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New Love

Page 30

by Mj Fields

  “Tessa you did it Baby-- it looks amazing,” he said taking down the ladder. “How did you come up with this?”

  “I probably saw it in a magazine, but the inspiration was the flowers,” she smiled. “Thank you for everything today, it was sweet. Completely over the top and unnecessary, I would never have stayed angry at you Lucas. But it made for a fun day. I love you,” Tessa kissed him.

  He held her face and kissed her gently. “I love you baby.”

  Tessa loved when he called her baby, it was a complete turn on. She knew when he called her that it was going to lead to something that made her scream his name.

  “Can we go for a walk?” Tessa said pointing to the stone bridge that passed over the water.

  Lucas smiled and took her hand. They walked up, and she sat on the stone wall and watched the water rush down from the falls behind the trees.

  “I think they should say their vows here, it’s beautiful.”

  Lucas watched as she took in the scene, he wanted to make love to her right here but was a little apprehensive. He didn’t want to make her angry again. She turned and looked at him; his eyes were heavy and his stare very recognizable.

  She smiled, “Here Lucas?” he shook his head yes. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  When they finished, they walked back to the pavilion arm in arm.

  “Will you stay with me tomorrow?”

  “Yes,” her face hardened a bit and she looked down and scowled.

  “What’s going on Tessa?” he asked.

  “Two weeks and that won’t be an option,” she said quietly.

  “We’ll figure it out,” he hugged her, “Promise me Tessa because right now I could say screw it all and be totally happy staying here forever.”

  That sounded perfect to her, but knew someday they would probably feel like her mother, like she didn’t do all that she could and should have.

  “I promise Lucas.”

  Chapter 19

  The Ross’ arrived at the pavilion, and Lucas was standing outside in a suit and tie. Tessa smiled and got out of the car. She stopped to take him in and then took a picture, he laughed and she ran up and kissed him.

  “You look amazing,” he kissed her again.

  “And you Lucas,” Tessa said looking him over, “Smokin’ hot.”

  Maggie came out and cleared her throat.

  “Tessa did you do that?” she asked.

  “We did,” she said. “Do you like it?”

  “It is beautiful; Molly is going to be so impressed. Thank you both,” she hugged them and walked away.

  “Thank my lucky stars she hugged me from the side,” Lucas said smiling at Tessa.

  She looked confused. He grabbed her and pulled her close.

  “Oh, yeah good thing. Dead puppies Lucas,” she grinned and grabbed his hand and walked in.

  They all sat, and Molly walked in with John. She never wore make up or anything revealing and she had never looked more beautiful. Cory stared at her; it was like he was seeing her for the first time.

  “Do you want to know what he’s thinking?” Lucas whispered.

  Tessa laughed and shook her head no.

  The ceremony was perfect; short and sweet-- both of their faces were red after they kissed. Cory could not keep his eyes off of her the entire time. Ryan and Jade couldn’t keep their hands off each other. As they all danced, Ryan looked at Lucas.

  “Cory has no idea what he’s in store for,” Ryan laughed.

  Lucas smiled, “I think he’ll figure it out tonight.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Tessa asked.

  “Nothing baby,” he kissed her head.


  Molly and Cory left and headed up north for the week. They were going to Old Forge to a cabin on one of the lakes. Lucas had given them a cabin for the week as a wedding gift. He’d be done with his job on Wednesday, and Ryan had a week between jobs to read and learn some computer programs. The four of them were going to go up and share a cabin for three nights. Lucas was going to help Ryan. Jade and Tessa planned to lounge. Alex and Phoebe both had to work but thought they would be able to bring Kendall and Jake up on Friday night. It was supposed to rain all weekend at home so there wouldn’t be much to do on the farm. Maggie was working, and John was going to do some maintenance on the equipment.

