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New Love

Page 12

by Mj Fields

  “Thank you baby,” he closed his eyes.

  “Good job Tessa,” Maggie whispered as they walked into Ryan’s room.

  Ryan was sitting up and getting stitches in his left arm. His right arm was badly bruised from the impact, but he was alright.

  “Hello Ryan, how are you feeling?”

  “I’d be a lot better if I knew how everyone was. Tessa they were using that heart machine on Tommy and I think --well can you find out how he is? Please Tessa,” Ryan’s eyes were watering.

  “Well I can tell you I just saw Lucas, and he has to have stitches in his head. That doesn’t sound like much fun does it?” she gave him a weak smile. “Your parents are on their way, and I’ll report back to you okay?”

  “Tessa how is Jade; she is going to be a mess.”

  Tessa looked at her Mom “Ryan, as soon as we know we’ll tell you, but right now you need to rest okay?” Ryan laid back. By the look in his eyes, he knew.

  They came to Jade’s room. Tessa walked in, and Jade was sitting up wide eyed. She had a few scratches on her left hand.

  “Tessa, how did you know we were here?”

  “We came up on the accident. The police told us you were here. I saw your purse on the ground. It scared me Jade,” she took a deep breath and tried not to cry.

  “Tessa, did Tommy wake up yet?”

  Tessa took a deep breath, and Jade searched her face.

  “I know he was pretty messed up. I’m sure he had cuts in his mouth because the last time I saw him he had blood coming out of it. And he hurt his ear too Tessa.” Each time she mentioned an injury her voice broke a bit more. Tessa was taking deep breaths trying not to cry. “There was blood in it to. Tessa they used the machine that shocks people’s hearts on Tommy,” she had tears rolling down her face. “Did you see him yet?”

  Tessa shook her head no.

  A nurse came in and handed Maggie her chart.

  Maggie read it and took a deep breath, “Tessa could you please give Jade and I a minute?”

  “No, Aunt Maggie, I think I need Tessa to come sit with me now,” more tears rolled down her face. “Tessa, please get under these covers and hold me. I think I’m going to fall apart,” she was shaking.

  Tessa told her to lie down, kicked her shoes off, and climbed under the covers and hugged Jade.

  “Tessa he’s gone isn’t he?” Tessa closed her eyes and pulled Jades head to her chest.

  Tessa looked at Maggie, “Ok Jade, we did blood work to test a few things, are you sure you want Tessa in here Jade,” she shook her head yes. “Jade honey,” she sat on the other side of her and rubbed her back, “this test says you’re pregnant.”

  “Tommy and I are going to have a baby?” Jade cried softly. “Tessa did you hear that?” she smiled. “I want to see him so I can tell him… I know he will wake up then.” She cried harder, “Tommy’s going to miss this.”

  “Jade we need to take you down and do an ultra sound. Tessa’s going to need to leave for this okay?”

  “You’ll be back right? You can’t leave me Tessa.”

  “I’ll be here Jade, I promise.”

  Tessa walked into the waiting room, and Ben jumped up and walked towards her. She grabbed him and hugged him.

  “Ben,” Tessa whispered.

  Ben kissed her head and sat down and pulled her on his lap, she started to cry. He ran his hands through her hair and hugged her.

  Tessa saw the parents come in, first Ryan’s then Tommy’s. Uncle Jack came in next and Lucas’s Mom right behind him. They all stood at the desk. Tessa walked up and hugged her uncle; he grabbed her and hugged her back. Lucas’s Mom looked at her, she held her hand. Maggie came out and took Tommy’s parents into a room, and his mothers scream echoed throughout the ER.

  “Tessa is Lucas…” she started to cry.

  “Lucas is going to be fine… physically,” Tessa hugged her. “Uncle Jack, Jade is too, and Ryan is good. None of them have been told yet. Jade is having some testing.”

  They heard Lucas yelling at the nurses, “What the fuck is going on? Where’s Tommy? I want to see him now!”

  Tessa grabbed his mom’s hand and led her back to his room.

  “Lucas your mom is here,” Kate hugged him tightly, and he cried.

  Lucas looked up and saw Tessa standing there, he was crying, he looked at her confused.

