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Weeping Willows: A Thrilling Mystery Novella (Dark Desires Book 1)

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by Zak Khan

  That was Emma's decisive sentiment.

  - Chapter 10 -

  The winter had turned nasty. Its icy fingers curling around the little town of Rosewood Creek and Hanover law bordered just outside the city of London. People who loved Solitude opted to live in these sleepy towns with their scattered farms and cottages miles apart from each other in exchange for the quick pace of the bustling city of central London. Rosewood composed of the usual eternal stores, the bank, a city hall, the famous courthouse built in the 1800 still stood firmly through the sands of time. Little children walked the streets happily playing ball on the sidewalks, their rosy cheeks smiling happily. A man parked his car and pulling the collar of his tweed coat tighter around his neck and walked up to the general store.

  He'd decided to buy what he needed from old Adam. He inwardly smirked thinking how clever he'd been. As he walked his thick boots made large imprints on the cold hard snow as he trudged into the store. A rope, some toiletries, a few blankets, etc. and he was quickly on his way with his purchases.

  He placed the purchases on his backseat of the truck as he drove off out of the little town. Rosewood faded into the distance. He was going up to the cabin in the woods. He'd lay low for a while as he orchestrated his next move.

  The sound of sirens blaring loudly as the squad of police vehicles in blue and white sped wildly up the uneven track. The Icy wind whistled loudly as police descended on the farmhouse. Emma and Craig exchanged knowing looks, horrified that their worst nightmare had just began. The policemen rushed the farmhouse and immediately arrested Craig for the charge of murder of Melissa. They had uncovered Craig's past and believed that he had kidnapped Melly. Craig kept shouting that he was innocent and he loved her but it fell on deaf ears as he was forcefully taken away. Emma shrieked at her brother not to worry. She'd get him the best lawyer in town. Craig's face wore a shattered look as he gazed at his sister helplessly through the window and he was whisked away. That image would haunt Emma forever.

  A few miles away the man stood at the cabin window staring out into the blackness. He stroked his beard and thought pensively at this brilliance. A steely glint in his eyes, he thought how easy it was and he smiled at himself. He knew that the boy would be picked up just about now. He'd followed him to the farmhouse in the past. It was quite isolated, not as the cabin was. He'd done a background check on the boy. He would make the perfect fall guy, his past would definitely ensure that. He walked away from the window and threw a log into the fire, the crackling wood creating a warm ambiance. He reveled in the thought that he and the girl would be together very soon. It was destiny. His very own destiny.

  - Chapter 11 -

  Suzie could feel the bitter coldness soak her feet as she ran in the mist. The smell of old cold stone filling her nostrils as she tripped and slipped on the green moss and rocks. The mist had enveloped her. A sharp stinging pain in her knee, the wet stickiness and the droplets of red on the cold white snow telling her that she'd injured herself. She grimaced and rose slowly, up ahead she could hear Melly calling out to her. Suzie began running on the old bridge near the riverbed, Melissa needed her, and she could hear her getting closer. As she approached the figure near the edge of the bank, near the old abandoned mill, she saw her, the blond figure with her back facing her. She called out, “Melly, Melly, I'm here!” she shouted breathlessly. She reached out her hand to touch Melly's shoulder when the figure turned with a wide lifeless blank stare in the pool of her irises. Streaks of blood running down her cheeks. Suzie cringed her hands in mid-air, a blood curling scream tearing at her throat as she jerked awake. Her pajamas's were soaked in cold sweat. It had been a nightmare, one of the worst kind ever. She clutched at the bed covers trying to relax her racing heart. It was the 3rd nightmare this week. Ever since her parent’s death and Melly's disappearance, she had been having recurring nightmares. They plagued her. Her bedroom was still and dark. She reached over to the night table switching on her lamp. The warmth of the light adding a touch of security, she gently pushed away the covers and got out of bed, reaching into the drawer she pulled out a fresh clean nightgown, pulling of the sweat drenched gown, she put the clean one on and padded bare-feet to the kitchen. A warm glass of milk with honey would soothe her frayed nerves. These nightmares were taking its toll. They left her exhausted. Suzie stood at the lounge window sipping her warm milk gazing out into the darkness. Her hand tightening on the glass as she squinted peering into the darkness. “Is that a figure near the willow tree at the end of the driveway?” she asked herself. She blinked hard looking again. It was just the shadows. Suzie shook her head and reassured herself that her imagination was playing tricks on her with everything going on, this was no surprise.

