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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

Page 81

by Trina Bates

  Her story making me dizzy with all of her implications.

  Agathions were granted to Valkyries. She was cursed to somewhere until, I, me came along and made a bond with her own mate. If he was outside of his cursed body, her ties would be undone and she would be free to return. Alastor’s own child… Alastor was the one to start this all, curse her and trap her for how many years, only able to watch as the realms were torn apart by him, her own children perishing before her, and she could do nothing. Her own mate’s memories taken, his beliefs changed and she had to see him forget her as well. My heart starts to crumble and the tears start to fall from my chin in waves.

  -How do you come to terms with the fact that your own father was one of your ancestor’s demise, the reason all Agathions think they are slaves to the evil that they are paired with? The reason a love so great was torn apart and the realms in dire need due to the person that gave you life? How do you come away from that?- I didn’t mean for my thoughts to go out but they do all the same, and I have a feeling Alyria can hear the projected and none. She grasps me tightly pulling me in and embracing me like only a mother can, which makes me wonder where my own is, since she was supposed to be here for the arena sparring. Pulling away and wiping my tears, I look around for Siv.

  “Where is Rial and Siv?” I question my mates, hoping nothing happened to her.

  The mother of all Valkyries is standing in front of me, the most powerful being that in this realm, right here in front of me, trying to console me, and in that thought, I feel worse. She has children awaiting her, a mate and I’m the one she’s giving the attention to.

  “Alyria, there’s so much for you and your own family to catch up, please forgive me, but I have to find my mother,” I say to her with ease, like I’ve known her my entire life. She nods her head and turns away and I do the same searching for the crowd.

  “I didn’t see either of them come in, she wasn’t even in line when you set up to meet the leaders,” Rhett says, his worry for his own father showing through when he starts to ring his hands together. I run my hand up his arm and grab his hand, taking Rhydian’s in my other as we make our way towards the gates where we can exit and find our parents.

  “Wait! Mira, I can aid you in finding your mother,” Grun says catching up to us.

  Not only does his alignment with take him from his newly found mate, but it also begs another question for me. How am I ever going to be able to leave here, knowing that if I do, Grun would have to come with me and leave his love behind or she would come with us, taking her away from her family, her people.

  “No Grun, stay with Alyria, Torunn, they all need you right now. You’ll know if I’m in trouble, you always do,” I tell him truthfully and with an ache in my heart from the thoughts still swirling inside of me.

  “Thank you, my little Valkyrie. I will keep my mind open, and you do the same,” he tells me with a loving smile and walks back to his elated family. I watch on for a moment, loving the smiles, joy, and elation at them all being together, once more this time, I hope for true eternity.

  “Come on, we have time. Let the others deal with the rest of the leaders, change is here. I doubt you need to continue on with that spectacle, no matter how amazing you were in there. It’s time for us to find the rest of our immediate family, and get ready to finally go home,” Merrick says to us all with what sounds like relief. I know he loves it here, but getting back to what we all have known is what we all want.

  Hot showers, junk food, giant beds that we can all sleep on together instead of in heaps on thin hard pads. Not to mention their families. Ebbin’s parents, adopted and biological, must be in an uproar. His mother is still gone and that’s an entirely different adventure that’s tacked on to our ever growing bill.

  “I really just want to fucking have a beer!” Rhett laughs out and we all join in, all of us agreeing though it will be a bit before I can partake in anything like that. Hell, it might be what got us all here, but now we have Alyria, our baby girl.

  “I want pizza, and to watch a movie, hell - linking up with you goofs, that sounds like a load of fun at this point,” Ebbin says and I can't help but think about Jeremy and where he’s been, how he’s been. A dream walker. I have half expected him to show up at any point in my sleep and scare us all awake. I really need to get in contact with him when we get back. Blue, too, to let her know what’s going on. I hope her and her men are okay. It’s been a few hours, but there’s already so much to tell her.


  Walking through the crowded streets, people stop to openly gawk, congratulate, or stare. All of it is a bit unsettling and when I come to a stop, waiting for a spot in the people to open so we can continue, a little boy rushes up to me, wrapping his arms firmly around my waist and crying. Confused, I let go of Rhett and Rhydian’s hands and kneel down. “Why are you crying, little guy? Are you okay?” I ask worried that he’s lost.

  “You saved me, you are the angel in my dreams!” he rushes out and I stare out at my men confused. But all at once, Rhydian, Ebbin and I all seem to get the same lightbulb and a sense of comfort and relief washes over us. I can feel it within them.

  -I thought you took his memories?!- I exclaim to the both of them. His memories of that night were supposed to be gone so he wouldn’t ever have to know what was about to happen to him in that alleyway. The first time my powers really started to come in, it was when I pulled his attacker’s soul back from the abyss and the darker half of me took it’s revenge on the perpetrator.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I tell him hoping upon hope that he doesn’t remember, if he does, there’s no telling how much he is really hurting inside.