  “Tessa?” he said, “Where’s Tommy?” he wiped his tears away, and she stood frozen. His eyes bored into hers: “Damn it Tessa, where is he!”

  She took a deep breath and walked over to him and grabbed his hand. He looked at her and shook his head and winced, he pulled her towards him.

  “Just fucking say it!” he yelled. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. He let go of her hand and grabbed Tessa’s face. “Tell me!”

  “Lucas… he’s gone,” Tessa whispered as tears fell down her cheek.

  He let go of her and tried to stand up, Maggie walked in.

  “Lucas you’re going to need to sit down honey okay,” and he did. She looked at the other nurse and shook her head yes. “We’re going to give you something to help you relax.”

  The nurse put a syringe into his IV, and he looked at Tessa.

  “Please baby,” he said immediately feeling the effects of the drugs, “don’t leave me.”

  She took his hand and helped him into bed. He pulled her towards him and she sat on his bed and held him until he fell asleep.

  “Tessa they’re bringing Jade up now,” Maggie whispered.

  “Okay Momma.” She loosened her hand from Lucas’s tight grip and handed it to his Mom “I’ll be back later,” she hugged her and walked down the hall.

  Mr. and Mrs. Brooks were in with Ryan.

  Tessa walked in. “You okay Ryan?”

  “How is Jade?”

  “She’s coming back up now. She had to have a test done.”

  “So he’s gone right? Tommy’s gone?”

  Tessa shook her head yes and hugged him. He hugged her and looked at her. “How is Lucas?”

  “He’s asleep,” she cleared her throat, “They gave him something to help him sleep.”

  Ryan wiped away her tears and hugged her, “You need to go be with Jade now, Tessa. She’s going to need you.”

  “They’re both going to need us, Ryan,” he hugged her again.

  “Well lucky for them, we’re here,” Ryan smiled through falling tears. “Now go.”

  She walked into Jade’s room, and Uncle Jack looked at her.

  “Does she know yet?” he asked.

  “I think she knows, but no one has officially told her. They were waiting for you,” she held his hand.

  He hugged her, “This is not going to be good Tessa, can you be strong for her?”

  “Of course I can. We are Ross’. We’ll be okay,” Tessa forced a smile on her face.

  They wheeled her in, and Jade saw her father.

  “Daddy,” she said and smiled softly, “Tommy, and I are going to have a baby, please don’t be mad… we love each other.”

  Jack looked at his little girl and said nothing.

  “Uncle Jack,” Tessa whispered, “We need to be strong for her.”

  “How long have you know?”

  “I just found out Daddy. I need to tell Tommy so he’ll wake up,” she began crying. “He isn’t waking up is he Daddy?” Jack shook his head no. “I love him Daddy please… he has to wake up, I love him.”

  “Oh Jade, we’ll get through this one too,” he hugged her and held her tight.

  Maggie walked in.

  “Momma, please give her something she needs to sleep,” Tessa cried.

  “No Tessa, I have a beautiful baby growing in my belly. I don’t need anything,” she said.

  “Jade we’re going to give you a little something, it’s perfectly safe for the baby, okay?” Maggie said.

  “No, I want to see him before I sleep; I need to see him please! I need to tell him he’s going to be a Daddy,” Jade sobbed.

sp; “Jade,” Tessa softly rubbed her back “Tommy already knows. He’s holding his little soul in heaven, he already knows him,” tears fell down her face.

  Jade turned to her, “He does, doesn’t he, Tessa?”

  She hugged Tessa, and they cried together.

  Maggie turned and saw Tommy’s parents standing at the door. She smiled at them and motioned them in. Tommy’s Mom stroked Jade’s long black hair and Jade looked up.

  “I’m so sorry,” Jade cried.

  His mom hugged her. They cried together.

  “Jade are you pregnant?”

  “I guess I am,” she touched her belly.

  “How far along are you?”

  She held up a picture and handed it to her.

  “This says I’m ten weeks,” she said softly.

  “You didn’t know?”

  “No, not until an hour ago. I need to see him, I need to tell him,” Jade said as tears ran down her face.