  - Chapter 12 -

  Suzie clutched her file tightly against her chest, with her right hand she adjusted the strap on her handbag pulling it higher onto her shoulder and quickly walked up to the lecture hall. She had requested a meeting with the English lecturer. Her studies were lagging behind. She’d been given extensions on all of her assignments, but she knew that she wasn't coping, she'd decided to continue only in the next semester. She needed time, she needed to come to terms with everything that had happened in her life. She needed to lose herself in an unknown city, away from Rosewood Creek, away from university where every lecture room and cafeteria reminded her of Melly and her parent’s tragic death. To date there didn't appear to be any leads to the person responsible for her parents death. The pain, just thinking about it was overwhelming. She found herself blinking hard to stop the onset of fresh tears threating to spill. She took a deep breath and swallowed hard as she saw the kind lecturer approach her. He'd been so helpful and kind with his twinkly blue eyes masked with concern. He'd tried to help Suzie update her notes. She felt a bit guilty that so many strangers like Mr. Cole had took the time to be kind and supportive. She felt that she would be letting them down dropping out of the semester. Suzie knew that she owed it to herself to heal so she could begin to feel whole again. She owed it to herself, she owed it to her parents to be okay, and they would want that!

  Walking away from Mr. Cole, a sense of relief washed over her. She'd been surprised that Mr. Cole had been so understanding and supportive telling her that she should take her time before she renewed her studies. It was understandable. Under the circumstance, she needed time. A lot of her friend who had overhead them come over to wish Suzie the best, telling her that they would look forward to seeing her next semester. Everyone was too kind.

  Walking away she told herself that she had been lucky living in a town like Rosewood Creek as people in the country were so warm and caring, she thought that city people would never be able to do this, a person could be drowned in a large city. She felt blessed for that. Fishing out her keys from her bag, a voice called out to her. It was Kyle, Craig's friend. Suzie looked up enquiringly. What was Kyle doing racing after her? What could be so important? She paused, greeting Kyle as he reached her panting out of breath. “Have you heard the news?” he exclaimed. It's all over the radio station, breaking news, “Craig's been arrested.” he said. Her keys fell with a loud clang on the concrete and with a look of shock on her face she stared at Kyle as horror etched her face. What was he saying? It couldn't be true. Leaving Kyle standing alone she picked up her keys, got into the car and drove off to Uncle Frank and Aunt Lizzie. She prayed that what Kyle had told her was untrue. God could not be so cruel.

  Two police vehicles were in the driveway of the Andrews residence. The solemn looks on the officer’s face spoke volumes, Suzie had seen it before, Aunt Lizzie lay passed out on the couch - she'd fainted. One of the officers held Uncle Frank around the shoulders as she wept unashamedly, totally beaten. He kept crying that his baby was gone. Suzie went cold, her best friend in the whole world was snatched from her. Melly was no more. She'd been murdered. Anger, rage tore through her she tried to push away her pain, she needed to be here for Melly's parents, they had shown her lots of love and kindness. She knew ex
actly how they were feeling. The sense of futility and loss of a loved one. It knocked the breath of a human being leaving them with a constant shallow emptiness. The pain, the suffering it was unbearable. The officers told them that a young couple, American tourist, were hiking on the outskirts of Rosewood Creek and Hanover, stumbled upon Melly's body. She'd been floating near the river just over the old bridge, Suzie felt cold thinking about her nightmare. It had come true. Melly's body had been discovered exactly where she had dreamt it was. The police had fished her decaying body out of the river. She'd been shot, they said and parts of her body had been sliced off. The killer had mutilated her body. Forensics would determine everything. The police told them a lighter had been found on the bank of the river. It was one of those very expensive types, a limited edition, with engravings of Craig Jackson. They told Melly's dad about Craig's disturbing childhood and past, they believed that he was the murderer killing Melissa in a fit of the rage. They had searched his place at the guest house and blood-stained clothing had been found, hidden in a box under his bed. The police stated that Craig was vehemently denying any involvement in killing her but the evidence spoke otherwise. They believed they had the right man! His trial would commence soon.

