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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

Page 21

by Trina Bates

  Her mouth is wide open, screaming a battle cry, as the bow in her hands is pulled back, ready to let loose the arrow she holds tightly in her grasp.

  The guys are all mesmerized by the gorgeous statue, but I’m now taking in all the people that are stopped, staring at us.

  “Who’s that?” Rhydian asks with disinterest in his voice and one eyebrow raised in question, his bulky arms crossed, unimpressed. His stance makes me smile inwardly. I know he thinks she’s beautiful even as a statue, but for him to try and brush it off for my sake... it’s heartwarming. I run my hand up his arm and smile.

  “She's gorgeous!” Rhett exclaims with awe in his voice. When I look to him, his eyes are wide and filled with appreciation. Sadly, I get jealous at his perusal of a damn statue. My hand falls from Rhydian’s arm and I shove both of them into my pockets as I stare at the ground, and pull my shoulders forward trying to make myself as small as possible.

  Ebbin and Merrick stop their assessment of the statue and turn to me, the look on my face gives way to their own surprised looks as they take in all the people in strange clothing staring back at us.

  The statue has to be Alyria and we’re in Yggdrasil. I did it. I fucking actually did it!

  It starts to really sink in and the jealousy I was feeling a moment ago starts to fade, as the pride and surprise for myself and what I have accomplished sets in. The elation coursing through me leaves me speechless and unable to move or say a thing in answer to any one of my guys questions, or my own.

  Having no idea what the proper etiquette on an arrival like this is. I don’t want to scare the people or offend them in any way, so I stay quiet and try to think of what to do. No one makes a move to welcome us and we stay still. Standing there too dumbfounded to do anything, I kick at the ground again beneath my feet, and take my hands out of my pockets. Taking Rhydian and Ebbin’s hands in mine for comfort, we need to show a united front, but one that doesn’t make the people here think we’re a threat. I feel really fucking stupid having gone into this without a full plan, and I have no idea what to expect, but being dropped in the middle of some new world with a crowd looking at us like we’re fucking aliens... really feels awkward.

  Parting through the staring people, a beautiful young woman that looks exactly like the statue comes forth. She’s wearing armor that looks identical to what the woman in the statue is wearing as well, crown and all.

  “Welcome sister. My name is Torunn. It has been many years since a descendant of my mother has been able to follow her heart and find her way back to us. The woman behind you,” she gestures to the statue, with an adoring smile taking over her face, her eyes squinting at the sides taking it all in. She looks like she knows the woman personally, with such affection on her face and the reverent tone in her voice, “is my mother, Alyria.” That explains the tone and her gracious smile, along with the uncanny resemblance.

  Her mother? Wow, that’s yet again unexpected, but so worth the trip in itself. I thought any descendant would be long passed on, but to my sheer surprise and elation, here her own daughter is!

  Letting go of my men, I walk towards her with my hands held out to show I’m not any kind of threat. I stop in front of her and peer up at her smiling face, as she’s much taller than I thought at first. She has to be at least six and a half feet tall and she’s so gorgeous.

  Her hair is as white as Rhett's and the dark tone of her skin makes all of her other features stand out that much more. Her heart shaped face and perfect skin give way to bright blue eyes reminding me of Rhydian’s. Her high cheekbones and gorgeous plump red lips immediately make me envy all that she has and is. She’s a true beauty, just like her mother, statue and all.

  “I didn't think I would be able to do it honestly. I’m Mira.” I hold out my hand for her to shake, but she looks at it addled, so I pull it back and smile instead, in welcome. “It’s an honor to meet you. I just found out a week ago that I’m part Valkyrie. I need to ascend. Is there somewhere a little more… private that we can speak?” I ask her. The guys are all behind me waiting for her answer and are rigid with built up tension from being somewhere unknown and out in the open without having any idea what can happen. Their thoughts are just whispers in my mind, but I hear them all the same.