  Tommy’s mom looked at Maggie.

  “Can she see him?” she asked softly.

  “If that’s what she wants. I’ll go get a wheel chair. Jade are you sure?” Maggie asked.

  “Yes, can Tessa come with me?”

  “Of course, honey.”

  Tessa wheeled Jade down the hall with Tommy’s parents. They stopped outside the door next to Lucas’s room.

  “We’ll give you a minute before we come in,” Mrs. Lane said softly.

  They walked through the door, and Jade cried loudly.

  “Oh Tommy please, please wake up,” she stood and hugged his lifeless body.

  Tessa stroked her hair, while they both said their goodbyes.

  He just looked like he was sleeping.


  Lucas woke and heard her. He stood up.

  “Lucas you need to lay back down honey,” his Mom said.

  “No, I don’t, I need to go out there,” he got up and pulled his IV out.

  He saw Tommy’s parents standing by the door. They hugged him.


  “Tommy I love you and have since the day I saw your beautiful smile,” Jade said. “I need to tell you something. You’re going to be a Daddy. Tessa says you already know, and that and the two of you are in heaven together. Please Tommy, if you can’t wake up I need you to hold our baby tight and let him know you until I get to see his beautiful face. I promise I’ll take good care of him then, but right now as he is sitting on your lap, teach him about who you are. The beautiful person you are,” She sobbed “I love you Thomas James. I love you so much!”

  The door opened, and Tommy’s parents and Lucas walked in, Ryan was behind them. Lucas looked at him and stood shocked, he stumbled back, and Tessa caught him. She grabbed a chair and made him sit. He held her hand, and she rubbed his back with the other. Lucas looked at the ground, and tears fell.

  “He looks beautiful doesn’t he Lucas?” Jade said as she hugged Tommy, “He’s sleeping until we see him again someday.”

  Jade took Tommy’s hand and placed it on her belly and kissed his head over and over again.

  She took Lucas’s hand and placed it on her belly.

  “Part of Tommy is right here. We’re going to have a baby and that baby is going to need to know all about Tommy. Can you help me with that; can you be strong for Tommy?” Jade said crying.

  Lucas looked up at her and shook his head.

  “Ryan,” Jade said, “You can help too, okay?” she hugged him. “You helped me through my brothers. I’m going to need you for this too, okay?”

  “Jade anything you need,” Ryan said, “I’ll always be here, always.”

  She climbed up next to Tommy and hugged him and kissed his face.

  “Tommy we’re going to be okay, you take care of our baby for now, my love. I promise I’ll see you again someday,” she sobbed and so did everyone in the room, “Tessa, I don’t want to leave him, I can’t leave him,” Tessa hugged her. “This hurts so badly!”

  Maggie walked in, her eyes red and burning “Jade I’m going to give you a shot, okay?”

  “Okay Aunt Maggie,” she cried.

  She clung to Tommy and they stayed until she started to get sleepy. Jack picked her up and walked out of the room.

  Tessa bent down and kissed Tommy’s head, “I’ll get them through this, I promise.”

  She looked at Ryan “You want to say something to him?”

  Ryan put his hand on Tommy’s head and closed his eyes and then walked out.

  Tessa bent down, “Lucas,” he looked at her. “It’s time to say goodbye for now.”

  She whispered and kissed his head.

  Lucas shook his head no. Tessa held his hand until he finally stood up and stroked his hair, “Goodbye for now, brother,” he closed his eyes as tears fell.

  He was shaky as he started to walk out; Tessa put his arm around her shoulder and helped him. They stopped at Tommy’s parents, he hugged them both and Tessa helped him to his room.

  Lucas sat on the bed and wrapped his arms around her, his head rested on her chest. She rubbed and kissed his head.

  “Lucas, you need to sleep,” she said softly.

  He looked up at her, “You do too, Tessa.”

  “I’m going to have my mom give you something to help you sleep okay?”

  He shook his head yes, she turned to leave.

  “Tessa wait, what you said to Jade? Do you actually believe that, you know the stuff she told Tommy?”

  She walked over and squatted down.

  “Yes Lucas, I do. Just like I know he has met your child and I’m sure the two of them are already the best of friends,” she smiled and a tear rolled down her face.