  - Chapter 13 -

  Melly was laid to rest on that Sunday afternoon, the 2nd of May, two months after she had gone missing. Suzie, Uncle Frank and Aunt Lizzie wept hysterically, broken as her battered body in the closed casket was lowered into the grave. Suzie felt as if her heart had been cut into tiny pieces, her beautiful friend had been senselessly killed, life snuffed out for no reason. People in Rosewood Creek gossiped among themselves that Craig with his broody expressions were always strange. The claimed that he'd fit the profile of a psychopath. The trial was set on the 14th of May, the word out there was that Craig continued pleading his innocence, claiming that he'd been framed. He'd loved Melly and wouldn't hurt her. The people on the street, as in most little towns were convinced otherwise. A perpetrator would pay.

  Justice must prevail!

  Meanwhile, Suzie had promised herself that she would wait until the trial had concluded and sentencing had passed, she'd decided to visit dad's family in New Zealand. They had made a trip out to London, coming to Rosewood Creek to see her, they had been nice, and they’d regretted the distance between the families and mourned her parents’ loss. Uncle Johnathan had offered to fly her out to New Zealand at her convenience, she was most welcome, after all they were family related by blood. Spending most of her days moping about the cottage mourning the loss of her parents and Melly, her moods alternating between weeping sessions and remembering the fun-filled days with Melly.

  - Chapter 14 -

  The season of winter was drawing to a close, months had passed with Craig’s trial continuing, the defense fighting a strong case in his favor. It was taking an intensive knock on them. Suzie and the Andrews needed closure. As yet no leads had become apparent regarding her parent’s killer or killers. The police had hit a dead end. Suzie awoke one morning she decided to take a long walk, she'd been too cooped up. Besides Uncle Frank and Aunt Lizzie. She's been spending all her time alone, mourning licking her wounds but the ugly truth was that life does go on, she would have to harden her heart and pick up the pieces. As painful as it was, she had to move forward, she owed it to Melly and her parents to live a productive life.

  Coming out today would be the first step. Breathing in the fresh air, she walked toward the cluster of weeping willow trees, her heart felt just a tad lighter, being out in the fresh air she felt a little better. Walking slowly, head down absorbed in her thoughts, Suzie reflected over the unfolding of the trial, she had the uncanny feeling that the case regarding Craig did not feel right. The evidence felt too pat. Sitting through the trial she could not explain why, but watching Craig she felt that she had gotten to know him quite well, she felt that he didn't appear to be lying. Her own thoughts shocked her. She wanted her friend’s killer to be put away, but a feeling deep inside kept gnawing at her. Something was not quite right. Although Craig's past had become public knowledge, Suzie could not shake the feeling that Craig's remorse in court appeared genuine. She kept asking herself what if this was true or was Craig just as phenomenal liar?

  The entire town of Rosewood Creak believed in his guilt. Shrugging away her thoughts she stared at the puffy clouds in the distance. The countryside smelled fresh, with a hint of pine. Suzie loved that smell. It was soothing, sparrow and finches whistled merrily on the adjacent trees, spring was definitely tiptoeing into Rosewood Creek. She loved it here. Seating herself on a clump of cut tree stumps near the adjacent forest, she surveyed her surrounding, lots of people were nervous in the open wilderness, not her, she loved Mother Nature, and it rejuvenated her. She sat quietly, enjoying the solitude. A sense of peace descending on her for the first time in a long while.

