Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series
Page 61
In the waning moonlight, the winds have crept up slowly but higher and more brutal than what I like. The snow is billowing around us fiercely as we try to make our way back to the house. We get sidetracked a few times coming over from broken logs, downed trees and our visibility is sparse as we try to make our way through the newly fallen snow.
Erecting a protection barrier might seem easy but having it move with you as a little harder. Making something to keep me and my brother safe, and move with us as we walk, ends up being too troublesome and I’m too tired to keep going. We might have on long sleeves, pants, and our boots but I didn’t bring us out here fully prepared for the onslaught of this new storm.
I call for Cynide in my mind and ask for her help in finding our way back. Within moments, her and Vie, of course are here. Gor gets on Vie’s back and I get on Cynide’s after she shifts and to her Pegasus form. We make it back to the house in no time. Both my brother and I rush to the fireplace and start to warm our chilled bones.
Rhett comes up behind me putting is hands on my growing belly and whispers in my ear. “There’s still so much that I want to know about, what’s going on in this belly of yours. I feel like I’ve already missed a lifetime and I’ve only been gone for a mere few hours.” His voice is low, and only meant for me, but there’s no mistaking the pain that’s there.
“I know Merrick told you about Alyria. He told me that he spoke to you. I will tell you what happened in depth later, but that’s going to take time and right now we’re limited on that. I don’t know when she will come, or when my father will either for that matter. All I know is that, right now, our timetable for Alyria is a couple weeks. And if our assumption about my father coming here is true... after we’re used as bait, and everything goes according to planned, then he should be here within a few days,” I surmise, dreading the limited resources we have, and time.
“They have the metal they need here, Mira. It won’t be that hard after. Let everyone rest for the night; Gor and Merrick will get on making the cell tomorrow morning, but right now... would you permit me a little time alone? There’s much I would like to tell everyone, but I want to tell you some things first. There’s a lot going on inside of me that is finally fixed, and I think I need to tell you the entire story before I tell the others and then I want to hear yours as well.”
I turn my head and finally look into his eyes. Torment, passion, and regret are hiding behind his gorgeous jade eyes.
He’s so full of feelings, there’s no way I could guess all of what he’s feeling, and that seals it for me. I dip my head and give him a sweet smile.
-I’m going to go upstairs and spend some time with Rhett. Figure some things out. If you need me you know where to find us. Please, everyone get some rest… Oh! But, I want everybody in my bed tonight. I need as much time with each of you as I can get before things get really crazy,- I near demand to all of my lovers at the same time, hoping they don’t find the notion of us all in the same bed too strange. I know we are a unit, but we have yet to try that out.
They all thankfully agree and send me their love and comfort even courage and I know it’s for what’s about to come. I say my good nights to everybody else and take Rhett’s hand in mine, walking upstairs.
I have peeked in each of their rooms, but never spent any time in them. When we go into Rhett’s, I smile at how strange everything is. It doesn’t feel like it would be his room, it feels like something out of a comic book.
Posters of superheroes long gone but never forgotten. Baseballs in glass cases, bats hung up on the wall. Even shirts hung up in posterboard. His bed is so small I don’t even know if a child could truly fit comfortably on it.
His walls are black and his furniture all gray. There’s nothing to break up the darkness, but when he turns on the light, I shake my head in in humor, a large grin taking over my face. Strips of light illuminate the room in a semi eerie, yet wonderous way. One strip going around the ceiling and one around the floor. Blue, like his fire, at the top and then an orange that seems to illuminate everything from the ground up. When the lights meet in the middle the colors clash and send a strange haze over his entire walls. Not a dull brown like I would have thought, but a magnificent purple and gray.
I turn to him with a smile still shaking my head at the strangeness of what I should know now is Rhett, and he gestures to the bed with his own knowing grin on his face. I take a seat and my knees start to shake in anticipation of what he’s about to tell me. I don’t know if I’m ready, I know I need to hear everything, but there’s so much that I know is painful to him, and I don’t want him beating himself up over this anymore.