  Lucas and Ryan worked long hours for the remaining three days. Jade and Tessa kept busy discussing in great detail how much Jade enjoyed Ryan. The girls all went and got there Mani Pedi’s and Tessa got waxed. Then they went out to lunch. They shopped for supplies for their trip and made food to bring.

  Jade and Tessa met the guys at the job site the last day. Lucas was handing out envelopes containing bonuses for finishing the job ahead of schedule and without incident. Lucas thanked them for their work and introduced Ryan as his replacement for those staying on.

  Jade smiled, she was so proud of him. Ryan was amazing, the way he took care of her, filled every need and put her before himself: she loved him. Jade never would have thought six months ago she could ever be happy again. She vowed to herself that she would never go a day without letting him know how much he meant to her.

  He walked over to her and bent down to kiss her and then kissed her belly. Tessa thought that was one of the most beautiful things she had ever witnessed. She was so happy for Jade and Ryan. Lucas came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck.

  “Hey baby,” he said and she smiled.

  They waved goodbye to Jade and Ryan.

  “You rode with Jade?”

  “Yes, I wanted to ride home with you,” she looked around. “When does the trailer leave?” she asked smiling.

  He grinned and took her hand, and they went inside. “This your desk, Mr. Links?”

  He locked the door.

  “Yes Miss Ross-- it is,” he smiled.

  She lifted her sundress above her head, and he clenched his jaw. She took her bra off and turned around and slowly took off her panties. She turned around and smiled and narrowed her eyes.

  “Miss Ross when did you do that?” he asked swallowing hard.

  “Two days ago Mr. Links, do you approve?”

  “Uh Huh,” Lucas said.

  She sat on his desk, and he pulled his shirt off over his head as he walked over to her and dropped to his knees.

  They walked out an hour later both exhausted and smiling. He opened the door for her and kissed her head.

  “I love you baby.”

  “I love you Mr. Links,” she said and laughed.

  On Thursday morning, Lucas picked up Tessa and loaded up the coolers and bags.

  “I can’t wait to have you for four days,” he kissed her.

  “I can’t wait to be had,” she smiled.

  They picked up Ryan and Jade. Tessa hopped in the back and let Ryan sit up front. He was too tall to sit in the back. She reached up and rubbed Lucas’s head, and he sat back.

  “I’m not trying to be rude,” Jade said, “but should we drive separately?” Ryan and Lucas both laughed “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing Jade, I think we should all ride together, it’ll be fun,” Ryan said.

  “Then you need to sit back here,” she pouted.

  “You don’t like me,” Tessa said and rubbed her belly.

  “Not as much as I like him,” she looked down.

  “Can I sit up here for an hour, Jade?” Ryan smiled back at her.

  “I guess.”

  “Didn’t you take care of her before we got there?” Lucas asked.

  “Did you take care of Tessa?” Jade asked.

  “Okay,” Tessa said.

  The guys laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked.

  “The Ross girl’s rock,” Lucas said, and they both laughed.

  “We do,” Tessa said, and hi fived Jade. “You’re two lucky boys.”

  “We certainly are,” Ryan said and reclined his seat back so that he could hold Jade’s hand. />
  They set up camp and Jade, and Ryan took frequent walks in the woods. When they were gone, Tessa and Lucas took full advantage of the time alone. Tessa walked out of the cabin and wrapped herself in a blanket; she sat next to the dying fire and looked at the sky. She couldn’t shake the emptiness she was starting to feel already. Tessa knew that Monday Lucas started practice and that the next week he would be living in Syracuse. She loved him but in the pit of her stomach she felt that he wouldn’t be satisfied with just seeing her a few times a week. He was going to be so busy with school and ball. He would be traveling for games and studying for tests. He would be meeting new people, and Sadi was going to be there to. She couldn’t even imagine the dreadful things she would do to try and break them apart. She felt tears and let them go. She was alone and wouldn’t have to put her thoughts into words for anyone.

  “Hey what are you doing out here?” Lucas asked sitting behind her and wrapping himself around her. “You’re not worried about the bear around here?”