  -This doesn't feel right.-

  -Where the fuck are we.-

  -We need to keep her safe.-

  She cocks her head to the side and stares intently at my belly with her eyes squinting hard, trying to figure something out, and then she looks from side to side where there’s nothing and then to my men. She knows I’m pregnant, and for some reason, I’m happy about that. Her smile is infectious and I want to hug her for reasons unknown. I can’t explain it, but she feels like my guys. Safe, like home, like nothing can harm me while I’m with her. It’s strange but so right too. I wonder if somehow we might be related and that’s what has me feeling this way.

  She doesn’t mention my pregnancy, instead answers my previous question. “Of course, young one, follow me. Will your pet behave or does it spook easy?” she asks turning to Cynide with a megawatt smile taking over her gorgeous face. Her eyes crinkling at the sides as she pulls her long white locks over her right shoulder and turns, waiting for us to follow.

  “She’s my Agathion. She’s very well behaved unless someone means me harm.” Giving Cynide a rub behind her ears, trying to show her a bit of affection, we walk on, following the gorgeous Valkyrie stranger, Torunn.

  “You are very blessed then, little Demon. Would you mind me asking what type of Demon you are? There are so few dual bloods that have Valkyrie lineage, I can most likely count them on one hand, well the ones that have actually come here to ascend at least.” Her tone is thoughtful, soft and melodical. I want nothing more than to see her happy for some reason, so I oblige her.

  “Not at all. I’m a Death Demon,” I reply nonchalantly. She stops in her tracks, turning to me so quick I barely have time to stop before I run into her. I look up to her confused, pulling both eyebrows down and chewing on my bottom lip.

  “Your name is Mira?” she asks with one eyebrow raised. I can’t help but laugh at the question.

  “Yes?“ I reply slightly confused, my laugh still evident, but I’m distracted by her question. My mood has lightened and I want to find out as much as I can about this world. I’ll tell her anything she wants to hear. I won’t lie, but I need to figure out as much as I can. Appeasing this woman seems to be the quickest way that will happen.

  “Who’s your mother? How old are you right now, and where is your mark?” The rapid questions throw me off, she has to have some reason for them, so I again answer her waiting for the chance to get the answers I seek.

  “Uhh, I'm almost twenty-seven, a few days until my birthday and it is on the bottom of my right foot and no I don’t know my mother. I was abandoned when I was two, why?” She goes to grab my arm, but Cynide is quickly in front of me hissing and growling at her. With her ears pinned back, I can tell she’s upset and about to go off on Torunn. I need to try and calm her before anything happens. I don’t want this woman thinking Cynide is a threat, and ends up possibly harming her for the way she is acting.

  -I don't think she means me any harm. If she did she wouldn't be able to touch me with the protection spell Rhett put over me. Keep close though, this is all really strange.-

  -I will. I don't trust her. She might be extended family, but she smells too excited and I cannot tell the underlying cause for it.-

  -Thank you, Cynide.- I’m worried, but Torunn doesn’t put off anything that has me thinking she might want to harm any of us.


  -Guys,- I ask, opening all of them to me. -Cynide doesn't trust her, but I have the protection spell. She knows something, but I don’t think it’s anything bad. Everyone okay so far?-

  A chorus of, yes’ ring through my mind and I close us all down feeling a bit better and ready to get this show on the road. -One step closer.-

  “As I said, sh
e’ll only get defensive if someone means me harm. She doesn't understand your excitement right now and it worries her. Why are you so excited?” I wonder aloud, feeling more reserved than I was before, but should have been to begin with. I feel like something might be messing with me here; the people, the strange new realm all together, or maybe it’s how close I feel to everything, how this place feels like home. I accept things too easily, even if it feels right. -Strange.-

  “I want to keep that a surprise, if that is acceptable to you? I promise all of you, no harm will come to you while you're here. We are warriors, yes, but we’re an honorable people. You will understand more soon,” she says, brushing away my question and turning away from me once more as she struts ahead of us, off to this strange unknown destination.