He sits down by me and for the next few hours we tell each other everything that has gone on in our lives. The way I grew up, what happened when I was under the Conclave’s rule. The way he was raised and the things that happened to him. When we get to the ‘now’ when we’re all caught up, it feels like we’re both lighter, like there’s no more hiding. I know on some deep level that we connected in a way that only he and I could ever do. It’s endearing, and dangerous. But I will take what I can get with him.
Waking to myself being lifted in the air, I smile groggily up and to Rhett’s eyes as he carries me into my room. When he leaves me on the bed, I’m encased once more and the warmth of all of my men. I snuggle deeply under my covers and sigh instantly falling back asleep. Safe, connected and comforted.
When I wake the next morning, the light is blaring in my eyes and I know I’ve overslept. There’s so much to do and thinking about it, I groan. When I roll over, searching for the comfort of a warm body, I feel nothing and roll my still closed eyes, grumbling nonsense under my breath as I find my way back to the warmth of my own spot.
Why the hell do these assholes always let me wake up alone?
The door to my room creeks open and in walks Rhett with a tray full of food and steaming cup of hot coffee. I smile up at him and reach my hand out already hungry and anticipating the taste of myself first sip of coffee.“I know how you wake up, you either want your coffee or tea, this time I went for coffee, it’s going to be a long day and we’re gonna need all of the energy we can get.” Rhett looks exhausted as he carries over my goodies, and when he sits down, I grab the cup.
“Thank you it’s perfect,” I say smiling around the cup that’s already pressed to my lips. “Where is everybody?” I wonder to him and raise a brow when he rubs his hand together looking around the room but not into my eyes. I know something's going on and it makes my hackles rise.
“Rhett, what’s going on? Tell me.”
“It’s nothing bad, I promise you that, it’s just everybody’s already left, well, the guys at least. Gor and Merrick left to go get the metal that he has saved down in the storage locker in town. Ebbin and Rhydian are setting up things outside; little traps here and there that we’ll show you so you don’t trip anything. They are for when your father comes with his minions. Blue and her guys are with them too, apparently, the one they call Vali can somehow put up unseen magical traps in the air the other dragons can help, but can’t do the same magic he does,” he says with awe in his voice, he scoots closer to me on the bed, placing a hand on my calf, absentmindedly massaging it. I moan at the feeling as ask, “Where is my mother, Torunn, and a Lyanna and what about Cynide and Vie?”
“They’re all downstairs mostly cleaning armor. Lyanna is happy to be cooking with her men, getting everything ready. They even made this for you, so it’s just you and me,” he says with a mischievous grin, and wiggles his eyebrows at me.“Is there anything you want to do?” His tone seductive as he asks me.
“Not this early in the morning. How about you come and sit next to me and let me fall back asleep for a little while longer,” I suggest, yawning and stretching already falling back into the bed.
He moves the tray off of my lap, places it on the table next to my bed, and does just what I asked. I snuggle up and lay my head on his chest, wrap one of my le
gs over his and my arm around his midsection. I inhale deeply and close my eyes enjoying the warmth of his body. He starts to play with my hair and I fall quickly back asleep; thankfully, dreamlessly this time.
I swear I just shut my eyes, but Rhett’s already rousing me.
“Come on, gorgeous. You’ve got to get up, get ready. Gor and Merrick are back and are already setting up the cell down in the basement of the gym, or barn whatever we’re calling that thing now. We need to get everybody together. They’re requesting that we all put our blood inside of a vial, even if it’s just a simple drop but that way they can place it in the bars adding to the magic and helping keep it more secure. Then it’s up to me to do the rest. Will you stay by me?” he asks. His hesitancy breaking my heart as he looks sheepishly away.
“Of course I will, you should know this already.”
I get up and rush to the shower taking off my armor that nobody took off me last night. I don’t know how I even slept with it on. I get washed up and into comfy clothes; thick sweatpants but thin enough that I can move easily in them, tennis shoes, a light shirt, and then my coat over everything. I throw my hair up in a messy bun and walk out of my bedroom, making my way downstairs.