  “No, I remember your face, a giant black dog, and a snake man! You are the angel that made my nightmare man go away. Thank you,” he cries and all I can do is hug him tighter, sending a prayer out to the newly revived Alyria that he will be okay.

  -Fret not, his adolescent mind associates you with love and kindness, an avenging angel that keeps him safe. Let him keep it, you with him.- The comforting voice of Alyria enters my mind and if it weren’t for the small child in my arms, I would have jerked harshly away and spun in every direction trying to find her.

  -How can you hear me?!- I push back trying to find her mind in the many that I’m connected to.

  -You are of my blood, remember that. And you will always carry a special place within me. These are all of my children, I have heard all of your prayers and theirs. Now, I can finally make some of them come true instead of watching in the aethers while they struggle for gifts that they should be granted. I will see you soon. After you left, I found your mother, it is best you don’t interrupt her right now… you may come across something that, I believe the term is, gross you out.- And with that, she pulls away and I’m left hugging the boy with a disgusted look on my face.

  “I’m glad you can find comfort in your dreams when you see me there. I will do my best to make you proud and be that angel for many more children. Run along and find your mother, little one. Be safe!” I shout after him when he wipes his tears away and smiles once, rushing away into the crowd full of people.

  “What’s the face for, bugs?” Ebbin asks with a brow high on his head, reaching down and offering me a hand up. I take it and shake my head turning to Rhett and make the worst joke I have ever made in my entire life.

  “I don’t think we can be together anymore. Looks like our parents have made us brother and sister.” I cringe after the words are said and start to laugh uncontrollably when Rhett gags and the other three make disgusted looks.

  “Seriously, we are already fucked up enough in a lot of regards, but this?! They had to go and do that? I’m done, we can leave them here. You know it’s what’s going to happen anyway. Let’s go home,” Rhett says with a dread filled face and walks off in the direction towards our little house that we have been staying in, and I can only guess will forever stay vacant now that we are going to frequent
here so much.

  * * *

  Packing the last few things that we had to leave out, I write a few notes and have Rhett portal them to everyone's homes and then call out to Gor and Grun since I know they are going to be the most angry that we are leaving before we can see them again.

  I am leaving them in a whirlwind of chaos, how to deal with all of the people now that Alyria has returned. The leaders have her and the other Valkyries to show them the magic they can wield but I’m most sad that Torunn won't be here to see us off. They will all visit soon, but for now, they need, all of them, the time to reconnect.

  -Stay safe and come find me when things have calmed down. You are needed here, and it’s out time to go. Give my love to everyone and I promise, I will come back and help train with the others and push myself harder each day to unlock anything we still haven’t found, though now with Alyria back, I think she’s going to blow all of our minds. I love you all so much.-

  -Mira, you can't leave, not yet! What about the promise you made?- Grun rushes worriedly.

  -Grun, I will be back in three days to make sure everything is okay. This is where you belong and you said it yourself, you can find me anywhere, anytime. If you ever need me for anything, you will find me.- With that I close myself off sending him one last image of me hugging him in his Spriggan form and sending all the love I carry inside to him.

  -Stay safe, don’t let those mates of yours do anything to my little niece that will anger her. They will have me to answer to if I find out. I will be with Torunn each and every time she visits, and hopefully on my own sometimes when I figure out how to teleport. I love you.-

  -I love you too, Gor. Give them all a hug for me, keep them, and yourself safe and don’t run yourself ragged with making anymore weapons,- I say sternly and enjoy the sound of his laughter in my mind before I send him all of my love and an image of when I first met him, clad in his leathers, and send the feeling I had for him then. Comfort, wonder, and an eagerness to see him again.

  -Cynide, are you ready or do you need time?- I ask my saddened Agathion, but I can feel the change within her, the setting of her resolve taking over. I know she talked to Vie, and her heart feels lighter in a way.

  -I am ready. Things will happen the way they do, and I am ready for it. We can only get stronger through the pains of life.- Her statement so minimal, but powerful, strong.

  -I love that and will keep that with me. That’s something we all need to remember,- I tell her and turn my mind off to her and back to the other person in my mind.

  I send Gor one last love filled wave of emotions and then I pull away taking a deep breath, taking Alyria out of her stroller and holding her tight as I ready myself to take us all back home. To the only place I know that will be safe from Alastor and the Conclave.

  Landing on hardwood floors, I look around at the familiar white couches, the open kitchen and blow out a breath thankful the Conclave hasn’t put two and two together; that there’s a separate apartment up here and we can rest easy for a short time until we get news from Polly that the deed is done.

  “I say I want a beer and this is where you take us? I can’t even go down there and get one, that’s just sick and twisted. So mean, bugs, so mean,” Ebbin nearly whines and slaps my butt gently when he walks by, going to the cupboards in the kitchen and grabbing out a dated bag of unopened chips.