  Distracted, but having no other choice, I let her take the lead once again, but unlike before, instead of my men and lynx behind me, I let Ebbin and Cynide walk in front of me. Rhett and Rhydian take each side of me and Merrick walks behind, watching our backs.

  “How did you find out you have Valkyrie blood?” Torunn calls over her shoulder as her long legs take her further away from me, making me rush to get closer so I can hear her better and converse without yelling.

  “Uhm, to be honest, I’m pregnant though I think you figured that out. We were unsure if my child would be half Hollow or an Other. We went to a Blood Fae to find out. Turns out I'm not a Hollow but a dual blood.” I admit to her, giving her more information than I intended but she would likely ask later anyway.

  “Why would you think you were going to have a… What is a Hollow?” she asks finally turning her head just enough for me to see her quizzical look but watch as she turns away before I get my answer out. I have a feeling she’s keeping her feelings, and actions hidden from me on purpose. Especially with how much she schools her features and turns from me.

  “Human. I thought I was Human. So did Ebbin,” I say loud enough that she’s able to hear it, rolling my eyes at how strange my words sound coming from my own mouth.

  “Ahhh, that is a term I am more used to,” she replies, nodding her head in understanding. Her long hair falling back behind her with the movement and making me drool at how lengthy, bouncy and healthy it looks. The white might stand out, but people back home pay so much money to get that color.

  “How do you feel about ascending? Are you sure that is something you would want?” The sideways glance she sends my way is filled with a questions, but she continues on with her own story before I can reply.. “Many of our kind decide they want the shorter years, a life without battles. One filled with happiness, and the chance to have a family. They are Valkyries, but they hold no powers.” The tone of her voice is thoughtful, but also holds a note of sadness, making me wonder what has her spirits down so quickly.

  “I don't know anything about your battles. What I do know is that I have to ascend. Being half Demon isn't enough. If I don’t, I have a chance, a high chance, of losing my life, my daughter’s, or both.” Admitting it out loud is a lot harder than I thought it would be. The tears that spring to my eyes surprises me, and I try to quickly wipe them away before anyone takes notice. “I will have a family with my daughter and my men, that’s what I am doing all of this for. I'm sorry I didn't even introduce them,” I say turning to them and introducing each one. Feeling like a jerk for not doing it when we first met. “The one in front of me is Ebbin, to my left is Rhydian, the right is Rhett and Merrick is in the rear.” She bows her head with an appreciative smile gracing her face and turns back to me. “They make me happy. It doesn't matter what we go through, we'll always have each other.” My statement seems to surprise her, she jerks back and looks to all of us once before she tells me more about herself.

  “We’re able to have children, though many of us don't get to raise them. We’re gone for many years at a time and have others that watch over them. I have twelve daughters, sadly I’ve only raised three from infancy to maturity. The others were raised by my sisters and their children. We don’t keep mates the way you do. Men are for pleasure, though some make wonderful companions. They don't live as long as us. Their lives, though long, don't match ours. It’s hard to watch those you love die. I have been alive for thousands of years, and lost too many lovers to want to keep more.” Her statement tears me apart. My sympathy for her must show on my face, because in the next moment she waves off my feelings and pouty sad eyes with a ‘tsk’ and turns from me with a simple smile of her own on her lips. She’s silent for the remainder of our walk, and I wonder if she’s thinking about her own words or trying to find a different route of conversation for us, something less dismal. But nothing comes, we all stay silent waiting, but she leaves us to our own thoughts.

  I don't have time to take in the little city as we walk, Torunn keeps a quick pace and my mind is too full of the sad words she admitted to me, to be able to actually enjoy anything. We’re walking down a wide dirt road. To each side there are little cottages surrounded by strange grass and even stranger trees. The cottages are all the same from what I can tell. Small, single story homes with even smaller round windows on each side, and they’re all square. The strangest part of it all is the plant life. Looking at the ground around the cottages, the grass is a deep shade of purple, close to that of the sky above, and the dirt beneath is white. The bark of the trees is still brown, but where ours have leaves, these have white balls of fluff shaped like marshmallows.