  The man stroked his beard carefully watching Suzie. He's burly shoulders hunching forward as he crouched behind the trees. He'd been watching her leaving the cottage and he'd followed from a distance quietly tailing her. A thoughtful gaze flickered across his face, he had planned to take her quietly from the cottage but he reflected that opportunity had just presented itself when she had made her way towards the forest. She lifted her face up to the pale sunshine and as he watched her he knew this was it. His moment had come. He crept up slowing behind her, she was oblivious to his presence, so lost in thought she was. Suddenly, Suzie sat up as the faint whiff of chemical rent the air. Just as realization dawned that she was not alone, a large hand with a cloth was pressed against her nostrils and mouth, tried to struggle as arms held her in a tight grip. The forest receded into a blur, her senses slowed. She slipped into blackness.

  The man gently scooped her unconscious limp body and hurriedly walked up to his truck, laying her body on the backseat of the truck. He didn't bother to tie up her arms just yet or to gag her as he'd done to her friend, he was confident that she'd be out for a long while. He quickly jumped into his truck and drove off towards the mountains, he'd be there in 20 minutes, the cabin wasn't too far out but its seclusion was ideal. His refuge, hidden in the rough terrain, he'd be safe. He was bringing the girl of his dreams home, he fantasied their future together was going to be magical. He'd planned an amazing life for them, he pondered these thoughts as he drove to the cabin. He felt exhilarated, everything was coming together beautifully. He felt so proud of himself, basking in his glory of all his plans coming to fruition. He and Suzanne, he'd call her Suzanne, not Suzie like the others called her, he liked the name Suzanne as it rolled of his tongue. She was special, he'd been watching her for 2 long years at campus, silently learning her likes and dislikes. He knew she loved strawberry ice-cream and chocolate bars, she literally thrived off them. Oh yes, he'd learnt a lot about Suzanne, she was a creature of habit, enjoying her own company. He'd played them all, the police, the university, the green eyed witch and her boyfriend, they were all pawns in his game. He'd even gotten away with murder, three of them precisely but a lot more in his bag. He was brilliant! He smiled to himself devilishly. He's handsome face lighting up.

  - Chapter 15 -

  The fog in her brain would not clear, she tried to shake her head to clear it but the room kept spinning out of focus. She opened and closed her eyes wearily in the drug induced state. Realization dawning she'd been taken. A dull thudding in her head kept the fear gripping her heart at bay, she'd felt like someone had hit her over the head with a cricket bat, but the dulled senses told her she'd been drugged. Her throat felt dry and parched, she tried to keep her eyes open but the kept closing of their own accord. A while later, the fuzziness had begun clearing. Fear, terror, anxiety panicked, her companions. She slowing looked around. It was cold and dark, a man was crouched near a fireplace. He'd been starting a fire with his back to her.

  As the embers began crackling and as the shadows from the firelight danced on the wall near the bed that she lay on, she stared. There were lots and lots of pictures of her alon
e, sometimes with Melly at campus, some at the cottage, some new, others old all lined the walls. Suzie stared in shock at the photographs. Horrified, she stared dumbfounded. She'd had no idea. She glanced at the crouched figure, wondering who he was, this man who had stalked her for years, she hadn't even known. The man placed a log into the fire and stood up, dusting his hands on the legs of his pants and turned walking towards her, a slow smile creeping across his face. Her eyes opened wider in shock. “Hello, Suzanne.” he greeted while his long fingers stroked the neatly kept beard, a hint of steel in his twinkly blue eyes assessing her, a calculating look in his eyes as his gaze never faltered as he met hers. She felt the urge to scream at the familiar face staring at her. She twisted feeling the tight rope cutting at her wrists and ankles. Her delicate skin chaffing with the tight rope cutting through, the feeling of helplessness overwhelmed her. She bit hard on her lower lip, tasting blood. She suppressed the urge to scream, a tiny tear sliding out of the corner of her eye, fearful of what might happen to her.


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