  He moans on his first bite, crunching hard as he throws more in his mouth. With Alyria still in my arms, I turn to grab her little bassinet, thankful Rhydian has already popped the legs into place and gently set her down. I walk over the Ebbin and grab the bag from him, his eyes once closed shoot open and he gives me a mock death glare. I hungrily take a giant hanful and my mouth is already watering in anticipation for the salty, vinegar taste of the chips.

  “You two are terrible. I’ll be back in a bit. Mira, is there anything you need? I am going to get some fresh clothes from the cabin,” Rhett says and I nod with a mouth full of food.

  “MmmHmm,” I garble and try to swallow too fast and end up making myself cough. I grab some water and wash it all down and smile sheepishly at them.

  “You are the worst eater, ever,” Merrick sighs and flops down on the couch. I flip off the back of his head and give me attention back to Rhett.

  -You really are Mira, but it’s okay, give me something and I will truly show them what a barbaric eater looks like,- Cynide quips to me and I do just that. Rummaging through the cupboard, I find something that is suitable for her stomach to eat, beef jerky. She jumps on the counter and I pour the entire contents of the bag on the surface and howl with laughter as she tears into the food like a maniac. Jerky flying everywhere and her growls with each bite turning louder and louder.

  “I stand corrected,” Merrick says shaking his head and turning away with a grimace on his face. I laugh with Cynide and pet her rump a few times before I turn my attention back to the others.

  -Thanks for always having my back.-

  -With treats like this, anytime!- she retorts and digs back in.

  “I need three burner phones, a new link watch, and a something different to wear. It’s cold,” I say already shivering from the frigid temperatures inside the small apartment.

  “Okay, I'll be back within the hour, anyone else need anything?” Rhett asks the rest and I go back to the cupboard in search of more deliciousness.

  But not before I give Rhett a quick kiss and say, “Hurry. I don’t trust anything right now.” With a stern look, eyes set and one brow raised, he knows I'm serious and nods his head. His gorgeous white hair shifting in front of his face making me reach out a hand to gently move it away, and then I kiss him goodbye with wink. A portal opens up behind him and soon enough, he disappears leaving us alone and me to find delicious coconut chocolate! Score!

  “What are we doing from here? You know they’ve been to the bar, this place might be untouched, but Alastor always seems to know where you’re going to be all of us.” Merrick grumbles stating what we’re all thinking.

  I turn around with a mouth full of sweet chocolate and my words come out a jumbled mess. So I try again after swallowing my food, like a normal person with manners should.

  “We need to stay here for a bit until I’m able to get ahold of Blue. She’s safe and that’s where we go next. Then we wait for Apollyon.” My heart starts to race, not out of anger this time when I think of that man, but out of relief and a strange sense of joy.

  We will be free of him, and the Conclave, to live our lives how we want without the threat of death, imprisonment and worse at all of their hands. I will not let Alyria be tested on and that’s one thing I think Ebbin’s father will agree on. I will tell them who and what she is and what I am if the time comes, I have to. We all might want to stay under the radar, keep our gifts to ourselves, but the inevitable always happens and an undocumented Other is a terror to the world in the eyes of others.

  “Once that’s done, we go to my father, get the last orders from him that we are safe and then live our lives,” Ebbin says in a huff sitting heavily down on the couch with his bag of half eaten chips in hand.

  “I don’t think I am going to know how to live a normal life for a bit,” Rhydian laughs and I shake my head knowing exactly what he means.

  We have been on the run, in battle with numerous beings, sent to other worlds and realms, and then we all went through the craziness of a baby in a span of only a few months. How do you go from that, back to the normalcy of the lives we lead before?

  “Nah, once we settle somewhere, take some time to ourselves and find what it’s truly like to be a family without any threats, things will fall into place,” Merrick chimes in slapping Rhydian on the shoulder and immediately wincing when he sees that Rhydian was leaning down to pick up Alyria.

  “Sorry!” he whisper shouts and ducks his head and sits down next to Ebbin on the big white couch.

  I roll my eyes and go back to the counter to make us all some tea and coffee.

  “I agr
ee, we were living life the way we had to and then thrust into another and acclimated just fine. The same will happen again and we’ll be fine,” Rhydian whispers over the top of Alyria’s head and goes to sit in the chair by he big window.

  “Yeah, I think with all things considered, telling my family I’m mated and have a child, plus the reasons surrounding all of our disappearances so suddenly… That’s the part I really am going to dread.” Merrick scrunches his face at the thought and though I don’t have a family to tell, minus Blue’s parents that will no doubt be elated, I have no idea how they are going to deal with it either.

  “Mira is going to be in for a wild ride when she meets the… family.” Rhydian laughs and my hackles rise.

  “What do you mean?” I ask with a brow raised, walking around to the front of the couch with four cups of tea and coffee, placing them on the table in front of us before I sit down.

  “He means, our families are either too proper, or too kind. Then throw in Ebbin's, which none of us know, well I would hope you do…” Merrick says drawing his own brows up high on his head. His question isn’t lost on me.


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