  There are plants in front of some of the cottages, but they look more like coral from the sea, and some have large round black stems with neon green veins. It’s a wonderland, of so many gorgeous unknowns, one that I was kicking myself for not exploring more.

  “Here we are. When we go in, there will be some truths for you here. The only thing I ask of you, is to stay and hear everything that she has to say,” Torunn states. She’s smiling but also shifting her eyes, making me wonder if she’s uncomfortable. I know I am.

  Bewildered beyond belief, I look to my guys and see they’re in the same state, confused and lifting their eyebrows at the strange way Torunn is acting and her requirements. I shrug my shoulders at them and turn to nod at Torunn.


  Entering the little cottage, there are two rocking chairs, a small table and nothing else. No pictures, or memorabilia, no decorations at all. Not even a vase or decorative bowl sitting on the little table. I look around uncertain at the fact that we’re here, in this strange little place and a little surprised at how small these cottages truly are.

  Torunn asks for us to wait in the little living room, while she wanders down a short hallway and disappears behind a door. We all stand similarly with our hands clasped either in front of our bodies, or behind, heads held high but our minds ready for whatever might happen. I hear Torunn’s voice and that of another woman. I can’t make out what they are saying, but the second woman starts to shout at Torunn.

  “I do not want any visitors Torunn! It’s too close. The timing is bad. Please! Just go.” Though she’s shouting, it isn’t out of anger, but of sadness and desperation. I feel like an intruder and I want to leave as much as the woman yelling at Torunn wants us to.

  The shouting stops and Torunn finally emerges from behind the closed door. With a pitiful look on her face, she looks sheepish and out of sorts with the way her shoulders are slouched, her head down and her hands are frantically wringing together. There’s another woman, the same height, following behind her but I can’t make out any features just yet.

  With a tight smile sent my way, Torunn moves to the side, and my breath catches in my throat. Taking in the woman's looks, it’s eerie how familiar she looks and also, feels. She reminds me so much of someone, though who, is lost to me at the moment. Her hair is cut to her shoulders, straight and as bright as the morning sky. Full lips and high cheeks, a curvy body and the darkest blue eyes I have ever seen, next to mine. She’s a rare beauty, though I’m finding that to be a common in this world, and in the Other population.

Her dark blue eyes stare at me with interest and surprise, but also behind them was something else, something almost hopeful.

  Her voice is like honey when she speaks. “I am Siv. I am told you're here to ascend. When is your birthday, little one?” She doesn’t come near me, but her eyes are telling me she wants to, along with how she keeps swaying forward, but holds herself back at the last moment before she actually lets her feet move.

  Trying to keep my composure and not get defensive at being called ‘little one’ again, I take a few deep breaths before answering her. I feel hands fall on me and I know my guys are lending me their support from behind.

  “I’m Mira, it's nice to meet you.” This time when I offer my hand, she takes it with a tight smile. “Thank you for letting us into your home. I have four days left before I ascend.” Nodding her head at me in answer, she turns and glares at Torunn, confusing me further. “I don't mean to be rude, but it's obvious you don't want us here. We don’t mean any offense. Torunn, can you tell us where we can find shelter for the night? I'm sure we can manage on our own from here.” This isn’t my home and I don’t want to offend Siv any further.

  “You are right, I do not want visitors. Though I am coming to believe she brought you here for an important reason, one I am beginning to understand. I can hear the child's heartbeat that is growing inside you, what a blessing. I take it that is why you want to ascend? Your world has issues with Hollows and Others breeding.” Her words immediately throw me off. Torunn had no idea what I was in my world’s words, but this woman, she does. “She is obviously mixed blood. Though I sense more from you. Are you a dual?” she asks taking a single step closer to me, the eager look in her gaze makes me do a double take, but I can’t put my finger on why she would feel this way with how she’s acting.


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