sitting up in their seats and accepting the examination of the EMT members. Markus picked a small family who looked to have regained their faculties.

  ‘Excuse me; my name is Agent Markus Stent. Can you tell us in your own words what happened?'

  The father of the family, an overweight man with a wrestling tee and trucker cap rubbed is hand across his face as if he had just woken up. The excitement in his voice told Markus that this man was not often asked for his opinion on matters.

  ‘Well, Agent Stent, me and my family are just happy to be here. It was one of the scariest things of my life. One minute we were just watching the wrestling the next these masked men seemed to come from nowhere. My wife says some came from the crowd. She don't like the fighting much she comes for the kids. So she was watching the people across the way. She said they were sitting in the crowd then just pulled these masks up around their faces and stood up. I thought it was part of the show. This guy with white hair came down to the ring and took the microphone. The CEO Avery he high-tailed it out of here with his guards. I sorta hoped he was gonna get a whoopin. He's been grinding our gears for weeks. Anyway, we realised something was up when we heard a gunshot coming from behind us. Two people had made a break for it and a gun was fired. The rest of us started to move towards the exits but there were more men with guns everywhere. We had to sit an listen. The guy in the ring, I think he said his name was Kane, he started saying that they were gonna kill people in the arena unless the two who escaped came down to the ring. We were right scared but the two came back, a pretty woman with long blonde hair and a strange looking fella. I can't even describe him. He was just sorta average. They were brought into the ring and Kane said something to them. I thought he was gonna shoot them there and then but he just trailed them from the ring. He said something about cancer and poison then the gas came out. I grabbed my family and next thing I knew people were back in here waking us up. That's all I know.'

  Markus glanced over at Ava and she confirmed there was nothing more to the story. The man had just said it as it happened. Markus thanked him and he and Ava walked down towards the ring. At his request, the team in there cleared the ring leaving the four canisters and the two agents. Markus looked at the one of the canisters. Despite the primitive materials used the dispersal system was extremely sophisticated. Taking out his phone he snapped a few images to send back to HQ. Ava was staring out at the crowd gathered in the arena.

  ‘Missed your calling Ava?'

  ‘What do you mean?'

  ‘I mean do you wish you had the crowd cheering your name all around you? With your ability, it would be easy. You could manipulate people to make things like adulation a daily occurrence.'

  ‘I don't need adulation. I'm just wondering how so many people can pay so much money to see this. It's idiotic.'

  ‘People need an escape. What puzzles me is why an adept was placed in charge here? Something that is essentially scripted anyway seems like a waste. People aren't clever by nature; anyone could have controlled this crowd.'

  ‘Maybe you should ask Schultz or his American Counterpart, they are the ones who place the adept. There must be a reason. Everything in the order happens for a reason.'

  Markus smiled at that. He hadn't heard it put so clichéd before but she was right. Providence was one of the founding beliefs of the order. ‘Did you hear what the family said? Two figures made a break for it, one blonde woman and a man. Could be our prison escapees, no one else made a run for it, what did those two see that the others couldn't?'

  ‘We need the camera feed of the event. I understand Blaincorp was taping it for distribution so the control room should have the footage.'

  ‘I can see you need no training in investigation Ava. Let's go.'

  The pair allowed the investigators back into the ring as they walked up the ramp towards the back area. Passing through the changing rooms they saw the performers at the event, hulking men and statuesque women in ridiculous costumes designed to show off their physique. Markus allowed his eyes to wander a bit too much as one of the women met his gaze. ‘I usually charge for pictures.' She scowled at him. This alerted other recovering
wrestlers to the pair. Markus was not in the mood for a fight against a whole roster of finely tuned athletes so he made his apologies and confessed to being a big fan. Ava was waiting at the bottom of the stairs as Markus folded an autographed picture of the woman into his pocket. He sheepishly looked up at his younger partner who shook her head before going up the stairs.

  The tech in the camera room was waiting. He showed them the ropes of the cameras in and around the arena and left them to it. Ava took the job of tracking the attackers while Markus searched for the other two. It didn't take him long to find them tracing the film back in reverse. Grabbing a screenshot he sent it over to HQ for confirmation. The two in the ring certainly did look like they were about to be executed before something changed in their oppressor. The man in charge of the terrorists was an imposing figure. With bleached white hair, he had the build to be a wrestler himself. His sweeping black coat added a purposeful sense of theatre to proceedings. This man wants to be seen. The speech he gave had all the hallmarks of denouncer thinking but sparing the lives of the pair in the ring bothered him. He fully expected confirmation to reach his phone shortly that they were who he sought. But what are they? In reverse, he watched them enter the arena and buy their tickets from a tout outside he traced the car they arrived in.

  ‘Ava their car is still there we need to check it out. What have you found?'

  ‘The two of them were hooded and bundled into the back of a van. The police force outside were gone. They must have been in on it or the security of Avery. I've already notified the American branch and they are looking for the vans on satellite. I've burned off a copy of all the footage and sent it to our servers, we're done here.'

  ‘Very good, however, I still like to actually feel like I'm doing something myself let's check out the car.'

  The muscle car was parked at the outside perimeter of the arena surrounded by other cars. The licence plate would need to be run through but Markus checked out the interior of the car. Nothing out of the ordinary, the vehicle looked like the home of a single male. Snack wrappers and a general feeling of untidiness prevailed. The vehicle was left open which was unusual unless they weren't intending to keep the vehicle. He popped the trunk; one look at the stained mass inside was enough. ‘Ava you had better get the police officer over. The loose ends are starting to tighten.


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