  She reached her hand behind her and ran her hands through his hair, “Just enjoying the beautiful night,” she said leaning back.

  He turned her face and kissed it, “You’ve been crying Tessa, why?”

  “Oh I was just thinking about how much I was going to miss you,” she laughed.

  “Tessa we’ll be fine, right?” he asked.

  “Yes Lucas, I’m just going to miss you.”

  “Don’t miss me yet, baby,” he whispered and kissed her neck and caressed her body; “I love you.”

  They made love in front of the smoldering fire under the canopy of pine trees. The stars twinkled down through the clouds sparingly. She started to fall asleep and he kissed her. They walked inside together. She used the bathroom and they fell asleep fully satisfied, wrapped in each other embrace.

  The next day they spent relaxing by the lake.

  “Lucas I think we should get tattoos of each other’s names on our backs,” kissed his chest and then pulled his chin down and kissed his beautiful full lips.

  “Oh you do?”

  “Yep, they do tattoos at the water park, you up for that?”

  “Um okay,” he said.

  “You go first?”

  He looked at her confused, “If that’s what you want.”

  “More than anything,” she hugged him. “Not small either, like I want it across our whole back. I’m so happy we’re going to do this together!”

  While cleaning up from lunch Tessa was carefully rinsing off the tin foil.

  “What are you washing that for?” Lucas laughed.

  “She is having an Aunt Ann moment,” Molly giggled and patted Tessa’s back.

  “Did you guys know she was married before Uncle Fred?” Tessa asked.

  “NO!” Molly laughed.

  “She was, and she was pregnant. Her first husband died in World War II. She miscarried and didn’t know until it was too late. She could never have babies after that,” Tessa said gazing into the water.

  “You’re talking about your eccentric aunt?” Jade giggled.

  Tessa smiled, “Yes, I adored her. Well her Joe was her first love, he drove her crazy, and they were very passionate. There was a man working on the camp next door while I was there and she said he reminded her of him. She was crushing on him big time.”

  “Was he cute?” Jade asked.

  “I have no idea; she made me take a plate of food to him the first night. He was working inside and sawing, so I put the food inside the door. I never saw him,” Tessa smiled.

  “So Ann had a crush?” Molly laughed.

  “She certainly did. The second night…the last night…she took him a plate again. He hugged her and kissed the top of her head. I saw it through the window. It was so sweet. When she came back she was glowing,” Tessa said smiling as she wiped tears away.

  “You never met him?” Jade asked.

  “I sort of did, when the paramedics came the next morning… well I was holding her and didn’t want them to take her. He followed them in and pulled me off of her and held onto me while I cried. He was a good man, he called Pastor Lou. I was in the shower when Pastor Lou got there, and he left. I’m happy he showed her so much kindness before she died,” Tessa wiped more tears away, “He was her Joe.”

  “What about Uncle Fred?” Molly asked.

  “Well he courted her for three years before she finally accepted his proposal. He was the love of her life. Her partner, her friend, her forever,” Tessa answered.

  Lucas held her and kissed her head, “You okay?”

  “I am, these are happy tears. We need to reuse this tin foil,” Tessa said as she placed it in the basket with the paper plates, “She wouldn’t be happy that we are using paper plates either.”

  Molly laughed, “I’m glad you were there, Tessa.”

  “Me too,” Tessa smiled.


  The six of them walked from the camp ground to the park. The girls walked together, laughing and talking about when they were younger, and their whole family used to come here together. The guys walked behind them, Ryan asked Cory how things were, and laughed. Cory smiled and shook his head, “Better than I ever could have ever expected.”

  “So Lucas, Molly tells me that you’re getting tattoos today,” Cory laughed.

  “I guess we are,” he looked down.

  They walked through the gate, and Tessa and Lucas watched as the others rode the colorful chairlifts that followed the main path high above the crowd. He was nervous, and Tessa was very excited.