They still have bacon sausage and pancakes that are laying on the counter from what I didn’t finish this morning, waiting for me and taunting me. I can’t resist as I take a bite of each new piece of food and when I get tapped on the shoulder, I turn around with the food still in my hand and my cheeks full like a little chipmunk.
Rhydian smiles at my face and rolls his eyes, seeing how much food I actually have in my mouth. I try to smile around the food, but I know if I open my mouth too wide the food will fall out. I chew quick as I can and swallow deeply trying to look as much like a lady as I can but that’s never been me. I can never do anything right when it comes to these sort of things, so I end up choking and Rhydian pats my back trying to help me, before I puke my food out.
“You really need to learn how to eat properly,” he chucklest, still patting me gently on the back.
“I’ll do no such thing. I’m gonna eat how I want, you know this little girl inside of me won’t take no for an answer,” I wheeze out, patting my chest to help push the food down.
“Well, babe, it’s time.” Rhydian holds up the vial as I roll my eyes in response. I can already start to feel my stomach churning the food I just devoured.
I just put food in my stomach and now I have to give him blood?!
I turn my head and thrust out my hand for him to take. I know he has a blade or something to draw blood, and right now, I don’t want to see either of those things. I feel the prick, and I turn my head swiftly back to him looking down as my finger drops a few bits of blood into the vial that’s already filled with what I assume is the other’s blood. I, of course, didn’t want to look, but I couldn’t help it. Anytime I get hurt, I look immediately to the spot, the same happened just then. My stomach does roll a few times, but thankfully, I’m able to keep my food down.
I follow him out the door when he tells me it’s enough and say my good mornings to everyone as they start passing me by, going along with their own chores or something that they’re supposed to be doing. When we get to the gym, I enter and follow Rhydian to the back of the building where I have yet to notice the door, if that’s what you can call it. It's a trap door in the ground! I whip my head around to question Rhydian with wide-addled eyes. He just smiles and continues to lead us down the narrow, dark stairs. Don't fall and bust your ass, Mira! I think to myself, and my eyes grow wider as I take in all the work Merrick and Gor have been working on. I'm blown away by what they've accomplished while I was asleep.
It’s a complete arsenal! Weapons, even guns of old, shields, armor... anything you can think of from any timeline, it’s all here.
“Where did you get all of this?!” I exclaim, trying to keep my hands to myself, but am unable to resist touching a few of the weapons that are laid about.
“Our families. We keep everything of significance here mostly. This property is still a secret to the Conclave. It’s the most secure area that any of us have. Throughout the centuries they, we, have collected all of these relics, artifacts and toys, to keep it simple. As fucked up as a lot of our families have been and still are, we are intertwined with each other. Remember knowing each other for years. I don’t think some of us know the extent, but it’s one of the reasons I’ve always felt so connected to Merrick and Rhett. I think even at some point Rhett’s parents knew my own, and possibly Merrick’s. I know our grandparents did, but we don’t ask or… can’t ask our parents about it. All we have to go on are assumptions, but one day, we want to truly find out how linked we all are.” Rhydian's reverent tone makes me look at him closely. I can tell he hates the secrets, but is glad that it’s all here.
“Seems like there’s a lot of things that we need to talk about. I had no idea about any of this. I know you weren’t keeping it a secret, even your family ties that, are really interesting and I want to find out with you too, but there’s just... some strange things are going on.” He leaves my words hanging in the air between us and nods his head knowingly.
“Follow me, babe. Seems like there’s a lot of things that we need to talk about,” he says giving me a hand. I take it and follow him down the narrow hallway once more.
When we come to the end a few feet later, to my left looks like an old timey jail; cell bars of shiny metal already erected, the entire room, including the ceiling has bars on it, the floor as well. It’s more of a cage, locked underground. The dark, damp cold, seeping into me as I stare at the cage. I hate being down here, but it’s perfect to hold the scum that we call Alastor.