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes I am.”

  He hugged her and she held him.

  Maggie came into the room and gave him a shot to relax him. After a few minutes he started to relax, she lifted his feet onto the bed and covered him up.

  He looked at her, “Baby, thank you.”

  She hugged his Mom and went to check on Jade, she was asleep in Jack’s arms. She walked out and Ryan and his parents were in the waiting room with Ben. Ryan stood up and hugged her.

  “That was beautiful Tessa,” he kissed her cheek.

  “Ryan they’re going to need us for a long time,” she started to cry.

  “We can do that, I’ve always tried to watch out for Jade, ever since the boy’s accident,” Ryan said.

  “You love her don’t you?” Tessa whispered.

  “Always have, always will.” Ryan said sadly.

  “Your secret is safe with me,” Tessa hugged him.

  “They’re making me go home. Will you call me and let me know how things are going?”

  She shook her head yes.

  Tessa turned around and Ben was sitting drinking coffee. There were three empty cups in front of him, she smiled and walked over to him. She sat down and took his hand.

  “Hey Ben.”

  “How you holding up, Tess?”

  “Good,” she tried to smile.

  She hugged him and cried as he held her.

  Maggie came out, “Tessa, why don’t you let Ben take you home?”

  “I can’t leave them,” she stood up, “Jade needs me.”

  “Honey, Jade’s sleeping. When she wakes up she’s going to be released. Uncle Jack and I talked, he’s taking the week off, he’ll be there. You need to sleep so you can be there, too,” Tessa looked at her searching for more. “The same thing with Lucas, he’s okay and he’ll be going home today, his Mother will take him home. I will let them both know I sent you home and that you will see them later. Ben-- you okay to drive?”

  “Sure am Maggie,” Ben smiled.

  Tessa went to check on them and told Lucas’s mother she was being forced to go home, and to please let her know if they needed anything, she programmed her number into her phone and hugged her.

  “As long as you’re alright, he will be too,” Tessa said.

  “I think that’s true of both of us
Tessa, he misses you badly.”

  “I know how he feels,” Tessa leaned over and kissed Lucas and wiped his tear stained cheek she held his head between her hands and rubbed his cheek. She pressed her forehead against his and then kissed his nose. She stood remembering Kate was in the room. She wiped her eyes and walked out.

  Tessa had the same conversation with Uncle Jack.

  “How are you doing with all this baby stuff?” she asked him.

  “Alright. If that’s what gets her through…so be it. Don’t get me wrong-- if the circumstances were different she would be in deep shit. But she’s my baby, Tessa… and she’s going through so much, I can’t be angry with her. I’m just going to have to figure it out alone, just like she will,” He hugged his little girl who was asleep in his arms.

  “I’m going to be here every step of the way, I promise.”

  “I know Tessa, I know,” she hugged him and kissed Jade before she left.

  They walked out and Ben opened her door and immediately buckled Tessa’s seat belt. He got in and pulled out onto the road. She unbuckled and lifted the console and sat next to him leaning her head on his shoulder.

  “Tess come on girl, buckle please.”

  Chapter 9

  They pulled into the farm, and he kissed her cheek watching her sleep, he brushed her hair away from her face. Damn it, he thought as he closed his eyes and kissed her head again.

  “You’re home Tess,” she sat up and felt a lump in her throat.

  Her lip started quivering, and she followed him out of the truck. Ben turned and grabbed her hand, and she hugged him and cried. Her brothers, sister, and John walked out. She didn’t let go of Ben. He rubbed her back and answered all their questions.

  “Let’s go inside Tess,” Ben whispered.

  They went in and sat in the living room. Chewy jumped on her lap and licked her face, she pet him and sat silent for awhile.

  “Ben,” she whispered, and he hugged her as she cried more.

  “I need a shower,” she walked into the bathroom and grabbed him a towel and washcloth.

  She came out and handed it to him, he smiled. “You remember where the other shower is?”

  When she was finished she walked out wrapped in a towel. He sat on the couch with her family. Ben looked at her and then closed his eyes and looked down. She is beautiful, he thought.


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