  “You ready Lucas Links?” she asked.

  He smiled and shook his head yes.

  She took his hand, and they changed into their suits. She wore black boy short bottoms and a matching top. His white shorts looked great with his golden skin and hung perfectly on his hips. He immediately noticed guys checking her out. She immediately noticed how perfect he was, from head to perfect toes.

  “You ready?”

  “Yes,” he said glaring at the males checking her out.

  “Then what’s wrong?”

  “The pigs checking you out.”

  “Let them look, I’m yours Lucas,” she said and put her arm around his waist and tucked her thumb just inside his waistband. “I am going to have LUCAS’ tattooed instead, okay?” she laughed.

  He shook his head and smiled shyly.

  They walked up to the booth, and she smiled. He read the sign, Airbrushed Tattoos.

  “This okay?” she asked and laughed.

  “Yes Tessa, you really had me going,” he said looking relieved.

  “I can’t believe you were going to.”

  “Neither can I,” he kissed her.

  He got her name across his lower back just above his waistband, she tried to talk him into pink, but he insisted on black. She did the same color and had LUCAS’ tattooed across hers. He was uncomfortable watching her bend over the chair and having the guy stencil and paint her.

  “Could you get that across your forehead too?” he asked as his eyebrow rose.

  “Lucas, it’s already on my heart,” she batted her eyelashes and laughed.

  He kissed her, and they boarded the Alpine lift. She had her hands on him as soon as they were away from the boarding platform.

  “Tessa, you’re very naughty.”

  “This would be fun in the dark, you know what, there is a playground at the camp, I want to sit on your lap and swing tonight,” she bit her lip.

  “Sounds like fun, baby,” he said trying to control his breathing. “Baby you got to stop, I need time to calm down.”


  He laughed. And she leaned her head on his shoulder. He kissed her head.

  They spent the rest of the day at the pool and on water slides. Tessa and Lucas lay on their stomachs to tan their backs. Jade and Ryan left early to head back, she said she was tired, but Tessa knew otherwise. Molly and Cory went ahead of them. They lounged holding each other and talking until the park closed.

had such a great time today Lucas, thank you,” she kissed his cheek on their walk back to camp.

  It was so nice being in public with him, there was nothing sexual going on after the chair lift and the very playful Lucas was so much fun.

  “Me too, baby,” he smiled.

  She grinned, baby huh? Too many people around and she would hate to get poison ivy on her butt. Well her knees would be fine she thought as she pulled him into the woods.


  Alex, Phoebe, Kendall and Jake were there when they walked up to the cabin. Phoebe hugged Tessa, and she cringed.

  “Oh boy Tessa-- you got burnt today,” she said.

  “I guess I did,” Tessa said.

  “We used sunscreen,” Lucas said as he looked her over. “Sorry, I thought I did a good job putting it on.”

  "Tessa that's going to hurt," Jake’s face scrunched up.

  “I’ll be fine. Did you guys bring bikes?” Tessa asked, and they shook their heads yes. “Well let’s ride down to the little store and get some Aloe, that’ll help.”

  They rode their bikes and Lucas and Tessa walked behind them. The store was full of temptations for the kids. Tessa had no problem saying no. Lucas went back in and bought half of the things they had asked for. Tessa shook her head when he came out with two bags full of stuff.

  “You are so bad.”

  Phoebe, Jade, and Molly were setting up for dinner when they got back. Alex and Ryan played catch with the kids. Lucas took Tessa in the camp to help apply the Aloe. She pulled her hair up in a bun and started rubbing her shoulders and arms. Lucas locked the door to the bedroom and carefully took her clothes off her.

  “Lay down, I’ll take care of you.” She did, and he applied the lotion to her back, he put some on her butt.

  “Lucas that was covered” she laughed.

  “Leave me alone baby,” he laughed.

  He continued rubbing her butt and the back of her legs and up her thighs.


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