“Your brother and Merrick have already infused the metal with their magics, but now that everything is intertwined once they set the door on, that’s when they’ll pull the blood from everyone into the metal and connect that, our powers and our will into the entire structure. Making it more secure. That’s what we’re going to need Rhett for,” Rhydian says as he turns towards the shadows, a slow smile spreading across his face. I turn to face the direction he is aiming his smile, and see Rhett as he emerges, his white hair contrasting with the darkness around his, a light in the dark. My heart skips a beat as I smile up to him.
His feet shuffle closer to me and I shake my head at the elaborate cell they have made. I rub my hands over my arms, trying to warm myself from the cold, and the bone chilling feelings that I get from being down here. This place feels wrong. I don’t even know what to think about this or what to say so I go along with it. I stare ahead, waiting for everything to begin.
“Let’s see what we can do,” I tell them both as Rhett smiles at me.
He shoulders his way in between us grasping my hand tightly, and I squeeze his in turn. I hope he can feel the comfort and calm I’m trying to send him, knowing this is all new and he’s still trying to find his place with us now that he’s back. We watch with silent, rapt attention as Merrick and Gor saunter in, their heads forward, never straying from the task at hand. Their calm, but steady demeanor means business, so I don’t say a word as I watch them put the cell door on its hinges. Strong hands carefully setting the door in its place as the rest of us stay silent watching them work. Both of them taking half of the vial of blood pouring it into each of their hands, they close their eyes, and when I look to Rhett once more, he does the same.
I don’t see the magic from the metal Faes, but I see Rhett’s. It’s flowing around us, making our hair swirl in magic winds, flowing through the air, lighting it up with static and electrifying not only the cell, but our bodies. My own, vibrating with a strange tingle as he holds onto me. He’s talking under his breath, putting all of his concentration into the spell that he’s weaving. I quickly let go of his hand when I feel the darkness that’s so seductive, so familiar, something I know all too well, something that’s always inside of me, flow from him as he weaves his spell and pushes his own powers into the binding of the cell
I let go of his hand when I start to feel the first tingles of darkness from him, slowly caressing my hand where we were just joined. I close my eyes as I feel it slowly make its way up my arm, relishing in the touch of a familiar lover. I let out a breath, slowly, as I feel it inside me now, stroking the flames of my desire for it as Rhett continues to weave his magic.
The sweat is already dripping down my neck trying to stay away from it’s call. The darkness inside of Rhett is so much more than I could have ever imagined. That’s what the Devil must have gave him, that’s what he got from a deal that wasn’t even his to make.
I’ve felt Rhett’s magic many times, but this is the first time I’ve ever been scared of it. It doesn’t feel like there’s any light inside of him at all. The power feels tainted, like the light he had before has been consumed with an evil he can’t contain as he continues to draw from it, use it, and pull it from some evil place I haven’t felt from my own. Before it was euphoric, now, it’s painful almost, in a way like there’s no true way to get away from it. If I ever chose to fully embrace the darkness, I know that I would be addicted for that kind of power, regardless of how it could hurt my loved ones.
I hope the training Rhett did with his father allowed him to understand and control the darkness. I don't know what I would do if I lost Rhett to it. He's my one constant - he can always bring a smile to my face - I never want him to lose that light inside himself.
I rub my hands down my pants, I feel dirty touching Rhett's new power. Something about it repels me in a way I don't truly understand, but my subconscious is trying to remove this unwelcome, vile intrusion of power from my body, physically. I visibly shiver and try to shake off the feeling again, but it doesn’t dissipate. After a few moments, everyone opens their eyes and the chanting stops. They look to me and I shake my head when I see their cocked heads and befuddled looks. They all rush towards me, but I put my hands in front of me and turn swiftly, running away from them all and out of the barn. I can’t let them near me when I feel so much angst inside of me, my powers at war with those of Rhett’s, both trying to win the battle. I know my own are superior, vastly more advanced and I have two sides that will fight, but will it be enough to win against the power from the Devil himself? I can’t let anyone near me until I find out.